#Like I said this converstation happens around ~7 hours into Bagi's stream
royalarchivist · 7 months
Quackity: I think it's going to be so exciting to see how this develops. I absolutely love to see the Red Team come back, you know, this whole kind of, you know, unity that they've put together that's put them in front, I love that. I love to see that. And now, I kind of want to destroy it now, right? I feel like that's like my character's purpose now. It's like, "Damn, my team is losing, let's find a way to not lose anymore." But yeah, I don't know, I– ramble over. I just love this.
Bagi: And I think it's a great addition for the role playing that we are going to do after this because we need to kill each other. And then after this, man, it's a lot of crazy stuff going on. I mean, Cellbit just killed me today, and I was like, in shock because I was standing still. I was just looking at his face. I couldn't even bring my sword, I was just looking. And then, man, after this sht is gone, we are going to have the craziest conversation ever.
Quackity: Yeah, so that's a really cool part. I saw that clip, and I feel like this is giving everyone a really good character development because keep in mind that right now, we are playing with no fcking rules, right? We're playing with what we think is right, we're playing with the cards that were dealt. But what I want to see is the development of everyone's characters right after.
There's gonna be... interesting conversations to be had. There's gonna be interesting arcs to be had based off of this event alone, and I think that's absolutely wonderful. And if there's something I can implore people to do is to not take it seriously. Like, this is literally for entertainment purposes, and I feel like for creators themselves too, it gives them an opportunity to develop– if they want to develop a character arc, that's cool. If they just want to play, that's cool too. I think people should not take it seriously, it's for entertainment purposes only, and I personally am so excited to see all the development that's gonna come after because we haven't even seen all of Purgatory yet.
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