#Like effin' heck; I wouldn't have even KNOWN what Rising of the Shield Hero was
childofaura · 4 years
I’m throwing in my two cents over the Uzaki-Chan non-troversy.
I really thought long and hard over whether I was gonna say something or not but after seeing so many violent threats over one anime character, I’m gonna say it.
First, I personally don’t care about Uzaki-Chan, so before anyone thinks I’m in the position of a fan defending her, I’m not. She looks like the standard low-budget anime character to me so I really have no feelings for the character.
Now that being said, I’ve been seeing a LOT of posts about her. A lot of negative posts. And what I’ve realized is that people REALLY haven’t learned their lesson when it comes to “If you don’t like it, don’t waste energy on it; ignore it and move on.” Because instead of some of you saying, “Uzaki-Chan anime? Hard pass”, some of you are using way too much effort and energy just to say “I don’t like this character”. And now it’s starting to backfire on you guys because you’ve made a problem where none existed.
No, she is 19 years old, eventually even 20 as the episodes are progressing. A fictional character WHO IS AN ADULT with big boobs isn’t hurting anyone, but your infantilization of traits you perceive to be for children only, is. I don’t give a shit if the character has big eyes, or a short body, or a high pitched voice: If the canon of the show/game/movie/WHATEVER establishes the character as an adult, THEY’RE AN ADULT. Remember Baby Doll from Batman: TAS?
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She’s a 30 year old woman who, at a later part of the show, possibly had romantic feelings for Killer Croc. But by your guys’ standards she’d be a 5 or 6 year old little girl, even though that flies in the face of her whole character.
AND THAT’S OKAY. YOU DON’T HAVE TO. I DON’T LIKE THE CHARACTER OR THE SHOW EITHER, SO WE’RE ON THE SAME LEVEL HERE. But when you start screaming death threats at everyone because you don’t like her or the show, do you know what you’re doing? Free advertisement. Your aggressive response isn’t gonna cow around or shame anyone who was going to watch the show, you’re just gonna get, “Fuck you, I’m gonna watch it now and draw the character more.” This same exact shit happened with Nessa from Pokemon where people started a controversy WHERE THERE WAS NONE. That’s how you guys got white Nessa, because it was your own fault. Uzaki-Chan probably would have faded into a niche obscurity if you guys hadn’t thrown a temper tantrum, and now you have to deal with it. And so help me, you guys are the exact same reason why I’m forced to keep seeing recommended videos by professional non-troversy reporter Hero Hei in my feed all the damn time.
3. “I’m gonna draw her BETTER.”
Okay no. Major red flag right there for me. You wanna redraw the character? That’s totally fine. You wanna redraw her because she’ll be, in your own words, “better”? I don’t like the implications of that. “She’ll be more adult-like when she’s not 4′11 with tiddies like that″. “She’ll be more acceptable as an adult if her tiddies weren’t that big.”
You all know Dolly Parton, right?
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She’s 5′00. Literally an INCH OFF from Uzaki-Chan’s height, and has the exact same bust. And she’s only known for that because she’s famous, because I guarantee that there’s other women out here who are short with a big chest, and you deeming those features as a child isn’t helping.
TL;DR: Uzaki-Chan’s not a child, she would have just faded into obscurity if you guys just ignored her, and it’s your own fault for the character exploding in popularity the way she did.
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