#Lexie plays Mass Effect
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she is so commander blue eyes baby girl
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timptoe · 1 year
Finally started playing ME Andromeda, I’m about thirty hours in (so no spoilers!), and…it’s kind of lovely? I get the sense from the fanbase that it’s pretty hated but I’m kind of liking it. First impressions:
It’s very much like if Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Inquisition had an adorable baby. Is that why people don’t like it? Because it’s so much less hoo-rah military?
I also heard no one likes the Frostbite graphics but they don’t bother me? The asari are a little cutesy, but everything else is gorgeous.
I do miss Shepard and the crew, tbh. Love the Liara cameos. Will always want more of Kaidan and Joker and Tali and Vega and everyone.
Do like the new crew, especially their interactions with each other. Hardcore shipping Drack/Lexi. And the Drack-Vetra friendship is really sweet.
I just met Reyes and hooooooo boy. Scott’s been flirting with Gil but he’s suddenly falling hard for Reyes—sorry Gil, don’t hate me forever.
Also Gil just go kiss Kallo already, ugh.
Also also (because Reyes’ voice actor is also male Hawke’s voice actor) my new Dragon Age II headcanon is: after Hawke meets Zevran and does his quest, he will only speak to Isabela in Zevran’s accent for the next six months. She hates it but finds it weirdly sexy. (Much how I am reacting to Reyes’ voice.)
Did the Nexus really not carry a QEC to talk to the Citadel? They traveled to a different galaxy and didn’t think, hey, we have tech that’ll let us say “yo descendants we just woke up!”?
Exaltation is a sufficiently creepy plot point, right up there with indoctrination and Reaper liquidation.
I miss quarians.
I do not miss missions. The open world style is my jam, I love the viability/colonization aspect, love the way this game does side quests.
I find the concept of the exiles to be weird. You sign up for the Initiative, are deemed worthy of being sent ahead on the Nexus instead of an ark (so you’re presumably all in), and you flake out in less than a year because…it didn’t all go to plan? That part of the narrative’s kinda weak.
Though I just got the first part of the Jien Garson whodunit and I’m super invested already.
Really intrigued by the Remnant.
Andromeda does feel less high-stakes than the original trilogy, which is too bad. Sure you’re not dealing with galaxy-wide apocalypse, but survival in Heleus should feel a lot less Laura Ingalls Wilder and a lot more Oregon Trail.
Overall, I’m liking it. Less than halfway through so still plenty of time for it to go sour, but I’m intrigued.
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ingellvargallus · 1 year
quite a hot take i guess but i really do genuinely enjoy and like mass effect: andromeda. yeah sure the facial expressions are a bit clunky sometimes but it is not the first nor last game I'll play where the graphics are a bit clunky, and it delivers exactly what's on packet: exploration game in space. you explore. you help build settlements. there's mysteries of the galaxy and family drama and also some friction with alien species. ryder is not shepard; and i like it just like that, if i wanted shepard I'd play the original game, in which the idea and plot is very different and requires an action protagonist with rank and experience as military: since it is a war game, essentially. andromeda does not require a shepard and it wouldn't work with one. it has a niceable protagonist, young and inexperienced bc the plot demands it: ryder was never to be a pathfinder. they're just a kid with barely any military experience who accompanies their dad (whom they've got a complicated relationship with) at their work, and tragedy happens and suddenly they need to grow up fast unless people die at their failure. and if you're one of those who think ryder is bland and emotionless... that's your fault, because personally, to me, the personality and dialogue wheel in Andromeda is better than the original trilogy: you've got 4 dialogues choices most times, in which each and any combination of them will directly influenced Ryder's personality and how said dialogue will be said from then on vs three options, of which are goodie/neutral/asshole. there's also enough mysteries, and the plot was enough for a first game. i wish they'd continue with the andromeda story: there were a lot of things purposefully left open to be explored in next games and/or dlcs. quarian arks, the miasma, how the native aliens were made or came from, what the hell actually happened in the span of centuries that took for humanity to arrive there, what was it that wrecked the worlds that were fine and the noxious miasma in the galaxy made by alien constructs, of which the creators have vanished. The companions are people with actual flaws and virtues.
It is genuinely one of my liked and comfortable games to play. The only thing i can complain about is not being able to smooch Lexi, since I first bought it for Natalie Dormer.
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captastra · 2 years
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Thanks for the tag @eclecticwildflowers 💗Super excited to share what I’ve been working on! So far I’ve written a scene for my new OC Lily and Tangerine when she sees what happen to him (spoilers) in the movie and a scene for Kiara and Kandros where Kiara is hit hard with feelings! I’ll share a snippet from both :)
Bullet Train:
Next compartment was empty as well, though sunlight started to filter in through the windows. A quick glance showed hues of oranges, blues, and greens all blurring together from the speed of the train. She paid it no mind, eyes trained on the  door in front of her. The world was silent around her save for the whirr of the bullet train engine and her footsteps filling the quiet compartment.
Getting closer, Lily saw movement in the next compartment. Neon lights lit up two men fighting over something while a girl watched. It wasn’t looking good…and then she caught who one of the men fighting was.
She raced through the compartment only stopped by the door, taking way too long to slide open. Then the next. Time slowed as she watched the two men struggled, each holding onto a gun. Trying to stop the other, she didn’t know.
The girl turned to see who had walked through…and so did Tangerine. He looked like he had been through death, hair that had been slicked back at the start of the trip was now a curly mess hanging around his head, blood trickling down his face from multiple cuts, a sheen to his skin from the exertion. He looked the most handsome she had ever seen him.
Tangerine kept up with the struggle but for a single moment, their eyes met, recognition clear as day forming in his face. She watched as his lips moved, easily seeing her name cross them, but he focused back to the man he was struggling with. Lily moved forward, a sudden urge to help as the two men moved, Tangerine flipping over the other.
Until the gun went off.
Mass Effect Andromeda:
“Pathfinder, you have unread emails.”
SAM’s voice rang out, interrupting Kiara. Liam snorted and shook his head.
“Duty calls,” he joked, disappearing further into the ship.
“Thanks,” Kiara muttered. The last thing she needed to do was answer work emails, unless…
“I’ve seen that look before.” Cora stepped up next to her, arms crossed while she raised an eyebrow. “Expecting something?”
Kiara shook her head quickly. “Not to my knowledge. But I should, you know, go. Check it out.” She walked backwards, still facing Cora.  
“Uh hu.” Cora shrugged and turned back to the lockers. “Go. But make sure to take a break.” Kiara was already moving as Cora yelled after her, “Otherwise you know Lexi will have something to say about it.”
She was right but Kiara would deal with that later.
The doors to the Captain’s quarters opened, revealing an expansive room all lined by one big window while music played softly from the radio next to her bed. Kiara paid no attention to the view, instead making a beeline for her computer on the other side of the room. It only took a few seconds for her to get her emails open. The number 12 was at the top of the screen, making her grimace. She could only imagine what people wanted to tell her, but that could wait till tomorrow. The email she was hoping to see sat right there, lit up as unread.
No pressure tags: @poetikat @poisonedtruth @eclecticwildflowers @galaxycunt @aceghosts @sstewyhosseini @incognito-insomniac @confidentandgood @kourumi @clonesupport @awhellstothejoe @kyber-infinitygems @bearcina @detectivelokis @somethingclich8 @weasleyprodigy and anyone else who has something they want to share!
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
Yay, I’ve finished my second Mass Effect: Andromeda playthrough, this time romancing Peebee! I was just going to do the - ahem - Zero-G no strings option and quit there but it turned out that the save point I jumped in at was literally right at that part so I decided to keep on playing, just to do more of the flirting etc. Then I got to the scene where we - AHEM - locked in the romance and that was so near to the end of the game by that point that I decided to finish it so I could get to the movie night, because that was something I loved in my initial playthrough with Jaal!
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I really think they should’ve let Lexi (the blue Asari lady on the right for those who don’t know 😉) sit next to Drack (the big Krogan fella on the left). Nobody’s ever going to convince me that she’s not at least a little bit sweet on him, d’aww. 😉
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Sadly, you don’t get your honey with you during movie night when you romance Reyes but I guess that much sexy sitting on a sofa would’ve caused a spontaneous combustion! 😇😉
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D’aww, and here’s Sara and Peebee! And Vetra behind them on the left who seems to be napping, like Cora is on the right, lol! Well, the crew of the Tempest had a hard day, after all. They don’t need a nap, they need a full-on good night’s sleep! 😴😇😉
Now, for my next trick... I want to do a playthrough with Sara and Vetra before I switch over to Scott. I haven’t gotten into modding so all of my Sara’s looks are basically just changing the color and style of her outfit, though I did think to give her a different hairstyle with Peebee. I honestly love her look with Reyes, I think the outfit and red and black coloring really suit her! 💖 (My Sara x Reyes vid ‘cause I really love them a lot, your honor 😉)
I’m not sure if I’ll keep her hair red (I really do like the red hair, though, so I’ll probably just try for a different style) and then may do a different color variation on the red and black outfit. I want her to be all spiffy for our best Turian girl, after all! 😇😇😇
For Scott, I actually like the default look for him, so am not planning on changing his face like I did with Sara. The Sara default face is one of those that can look nice from one angle, then a little weird from another, so I went with preset 5 or 6, can’t remember which at the moment, (edit: I went back and looked and that is NOT preset 5 or 6, I’m not actually sure which preset she is, oops) and made some minor makeup changes between all 3 romances.
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Scott and Sara’s default looks. Annnnnd now I feel bad for dissing her default look. Okay, new plan: I’ll do a playthrough in her default look once I’m done with my Vetra romance. I wanted at least one more playthrough to romance Suvi, so... here’s my chance! *pats default!Sara*
Anyway, Scott is definitely going to romance Cora first for his full playthrough, then we’ll back up and switch to Gil because holy moly, I really ended up caring about Gil and I’d love to see how it’s going to work out with Gil having a baby with his friend Jill once he’s in a relationship with Scott! 🤔 Scott also needs to romance Avela because, as I love to remind y’all...
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I know it’s just a tiny little quasi-romance but it’s KATE KENNEDY and if I can romance Kate frickin’ Kennedy in a video game, then, by Jove, step back and watch me get my romance on, yeahhhhhhh mannnnnnn!
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(I feel like Vannak is representing every single person reading this right now... 😮😂😂😂)
This playthrough took me about 60 hours instead of 120 like the first one because I dropped several of the side quests this time. I also knew to place the forward stations right away so you can fast travel and such. I honestly think I can cut the time in a half again just because I have a better idea of which quests you need to do and which you don’t. I’m still really loving the game, even more as I get more comfortable with everything.
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Ahhh yeah, look at how comfortable Sara is with her Pathfinder duties now! 😂😂😂
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adalance · 2 years
Playing Mass Effect Andromeda again and just realized something: Liam accused Peebee of the same thing she basically accused Lexi of: using the crew for their own personal gain, without any real connection to them.
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smokedanced · 1 year
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@virmireisms said: is there a muse that you wish gets more attention? is there someone playing the same muse/s as you and you really look up to them?
asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse    /    ACCEPTING ↷
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is there a muse that you wish gets more attention? :: answered here!
is there someone playing the same muse/s as you and you really look up to them? :: @collidingxworlds, @heartscfvalor for Will Graham because man is difficult to write and I feel like a little gremlin with mine in comparison. @isrighthand for Izzy Hands because holy shit perfect portrayal. @anderwhohn for various Mass Effect muses but especially Tali, I quiver before Lexi. Literally anyone who writes Dean Winchester because mine is very tertiary. But special mention for @lovepurposed who used to write him for a long, long time, and whose portrayal was so beautiful and real. All duplicates have my love, these are just special mentions!
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anderwhohn · 11 months
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ALIAS / NAME : Lefae / Lexi BIRTHDAY : in terms of actually celebrating a day, October 31 ZODIAC : technically Virgo on the cusp of Leo HEIGHT : roughly 179 cm (just shy of 5'11") HOBBIES : roleplaying (obviously), writing, reading, playing video games (mostly choice-based RPGs like Mass Effect & Dragon Age, but also everything from Stardew Valley, The Sims, and Slime Rancher to Skyrim, Fallout, Bioshock, Portal, and many many more - seriously, I own over 400 games on Steam alone thanks to HumbleBundles and various sales, plus that's not the only launcher I use)... There's other stuff too, but they usually require more spoons and/or less pain to manage to do them, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ FAV. COLOR : purples, blues, & greens FAV. BOOK : Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett; Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams LAST SONG : 'Under Pressure' (Queen/David Bowie) LAST MOVIE / SHOW : Rockula (1990) / Good Omens (Season 2) RECENT READ : Mass Effect: Annihilation by Catherynne M. Valente INSPIRATION : depends on the moment, given the ADHD, but often something I've read or watched, sometimes music, and occasionally dreams I've had because dear gods my dreams get weird as fuck at times STORY BEHIND URL : It's from a friend's made-up language for their writing, roughly translating to "elsewhere" (thus the ic tag being "dreams of elsewhere"), which is also a sly nod on my part to Elsweyr (The Elder Scrolls)
tagged by: @dutyworn tagging: ran out of spoons for now so just steal it & tag me so I can see
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
For the WIP folder ask game, what's the Mafia AU?
thanks for the ask @scoobybuddie
So for reference, I’d previously used Danny Pino for Reyes Vidal personal headcanon pictures for writing in Mass Effect Andromeda fics. Danny Pino is mostly known for playing cops—ie Nick Amaro in SVU—and more recently Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC.
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So cop Nick (above) vs Miguel (below)—note I really need to think of other names for Reyes’ uncles but you can see where I’m coming from by leaving them unchanged.
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If I ever finish this fic, it’s going to be a messy time jump mess back and forth (because I’ve wanted to try that but not sure I can pull it off). I want it to be slightly told retrospectively and then also in medias res.
So, a messy draft emerges that’s half plot notes and half written scene. Cut for length here.
Scott is pulled to the local cop dive bar by his soon-to-be-former partner xxx.  He is plied with alcohol by many people from his precinct who’ve come to fete the new detective—Scott is getting his gold shield the next day and today was his last day on patrol. Scott is known some-what derogatorily (and he hates it) as the prince of organized crime—his father is the head of the organized crime unit and runs an elite task force. Scott has determined that he’s going to always make his own way and is obsessed with not being promoted based on nepotism. 
While Scott has been focused on his career, he hasn’t always been able to make close connections with his co-workers because of his family. But he’s excited to have earned his gold shield after solving a homicide. Somehow, he’s managed to get attached to one of the homicide squads by pure chance. 
Towards the end of the night, he’s bought a drink by a guy that can’t be a cop. He’s wearing too expensive of cologne and gives Scott the up and down look that screams interested.  The whiskey is also much more expensive than all the other drinks he’s been downing all night. The smooth purr of the man’s voice and way that he talks to Scott and he’s a goner. They spend hours talking—much after most of Scott’s coworkers have left and they close out the bar at 2am.  
Taking a chance, Scott asks Reyes to walk him home and then invites him in for a nightcap. One thing leads to another and Scott ends up curled around Reyes who seems stunned by Scott’s trust in him.
The next morning, Scott wakes to his alarm, warm and still wrapped in Reyes who is dead to the world. Scott reluctantly wakes Reyes, embarrassed that they just got in some heavy making out the night before before falling asleep in his bed. Reyes is adorably mussed but asks what Scott’s plans are for the night. 
Scott tells him that he has a family dinner to go to but does give Reyes his cell before seeing Reyes out the door. 
Cue frantic getting ready and in uniform for getting his detective’s shield only to be told to hurry up and wait when he gets to the ceremony.  It’s a group ceremony and he’s getting his shield with about ten other people—all of which are older than him and with more experience.  
There is an awkward moment during the ceremony when his father gives him his gold shield—Scott hadn’t know that his father was going to do that. He’s somewhat choked up about it but his dad ruins the moment after the ceremony when asking him what took so long. Scott is emotionally crushed at that comment but puts up a good front. Sara who also took the day off to celebrate her twin’s accomplishment plays peacekeeper.  There is an awkward family late lunch in a fancy restaurant that Scott’s always wanted to try but he barely touches his food—unable to taste anything. 
Scott’s new squad in homicide:
Partner and Sargent: Cora Harper
Lieutenant. Drack Nakmor
Other detectives: Liam and Vetra
Coroner: Lexi T’Perro
CSI tech: Suvi Anwar
Electronics assistance/mechanic: Gil Brodie
Reyes Vidal is the new blood that is running the show for his uncle. 
Reyes’s family/leadership structure:
Uncle Miguel is the boss—Known as El Padrino. 
Uncle Nick—Miguel’s twin. Not raised with Miguel. Became a police officer and works in the same city as Scott. Disavows all involvement with the family business but still tries to look out for Reyes. Is a homicide detective but for a smaller precinct. Competent at his job but has never been really promoted due to his family associations which are known by the police powers that be. 
Bain Massani—cartel associate. Was assigned to look out for Reyes. Is an enforcer for the cartel. Has his own code of honor and follows it. Is amused by Scott and calls him Reyes’ little duck.
Scene (warning for first draft)
Scott hadn’t stopped shaking—but he wished he could. 
The nurse with the kind smile had pushed him back into one of the hard plastic chairs that lined the waiting room and pressed a styrofoam cup of burnt, acidic coffee into his hands, encouraging him to drink it and settle. The two sips he’d managed to suck down had eaten at his throat, burning as the bitter coffee did little to soothe him. She’d said she’d be back when she had news or if the doctor was needing to speak to him before escaping to the nurses station at the far corner.
He just couldn’t stop the tremble in his hands that still had dried blood on them, under his nails and across the finger pads making them feel gritty with the dark brick red color fading into brown and making each crease n the skin stand starkly out. 
The waiting lounge was mostly deserted at this time of night, a housekeeper had even had him lift his legs so she could vacuum under them before working her way down the row of chairs covered in fabric that nobody in their right mind would have chosen any decade except maybe the 80s.  The hot pink faded to more dusty rose and the electric blue triangles and purple squares had also faded into just being tired. There was a small vending area in the corner where the soda machine hummed loudly—the only noise in the silence of the surgical waiting area at almost a quarter after midnight. 
He couldn’t stop replaying in his mind what had happened.  Hunching forward, he clutched at the cup of cooling coffee and tried not to hyperventilate. 
Reyes had been shot. 
And now he might not survive surgery. 
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faietiya · 5 years
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I should have post this in n7 day or when I actually finished this a few months ago but I post it now.
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i'm a hater but i do Not like Joker/EDI, sorry.
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bigcryptiddies · 3 years
Jaal, telling Ryder he doesn’t trust her and could always kill her in her sleep
West—down bad—Ryder:
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sunnywarrior · 4 years
Wow I love everyone on the Tempest in Mass Effect Andromeda, like they’re almost all well written and actually genuinely interesting and they feel really natural. Like they all have different relationships with each other and the chemistry is really great!! 
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chronomally · 6 years
everyone: the kett take genetic material from other species and use it to fuel their evolutionary process! how terrible!
the asari: *sweating nervously*
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creamecream · 6 years
*Snarls protectively about SAM.*
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bellamer · 2 years
Playing Mass Effect Andromeda and seeing that Zaeed's son was there but remembering Zaeed made me realize that I forgot about the ME2 rather quickly. The only ones who really left an imprint were Grunt, Mordin, Thane and Jack. And I only liked Mordin in 3 , I liked Thane because he was actually interesting and fleshed out, I adore Grunt because I like Krogan's anyways and again, I only got really attached to Jack in 3, like I did Mordin.
I forgot all about the Asari milf justice car lady, the thief lady and.... idk who else there was. I remember Garrus and Tali but I'm gonna be honest, even though I like her, I forget Tali exists sometimes and Garrus has been homie since 1 so he's never gonna be forgettable. Even though Tali was in that one too.
I feel more attachment to the crew in Andromeda than the ME2 crew, even though they're kinda meh in their own ways sometimes, but they're honestly funny and I have fun with them. Drack, Jaal, Vetra, Cora, PeeBee, Suvi, Kallo, hell, even Gil and Lexi and I barely talk to those two at all because I find them boring, I barely even talk to Liam's annoying ass, but their background chatter with each is fucking hilarious, walking into the room and seeing Vetra and Jaal tell off Cora over a board game analogy almost made me pee myself.
I never really got moments like that in ME2, unless it was with Garrus.
ME2 was Suicide Squad 2016 while Mass Effect Andromeda was The Suicide Squad 2021. Meanwhile ME3 (even though I haven't finished 3 yet) was Guardians of The Galaxy and ME1 was just... idk, I don't have a movie analogy for it, fucking any military movie.
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