#And it exploded in popularity!
dotflare · 7 months
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He's... right behind me, isn't he?
thanks to @dragonroilz for art help and @doomspoonss for letting me use their bracken model, even if it is mostly in darkness :)
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sqwdkllr · 6 months
anon from the Cucu and Watcher ask, I'll use 🐑as an identifier:
And nooo pls don't worry about people not liking to see it. They can block the tags if they don't like it. Feel free to do as you will :)
I personally would be very excited to see more of the definitely only enemies in future, but you do you!
- 🐑
They can do morally inhumane human experimentation together ❤️ trust
I want you to know I listened to “masochism tango” while drawing that req. felt fitting ! Anyways have more just because
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loosescrewslefty · 2 years
Still coming to terms with the fact that eight months ago Huntlow was a crack ship with about ten dedicated shippers and about forty fics on AO3, and now it's the 2nd most popular m/f ship on tumblr.
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annabelle--cane · 10 months
people are so weird about creative works being made for profit. "this is a cash grab" "this is fan service" damn you're telling me that a product was made because someone thought there was a potential market for it? you're saying that this soulless vampire of a creator thought "I could make something people will like and then earn money by selling it to them"? you have said nothing about the actual quality of the work or the conditions under which it was made. it sounds like you're trying to imply that this work was rushed into production and made in a way that exploited people, or that the quality is bad because it's trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, but you haven't actually said either of those things. are either of those true or are you just mad because you have strange notions about creators owing you Pure Art and you've decided to redirect your rage at billionaires for hoarding wealth to random moderately successful artists.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
i often really do feel like an .. unwanted part of the fandom, i dont draw beautiful landscapes, i have unpopular but strong opinions im constantly annoying about and rarely change, dont like/dont draw the pretty young popular twinks and hot gurls to fanboi over nor do i turn characters into one, the opposite moreso, draw only one ship no ones heard of really, got little energy to interact with the few people that are nice to me and send me asks so it probably looks like im ignoring everyone and unfortunately but still rarely get so stressed i get overwhelmed and emotional about pehaps seemingly minor things and spiral almost into a breakdown feeling super embarrassed about it afterwards but the damage is already done and i look like a freak or agressive weirdo
#ganondoodles talks#also probably sounds like self pity#but this feeling hits everytime i see a super popular artist be the popular cool artist#i am a little weird i know that and thats not somethign bad i think#but the internet never gets to see that much of me#i tend to write posts when i am at my worst bc it has to go somewhere#so the image it tells people is that im a weirdly strong opiniod freak that gets breakdowns over nothing#i also dont feel like im otherwise -cool tm- enough to balance that out#i dont think my art is as stylized or as inventive as others nor am i cool to interact with bc idk how to be cool to interact with#i feel double bad when i misstepped with someone i used to talk to bc of something stupid ... or just dont know what i did wrong#im guessing its especially when i am in that spiraling state of mind where i really am not myself tbh#it still feels very bad bc i feel like i can never make it up to anyone again#sorry i acted like a jerk my brain was exploding in emotions in a desperate attempt to deal with something idk how to deal with-#-and made me not act like myself but now i feel really dumb about it#doesnt sound like a good excuse#... i want to thank those that do stick with me#even if i acted strange sometimes- even if i disappointed sometimes- even when i couldnt keep a promise#there are little things that still make me angry at myself#like that one time i asked in the tags whod read as long as the end of them and if someone did shoudl send me an ask so id draw a lil thing#and i got two#and i kept trying to remeber oh shit i need to do that and forgetting again/not having energy for it in a loop#i still feel like a jerk about it but now its probably too late#i wish i could answer all asks i get but man my energy for that is always rock bottom#no matter how much i enjoy the ask#and i love getting asks!!!#im sorry :((
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lokh · 2 months
things that may happen once The Fight is animated: 1) shuro is hated for getting in the way of yuri, 2) shuro is hated because of how he treated laios or 3) laishuro explodes in popularity??!!!
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samipekoe · 4 months
Yeah that's how I feel about it too. There are so many moments of Marcille being touched by Laios's concern for Falin and his general competence and kindness that I think, especially with his attitude during her resurrection, the reminder that the siblings are very similar people, and their shared emotional state after Falin is taken away again (the railcar scene comes to mind) would really bring those two together in that way. (there's a lot of stuff on Laios's end but that's been analyzed a lot already)
yes!!! I like their dynamic a lot...I love the way their relationship developed across the manga and to me barring all shipping they feel like perfect platonic life partners, like the way them are all living together in the castle...and then when I put the Shipping Goggles on I feel like there's enough tension between them for it to go beyond that if either of them takes the step. I'm shaking in my boots
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soloquel · 5 months
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You CANNOT tell me Mephistopheles didn't lose his shit the moment he saw Lucifer's new haircut (my headcanon is that his hair was longer as an angel, but got partially burned off during the war).
He joins Diavolo for some afternoon tea and whatnot, is having the time of his life, and then - and THEN! Lucifer enters the room, unaware of the heinous crime he's committed. He and Mephisto have nearly the exact same haircut. Even the damn part is placed in the same spot!
Well, Mephisto can't just accuse him of something so ridiculous in front of his Lord. Ridiculous because who does he think he is?! But again, Lord Diavolo should not have to worry about such miniscule matters. This is something between him and Lucifer. This is personal. This is foul.
Yes, Mephisto considers placing a curse on him so that he becomes incapable of sporting the same haircut (something that makes his hair grow much faster, perhaps?). However, Lord Diavolo might catch wind of this, and as Mephisto has bitterly noticed, he tends to take Lucifer's side. Poor, fallen Luci-wuci. Fucker.
Anyways, seeing as he has no other choice left, Mephisto has to change his own hairstyle a little bit. Not too much, because an undercut is literally HIS shit, but enough to differentiate him from that damn ex-angel now-weirdo. Thus, the fashionable curl that oh-so gracefully falls into his face, tickling his nose, emphasizing the vibrant green of his eyes, is born. It's chic, it's fresh, it's new.
Anyways, don't you dare claim they have nearly identical-looking haircuts, because he will tell you to get those subpar human eyes of yours checked for a deadly illness because how could you NOT see the difference? Also, not that he cares, because fuck you, but if you HAD to be honest and if he HAD to listen to it... whose haircut do you like most? 👉👈 Like, only RHETORICALLY speaking, because the answer is obvious, but still... tell him. Be honest. But, like, honest to yourself, because obviously it's him who wears it better. Duh.
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tmrwds · 7 months
the actual reason I asked about the old shirts: stumbled upon on one of the twitch stream clips again
"Are käärijä shirts rare collectibles now? - yeah, käärijä doesn't sell merch anymore as i don't have any fans"
And I just wanna gently shake him by the shoulders and tell him that in about two years he's doing a sold-out European tour
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my delusional hope is that the popularity of officially translated bl webnovels will lead to the licensing of the No.6 lightnovels
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small-toast · 7 months
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hellkitten · 4 months
seeing my art as the banner for the radiodust tag is pure insanity
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onionessence · 4 months
Calling all former (and current) phannies of tumblr.... 😬
I'm making a deep dive powerpoint about Dan and Phil and I need your help deciding what to include as significant events in the phandom since the beginning.
I'm talking deep lore, most popular videos, and vocabulary that people who have never heard of these gays would need to know
message me or pop it into my ask box, I may not respond quickly but your contributions are greatly appreciated !!
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ace-s-fav-dp-posts · 4 months
If you're sick of the current popular trope/story prompt in the Phandom or DPxDC fandom you just need to ignore it
I feel like the fans in the Phandom and DPxDC minifandom that's popped up, who are really grossed/creeped out by the genre of fic popular right now.
Where the set up is some variation of Outsider POV and the plot is based around the assumption that Vlad SAed Danny in order to create Dan and Danielle, are people who haven't been around that long.
Especially when they try to whine about none of it being based in canon. And how they don't like the shipping of Vlad and Danny (even though the people who write these kinds of fics are very obviously not shipping Vlad and Danny in them).
Because the Phandom has historically gone through phases much more gruesome and horrifying than that.
Especially when in this current micro-genre, all of the SA and grooming and other kinds of abuse are implied only, and within the fics themselves the assumed abuse never actually happened. As the plot is based on over heard or misinterpreted fragments of information that doesn't give the POV character the full picture of the situation that's actually going on.
There's the infamous vivisection fics, in which the child main character is brutally cut open and tortured by his own parents in the name of their biased views of science. Who in canon, both happily accept him no matter what every time a reveal is happens and never so much as rejects Danny emotionally.
Then there's the variation on the traditional vivisection fic in which Danny isn't emotionally rejected and stripped of his humanity by his own parents. But instead captured and stripped of his human rights by the government, either by his parents unknowing actions which they stay oblivious to. Or in spite of his parent's acceptance of him, and with them helpless to rescue or protect him from the government's torturous "research".
There's the already existing variation of grooming and SA fics, where Vlad grooms and or assaults Danny. Which have been popping up for years now, but in which all of this type of horrible abuse actually happens in the story, instead of it being an Outside POV misunderstanding what's happen like the current micro genre of fic.
There's the fics where the Fentons have just been abusive or just negligent parents Danny and Jazz's entire lives. And them hurting Danny, emotionally or physically, intentionally or accidentally, is just an extension of their already unacceptable parenting habits.
There's the edritch/body horror genre of fics where becoming half-ghost (or sometimes something else) involves at the very least the partial loss of Danny (or Vlad)'s humanity.
Hell there's one fic that's stuck with me for ages, that I read years ago, back in my teens, written from the POV of a Maddie who murdered Danny to prevent him from becoming Dan. Which is stated in that fic to be inevitable.
It's also heavily implied that Maddie had incestuous feelings for Danny the entire fic. And that she also possibly raped him in the midst of her extremely violent* vivisection murder of him. But that if she didn't rape him, at the very least, ripping him open to see his insides while he was awake and struggling got her off anyways.
So yeah, I don't know what other explanation there is to all these people who seem confused and freaked out by the various fics popping up where there's assumed SA/grooming, but actually nothing outside of canon actually happened to Danny, and the whole thing is just a misunderstanding.
Other than them being extremely new to Danny Phantom fics in general and therefore unaware of just how dark (and potentially triggering) they can be.
When there's been fics for years about SA and grooming, some of which is explicit, some of which is all implied and talked around and just as gut wrenching, and some of which is actually painted in that cringe forbidden love sort of way, for more than a literal decade now.
If you don't like it, if it makes you uncomfortable, you're just going to have to ignore or block those people, like everyone else in the Phandom who feels the way you do has done for more than a decade now.
Don't make comments to those authors that you don't like that trope, or that it makes you uncomfortable, or anything similar. Just ignore them or block them if it really bothers you that much. Because if you don't like their stuff, then rather obviously you are not their intended audience, so you need to ignore their posts and fics and keep scrolling if you're not going to block them.
*Also yes I must state it was a violent vivisection murder. Because it is clearly stated in the fic, that Vlad finds Maddie sitting outside on the porch covered in Danny's blood and viscera, and that the room she killed him in is in a similar state.
I wanna say the fic got deleted during the old Fanfiction.net purge of more adult content, even though all of the sexual abuse/incest parts of the fic where all implied and not explicit, along with the violent vivisectoin murder taking place off screen.
Though I could be wrong, and it's still out there somewhere, and possibly not exactly as I remember it. I read it more than 5 years ago now, so there's almost certainly some memory drift by this point.
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yuri-puppies · 1 month
went thru the five stages of grief when i saw a cute labru comic where kabru's eyes were gold before i realized that it was from 2018 and that there must have been a point in time when kabru's eye colour was not common knowledge
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fefairys · 21 days
saw a post where someone implied that someone else had at some point said “mcr fans heads would explode if they listened to nine inch nails” and that made me finally listen to nine inch nails cuz i was like yo for real? i want my head to explode! and i must say my head remained very unexploded. kind of disappointed like i was excited! like oh u think NIN is so intense that my poor baby mcr brain could hardly handle it? hell yeah let’s go! and then it’s like. some shit bill and ted would listen to (not an insult) idk maybe i didn’t listen to any of the right songs. can someone tell me which nin songs will make my mcr fan head explode?
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