#Let the Horrormatsu fanart commence!
s2ep11: matsu hunting, matsu hunting, so much fun...
Which Matsu will be next... the hell...?
Surprisingly enough, this week’s episode is one of those episodes where only one skit is featured throughout the whole thing. No other skits, not even a super-short Cavematsu opening or anything; it’s just “Chibita’s Revenge” all throughout. And because of that, it becomes so much more fun~
The trouble begins when, tired of the sextuplets just eating from his place and never paying their tab, Chibita decides not to serve them anything for the night. Unfortunately for him, the brothers immediately start flattering him - and as it turns out, flattery is Chibita’s biggest weakness. So having fallen for the boys’ compliments, Chibita serves them anyway, but he reminds them to please pay their tab. And the boys say they will!
(Also one thing to note about this scene is that they used the “Jyushimatsu Falls in Love” theme near the end of it... My heart skipped a beat when that happened even though the placement of the song has nothing to do with the events happening, nor does its usage concern Jyushi and/or his Homerun Girl so lol ;v;)
But then the next day, Chibita finds out that the boys have been using their money on pachinko and horse-racing - money that they could’ve used to pay their tab instead. Of course this makes Chibita angry! And he gives chase! He manages to get Choro for a bit (and again Kara promises to save him, only to not do anything and just leave him for dead lol) and attacks, but the other boys come back for Choro and a skirmish ensues (while Totty cheers his brothers on lol) - 
- and the skirmish ends with someone pulling out Chibita’s solitary strands of hair. Whoopsie. Chibita starts to cry over his pulled-out strand, the boys make hasty apologies and run for their lives. And after that, Chibita swears revenge...
Fast forward to the next day; it’s a dark and stormy night afternoon, so dark and stormy that smartphone signals don’t work, the TV goes on static, and the lights flicker on and off. Oso, Kara, Choro, Jyushi and Totty wonder about what’s going on. They also note that their parents seem to have disappeared...
...but where’s Ichi?
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Good news is that they find Ichi; bad news is that they find him stuffed into the wall of their room, with a giant bump on his head and all of his hair shaved off. It’s a scary sight. Kara guesses that Chibita’s the one behind this as a result of what happened the day before - a guess that’s confirmed by Ichi puking out various oden foods after a brief convulsion - and the remaining five Matsus, now scared out of their wits, blockade the entire house. (Jyushi meanwhile tends to Ichi, aww ;v; Best of boys and best of brothers continue to be the best.) There’s no way Chibita will get in now!
The boys proceed to wait things out until it’s safe. But then everyone has to go pee, but wouldn’t go due to being too scared to lol. Honestly, I don’t blame the boys - imagine being in a house all by yourselves, with someone out to get you lurking around, and then you have to go to the bathroom all by yourself, while the toilet’s far away from everyone else... it’s a very unnerving situation ;; And to make things worse, the lights finally die out due to the storm, leaving them all alone and vulnerable in utter darkness... (Also we get a little callback to last week’s ep, lol. “Where did the kindness you showed last week go?!” Nah, Kara, I don’t think Choro would want to show you any more kindness after you left him for dead both last week and yesterday :P)
Oso finally tries to brave the dark and loneliness by heading to the bathroom himself... But he’s easily spooked all throughout lol. Then Choro, Totty and Jyushi (with his best brother’s corpse in tow) show up, giving Oso even more spooks. Which everyone except Oso laughs off because Niichan’s suffering is fun!
...but where’s Kara?
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Kara is discovered hanging upside down from the ceiling, a bump on his head and oden sticks in his ears. There’s scary writing all over the walls too - that could only mean that Chibita’s already inside the house! The remaining four boys try to get out of the house, but it turns out their blockades worked a little too well - because now they can’t get out themselves! So they go into hiding, while Chibita shows up in the shadows, walking around and singing a little song...
You know, if this show wasn’t actually a comedy show, Chibita’s slow stalking of everyone while singing his little Matsu hunting song would actually be genuinely scary, or creepy at the very most. Most of the episode in general is actually really tense, especially with the darkness of not only the house but of the rain and clouds outside when the boys actually do manage to leave the house later... The atmosphere is good for horror, and even when you know no one’s actually getting hurt (and that the Matsus actually kinda deserve it...), you still feel scared for the brothers anyway. 
The scariest, tensest part is when Totty, finally too scared to be stuck in the house, runs out of his hiding spot to the boys’ shared room and tries to get out. He uses Jyushi’s baseball bat to knock down the barriers he and his brothers placed in - only to find that someone’s locked the window with a steel door. So he has no way to get out... The poor guy then eventually resorts to crying and calling for his eldest brother like a scared kid. I don’t blame him... (And Miyu Irino’s voice acting again is really good in this part... Totty’s voice breaking when he calls for Oso... ;^; )
...and then he’s caught.
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
Totty is found by the remaining three Matsus hanging outside of their house with oden stuffed up his nose. Oso, Choro and Jyushi promptly make a run for it. They go to Iyami’s place, of all places - and it turns out, Iyami got his house back! So that’s good. Iyami initially refuses them, but the boys force themselves in lol. They beg Iyami for help, and then Iyami eventually concedes to let them stay for the night. He even gives them green tea to warm up from the storm! Also Iyami’s dating Dobusu now, I think.
Oso, Choro and Jyushi are relieved. Wow, Iyami’s such a nice guy! ...wait a minute, Iyami’s never this nice to them, ever. And that’s when they realize that it was a trap! Chibita finally catches up with them (after paying Iyami and Dobusu to let him inside the house), wearing a military uniform(?) and brandishing a giant razor in one hand and cutter(?) in the other. The three Matsus briefly try pleading with Chibita, but Chibita has decided that, because they removed his only strand of hair and therefore made him just like every other bald person out there, they should die!! Extreme? Yes! Par for the course in Osomatsu-san? Absolutely!!
The boys try to escape, only to get cornered. Oso tries to use Choro as a shield, then Jyushi then Choro and Jyushi both use Oso as a shield lol. (”You bastards betrayed me! You’re terrible people!” “You have the nerve to say that?!”) This leads to Chibita headbutting Oso, which leads to Oso limping onto the ground and growing a big bump on his head. lolwhoops
So Choro and Jyushi hightail it out of there (with Jyushi carrying his older brother bridal style out of there, it’s very cute! ;v; ), with Chibita in hot pursuit! The two remaining boys try to outrun Chibita and duke it out against him, at one point throwing various items at him and even using a missile launcher!. Is this the Wakaba I wanted? It’s a short moment but it has my favorite boys helping each other out, so I’ll take it wholeheartedly!! :’D Sadly Chibita is a fast and resilient guy, and he eventually manages to take Choro out cold. So now that leaves one Matsu left...
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun, the purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose, the green Matsu got it in the eyes, the red Matsu got it up the ass... Which Matsu will be next... the hell?
The final showdown occurs at the rooftop of a love hotel (yeah, that’s a love hotel), with Chibita and final girl Matsu Jyushi duking it out. It’s revealed that it was actually Jyushi who pulled out Chibita’s single hair at the skirmish yesterday, and so Chibita really has it in for him. So the two charge against each other for a final battle - but then Chibita gets to Jyushi quickly, and defeats him! Let’s see that again in SLOW MOTION: The two charge against each other for a final battle - and then Dekapan, Dayon and Hatabou intervene within a split second by stopping Jyushi in place and pulling down his pants, allowing Chibita to hit him where it matters most (y’know), and then Chibita pays them and they leave - so Chibita gets to Jyushi quickly, and defeats him! Chibita has won the battle, and so his revenge is complete!!
Chibita celebrates his victory by bringing the unconscious-but-still-alive (all naked, all shaved bald) sextuplets to his stall and shoving spicy mustard on their body parts! EVERYBODY NOW!
Matsu hunting, Matsu hunting, so much fun! The purple Matsu got it in the mouth, the blue Matsu got it in the ears, the pink Matsu got it in the nose, the green Matsu got it in the eyes, the red Matsu got it up the ass, the yellow Matsu got on his Matsu down below! And now it’s complete... the hell~!
He leaves the boys to hang outside their house, just in time for their parents (who just came home from vacationing in Hawaii) to see them! The parents have no idea what happened to their sons, but they figured that they did something to deserve it lol so they go home happy. And Chibita’s happy too! 
Then someone comes along and calls him Baldy - which at first Chibita takes offense to; but then when it turns out that it’s Totoko - and when it turns out that Totoko thinks that Chibita’s new baldness is adorable, and that it suits him well - he ends the episode very happy! :’D Chibita really is weak to compliments after all, that loveable little scamp~
This was a really fun episode this week! :D The first half was a tense and spooky ride, like going through a haunted house maze during Halloween; the second half lingered in the spookiness for a while but then turned into an action-packed romp. We got to see the boys in a situation where they’re genuinely scared (Horrormatsu fanart and fanfic makers, take note!), we got Osokun homages (according to some Osokun fans, this episode seemed to be a reference to a chapter in the manga where Chibita did the same thing to the boys + Iyami IIRC?), we got callbacks to good moments in S1 and S2, we got (a bit of) Wakaba - what’s not to love? :D
I’m not the biggest fan of horror, but I think this episode is the closest thing to legit horror that the show has given us and I loved it :’D Tbh I’m looking forward to all the spooky fanart and stuff that’ll inevitably spawn from this episode haha~
Next week’s episode is gonna be a bit of a puzzler, I think :0 “The Eitaro Family”, huh? Who are the Eitaros? Are they an Osokun reference? Could this be the family of a returning character? Or will they all be new characters? So many questions :0 I guess there’s only one way to find out!
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