#Like buddy calm down it's past Ur bedtime
my school is fucking insane because one time this kid threw a pair of scissors at my face and cut my lip open and I bled profusely all over the pace I mean my blood is still stained on the concrete outside the classroom. It has left a permanent scar on my lip and the kid who did all this got ONE cool off day. A COOL OFF DAY. exCUSE me? That is ASSAULT, that is a CRIME.
Not to mention, same kid but a year earlier also threw a hissy fit because I was hanging out with his girlfriend (???) (she's my only friend) and threw (deep inhale) a chair, a table, a bin, a bin lid, a very heavy book (Ripley's believe it or not book to be exact) and told me to commit Hannah baker (iykyk).
This kid, he faces zero punishment zero consequences and he's just ALLOWED to assault people? Those scissors he threw at me, not only did they cut my lip open but also left a nasty mark on my cheek, they could have cut open my EYE. I had to go to hospital (not emergency room but yk) and get shots because those scissors were RUSTY. yet he is still here, walking around with his mates like nothing. People like him are dangerous because not only do they do things to other people that can cause harm, but they do it knowing they won't face consequences. Those people grow up to be horrible
Sort of a dumb rnt, this happened over a year ago but, yeah.. my school is supposed to be for kids who struggle with mainstream but now it's just for kids who have been locked out of every other school for good reason and this is their last option. Fucking hate life, and I hate school
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anakinlvvr · 5 years
Just for tonight (Mat Barzal)
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request: dad!barzal where he watches his kid alone for the first time cause you want to go out with ur friends or smth, and he gets sad bc your son is a total mommys boy and only wants you when he cries?
warnings: none
a/n: i legit wrote this in under 20 mins but i needed to put something out because i’ve been busy so sorry if it’s not up to standards haha :)
Taking one last look in the mirror, you gave yourself a nod of approval before grabbing your bag and heading towards the door after receiving a text telling you the taxi was here. You spun around on your heels to face your boyfriend who held your one year old son, Noah, in his arms as he followed behind you. You were going out with a few girlfriends tonight, it was the first time in forever that you were doing so because ever since your son was born you never wanted to leave him alone. It was just your motherly instinct to be with him at all times. Mat was staying home to look after the baby, some father and son bonding time but your boyfriend was nervous because everyone knew that the little boy was a definitely a mommy’s boy so you couldn’t wait to see how that panned our during the night.
“I love you both,” you smiled and pressed a kiss to Mat’s lips before looking down at Noah. “You be good for daddy, okay?” you brushed some of his dark hair down on his soft head.
“You look beautiful,” Mat said after scanning you from head to toe, he really was a lucky man. “Now get going, me and this boy are gonna have a blast! Be safe too.”
You gave both your favourite boys another kiss before opening the door and stepping outside. “Don’t stay up too late!” you called before closing the door and running over to the taxi where your friends were waiting for you.
Mat breathed out and looked down at the baby who stared at the wooden door, probably expecting you to walk back through. “Just you and me tonight, bud.” he rubbed Noah’s back and walked towards the living room. “What should we do first, crack open a couple beers and watch some game highlights?” he joked and chuckled to himself before sitting down on the couch.
Not that long into the night, Noah started screaming and crying and Mat couldn’t seem to calm him down and it was obviously due to you not being here because he had tried everything. He tried feed him, but the plate was just pushed away and he wouldn’t drink from his bottle. Maybe he was tired? Nope, the kid didn’t want to lay down in his crib and kicked when Mat tried to put him in it. He obviously wasn’t going to call you and demand you come home, you deserved a break because you haven’t had a night out since before you were pregnant and he wanted you to have a great time. He would get through the night with the baby, he always pulled his weight around the house and helped you out when he wasn’t off at a game or practice but he wasn’t going to lie, it did upset him that he didn’t seem to have a strong bond with his baby like you had, but that didn’t make him love his son any less. He did try his best and he would continue to.
“Come on little man,” he stood in the middle of the nursery, patting Noah’s back as wet tears dropped onto his shoulder and nothing but whimpering in his ear. “Like me for one night, eh?” Mat ran a hand through his own dark hair and looked out the window.
He sighed and rocked Noah a little while he wondered why the baby wasn’t attached to him as much as he was you. Was it because of hockey? Maybe because he was away a lot of the time and so Noah didn’t really like that...no it couldn’t be. He loved being a dad though,even though he was a young father, he caught on very quite and learned as he went and made sure to make time for his son, because he loved him so much.
It was now nearing ten o’clock and you probably wouldn’t be home until early hours in the morning so Mat would just need to deal with this for a while and so he did, he let Noah play with whatever he wanted too, because the kid didn’t seem tired, so he found the iPad sitting on the coffee table and played with that most of the night, which you would probably have scolded both boys for since the baby was up late. That made Noah feel content for quite a while before he started bubbling up again when he heard your voice on the other when on the people when you called in to see how things were. You felt bad for doing so because you didn’t want to stress Mat out even more with him having to deal with a stubborn baby and told him to maybe try out him to bed again with an item on your clothing so your scent was around him.
“Please stop crying, Noah buddy,” the one year old sat on Mat’s bouncing leg as he tried to calm him down again. “Maybe I should put you down for a nap, eh because it’s way past your bedtime.” that resulted in another screaming match in the nursery because Noah didn’t want to stay in his crib. “How about I come in there with you, eh?” and with that, Mat lay your son down again with your shirt before climbing over the top of the crib and getting in as well. Hopefully this would work and get him to sleep.
The crib was strong enough to hold his weight so he could easily get in and lay down but it wasn’t big enough to fit his tall frame so he would need to make so. Noah watched his father as he sucked on his dummy as he calmed down a little, laying his sad on his dads chest and breathing out through his nose. Mat smiled and pulled a little blanket around them, hopefully this would get Noah to sleep because someone was in the crib with him.
After a few more hours of being out clubbing, you turned up at your house at two am and locked the door behind you after you entered. You weren’t drunk, you had a few drinks but you could handle alcohol and you just wanted to get back to both the loves of your life. Pulling off your jacket after dropping your bag, you hung it up on the rack and looked around the living room, it was quiet which you expected since it was way past bedtime for all three of you. You heels were the next thing to go, letting out a sigh of relief when they were finally off your feet. You weren’t used to wearing heels so they killed your feet. You then made your way towards the bedroom, putting the heels aside as you frowned, Mat wasn’t in your bed, where you did expect him to be so you made your way towards the nursery where you were in for a surprise. Pushing the door open quietly, you entered and walked up towards the crib, putting a hand over your mouth when you took in the sight in front of you. You giggled and shook your head, Mat was sound asleep with baby Noah laying right across his stomach. Both of them looked so at peace but you didn’t know how your boyfriend could feel comfortable in that tiny space but he was definitely making the most of it.
“Baby,” you whispered, reaching down and placing a hand on Mat’s face, stroking your thumb over his cheekbone. “Mathew, baby...”
You watched as his eyes fluttered open, a smile growing on his face when he seen you. “Fun night?” he grunted.
“I was missing my boys all night long. Is that comfortable in there?” you chuckled and looked at Noah. “How about you come cuddle me now?” you asked your boyfriend while carefully moving Noah from being sprawled over him.
Noah shifted slightly but didn’t wake up, he was sound asleep as Mat stepped out of the crib. Your boyfriend couldn’t help but sigh in relief, he couldn’t remember falling asleep really but Noah was finally down for the count so it was success, right?
“Don’t leave me alone again, please.” he half joked with you as you made your way out of the nursery and into the bedroom.
“Stop, he loves you babe,” you took a seat on your bed, taking Mat’s hands in yours. “I know it probably doesn’t seem like it but he does.” you tried to make your sleepy man feel better. “Now get into bed.”
You soon changed into your pyjamas and washed your face and brushed your teeth before climbing into bed beside your mam. You were happy to be home and in the arms of Mat, telling him how much you missed your son and boyfriend. You eventually fell asleep with a smile on your face as Mat played with your hair. You never wanted to leave them alone again either, here is where you would rather be.
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