#Like haha I’m lady puella’s student she gives me books to learn like twilight sparkle or something
r3d1ke · 2 years
mother of times just somethimh ig.
The calling wasn’t far nor found near by , the call from another time another false hope.
A field that serviced peace that was long lived but ever short lasted,longevity that was, now bk standing in between the petals of nelumbos as they hummed along the melody of life dancing to each swing that the wind took, off and on, before bk there it was
The branch and behind it if the eye didn’t play tricks were many bricks or so does bk call them 
The graves of each traveler ,bk called them bricks  for it to be easier on her soul when mew was far younger, out of touch of the reality of the situation that slipped through the mistakes of time itself, all hopes for those souls to rest easy as the lotus grown within them filling them with its delightful scent
Bk set one foot down upon the bench as in a sense of a warrior looking at the graves as a battle field after war truly astonishing peace of mind handing euphoria in view, bk sure knew she needed a remark a place to start, living a dream wasn’t going to scratch it, as a cat scratching a surface it will ruin it to tiny bits and small atoms are hardly felt beneath cat paws but still leave a spark , even the greatest people were small till growing, meeting those with greater knowledge and learnt
Just like how bk was taught under cavum’s vision, mew should be far more than thankful to be able to question even to the useless bits as she sees them as important through mew’s violet eyes, having answers to most is better than having none at all, a blessing truly 
Harshly biting her tongue to get a hold, a sense of reality, maybe the lack of sleep was biting mew’s “tail”, bk rested her head on the bench, who cares if it’s clean or not ,if it fits then mew Rests bk curled up as sleep poised her, crumbling from mew’s brain to her entirety hiding the sun piece in the suffocating pocket for no eye to fall witness for such item mew took one last glimpse of the “hidden garden” that she surrounded mewself in, she sighed and eyes shut accepting the defeat of the smallest death
> for now this stays as a draft due o the fact it’s doesn’t capture the vibe I want..
Echoing conversations..one stays grounding
“Mew furmally whole heartily believe that this is the way the unifurse works?”  The child questioned the shadow who sat next to her “why yes., creation existed far more than destruction, but the more creation to exist” “ the more clustered the universe will be” the shadow looked at the child that he’ve always considered his own.. his very own student 
Reality and irreality collide and break the barriers of what is true and what not , after all that was the show for the conscious mind ,a story from the unconscious part of the brain to tell as a reminder or a warning 
Could be a reminder of what some may once had, could be a warning of what to come 
Those were dreams for mew, cats usually dream about their owners, she would usually dream about mew’s teacher someone whom she considered a guardian for the longest 
The shadow placed a book on the child’s head in a playful manner “now the information will transport to you!” He chuckled, the child tried rubbing the book against mew’s head to test the shadow’s words the shadow couldn’t help but laugh as he put the book away from the child’s reach, the child looked at him confused “ no no bk, if that is the way information is learnt then we wouldn’t need comparisons nor challenges” the shadow gave a pat on the child’s head, the child was leaning to curiosity about what he meant 
“But mr cavu-“ “please refer me as cavum or if you’d wish you can call me father since I do see of you as a dear daughter of mine.” The shadow reminded the child he may say it a thousand times and somehow will need to repeat it again but he never minded that, after all she was a young soul he must be gentle with such Fragile being
The memory became blurry once again as bk saw mew’s younger self as small paw prints of what she once was but still, The laughs, the tough and the rough realities and times may hunt mew but she’ll always remember simpler times.. those usually bring mew a since of comfort  , almost as faded paws on the snow still leading to somewhere , something, someone
As a petal descended from the high winds till the reach of bk’s nose, a soft sneeze due to the strong smell woke the light sleeper whom is also the keeper of the sun piece, bk got up from the bench and started to wonder around, the place didn’t have much to offer all these bricks.. or should be called for better wording graves and these lotus flowers leaning to whitish-pink in the light, bk sighed as mew looked at the sun piece 
It glows and shines and gives a sense of warmth, although somehow it doesn’t burn her pockets which she found amusing in the long run
“Hm?” The sound of a void sucking the peaceful air all the sudden caught mew’s attention as she turned mew’s head only for a portal to fill the vision bk couldn’t care where it leads 
She might take one big step for cavum but the small onwards goes to mew’s honors , confidently walking towards the portal as if she knew what awaits mew .
“ one for you? “ he asked playfully “ONE FOR ME” she cheered.
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