#Letter: needsleepp
faerytreealtars · 1 year
Hi Fae!! I stumbled across your post about a reading game and got curious. I checked out your page and it is so pretty! The aesthetic makes me feel very at peace 😄🕊️
Never done this before, but here goes!
My name is Jess🤗
🌞: Capricorn
🌚: Scorpio
Venus: Pisces
Rising: Aquarius (hope that covers everything)
Tarot Birth Cards- Not American, so I Calculated DD/MM/YY
19= The Sun Card (?)
21= The World Card (?)
A random assumption... Hmmm I'm not good at these but I get the impression that you like buttery Mint Choc Chip cookies? Controversial but same. Also rosemary? Which is random... I'm just getting a lot of green food and herbs? I'm probably completely off, but I tried. Either way, you should take care of your health and eat lots of green vegetables. There is plenty of chlorophyll which helps oxygenate your blood. You'll feel energised.
Question- I don't even know my question, ahhh!
Where should I focus my energy? After exam season, I want to focus on either that new idea, making bank or putting myself out there for dating again (🥴or both, I made a sugar baby account as a joke. The red lines in my bank account are making it not a joke though 🥲). So, what should I focus on?
Oh no, I gave you a lot to read... Thank you for having the patience to read all this. Either way, this was fun!! The assumption part tripped me out but it was the most fun. I can't wait to see more of your page!
Bye now, remember to care of your health and have a good day!
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Hello, my dear, thank you so much for sending your ask, I very much enjoyed channeling for you! Thank you so much for the compliments, I am ever so glad my little blog makes you feel at peace, after all, it is my intention to provide peace and comfort to whoever I can! I am happy my aesthetics and energy provide that.
I have never tried buttery mint cookies so I can not attest to whether they are nice or controversial but I do love normal chocolate chip cookies and muffins so you were close! I love herbs, working with them in spells and cooking. That may be where you're getting all that from.
Anyway, shall we move along to your reading...
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{ Cards: The hermit, The magician, strength/fortitude, nine of swords & the lovers}
Dearest Jess
Your Guardian spirits & your higher self tell me you should first focus on rest and relaxation. Do some self-care and take time away for yourself - cleanse and rebuild your strength, for you have worked so hard and done so well. They are all so proud of you! When you then feel up to it focus on something creative and fun to you, perhaps this new idea of yours? this could involve friends or it will bring close friends to you either way when you make the choice to commit to your decision and passion it will lead you to a choice that in turn will bring all your manifestations/wishes your way! That is all that is coming through to me, I hope it is of help to you! Oh, and your guides urge me to tell you not to rush into anything make sure you do take some time off!
Much love to your guardian spirits and, of course, you too!
-Fae ⚘
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{ Firstly the mood board reiterates the message of rest, relaxation and fun with friends. It seems you may have been pushing yourself too hard and worrying your guardian spirits. the last left-hand slot shows a magician card so manifestations will come but the pink and feminine energy of this card showcases it will only come if you slow down and reconnect to your divine feminine energy (which everyone has regardless of gender identity) and finally does this creative idea involve sewing or something along those lines? I just kept getting images of buttons, fabric, thread, and bobbins in my mind. If not take it as a sign of some kind from the universe but it won't tell me what!} Good luck and best wishes, I hope you enjoyed the reading and I would love to hear back from you! - Fae⚘
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