#Liberators is giving us hit after hit with the new Digimon
nukitan · 5 months
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I absolutely adore the new Impmon line. Apparently so much so I wrote a wall of text gushing about it, but I'll put that under the cut to spare those who don't care's dash.
Where do I start, there's so much to love about this gift. The punk and reptilian ascetic blends perfectly into Beelzemon with his biker look and his lizard tail/claws so if you didn't want to go with the Megidramon mega you can swap in Beelzemon just fine. I honestly like it better thematically than the Wizardmon -> Baalmon line, (even though Baalmon is cooler aesthetically) it always bothered me that Wizardmon felt tacked on and slightly out of place since it wasn't a virus. I know the X antibody forms helped fold them together more design wise, and they're an awesome line, but that still doesn't fix the non-x line for me... not that all digimon need a clean and clear through line persay, but you know.
I've seen people call it "Just a recolor" and I feel like it's so much more than that. I've always liked the regional variants in Pokémon becuase they breathe new life into old designs while still making a unique feeling creature. It's the same principle here.
And while it's sad we didn't get a full canon Beelstarmon line, I like this so much more. And I feel like Impmon -> Witchmon -> LadyDevimon already fits Beelstarmon just as much as Wizardmon/Baalmon fits Beelzemon, so I don't really feel the need for a full new Fem line for Beelstarmon.
And the connections to Guilmom are just... chef's kiss. People have pointed out that Guilmon has a good sorcer line with FlareWizardmon -> Mistymon -> MedievalDukemon that matches up well with Impmon's Wizardmon line so Impmon getting a reptilian line to match up with Guilmon is just so cool. And it makes it all the cooler that Impmon was originally going to be Takato's partner, apparently.
I feel like I'm rambling, I just wanted to gush about the Punk Growlmon. After years of the Impmon line feeling rocky and incomplete on some levels, I feel like all is finally right with the world and my ocd with its line can finally rest. I don't like remembering the dark days where the best line we had was Meramon -> Skull/DeathMeramon -> Beelzemon. It gives me war flashbacks.
Now I need a Galletmon/Dukemon and Beelzemon jogress. Give it to me Bandai.
Okay I'll actually shut up now. Thank you for reading my pointless rant.
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