carla-btfl · 1 day
could you help me study?🤭
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tinagodiva · 14 hours
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La Sagrada Familia Bazilikası.
🏛Barselona, İspanya
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Wednesday • July 24, 2024
Working at a teahouse instead of the library today because sweet treats make studying so much easier, and for some reason (probably the ADHD 😵‍💫) I focus better in crowded areas with people sitting next to and around me.
I think I’ve gotten more done in these 2 hours so far than yesterday’s entire 4 hour session at home. Got some coding done too along with the usual studying for that GE, so that was fun!
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thelailasblog · 2 days
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studyingselene · 2 days
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july 25, 2024 - more chemistry 😭😭 at this point, it’s just a chemistry study blog
༊࿐ ͎. 。˚ ° ⊹ ˚.
2024 de julio de 25 - más química 😭😭 en este punto, es solo un blog de estudio de química
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chiimi-png · 2 days
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Started setting up for my new semester. wanted to start with my planner, I'll still be using my filofax but with blank paper for more customised pages
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Hey hey Tumblr,
A snapshot of my lab setup last night at like 8 pm. I needed to collect more data and nothing was agreeing with me. But we soldier on. It’s truly me and my overpriced water bottle against the world.
Anyways, thank you so much for 100+ followers I believe I’m at 125 or something right now and I’m so surprised as I started this blog maybe 3 weeks ago to stop myself from losing my sanity. I really love all the notes and comments I get on my posts it makes my day.
Feel free to ask me stuff or anything really. I’m so surprised people enjoy what I have to say.
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academic-valentine · 2 days
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𝔄𝔩𝔴𝔞𝔶𝔰 𝔢𝔵𝔠𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤.
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sentinelstudies · 2 days
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☁️ thu | 07.25.24 | day 016/100 prepping for the next unit test! this time next week, i should be wrapping up the course and getting ready to start the next!
🧬 academic
tie up loose ends
prep for unit test
finish paper adjustments for submitting
🧺 personal
meal prep
spend time reading
prep paperwork for starting next course
🎧 lithonia | childish gambino
📖 four thousand weeks | oliver burkeman
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nenelonomh · 16 hours
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tag list: @rinkwrites @o2studies @nyxscave
a new edition of the elonomh times! this one focuses on mindset and self-assurance, with a theme of becoming 'it girls'. i hope you all enjoy!
❤️ joanne
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carla-btfl · 1 day
what's more comfortable to study than being naked?🫠
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blueprint-9376 · 2 days
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25.07.2024 [🫡]
🗓: 다시 돌아온 기사 작성날/ Another article writing day
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Thursday • July 25, 2024
Filmed another timelapse, this time of myself coding, because I couldn’t go out today but needed the feeling of someone looking over my shoulder to get stuff done.
Peep Kirby and Totoro hiding in the background, they’re my moral support :]
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study-lizard · 3 days
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just keep chuggin! (trying to not think about how august is approaching)
I went to a cafe from my bucket list with a friend yesterday and it was lovely! They also serve waffles which I shouldn't eat bc im gluten intolerant... but I might try when I come back. But overall, I am getting my life in order!
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studyingselene · 3 days
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july 24, 2024 - using my flashcards to make a list of all the studies i might use on my ib pysch exam!! i don't know why i made cue cards before a list 🥲🥲
༊࿐ ͎. 。˚ ° ⊹ ˚.
2024 de julio de 24 - ¡¡yo uso mis tarjetas para hago una lista de estudios de psicología para mi examen de ib psicología!! yo no sé por qué hice las tarjetas antes una lista 🥲🥲
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☆ 25.07.24 ~ Thursday ☆
Having the most amazing week in Berlin, I can't believe we have to come home in a couple days 😟 The weather here is gorgeous and I've spent most of today sitting in the sun and reading up on the roof terrace at the hotel 🥰📖
Yesterday we visited the Berlin Zoo, which was incredible, I have hundreds of photos, but I'll post some of them in a reblog (they won't all fit in this post!)
This has been such a fun but also relaxing week, a nice way to recover after exam season before I start preparing for September/October
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