#Lev Semenov
popolodipekino · 9 months
-Fermati un po' con me, - disse piano Parfen, senza alzarsi e appoggiando il capo alla mano destra. - È tanto che non ti vedo. - Il principe tornò a sedere. Tacquero di nuovo. -Appena non ti ho più davanti a me, sento subito di odiarti, Lev Nikolaevic. In questi tre mesi che non ti ho visto, ce l'avevo continuamente con te, lo giuro! Ti avrei preso e avvelenato! Proprio così. Adesso sei qui con me da un quarto d'ora, e tutto il mio odio già sta passando e tu mi sei nuovamente caro come prima. Fermati un po' con me... da F. Dostoevskij, L'idiota
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Внутри российского элитного спецназа "Frogmen", вооруженного подводным оружием и флотом дрессированных дельфинов-убийц
Внутри российского элитного спецназа “Frogmen”, вооруженного подводным оружием и флотом дрессированных дельфинов-убийц
Russia’s so-called ‘Frogmen’ are an elite special forces unitCredit: Lev Fedoseyev/TASS The divers are armed with special underwater gunsCredit: Lev Fedoseyev/TASS They use robot submarines on missions Russia also has trained military dolphinsCredit: Mikhail Semenov/The Siberian Times Behind the attack could have been the so-called “Frogmen” special forces commandos – who work for both the…
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My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS
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▲ Mikhail Gorbachev at the Kremlin. Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han are on the right.
by Lev Semenov Russian University professor, ex-Unification Church member, and Priest
A presentation given to FECRIS in Brussels on April 26, 2006
 (lightly edited for readability; some corrections made)
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
I spent six and half years in the Moon cult. Having become a member on July 1, 1990 I signed an application for a total break-up with the cult on October 14, 1996. During this period of time, I was promoted from being an ordinary member all the way up in the cult hierarchy in the CIS and Baltic countries. During my numerous public presentations since I left the cult, my audience would most frequently ask two questions: How I had entered the cult and why I had left it.  Anticipating these questions now, I would like to answer them briefly in the first part of my presentation.
In June 1990 – while I was an associate professor at Tver State University – I was urgently called by the deputy rector who offered for me to take part in a conference in Sofia. Thus, I was officially sent to Bulgaria to an introductory seminar of the Unification Movement. I considered myself a Christian, but just as a vast number of Soviet people, I hadn’t been baptized. So, since I was not a practicing Christian, I certainly wasn’t able to reason and act as a real Christian. Hence when studying the New Testament I was not treating it as Holy Scripture, but just as any other historical text. It seemed to me that I could allow for unlimited freedom of interpretation. It explains why, when I came across a very untraditional treatment of the Bible in the Moon followers’ workshop, it seemed to me a curious play of mind. This unusual interpretation was interesting to me from a Biblical historiography point of view.
The second reason was due to the fact that I felt sympathy for dissidents in Soviet times and disliked the communist ideology. When I learned that Moon was called “the first, that is the main, anticommunist on the planet,” it had awakened my deep sympathy for him and a wish to join his movement.
Within just a few months, I was appointed a National Educational Department Advisor, then an Inter-religious Relations Department Director, I joined the Unification Church Board in Russia, and finally during my last two and half years, I was Vice President of this Board. Twice I was officially offered to be the head of this Board.
How did my disenchantment with Moonism start and why did I delay my break with the cult for so long?
The higher I climbed up the hierarchical ladder, the fewer secrets remained for me in the “inner kitchen” of the cult. I was discovering the hypocrisy and insincerity of its leaders. The last “straw” that broke camel’s back was a new task that I was given. The cult leaders felt Moon’s teaching was deeply alien to Russian cultural tradition. In order to convince Russians to the contrary, I was given the task to become the leader of a group of authors. Our mission was to create a book on the history of Russian culture. In this book, we had to find whatever possible points of Russian tradition that could be associated with Moon’s ideas. Russia saw the Orthodox Church as the base for its culture for a whole millennium. That is why I started studying the Holy Fathers’ Works. The depth of their thought amazed me. At the same time, it made clear to me the primitiveness of Moon’s theology. These are therefore the complementing answers to the question why I had decided to quit Moonism.
The reason why I had not done it immediately will be seen later. I realized that I had made a mistake and had joined a terrible cult. But I understood that I had to redress a wrong done to my compatriots because during my years of work there, I could have influenced some of them to join the cult. Then I decided not just to leave, but also to unmask this totalitarian cult. However, my exposures wouldn’t have had the same weight without documentary evidence. Therefore, I was collecting papers and other proof. My high position in the cult made available to me many of its secrets. Having stayed until late at night at the central office, I was able to photocopy a lot of papers. So after I had left the cult, I used these as proof in the series of open letters, articles, and reports at different conferences. These papers and material became the base for my book about the Moon cult, which I am going to finish this year.
There is one circumstance, which persuaded me that I had chosen the right way to act. In the seven years which have passed since my first public statement against Moon and Moonies, they did not attempt to deny any of my accusations. Every accusation is based on concrete facts and documents that are impossible to deny. Now let’s get directly to the theme of my report.
As is well-known the “Moon Empire” includes about 200 independent projects – religious, political, cultural, educational, media, industrial enterprises, etc. However, all of these organizations are controlled by Moon’s trusted people taking (often privately) prominent positions within the Unification Church hierarchy which all stem from the Unification Movement. The main (if not the only one) goal of this host of projects is to promote Moon’s ideas and to create an authority among the public worldwide. Moon himself, in a speech in Korea in April 2005, “revealed” his “coronation as the King of the world and Universal Unity”; and it was announced to the Russian Moonies gathered in Moscow on July 19, 2005, that Moon and his wife “are the ‘Savior’, ‘Messiah,’ and the King and Queen of humankind from now on.”
All this could have just been another classic case for psychiatry textbook’s megalomania section. However, Moon and his closest surrounding [leaders] continue to fulfill, with scary persistence, these plans for world domination over many decades. A huge social threat was posed by active penetration of the Moon cult in many Russian federal ministries or their institutions, including not only the Ministry of Education, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Defense Ministry, and both Houses of the Russian Parliament – the State Duma and the Federation Council – in the early 90s. In some cases, the same situation continues in Russia to this day.
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▲ The book, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Peacemaker and Unifier, was given out in Russia.
The list of public officials and well-known politicians involved at different times and on various levels in Unification Movement events is indeed long and impressive. It consisted of both former and serving presidents at that time, prime ministers, ministers, prominent parliamentarians, diplomats, political party leaders, public figures, famous scientists, etc. Among them where politicians from the Soviet Union (later Russia), USA, UK, Japan, some South American countries, Belorussia, etc. Their direct involvement in Unification Movement events (mostly gigantic events) promoted Moon’s global image of being a “peacemaker and unifier”, whilst letting him, as a cult leader, camouflage the systematic breach of human rights in respect to ordinary cult members; that means essentially isolation from family, friends, strong blocks on information, cultists lost their former social status, they became completely financially dependent, were deprived of normal sleep, had food limitations, and were denied the free right to choose their own spouses.
Based on my personal experience of those years, and on documents which I had access to, including confidential ones, due to my position in the “Moon Church” hierarchy in Russia, I am able to disclose the nature and methods of the Moon cult’s penetration inside state, parliamentary and public structures.
It is crucial to understand how the Moon’s cult is so successful in involving the prominent politicians and in penetrating inside higher state institutions. To clarify this, let’s describe the situation as a whole. As far as I speak mostly about the political component of cult’s activity now, I’ll describe Moon’s projects in the political realm. I am sorry for the monotony of the list, but hopefully it will bring understanding.
The Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy, founded in 1982. It focuses on important domestic and foreign policy issues. Among politicians whose direct participation in some public activities of this Institute is confirmed documentarily, we see the following persons:
Dr. Eugene Rotow – former Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
Mr. Charles M. Lichenstein – former U.S. Deputy Representative to the United Nations.
Stephen J. Solargz – member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Eduardo Ulibarri – Editor-in-chief of the Costa Rica newspaper “La nacion Jose.”
CAUSA International, founded in 1980. According to Moonies, this organization’s aim was to criticize Marxism-Leninism, its ideological and political faults, human rights protection, struggle with totalitarianism, help in establishing societies of freedom. By the end of 80s, CAUSA International had conducted workshops in more than 30 countries. The similar goals were pursued by the International Federation for Victory over Communism organized by Moon in 1960s.
In this case the goal officially advocated by the cultists appeared attractive. However, it reveals the readiness of blatant intrusion in the inner affairs of countries with political regimes or ideological climates which are considered inappropriate by Moon. This alone sounds alarming and one wonders about the character and methods and activities of the Moon organizations scattered around the world.
An example of such a direction is Moon’s Citizens’ Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland established in 1987. Its official aim is the re-unification of South and North Korea and the creation of a “free and God fearing state”. Moonies didn’t conceal that they had been constructing House of Prayer for Re-unification and Educational Center for Re-unification “close to 38th parallel”. As is known, this is where the border lies between the two Korean states. One cannot deny that, regardless of the attitude to the North Korean regime, such construction works close to border look suspicious and could be considered to be direct sabotage.
The words said by Moon in his speeches to his followers sound quite ominous: “The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the world. (May 17, 1973)” and “The time will come, without my seeking it, that my words will almost serve as law. (March 24, 1974)”
Let’s look at Russia. Missioners of the Moon cult had started their underground activities in Russia back in 1970s. In those times this consisted of foreign missioners’ sporadic visits to USSR. They clandestinely recruited adherents. Since 1983 the Moonies’ penetration tactics have involved the insertion in our country of reliable and experienced members of the cult, specially trained for undercover work. They came as interpreters working for organizations operating jointly with foreign countries (like Peter Ladschtaetter, Austrian citizen), foreign language teachers in Moscow institutes (Monica Kunde, FRG citizen), or businessmen (US citizen Thomas Lorita), etc.
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▲ Sun Myung Moon speaking during the opening plenary session of the Moscow World Media Conference on April 10, 1990.
1990 was the year that marked the Moonies’ shift to overt activities in our country. In April the Moonies managed to conduct the 11th International World Media Conference (under the cover of their World Media Association – and with considerable assistance by the then Novosti Publishing Agency). During the Conference, Moscow hosted an impressive descent of totalitarian cult leaders headed by “Reverend” Moon himself and his fourth wife Hak Ja Han Moon. Not only have they actively communicated with the Soviet community representatives and establishment, but were also granted an audience with President Gorbachev.
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▲ Sun Myung Moon gives an interview to Mr. Albert Vlasov, chairman of the Novosti Press Agency, at the Moscow airport reception room.
The April meeting between Moon and Gorbachev opened the way for the broad and smooth cultists’ penetration in our country. Already in the 1990/91 academic year three thousand students and lecturers from Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Tver, and other Soviet Union cities were taken to the USA for two week introductory workshops, and the cult covered all the expenses. The main part of the work with them in America was thoughtful intensive brainwashing to make them adhere to Moon’s ideas. It is no surprise that the first cadres of professional Russian managers for the Moon cult were recruited from these three thousand people who visited the States – Universities had done their best to select the best students for the trip.
Following the same method, the totalitarian cult tried to attract prominent representatives of our society’s elite: the USSR people’s deputies, scientists, journalists, etc. For example, in December 1990, 23 deputies participated in the American Leadership Conference in Washington, 50 deputies attended the next similar Conference conducted in February 1991, and the First World-wide Leadership Conference gathered about 200 USSR Supreme Soviet deputies from all 15 Soviet Republics. Those who visited the USA, or attended the series of so-called introductory workshops organized by the Unification Movement, which were conducted on a grand scale by Moonies in the former Soviet countries’ capitals, quite often have become the agents of influence for the totalitarian cult, “working off” attention paid to them and the big sums of dollars spent on them.
Of course, cultists have boosted their proselyting activities in USSR territories and later in Russia. In May 1992 they succeeded in registering the “Unification Church” at the Russian Federation Ministry of Justice; in April 1994 the Student Inter-university Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) was created, and the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) was registered in June 1994. Over 100,000 Russian citizens visited Moonie seminars during 1991-1993. Those seminars were held in the best Baltic and Crimean health centers. Mostly high school and university teachers, lecturers, and students were among those who attended Moonie seminars. Specialized seminars for Russian University Rectors and mass media workers were held in the summer of 1993 in Crimea. Cult leaders planned organizing special seminars for the Russian Federation Ministries of Defense and the Internal Affairs Ministry.
As a result of the planned cult activity, a certain circle of engaged people had appeared who were able, due to their official or social position, to lobby for the interests of the Moon cult. From the very onset, the Moonies have striven to establish a bond with the Russian Federation State Committee for Higher Education. A cultic program for sending dozens of Russian students to study for free at the University of Bridgeport (in Connecticut, USA) was used as a convenient ground – the Moonies had gained control through financial investment just before that. With all this going on, the Moon cult paid $80,000 for a-four year course for each student. Moonie leaders made a tricky move by allowing the candidates to be selected – guess by who – the  Russian Federation State Committee for Higher Education! Russia PR office Director gladly reports to his transoceanic patrons (and employers): “Sending more than 20 students from Russia to the University of Bridgeport due to the support of the Committee for Higher Education, we managed to guarantee them backing our course. We meet Mr. Bratkowsky and Mr. Guriev (former Vice President for RF State Committee) rather often, and they help us with invitations and multiple entry visas” (extract from Head of PR office report, February 20, 1993, section d) Committee for Higher Education).
Following their favorite principle of leaning on “prospective” members of society, the Moonies turned to the Russian Ministry of Education. Quite soon several people become friendly – ranging from department staff members to Vice Minister A.G. Asmolov, responsible for high schools. With direct support of the Ministry, the Moonies managed to conduct simultaneously over 15 workshops “Spiritual Renewal and High School Education in Russia” in November 1992. Workshops took place in the best Crimean health centers. 21 people from each 89 Russian Federation subjects have attended those workshops – all sponsored by the cult. At this workshop cultists pushed forward the infamous course “My World and I” – targeted at high schools. This course had been introduced at more than 2000 Russian high schools starting from September 1993. Republican Workshops for teachers of Tatarstan (Kazan), Kalmykia (Elista), and other republics and regions were conducted for mass introduction of this Moonie course in the schools.
Having strengthened their positions inside the system of the Education Ministry, the Moonies set out for Russian State force agencies. The General Department for Executing Punishments became the first victim of their penetration. With the support of Colonel Dolgikh – the then Head for GUIN MVD RF – the Moonies conducted several events on a federal scale. Introducing one of those workshops (in Obninsk, on July 7, 1993) Colonel Dolgikh claimed in a clear-cut military fashion addressing to Vice Heads of detention camps and Directors of schools attached to them, that from now on all pedagogical work must be conducted … according to Moon.
His subordinates were fast to react. In a short time, the Moonies had the opportunity to conduct several workshops for deviant juveniles, their parents and staff members in those correctional institutions; the Moscow regional Iksha correctional institution became one of the favorite grounds for the cultists. In 1994, the Moonies actively took part in the Home Affairs Ministry program “Teacher of the Year” at the Novotroitsk correctional institution, Mariy-El Republic. In 1995, similar event had taken place in the Kamyshin correctional institution in the Volgograd region.
The same introductory workshops were conducted for Home Affairs Ministry officers in 1994. The cult leaders were happy to receive at their disposal the second section of methodological book “From experience of learning and pedagogical work in correctional institutions schools. Part 3” issued by the General Department for Executing Punishments and Republican Institution for MVD officers Improving Qualification in 1995. The Moonies titled their section “My World and I – The Path to the Heart of an Inmate”.
The goal desired by Moon – who had created the gigantic network of his “World Empire” – was world domination, the real political power in bigger geographic areas – the bigger the better. A.V. Zhukov writes in the abstract to his PhD thesis on the Moonies’ activities in Russia: “the main striving of Moonies’ organization leaders remains the struggle for spiritual, economical, and political power worldwide…” (p.13). The direct confirmation of Moon’s secret thoughts are in his own confessions. Already in his speech “History and Our Responsibility,” delivered on July 16, 1978, Moon promises his followers: “In the future, the whole world will depend on us.”
With this in mind, the concrete moves made by the Moonies in Russia look scary. After the Home Affairs Ministry, they turned to the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense. Thus, some higher rank officers of Military Academies and representatives of different military state organizations – such as Association for military, political, and historical research, “Army and Society” association, Federation for Peace and Concord – came under the influence of Moon’s cult. Thus, the Moonies’ Conference devoted to elaboration of special learning program and textbook on so-called “Military ethics” for students of military academies has been conducted at the Military University MO RF (ex-Military Political Academy) in October 1994.
Inspired by the successful start of their penetration into the Russian Army, the Moonie leaders in Russia report to their transoceanic boss about the favorable situation for the further penetration into the army structures: “Religious boom in this country has created the wide field for activity of the Fund (i.e. “Inter-religious Educational Fund”). One of the examples is introducing the post for Army officers responsible for relationships between the Army and religious organizations. Such posts have existed in the Russian Army since July 1994, with some 90 officers appointed, but none of them clearly understands how to execute this duty. The same post will be introduced later for lower ranks, and hundreds of officers will need instruction and education in the area of religion and inter-religious relations” (Report on inter-religious work in Russia in 1995, written on November 1994, section 4). The cited fragment of the Moonies’ report makes one think not only about the skillful use of the current situation, but the striking familiarity with inner Army cadre procedure…
In November 1994, Moon’s Unification Church took part in a big Moscow Conference organized by the aforementioned Federation for Peace and Concord and Association for military, political, and historical research. The invitation to take part in the Conference arrived at the International Religious Fund addressed to P. Ladschtaedtter. It was an official letter from the Federation and the Association signed by their Heads. Following Conference outcomes, the book “Religions and Safety of Russia” was issued; where an article by Moon’s church leaders in Russia was published. They tried to impose on the military their own model for the spiritual nourishment of the soldiers, which supposed direct participation of Moonie cultic preachers.
Very indicative is the letter sent by the Army and Society Association to Moon personally as a commemoration of his church’s 40 years anniversary celebrated by the cultists in May 1994. I will cite some remarkable details of this message distinguished by an extremely loyal attitude to Moonism’s leader, and signed by the President of the Association, General-Major Tchaldymov. The General stressed that the Association, which he headed, “supported the Russian Government in reforming the Army in the spirit of the perestroika ideas started by Mikhail Gorbatchev”. The following phrases deserve to be reproduced verbatim: “Having been introduced to the ideas of your teaching by representatives of your Church in more detail, we have found our basic moral goals consonant with yours. On March 26-29 me and my colleague – the Head of “Army and Religion” research center – have been given the honor of participating in the Second Conference for World Peace (that is, Moon had covered all the expenses for their stay in the US for the Conference). Conference outcomes and your ideas “discussion allows for hope to join efforts with the Unification Church in the name of values common to all mankind.” There’s no need to comment on those statements by fortunately only a few representatives of the then Russian Generals.
The Moonie missioners approached the structures of the Foreign Affairs Ministry as well. For example, the RF Foreign Affairs Ministry Diplomatic Academy has conducted the International student Conference on leadership jointly with the CARP Moonie youth student organization on February 1995, at Moscow State University. The cult has sponsored Russian, US, Chinese, North and South Korean, and Japanese students’ participation in it. The tradition of bond between elite Russian Universities, which raise future Russian diplomats, and the Korean-American cult has put down roots and is still alive. There is information on the Internet about Moon’s upcoming visit to Moscow. Some well-known professors, such as Konstantin Dolgov and Vladimir Petrovsky, lecturing at those elite Universities had taken part in the International Leadership Conference conducted by Moon in New York on 10-14 September 2005, and then had read their reports at the Moscow Moonies’ office right after Jack Corley, the big cultic functionary.
Not only has Moon’s cult been purposefully and consistently penetrating inside the ministries and state bodies, but it also has been systematically advancing towards higher representative bodies of Russia and its Presidency. Of course, here Moonies couldn’t get the biggest figures, but nevertheless they have managed to involve some medium range officials who served as the source of effective intelligence and as agents of the cults influence, lobbying their interests; which have quite justified the cultists’ expenses. I’ve already published some facts about the involvement of Federation Council Consultant, a few deputies of the RF State Duma and their assistants, members of the RF President Administration Analytical Center for general politics, Council members for religious expertise, Professors of religious study, legal experts, and some experienced lawyers, functionaries of all sorts of human rights watch organizations, and other volunteers – who nevertheless mostly acted on commercial grounds.
The Moon cult has been actively penetrating inside Russian federal structures – this fact illustrates the hugely dangerous potential of this totalitarian cult.
Of course, the Moonies paid much attention to media, struggling for their positions in Russia. In this respect, very indicative are their bonds with the Media Empire of Gusinsky. In my publications I have already stated about the Moonies’ leaders’ contacts with Mr. Gusinsky as the MOST bank President, and about their contacts with Russian Video Company notorious for lawsuits. At that time the Moonies were regularly broadcasting programs (on Tuesdays – for one or two hours) for Moscow and neighboring regions due to an agreement with the then operating private Resonans radio station. Cultists planned to expand their radio broadcast to cover the European part of Russia or even the whole ex-USSR territory. The far-reaching plans of the totalitarian cult included creating its own Moscow based TV station with powerful modern equipment for satellite TV broadcast for “the whole ex-Soviet Union territory”. There were also ideas of creating a Russian project, which would have cooperated with similar Moon enterprises in the fields of TV, video and radio already operating in Japan and the USA (a report is available which was sent to Moon’s New York Headquarters about PR-activity in Russia for the time span of December 1992 – February 1993). There always were people ready to do favors for Moon in the Soviet and then Russian central television, in the biggest print media and publishing houses (in the early 90s among them were such serious companies as Izvestiya, Literaturnaya Gazeta, Respublica publishing house – former Politizdat).
Consequently to strengthening their positions in power and force bodies, in the mass media, having the necessary support from Moscow scientists and lawyers, the Moon cult tried to become a coordinator of all totalitarian cults active in Russia. I have passed a revealing paper some time ago – a letter from Vladimir Kuropyatnik, a leader of Scientology Church Moscow branch, which he had sent to Moon personally on February 27, 1996. The letter is dedicated to cooperation between the Moonies and Scientologists. I’ll cite one passage from this message: “We are very determined and we will make it no matter what. Your goals are very much our goals.”
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Speaking about the harm of theMoonies’ activities to Russian society, we see the threat to national safety on three levels: individual, family, and society at large. I won’t be stopping on each of the three levels now, I’ll just state briefly that human personality becomes dissolved and loses its individual features, turning into a typical “Moonie” under systematical cultic brainwashing. Such a “zombified” agent is ready for mindlessly accepting any directive and implementing any order from a totalitarian cult leader. A person who has been hooked loses all his or her former social bonds, quite often drops out of professional activities, becomes totally dependent on cultic leaders who even choose a spouse for him or her.
Moonies have caused much harm to many Russian families. And many young people have left their homes and their parents under the influence of cultic propaganda. This has led to the creation of self-organized public parents’ committees for saving the young people. Those parents – whose children came under the conditional emotional influence of cultists – have once heard from their children that they were just “physical parents”, whereas “Reverend” Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, were their “true parents”. No less troublesome instances for parents happened when their children who were studying at university decided to abandon their studies – sometimes just before their graduation. Many of those young people abandoned both studies and their parents, leaving their families for the Moonie “centers.” Not only parents were losing their children, but young men were leaving their wives as well.
No less is the scale of Moonie expansion for the Russian society as a whole. Moonies have come to Russia in early 90s, ready to fill in the “ideological gap” which appeared after the breakdown of the former ideology. Profiting from people’s natural thirst for spirituality, from which they had been deprived for a long seventy years, Moon’s missionaries started invading this “market,” relying on his Empire’s multimillion dollar power and using the whole arsenal of methods of influence developed by cultists during the years of their existence outside Russia, feeling sort of “spiritual colonizers.”
No surprise that the aforementioned “Divine Principle” has presented modern Russian readers (the children and grandchildren of those who had paid with their blood and their lives for victory over fascism in the Second World War) with the following “historical discovery” which is an integral part of the new “messiah’s” teaching: the Second World War was a battle of “Heavenly troops” represented by the USA, Great Britain and France with “Satanic forces” – that is Germany, Japan and Italy. What has been said about the Russian peoples’ contribution to defeating the Nazi beast? Just that the Soviet Union had “happened to be on the Allies” side, led by the United States and England…”
I’d like to hope that all these facts cast light on Moonie activities, methods, and reveal the true nature their actions. This activity is aimed at world dominance. Of course, this maniac idea of Moon is doomed. But this doesn’t lessen the real danger of the cults’ penetration inside different countries state bodies.
ABC Religion & Ethics
Humanism and atheism as civil religions
Luke Bretherton
Tuesday 4 October 2011 10:26 am
In the early 1990s I met the then Russian minister for education. He alleged that a representative of Rev. Sun Myung Moon offered him $1 million as a personal gift if he would distribute textbooks extolling the virtues of the Unification Church in all Russian schools.
The response he related to this offer was unforgettable: “I will not sell the souls of Russia’s children.” However, the minister had the wisdom to know that while he could reject the Moonies offer, he was still left with the problem of how to teach virtue to Russia’s children.
As the conversation developed, it was clear that the minister was seeking some kind of textbook in order to accomplish the task of inculcating virtue. But he was perplexed by the need to find an alternative to the godless ideology of the Communism Russia was rejecting, but without thereby embracing a sectarian dogma. …
Luke Bretherton is Reader in Theology and Politics, and convenor of the Faith and Public Policy Forum at King’s College, London. His most recent book is Christianity and Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), and he is currently writing a book on community organizing and democratic citizenship.
Press Release by the Department of Communications, Nizhny Novgorod province, Russia
Bizarre entry to Moon’s orbit as empire fell and a cult flourished
In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
Sun Myung Moon’s desire to take over the League for his own financial and political ends
Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
Sun Myung Moon was eager to infiltrate the European Parliament
Group Founded by Sun Myung Moon Preaches Sexual Abstinence in China
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
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gorbigorbi · 2 years
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Olesya Roslanova and Lev Semenov, "Swan Lake", Pas de trois, Kremlin Ballet
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carmenpernicola · 5 years
Sull’importanza del gioco nello sviluppo affettivo e intellettivo del bambino sono stati presentati molti e stimolanti interventi. I bambini giocano. Dire che i bambini giocano è come dire che il cielo è azzurro. Ovvio, banale, difficile che ci si soffermi a riflettere. I bambini giocano, probabilmente da quando esiste il mondo. Che cosa potremmo trovare, dunque, di meglio per comunicare con i nostri bambini? Giocando con loro impariamo a capirli, a conoscerli, li scopriamo ogni volta di più. E scopriamo un po’ di più di noi stessi. Ma nella vita degli adulti non sempre c’è spazio per il gioco. Bruno Munari (nelle foto), pittore, primo designer italiano, scrittore, creatore di libri per l’infanzia, sosteneva che “conservare l’infanzia dentro di sé vuol dire conservare la curiosità di conoscere, il piacere di capire, la voglia di comunicare”. Ma è difficile conservare l’infanzia dentro di noi. Le nostre vite sono spesso luoghi affollati di cose inutili, inutili fardelli che appesantiscono i giorni. Siamo una società depressa e ansiosa. Il nostro sistema produttivo frammenta il lavoro, in modo che ognuno svolga ripetutamente le stesse azioni, anello di una catena di cui non conosce direttamente né l’inizio né la fine. Tutto ciò deresponsabilizza e non favorisce l’autostima. Lasciati senza guida da una generazione di padri e di madri, che hanno tentato di scardinare i modelli familiari tradizionali e ci hanno lasciato il difficile compito di individuarne di nuovi, spesso abbiamo un’identità fragile, cui cerchiamo di dare una forma attraverso il possesso di beni. Siamo soli, e siamo soli con i nostri figli. Le famiglie tradizionali allargate vanno sparendo, lasciando i genitori soli di fronte al loro compito di genitori. Le esigenze pratiche sono troppe e rubano spazio alla relazione, al tempo del gioco. I genitori hanno addosso tutta la responsabilità e diventano ansiosi, si sentono inadeguati e a volte in colpa. Non c’è spazio per il gioco. Non c’è spazio per giocare con i propri figli. E poi giocare con i bambini non è facile. Perché ci mette in contatto con la nostra infanzia, la va a ripescare, la recupera, e non sempre questo recupero ci rende felici, non sempre i ricordi della nostra infanzia ci fanno piacere. E’ difficile trovare un adulto che sappia giocare. Ma giocare davvero. Nello stesso modo in cui giocano i bambini. Giocando solo per giocare. Perché il gioco è un’attività fine a se stessa. Il gioco non produce, non crea ricchezza materiale: il gioco, come dice Huizinga, impegna in maniera assoluta. E per che cosa poi? Per niente, è la prima risposta che può venire in mente a una società in cui tutto è monetizzato e misurato sulle possibilità produttive. Ma si può imparare a giocare. O meglio, si può riscoprire la naturale capacità di giocare che è dentro di noi. Spazio. Bisogna fare spazio. Spazio alle emozioni, spazio a ciò che non produce. Il gioco, per essere davvero gioco, deve essere spontaneo e soprattutto deve essere una sorta di passatempo. L’atteggiamento del giocatore per professione, come dice Huizinga, non è più un vero e proprio atteggiamento ludico. Nessuno può essere costretto a giocare, perché in quel caso il gioco perde di senso. Il gioco richiede l’intenzione di giocare. E si dovrebbe riflettere bene su questo nei diversi contesti istituzionali in cui si dice ai bambini: giocate! Non è detto, comunque, che giocando si cresca. Bisogna essere disponibili a lasciarsi cambiare dal gioco, a evolvere. Il gioco è un fenomeno articolato. Per poterne parlare bene bisognerebbe affrontare temi come la socializzazione, la formazione della cultura, il pensiero simbolico, la capacità di fare astrazione, la logica, le regole. Che giocare non sia una banale e poco rilevante attività infantile è stato evidenziato anche da Huizinga (1938), che nella sua opera Homo Ludens, ha definito il gioco come fondamento di ogni cultura, evidenziando che anche gli animali giocano e che quindi il gioco esiste prima della cultura. E’ stato Jean Piaget (1896-1980), psicologo ginevrino, la cui fama è legata soprattutto ai suoi studi sullo sviluppo cognitivo nell’età evolutiva, a riconoscere al gioco una responsabilità vitale nella maturazione dell’intelligenza. Piaget ha individuato, infatti, nello sviluppo infantile una prima fase, caratterizzata dal gioco-percettivo motorio, un tipo di gioco non orientato socialmente (tra i 12 e i 18 mesi) e una seconda fase, caratterizzata dall’integrazione del gioco simbolico alle attività percettivo-motorie (dai 18 mesi ai cinque anni). Mentre i giochi motori (afferrare gli oggetti, lanciarli lontano, sistemarli uno sull’altro) rafforzano nel bambino la sicurezza nelle sue possibilità di apportare piccoli cambiamenti alla realtà esterna, il gioco simbolico, in cui gli oggetti diventano simboli di altri oggetti, consentono al bambino di imparare la rappresentazione di eventi fantastici, di esercitare il linguaggio verbale, di scoprire quell’attività creativa che Piaget chiama fabulazione e che consiste nel piacere di ascoltare e di inventare fiabe. Quando arriva intorno ai cinque anni il bambino scopre poi l’interazione nel gioco e intorno ai sette-otto anni conquista la capacità di giocare rispettando delle regole. Nel 1967 un altro psicologo, Donald Winnicott, si è occupato del gioco, inserendolo tra quei fenomeni transizionali che aiutano il bambino, che ha beneficiato di buone cure materne, a emanciparsi in maniera non traumatica dalla dipendenza materna, imparando l’autonomia e conservando una certa fiducia in una realtà positiva che lo protegge. Winnicott ha definito il gioco come un fenomeno transizionale che consente al bambino di situarsi in un’area di illusione che media tra il mondo interiore del bambino e il mondo esterno, dapprincipio percepito come un patrimonio diviso con la madre. Sotto questo aspetto, sostiene Winnicott il gioco e gli oggetti transizionali (come peluche, coperte, sciarpe) danno al bambino un senso di sicurezza e lo aiutano nel controllo dell’angoscia. Vorrei qui evidenziare come, anche sulla scorta di queste osservazioni, sia evidente che il gioco si situa in uno stato intermedio tra i vincoli posti dalla realtà esterna e le infinite possibilità offerte dalla creazione fantastica. Il gioco è, quindi, una sorta di spazio intermedio tra una “realtà reale” e una “realtà immaginaria”. Potremmo paragonare lo spazio del gioco a quello che Carli, parlando dello spazio analitico, definisce “spazio anzi”, intendendo una funzione della mente che consente il ripensamento delle categorie mentali in base alle quali la realtà è stata classificata. Come dice Gregory Bateson “il gioco forza ogni categoria di cui disponiamo”. Lo spazio del gioco, come lo “spazio anzi” consente, infatti, ai bambini e agli adulti, di mettere in discussione le categorie mentali che contengono la propria storia passata, permettendo quel che Carli definisce “apprendimento pedagogico”, laddove porta, grazie a una traduzione simbolica delle proprie emozioni a una riorganizzazione psichica del proprio universo emotivo. Con il gioco, infatti, grazie alle sue regole pre-definite, è possibile trasgredire alle categorie mentali ereditate dalle figure genitoriali, per giungere a una ridefinizione del proprio modo personale di essere nel mondo e per vedere con occhi nuovi la propria storia passata. Il gioco, da questo punto di vista, quindi, agevola una definizione della propria identità. Il “fare finta” nel gioco, che può essere considerato una sorta di agire per prova, consente, inoltre, di mettere in scena esperienze non ancora reali ed educa a una capacità trasformativa dell’esperienza, grazie alla possibilità che offre di imitazione della realtà. Col gioco, infatti, i bambini possono “far finta di” essere adulti, sperimentando questa condizione, senza doverne affrontarne i relativi fallimenti e le inevitabili sofferenze. Per dirla con Bruner “il gioco offre un’eccellente opportunità per provare combinazioni di comportamenti che non sarebbero mai sperimentate sotto pressione funzionale” (Bruner, 1976) e offre “un modo per minimizzare le conseguenze delle azioni e quindi apprendere in una situazione meno rischiosa”. Il gioco, infine, educa al rispetto delle regole, al movimento da un universo di significati a un altro.. Un altro psicologo, il sovietico Lev Semenovic Vygotskji (1896-1934), autore di Linguaggio e pensiero (uscito postumo nel 1934) e di un’opera sul gioco e la sua funzione nello sviluppo psichico del bambino, si è occupato del gioco, centrando l’attenzione sull’importanza dei giochi intellettuali, motori individuali o sociomotori nell’evoluzione affettiva del bambino. Vygotskij considera il gioco come un’attività fondamentale per lo sviluppo intellettivo e come il mezzo più adeguato per facilitare il processo di astrazione. Sembra proprio che il romantico Richter avesse davvero ragione quando asseriva che il gioco è un’attività tremendamente seria.
Sigmund Freud, La psicoanalisi infantile
Donald Winnicott, Gioco e realtà
Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens
Jean Piaget, Il giudizio morale nel fanciullo
C. Foti, C. Roccia, M. Rostagno, C’era un bambino che non era ascoltato. L’ascolto nella comunicazione, nella tutela, nella cura del minore, Centro Studi Hansel e Gretel di Torino
Claudio Foti, a cura di, Chi educa chi?: sofferenza minorile e relazione educativa , Milano-Unicopli
Gianni Rodari, Grammatica della fantasia 1992
Bruno Munari, Il laboratorio per bambini a Brera
Bruno Munari, Laboratorio giocare con l’arte, quaderni 1-9, Museo internazionale delle Ceramiche Faeinza, Faenza 1983-1994
Beba Restelli, Giocare con tatto Maria Montessori, La scoperta del bambino
Il gioco, un’attività tremendamente seria Sull’importanza del gioco nello sviluppo affettivo e intellettivo del bambino sono stati presentati molti e stimolanti interventi.
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atrium-86 · 5 years
Short film "The interview"/Короткометражный фильм "Интервью" from Red Pepper Film on Vimeo.
The story of Sonya, which was raised by her mom. Sonya entered the faculty of journalism in Moscow, and one day she decides to meet her father, whom she had never seen before, under the guise of a journalist, in order to get answers to long-standing questions.
Written and directed by: Ivan Sosnin DoP: Ivan Solomatin General producer: Tigran Telunz Marketing: Gelmira Marinina Creative producer: Danil Golovanov Executive producer: Yana Shmaylova Associative producer: Ekaterina Nefeld, Alexander Khomich
Cast: Ivan Semenov – Alexey Serebryakov Sonya – Marina Vasilyeva Sonya’s mother – Yulia Aug Daughter – Elizaveta Elpatyevskaya Husband – Denis Zavolokin Wife – Sofia Gorshkova Roommate – Anna Kozheva Librarian – Serafima Smolina
Project manager: Elena Chigvintseva Art-director: Anastasia Levina Costume designer: Anna Gerasimenkova
Main make-up artist: Katya Kats Makemyday Studio
Assistant make-up artist 1: Ksenia Ermak
Assistant make-up artist 2: Maryana Lazareva
Composer and sound producer: Lev Sokolovskiy
Assistant director: Ekaterina Nefeld
Casting director: Elena Chigvintseva, Yana Shmaylova
Assistant casting-director: Irina Bondarovich Technical coordinator: Igor Kuznetsov
Gaffer: Vladimir Svistunov
Lighting: Vladislav Chilyaev, Dmitry Kiselev
Assistant cameraman: Fedor Bogush
Focus puller: Nikita Kotov
Colourist: Andrey Khudyakov
Location manager: Evgeniya Agarkova
Backstage operator: Dmitry Mishin, Anton Smetanin
In the film was used composition “My Rock-n-Roll”
Music and lyrics: Shura B2, Leva B2, M. Karasev
Sung by B2 feat Chicherina with accompaniment by symphony orchestra of Ministry of Interior Affairs of Russia directed by Felix Aranovskyi
Special thanks for the support and participation to Ruslan Volkov and the administration of the Polytechnic University in the person of Tatiana Solus for organizing the filming in the university library and student dormitory.
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about-babies · 8 years
The game and serious
Alan Watts - This Game is Serious
“There is nothing more serious, more immersive game for a child. And in this his seriousness and very similar to an artist intent on his work. Like the artist, the baby playing transforms reality, the reinvents the represents symbolically, creating an imaginary world that reflects his open-daydreams, his fantasies, desires”
(Silvia Vegetti Finzi, Small steps, Mondadori).
From the nineteenth century, the childhood scholars have begun to investigate the recreational value of the attivita putting emphasis on different aspects. Here is a historical overview of the main contributions to the game.
Already in the first few weeks of life, the babies happily asserts its existence in the world playing. Plays with the face and the mother's hair (and while feeding with breast milk), the bells of the cradle and discovers, with magical wonder, himself and his body. At first, moving the legs, kicks, and then, slowly, try to follow with his eyes moving objects and grasp them. This an activity that fully engages without ever tiring, as any parent knows well. (READ ALSO: Play with your fingers)
“For the youngest, therefore, play and functional to sensory and motor development that comes from the pleasure of freely exercise their capacity rudimentary physical as they emerge”(Silvia Vegetti Finzi, Small steps, Mondadori).
In every age, childhood and 'measured' with reality through play: an indispensable means to acquire new skills and enter into a relationship with the surrounding world in a different way to each stage of growth.
But and really getting 'useful' all this play?
Perhaps some parents is natural to ask ourselves observing the activities free and, apparently, not very productive and not directed toward his son.
9th Grader RJ Hampton Has Serious Game! See Why College Coaches Want Him On Their Team!
And this doubt could bring it to overwhelm the small with so-called 'smart' toys that should stimulate ability manuals and logical. But do not leave room for imagination and free experimentation. The most grown-ups, however, the parent might consider offering 'something more' by organizing an agenda packed with so many 'educational courses' (painting, music, English ...).
In this regard, the American Academy of Pedriatrics in its guidelines to pediatricians about the importance of the attivita playful (2007), highlights the value of free play as an essential ally for your health and welfare. It recommends that parents, while monitoring the safety of the children, not to be pushy because in spontaneous play the child and active protagonist. Even so, the simple toys (and not those who do everything themselves) are much more challenging.
In terms of extracurricular activities - warns the prestigious Association - despite the good intentions of the family, not to overdo it well: not everything will guarantee a better future for the child who needs rather than 'quality' time to play, alone and with mom and Pope. With the complicity of a loving environment, adult figures present, willing to listen, share and act as a positive role model and guide.
Play? It helps children to grow
The American Academy of Pedriatrics also remember that the game and so important for the optimal development of the youngest to be recognized by the United Nations as a fundamental right of every child.
In a study sponsored by the Bernard van Leer Foundation (Children's right to play, 2010), the authors, Wendy Russell and Stuart Lester, researchers at the University of Gloucestershire (England) say that the game belongs to the children. Adults should not be invasive and require the time of the game a rigid schedule. And even organize and propose places and activities that segregate the children of the ball.
The game is not a 'mere pastime' because contributes to the welfare of every child (and boy), from a physical point of view, cognitive, social and emotional-affective.
Play, in fact, it allows the children to express their creativity, imagination and try new conquests, fueling self-esteem (and winning so anxieties and fears).
Today, therefore, the importance of play for children is not questioned, even the most carefree, fun is never just an end in itself, helps children to grow in so many ways (physical, cognitive, relational, social , affective).
But this belief, common now among the experts and scholars of childhood albeit with different accents, has not always had the same weight and value.
The concept of the game and its functions for the development of the child and given a different meaning depending on the historical and cultural context. This is true, from the nineteenth century, when the child becomes 'worthy person' study, up to more recent theories that focus on different aspects of the attivita recreational in relation to child development.
The game has existed since the dawn of time (as evidenced by archaeological finds) but the child himself has not always enjoyed the attention that we consider 'normal' assign them today. For this, only with the new interest in childhood, which spreads from the nineteenth century, it begins to investigate the importance of the game for growth.
Here is a historical overview of the thought of the leading scholars of childhood that have paused to reflect on this great subject, from different perspectives. A 'taste' (even if well documented) that obviously does not claim to be exhaustive but to offer ideas and flash to all moms and dad ... Because the game is never a 'frivolous' and a loss of time.
The child plays? Let him free (Jacques Rousseau)
The game in the child? Lays the foundation for socialization (Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel)
The game with simple materials stimulates the imagination (Agazzi sisters)
Maria Montessori: respected the personality of children (Maria Montessori)
The game? An ally to dominate the real (Jean Piaget)
9th Grader RJ Hampton Has Serious Game! See Why College Coaches Want Him On Their Team!
Playing the child discovers himself and the world (Donald W. Winnicott, Lev Semenovic Vygotski and Johan Huizinga)
Could it be interesting for you:
The most simple games stimulate the desire to experiment and imagination
outdoor games for children
10 games to improve motor skills of children
games at home with the kids
From the forum: games for children
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Sun Myung Moon’s desire to take over the League for his own financial and political ends
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▲ World Anti-Communist League rally at Budokan Hall, Tokyo, in September, 1970. It was sponsored by the IFVC, the International Federation for Victory over Communism. A decade later, CAUSA was developed in the Americas.
“One group from which the Unification Church has publicly disassociated itself is the World Anti-Communist League; in 1975, Moon announced that he would no longer be associated with this “fascist” organization. His umbrage is perhaps just so much more of his “Heavenly Deception.”
In his quest for a global anti-communist movement that he could use for his own financial and political ends and that would legitimize his claim of being the world’s new Messiah, Moon apparently had seen the League as a ready-made outfit to take over, saving him the bother and expense of creating one independently. It seems that this bid for power had been aborted, giving rise to his angry outburst and “withdrawal” in 1975.” 
Inside The League – The Shocking Exposé of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League by Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson pages 124-25
Unification Church / Family Federation for World Peace and Unification / CAUSA members continued to be involved in WACL, despite Moon’s protestations. 
In 1990, WACL changed its name to the World League for Freedom and Democracy (WLFD), but it has preserved its traditions and former ties. It unites representatives from more than 100 countries and has eight regional divisions. It is currently a member of the United Nations Department of Public Information and has its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan.
Inside the League
In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
Sun Myung Moon was eager to infiltrate the European Parliament
My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS by Lev Semenov
Press Release on the FFWPU by the Department of Communication, Nizhny Novgorod province, Russia
Group Founded by Sun Myung Moon Preaches Sexual Abstinence in China
Moon’s activities in Central & South America
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
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In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
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Robert Boettcher: “In order to rule the world, Moon had to start with Korea. It was essential that he have loyal cultists inside the government. They had to be well placed so they could sway powerful persons and become influential themselves. They must be skillful in portraying the Unification Church as a useful political tool for the government without revealing Moon’s power goals. By Moon’s serving the government, the government would be serving him. Avenues to more power could be opened. Recognition at higher and higher levels could come. His service could become indispensable. The government could come to need him so much that he would be able to take control of it.
Four of his early followers were young army officers close to Kim Jong-Pil, the chief planner for the Park regime and founding director of the KCIA: Kim Sang-In (Steve Kim), his interpreter, later to become KCIA station chief in Mexico City; Han Sang-Keuk (Bud Han), who became ambassador to Norway; Han Sang-Kil, who became Moon’s personal secretary after serving at the Korean Embassy in Washington; and Bo Hi Pak, Moon’s advance man in Washington during and after Pak’s service as assistant military attaché at the Korean Embassy.
Kim Jong-Pil made a two-week official visit to the United States as KCIA director in the fall of 1962. Included in his entourage was Steve Kim as interpreter. The Korean Embassy mobilized for the occasion, and the Kennedy administration rolled out the red carpet. Lieutenant Colonel Bo Hi Pak was the Embassy’s officer in charge for Kim’s meetings with CIA Director John McCone, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and Defense Intelligence Agency head Lieutenant General J. E. Carroll.
En route home, Kim Jong-Pil met secretly in his room at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco with a small group of Moon’s early activists, who had been sent to proselytize on the West Coast, and some American converts. Kim Young-Oon, beginning in Eugene, Oregon, in 1959, had moved to Berkeley, California. Choi Sang-Ik [Papasan Choi], having established the church in Japan, had moved to San Francisco [after he was deported from Japan]. Kim told them he sympathized with Moon’s goals and promised to help the Unification Church with political support from inside the government. He said he could not afford to do so openly, however, which fit Moon’s plans perfectly.
Kim Jong-Pil had learned from Moon’s followers in the KCIA that Moon was a zealous anti-Communist. That could be useful to the government. He was also aware of Moon’s ambition to build influence in Korea and beyond. That could create problems for the government if the influence were not properly channeled. Moon was anxious to increase church membership in cities and villages throughout the country. Fine, thought Kim, just as long as they don’t get out of bounds. The KCIA must be the one calling the shots. He decided the Unification Church should be organized satisfactorily to be utilized as a political tool whenever he and the KCIA needed it. Organizing and utilizing the Unification Church would be a simple matter anyhow. After the military coup overthrew the elected government in 1961, all organizations in Korea were required to apply for reregistration with the government. Undesirable elements were identified through a process of reevaluation and dealt with accordingly. Kim could maintain effective ties with Moon’s organization through the four army officers, but the Moonies had best not be told of Kim’s plans to manipulate them. It was a situation favorable both to Moon’s plans for expanding via the good graces of the government and to Kim Jong-Pil’s plans for building a personal power base.
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▲ Bo Hi Pak, Won-bok Choi, Sun Myung Moon, Mrs Pak and Hak Ja Han.
Bo Hi Pak’s work for Moon in America was of crucial importance. Pak is a model Moonie. For him, Master always comes first. From the time he joined Moon in 1957, he endeavored to make everything he did contribute in some way to Moon’s divine mission. Assignment to the Embassy in Washington in 1961 was a precious opportunity to do missionary work in the United States. As a diplomat, he could foster Moon’s interests within the R.O.K. government and keep Moon apprised of important intelligence. It was God’s providence that he go to America, he believed, and he must make the most of it.”
Gifts of Deceit: Sun Myung Moon, Tongsun Park, and the Korean scandal by Robert B. Boettcher (with Gordon L. Freedman) 1980 pages 38-40
“Moon used to play golf regularly with Kim Jong-pil”
Sun Myung Moon’s desire to take over the League (WACL) for his own financial and political ends
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
The Moon Organization and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action
Sun Myung Moon was eager to infiltrate the European Parliament
Minions and Master
Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
The Political Setup of Moon’s Organization  – a 1977 Report.
FBI and other reports on Sun Myung Moon
The CIG constitution is the paperwork for what Fraser and every Moon org critic has warned was the Moon org’s goal all along
Robert Parry’s investigations into Sun Myung Moon
Statement of Linda Anthenin to the Fraser Committee
Notarized Statement of Linda Anthenien to the Fraser Committee
The Resurrection of Rev Moon
My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS by Lev Semenov
Press Release on the FFWPU by the Department of Communication, Nizhny Novgorod province, Russia
A representative of Rev. Sun Myung Moon offered a Russian minister $1 million as a personal gift to distribute Moonie textbooks
Bizarre entry to Moon’s orbit as empire fell and a cult flourished
How Sun Myung Moon’s organization helped to establish Bolivia as South America’s first narco-state.
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
Group Founded by Sun Myung Moon Preaches Sexual Abstinence in China
Mongolia – Battleground of the Han and Kwak groups
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
After Moon’s help, North Korea Launch an SLBM Missile in 2019
Sun Myung Moon – Emperor, and God
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Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
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United States Congressional investigation of the Unification Church
Report of the Subcommittee on International Organizations of the Committee on International Relations  (1978)
United States House of Representatives
Conclusions and Recommendations
Also known as the  Fraser Report after the Subcommittee's chairman, Donald M. Fraser.
Printed October 31, 1978, (excerpt from Part C: Investigative Findings, pp. 387-392).
Page 387
Conclusions and Recommendations
The subcommittee findings regarding the Moon Organization may be summarized as follows:
(1) The UC and numerous other religious and secular organizations headed by Sun Myung Moon constitute essentially one international organization. This organization depends heavily upon the interchangeability of its components and upon its ability to move personnel and financial assets freely across international boundaries and between businesses and nonprofit organizations.
(2) The Moon Organization attempts to achieve goals outlined by Sun Myung Moon, who has substantial control over the economic, political, and spiritual activities undertaken by the organization in pursuit of those goals.
(3) Among the goals of the Moon Organization is the establishment of a worldwide government in which the separation of church and state would be abolished and which would be governed by Moon and his followers.
(4) In pursuit of this and other goals, the Moon Organization has attempted, with varying degrees of success, to gain control over or establish business and other secular institutions in the United States and elsewhere, and has engaged in political activities in the United States. Some of these activities were undertaken to benefit the ROK Government or otherwise to influence U.S. foreign policy.
(5) While pursuing its own goals, the Moon Organization promoted the interests of the ROK Government, and at times did so in cooperation with, or at the direction of, ROK agencies and officials. The Moon Organization maintained mutually beneficial ties with a number of Korean officials.
(6) The Moon Organization established the KCFF ostensibly as a non-profit foundation to promote Korean-American relations, but used the KCFF to promote its own political and economic interests and those of the ROK Government.
(7) The Moon Organization extensively used the names of Senators, Congressmen, U.S. Presidents, and other prominent Americans to raise funds and to create political influence for itself and the ROK Government.
(8) A Moon Organization business is an important defense contractor in Korea. It is involved in the production of M-16 rifles, antiaircraft guns, and other weapons.
(9) Moon Organization agents attempted to obtain permission from an American corporation to export M-16’s manufactured in Korea. The M-16’s are manufactured under a coproduction agreement approved by the U.S. Government, which puts M-16 production under the exclusive control of the Korean Government. Despite this, Moon Organization representatives appeared -- apparently on behalf of the Korean Government -- to negotiate an extension of the agreement.
(10) The Moon Organization attempted to obtain a controlling interest in the Diplomat National Bank by disguising the source of funds used to purchase stock in the names of UC members.
(12) The Moon Organization used church and other tax-exempt components in support of its political and economic activities.
(13) Although many of the goals and activities of the Moon Organization were legitimate and lawful, there was evidence that it had systematically violated U.S. tax, immigration, banking, currency, and Foreign Agents Registration Act laws, as well as State and local laws related to charity fund, and that these violations were related to the organization’s overall goals of gaining temporal power.
Read more: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/United_States_Congressional_investigation_of_the_Unification_Church
In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
Sun Myung Moon’s desire to take over the League for his own financial and political ends
My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS by Lev Semenov
Press Release on the FFWPU by the Department of Communication, Nizhny Novgorod province, Russia
Group Founded by Sun Myung Moon Preaches Sexual Abstinence in China
The CIG constitution is the paperwork for what Fraser and every Moon org critic has warned was the Moon org’s goal all along
Hak Ja Han’s Cheon Il Guk Constitution is troubling
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
Robert Parry’s investigations into Sun Myung Moon
Politics and religion interwoven
Sun Myung Moon organization activities in Central & South America
Moon sought to influence the American political agenda by pouring more than a billion dollars into media.
FFWPU President of IAPP (The International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace) Prosecuted for Money Laundering and Drug Smuggling in US Court; suspicions of connections to UC / FFWPU Leadership
Sun Myung Moon and the United Nations
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
0 notes
Former members share their experiences
                                     Updated August 4, 2020
These testimonies, articles or reports are all from former members of FFWPU (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) / Unification Church.
KOREAN former members
‘Ashamed to be Korean’ Shock: “Ashamed to be Korean” gives a report on the Moon scam Laser on the Moon family scam
Papasan Choi aka Nishikawa Masaru aka Choi Sang-ik January 15, 1987 testimony given in Japan on why he left the FFWPU / UC  (in Japanese) 統一教会問題と私、及びその未来 – 西川 勝氏
Syn-duk Choi  崔信德 1921-2016 Choi Syn-duk (Ch’oe Sin-dok) was an Associate Professor of Sociology at Ewha Women’s University in Seoul. She received her undergraduate education in Korea at Ewha and did graduate work in social science at the University of Chicago where she received an M.A. degree in 1957. After her return she served as Advisor in the Education Division of USOM, and in 1961 accepted an assistant professorship at Tanguk University. In 1963 she joined the faculty of Ewha University. Professor Choi has written books and reports on Korean-American subjects and on the dating attitudes of Korean college students. She is now engaged in an anthropological study of Korean village life. She was once an active member of the Tong-il church [Unification Church] and was closely associated with Moon Sun-myung. She had a son named Yoo who held, or holds, a senior position in the UC / FFWPU. Choi Syn-duk: Korea’s Tong-il Movement. XLIII: pages 101-113. in the magazine Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society No. 43 (1967). This issue has other well researched articles about religions in Korea. A PDF file of Volume XLIII (No. 43) can be downloaded here: http://www.raskb.com/transactions/VOL43/KORS0749D_VOL43.pdf
Kenneth Suhr I am Kenneth Suhr and a Korean 2nd gen of the UC Forming a Local 2nd Generation Group An Open Question about the UC Second Generation – Kenneth Suhr Blame v. Responsibility in the Fall-out from the FFWPU and Sun Myung Moon
Sam Park   朴進慶 (Park Jin-kyung) Sam Park testimony 2014 Sam Park 2015 response to feedback
Annie Soon-wha Choi  催淳華 Interview with Mother Jones magazine: Meet the Love Child Rev. Sun Myung Moon Desperately Tried to Hide
“The entire movement was built on a lie” Annie Choi http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/12/reverend-moon-unification-church-washington-times-secret-son PDF of Mother Jones article The New Republic – The Fall of The House of Moon
Chong-hwa Kim  金鍾和 / 金鐘華 Sun Myung Moon lived with her during 1946 – February 22, 1948 when they were both arrested and jailed. Both were married to others at the time. Moon had one son, Sung Jin Moon, and she had three children. 1946 Moon’s ‘second wife’, Chong-hwa Kim in North Korea 1948 The tears and anger of Mrs. Chong-hwa Kim Sun Myung Moon was a repeat bigamist, in 1948 and again in 1964
Kyong-rae Kim  金景来 Was a member in the 1950s Book: 社會悪과邪教運動            Social wickedness and the cults movement (1957)
Myung-hui Kim (male)  김명희  (金明熙) Book: 문선명의 정체 (1987, 1989) The Identity of Sun Myung Moon (1) by Myung-hui Kim
Chong-hwa Pak  朴正華  1913-1997 Book: 「六マリアの悲劇 真のサタンは、文鮮明だ!!」(November 1993)             Tragedy of the Six Marys – the real Satan is Sun Myung Moon!!
Book: 野錄 統一敎會史  (세계기독교 통일신령협회사)  (March 1996)            An Unofficial History of the Unification Church (A History of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity)
The Tragedy of the Six Marys book (English) The Tragedy of the Six Marys Japanese video (English subtitles) The Tragedy of the Six Marys Japanese video transcript (Japanese) The Tragedy of the Six Marys Japanese video transcript (English) Pak interviewed by a Japanese member of parliament Did Chong-hwa Pak write the I Am A Traitor a book? (published by the UC)
Hyo-min Eu, his sister Shin-hee Eu, Chong-hwa Pak and Deok-jin Kim on Japanese TV
Hyo-min Eu  劉孝敏 “Moon’s ‘Gigantic white lie’” Hyo-min Eu, one of the 36 couples, gives his testimony: exploited by Moon, then shunned by Moon. He was arrested, along with Sun Myung Moon, in 1955 and sent to jail
Shin-hee Eu  劉信姫 Interview
Deok-jin Kim  金徳振 Someone who actually practised Moon’s sex relay
文鮮明教祖の「血分け儀式」内容全告白 – 元側近・金徳振牧師
Park Jun-Cheol  박준철 Was a member for 30 years and wrote a book 빼앗긴 30년 잃어버린 30년 (문선명 통일교 집단의 정체를 폭로한다) (2002)
Nansook Hong  洪蘭淑  홍난숙 Book: In The Shadow Of The Moons: My Life In The Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family. (1998) For Korean viewers, this is the infamous 60 minutes interview with Nansook Hong (as well as Un Jin Moon and Donna Orme Collins).
Transcript of Nansook Hong on ‘60 minutes’
A review of Nansook Hong’s revealing book
Nansook Hong radio interview with Rachael Kohn
Nansook Hong – [C-Span] Book Discussion
Robert Parry reviews Nansook Hong’s book ‘In the Shadow of the Moons’
Smurfing in the Unification Church
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 1
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 2
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 3
Nansook Hong – In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 4
J’ai arraché mes enfants à Moon – Nansook Hong
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 1 (French)
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 2 (French)
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 3 (French)
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong, partie 4  (French)
German In the Shadow of the Moons book: Ich schaue nicht zurück – 14 Jahre Hölle: Ein Opfer der Mun-Sekte berichtet, Tiel 1
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück, Teil 2 (German)
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück, Teil 3 (German)
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück, Tiel 4 (German)
WBZ News and Mike Wallace interview Nansook Hong
Nansook Hong’s interview on ‘60 minutes’ translated into Japanese
わが父文鮮明の正体 – 洪蘭淑
文鮮明「聖家族」の仮面を剥ぐ – 洪蘭淑
홍난숙은 1998년에 미국 CBS TV 60분 프로그램에 출연하기도 하였다.
JAPANESE former members
Miyuki Park   ボクミユキ Why did a Japanese UC member kill her Korean husband?
Yoshikazu Soejima   副島嘉和 The case of the assault on Mr Soejima 副島さん襲撃事件
副島嘉和   Yoshikazu Soejima and  井上博明  Hiroaki Inoue 『文藝春秋』 1984年7月号に 「これが『統一教会』の秘部だ ― 世界日報事件で『追放』された側の告発」
In the July 1984 issue of ‘Bungei Shunjū’ “This is the secret part of the ‘Unification Church’ – Accusation by the side ‘expelled’ in the Sekai Nippo ‘World Daily News’ incident”
Moon’s Japanese Profits Bolster Efforts in U.S.
Hiroko Yamasaki   山崎 浩子 Book: 愛が偽りに終わるとき            When love turns out to be not true Hiroko Yamasaki, an Olympic gymnast, joined and left the UC
Taguchi Tamiya   田口 民地 Book: 原理からの回復 (1989) Recovering from the Divine Principle
Kiyoharu Takahashi The Ungodly Gains Of The World’s Greediest Church
Children of the Moon video
Professor Lev Semenov My experience within the hierarchy of the Moon cult during its years of expansion in Russia and in the CIS
Ray and Sonya Pearson video
Teddy Hose:
VIDEO: Over the Moon – Escaping Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and their family
Talk Beliefs with Teddy about growing up in the UC / FFWPU
Teddy Hose traveled from San Francisco to protest at Sean Moon’s church blessing with AR-15 rifles
Ford Greene Ford Greene: Attorney at odds
Lydia Catina-Amaya Human trafficking in the FFWPU / Unification Church is despicable. Here is one Filipina’s story of her slavery in the US at the hands of Korean leaders.
“May” On the outside, looking in
Jolettah The Way I left the Unification Church – Girl leaves cult and arranged marriage and explores her new life
Jen Kiaba The Purity Knife
Jen Kiaba photos
Life Without Reverend Moon
Miss Mayhem and I decided to start this blog as a bit of a therapy project. We are sisters who grew up together, then grew apart when Miss Mayhem left the Unification Church that we had grown up in. After I left as well, we began to retrace our steps to begin our relationship as sisters and friends again. This blog is a part of that healing process.
“I’m not sure where this misconception came from that a Moon-sanctioned union will be free of heart-ache, gut wrenching fights (either internal or with a spouse), and potential breakup. That should be Lesson #1 in any relationship, in any religion: there are no guarantees that it will work or be immediately fulfilling. A breakup can be a learning tool. But at least at the end of the day, outside of the Unification Church there is proper support for a struggling couple and less threat of “fire and brimstone” if things don’t work out. In fact, the breakups I’ve seen in the UC tend to be much nastier because of the religious ramifications.</rant>”
Hideo Higashibaba Growing Up Moonie podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/growing-up-moonie/id1453725149 REVIEW of Growing Up Moonie by Nic Dobija-Nootens https://podcastreview.org/review/growing-up-moonie/ What comes next podcast
David Adler Esquire magazine feature by Warren Adler: Rescuing David (my son) from the Moonies
Anon Church member never allowed herself to enjoy sex because “sex was evil”
John Coming out as a Moon cult survivor after 40 years
Diane Benscoter Book: Shoes of a Servant – my unconditional devotion to a lie (2013)
It’s been a long time in the making… but here it is! Deprogrammed the web-doc. Now take a 15 minute break from whatever you are doing and put on some earphones and enjoy!
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Diane-Benscoter/114855778543949 Own Your Brain website Diane Benscoter’s videos
Meeting Robin Williams
MLP What I Really Learned in the UC:
“Never ever ever under any circumstances ever ever listen to or believe a single word any person, particularly a religious person, ever says ever. Watch only their actions.”
My advice on leaving the UC
The Incident at the New Yorker Hotel
Fun with numbers
Sloe Gin A Letter to Rev. Moon
Letter from a disenchanted student of the Divine Principle.
Glenn Emery Pay Day at the Washington Times! Washington Times Circulation Hoax
Why I stayed in the Unification Church for so long Vivid dreams, spiritual experiences, bizarre coincidences… all of these things played a big role in convincing me to join. I perceived them as a form of personal validation from God that I was doing the right thing. After a few of those, I would not have listened to anyone trying to tell me I had made a mistake. The Divine Principle appealed to me on an intellectual level. It made sense of all the bible stories I learned in Sunday School. The DP built on what was already familiar to me, so it did not seem exotic or strange, like Scientology or Hare Krishna or other groups at the time.
Over time, my ego and identity fused with the Unification Church. Without the UC/True Parents/Divine Principle, I had no identity. Therefore, it was absolutely necessary that I never quit or leave. Otherwise, I wouldn’t exist.
Fear was also a factor. I believed bad things happened to members who lose faith and leave. Satan would invade. I felt responsible to keep going, even when I felt nothing and was plagued by doubts, because my family and my ancestors depended on me to “get the victory.” If I left, they would accuse me of failing them. So I wasn’t just in it for myself. By the time the Blessing finally rolled around, I was bored with the UC/DP. I would have quit, but I had nowhere to go. It was easier to simply keep going rather than start over. Besides, I didn’t want to face my family and friends and hear them say, “I told you so.” So my UC ego kept be in check.
Staying in the UC creates its own inertia. The longer someone is in it, the greater the inertia. I call it the “leathery bonds of convenience.” Very tough and hard to break. Simply easier to stay together with a blessed spouse, especially after having a child, even when there’s no deep emotional connection.
I believe people stay in the UC simply because they no longer see any other alternative. They’re too old to start over. They’ve invested too much personal capital to walk away. Even if they no longer believe, they continue to cling to vague hope it will all work out somehow, someday. Peer pressure from the larger group cannot be overestimated either. Leaving the group is an act of betrayal, violation of a sacred trust. Even when it all goes to hell, the group ethos is to stick together, no matter what. It takes a lot of courage to overcome that.
Glenn Emery’s personal story – Blog
Glenn Emery challenges Takeru Kamiyama
Yolande Elise Brener All that Heaven Allows – My sexual re-education in the UC
Beyond Belief Interviews Yolande Brener
Book: Holy Candy: Why I Joined A Cult And Married A Stranger (2014) What is the purpose of life? Is there a spiritual world? Does true love exist? If there is a God, why does he allow innocents to suffer? The desire to find answers to these questions – passed to her on a business card – led Yolande Brener to enter a bizarre, 15-year odyssey in a cult that would climax in her participation in one of the largest mass marriages in history. In HOLY CANDY, Yolande Brener pulls back the curtain on the church’s doings – but this is far from a simple black and white exposé. It is spooky, riveting, and utterly believable…
Michael Warder Reasons for leaving
Tim Folzenlogen Hyun Jin Moon’s assault on him
Kirsti L. Nevalainen Book: Change of Blood Lineage through Ritual Sex in the Unification Church (2011)
The Fall story in Genesis 3 was an attack against Sex Rites
CARP members were paid by FBI for spying on Americans
CIA and Unification Church cooperated in Sandinista War
Sun Myung Moon Exchanged Weapons for Drugs
Karen Alleyne Taylor “Moon looked over to Steve, [my husband] who sat only a short distance away and said to him in English, “She belongs to me first”. He looked pointedly at him while Bo Hi Pak translated, “If you don’t like it you can leave the room”. Steve shook his head and said, “it’s ok, Father” or words to that effect. Over the years I wondered what that was all about, I wanted to understand the significance. Now I do understand, the reality has been unlocked for me, thanks to courageous women like Nansook Hong and Annie Choi.”
Adultery and Sam Park
The East Sun Building
Master Marine Gel Coat
The European Machine Tool Industry of the UC
Allen Tate Wood Book: Moonstruck – A Memoir of My Life in A Cult (1979) (with John Vitek) “A Modern day Pilgrim’s Progress with an extended stay among the Moonies, Wood’s self-examination charts a way through a dark night of the soul in which many are still stranded.” — Henry Marshall Ph.D. Dept. of Psychology, Texas Southern University Website: http://www.atwood7.com/ https://www.facebook.com/allen.t.wood
Sun Myung Moon and the FFWPU / UC
VIDEO: Moon’s strategies for grabbing power clearly explained Allen Tate Wood answers Walter Evans’ questions about the Unification Church (now rebranded as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification). He talks about Moon’s plans to penetrate the religious, political and economic worlds to further his own aims to grab power. Strategies for gaining the allegiance of leaders were / are very concrete. (23 minutes)
Allen Tate Wood on the Unification Church VIDEO interview with Allen Wood: author, lecturer and consultant on the cult phenomenon…. former political leader of the Moonies in the U.S.
North Texas State pt.1
North Texas State pt.2
North Texas State pt.3
North Texas State pt.4
North Texas State pt.5
“Park Chung-hee [President of South Korea 1963-1979], gave orders to create a new Christian influence that would weaken progressive Christians who fought against his dictatorship.*” Moon’s Unification Church was one of the groups – from that time politics was key to the existence of the UC and the survival of Moon himself, in both Korea and the US. LINK                * Korea Herald, November 2, 2016 by Ku Yae-rin
A brief critical examination of the Divine Principle theory of history A Pilot Study – by Jane E.M. Williams & Allen Tate Wood
Young-oon Kim said Sun Myung Moon was “a pure virgin until the age of 40”
Moon’s Ignorance – he “spoke to Buddha,” but thought he was Chinese!
My Four and a Half Years with The Lord of the Flies
Moon “must have sexual relations with 70 virgins, 70 widows and 70 men’s wives”
Inside the head of a new cult member – New Statesman June 2008
Saving your family from the Manson Family – New Statesman July 2008
The social impact of cult groups – New Statesman July 2008
Steve Hassan Book: Combating Cult Mind Control  (25th Anniversary Edition) LINK
website: https://freedomofmind.com
Frank Frivilous How I Evaluate the Influence of the Divine Principle on My Life? “It’s similar to the sensation of having built an elaborate sand sculpture and having to witness it washed away by the tide.”
Moon, WACL, CAUSA, the CIA, the Contras, South America, etc. part 1
Moon, WACL, CAUSA, the CIA, the Contras, South America, etc. part 2
Moon, WACL, CAUSA, the CIA, the Contras, South America, etc. part 3
Fear and Loathing at Cheongpyeong Lake
Benjamin Douglas Cognitive biases – are UC members more prone to them?
Mark Palmer I got married in a Moonie mass wedding He was a public schoolboy from a wealthy English family. So what made Mark Palmer spend seven years as a disciple of the cult?
K. Gordon Neufeld Book: Heartbreak and Rage: Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon, A Cult Survivor’s Memoir
Heartbreak and Rage: Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Choo Choo Pow
Peddler of Paradise
Waning Moon
Where have all the Moonies gone?
K. Gordon Neufeld is also the author of Cult Fiction: One Writer’s Creative Journey Through an Extreme Religion.
His website is www.neufeldbooks.com.
Joseph Nikolas Erobha / Sansu the Cat The Lunacy of Rev Moon or Why I Am Not A Unificationist
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part I)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 2)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 3)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 4)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 5)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 6)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 7)
An Odyssey Through the Shadow of the Moons (Part 8)
An Open Letter to a Skeptical Unificationist
Craig Maxim website: My life and experiences
website: Rev. Moon’s African Son?
Skeptical Pete Dear Mr Moon
Graham Lester A workable plan for an ideal world
Here is a brief essay in which I have attempted to demonstrate how the positive ideals of the Unification movement can be effectively realized without resorting to the dogma and superstitions of the Divine Principle.
Ten reasons why the atom is not a good role model for human couples
Five of the Many Ways in Which the Principle View of the Fall Is Nonsensical
Imagination Theology: The problem and the solution
Arthur Ford was a con man too
Song-do Kim, the woman who created the Divine Principle
The Failure of Prayer
Which is Worse, Orthodox UC or the Sanctuary Cult?
The Unification Church should follow the Anglican model
The Divine Principle is the core problem of the movement and the core problem of the Moon family.
It is indeed official UC teaching that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene
Father’s plans to impregnate Mrs. Jesus back in 1978.
Ethics without Religion
Onni Durst is a supporter of the Woo group – led by another illegitimate son of Moon
Ten things Moon didn’t do
Todd Harvey website: http://www.conversationswithtodd.org
My Experience in the Unification Church
Eight Reasons I Got Out of the Unification Church
Church and state: A personal and public tug of war
Richard Barlow Backbiting and Rumour Mongering
Breaking Silence on In Jin, Ben, Alistair Farrant
How “God’s Day” was established on January 1st 1968
Danny Harth My Life in the FFWPU / Unification Church
Natalija Velikorodina My Thoughts After Moonies
Isshi Honesty In The Unification Church
Josh Freed Book: Moonwebs (1980)   – inspired the movie Ticket to Heaven (1981)
 Ticket to Heaven – on wikipedia (it won 4 Genie awards in 1982)
 Ticket to Heaven – New York Times movie review
Barabara and Betty Underwood Book: Hostage to Heaven (1979) Who Is the Captive? Onni Durst (Lim/Im Yeon-soo) Speaks One Family meeting with Onni Durst scarred my soul A story from Bay Area Unification Church of the 1970s – part 1
A story from Bay Area Unification Church of the 1970s – part 2
A story from Bay Area Unification Church of the 1970s – part 3
Deanna Durham Book: Life among the Moonies: three years in the Unification Church (1981)
Boonville – “It was a very complex set of manipulations”
Childcare in the Unification Church of Oakland
David Sunfellow http://nhne-pulse.org/the-life-death-of-sun-myung-moon/
Susan and Anne Swatland Book: Escape from the Moonies (1982) The Dancing Doctor Onni Durst – The Dragon Lady When you holy salt a room, it is important to first open the doors and the windows so the foolish spirits can get out.
Steve Kemperman Book: Lord of the Second Advent (1981)
Chris Elkins Book: Heavenly Deception (1980)
Jacqui Williams Book: The Locust Years (1987)
Christopher Edwards Book: Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life (1979)
Erica Heftman Book: Dark Side of the Moonies (1982)
YR Faced with the acutely disturbing reality of the Unification Movement… The Dream Is Over Liberation of ancestors by a third party? Re: Bully Reflections on the significance of lineage and of Jesus If Adam and Eve didn’t exist, then there was no fall and therefore no need for a savior. Reflections on a very Korean “messiah” Hooked on the “true lineage” rhetoric
Garry Scharff Interview with Gary Scharff in May 1978
Linda Feher
Moon’s Human Trafficking
Hyung Jin Moon’s revelation about his parents in Las Vegas
The Garden of Eden story reconsidered
The problem with the Fefferman-Panzer debate
The heart of Dr. Rev. Hak Ja Han
Dear Kate Tsubata
Collective Grief: The Five Stages of Grief in the CIG Symposium
The CIG Constitution: Isolationist Dogma
Bo Hi Pak and the Hiding of Sam Park
Hyung Jin said, “True Mother must return to her sons, the True Cain and Abel.”     What does the DP say?
Why I never attended anything by Black Heung Jin Nim, even though I
was threatened with eternal damnation if I didn’t.
Thomas W. Case Book: Moonie Buddhist Catholic: A Spiritual Odyssey (1996) Boonville in the spring of 1974 Boonville – Is this how the Family cared for its children? Suppose Mr. Moon took over the world...
mercilavix Jesus taught: “love your neighbor as yourself”
Linda Anthenin Statement to the Fraser Committee Notarized Statement of Linda Anthenien to the Fraser Committee
Diane Devine Statement submitted to the Fraser Committee
Phillip Greek Statement to the Fraser Committee
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