#Like honestly if ur expecting fully-formed characters other than the main two characters in a ship fic like..... Maybe relax?
People: [read a Steddie fic]
Steddie Fic: [is about Steddie and the characters in it are largely focused on the Steddie aspect as it is... A fic about Steve and Eddie. Maybe hones in on Robin being the first gay person Steve has probably KNOWN he's fucking met in his entire life and plays on that for his Sexuality Crisis]
People: why do all the characters seem to only care about Steddie? Why do these Steddie fics that are about Steve and Eddie not show the women do anything that aren't about Steve and Eddie? This fandom has a woman problem.
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odrseasonone · 6 years
Pilot Outline??
So imma do it - I’m gonna try something I rarely do...a story outline!!  Something I hate doing!!  That’s how PUMPED I am aklsdjflkdjsf ;DDD  Also, I feel like I need it to get my thoughts in order bc basically the inside of my skull is just incoherent screaming on a constant loop ;DDDD  WARNING: this is gonna be a long post!!! ;D
main purpose of pilot: to introduce main characters (main protagonist: roran; main antagonist(s): cassius, rowena, dmitrei, dezód), world, & general plot
must establish what is normal vs what therefore is not
also the foundational relationships, which are roran & arya (at end), roran & charles, roran & cassius, charles & cassius, cassius & rowena, the resistance
things to consider: the 5 w’s
main action of the pilot episode (which must, itself, act as the inciting incident for the action of the entire series): 
additionally each primary character, as well as the episode plot, should have some sort arc a la:
beginning/inciting incident/set-up: 
inciting incident:
middle/rising action/confrontation:
obstacle to overcome:
tension rises:
end/climax, resolution/resolution:
so roran is our main character, but since his story doesn’t really start until the end of this episode (finding the egg), he is not the protagonist of this particular episode.  in fact, as i’m thinking about it, he might not even be fully introduced until a later episode - finding the egg could essentially serve as his introduction?????? bc im finding it a bit jarring to try and introduce both his thread and the ~political thread at the same time in terms of keeping things happening and not just focusing on exposition??????
i’m struggling to narrow down what to focus on in the pilot and what i’m starting to wrestle out of all of this is that...maybe alexandir or alaric or even cassius or rowena is the protagonist of the pilot episode??????
So here are some potential outlines as a result of this line of thought!!  I also 100% feel we could overlap all of these and, if we go that route, that should make a nicely full episode!!  I’ve isolated 6 (w a possible 7th in Roran??) potential focal characters for the pilot that I think, woven together, could form a pr coherent story for the pilot.  Whatcha think?
focal character: ALEXANDIR GODIVA
start: establish alex’s experience in the war!! show the flow of his life and how he feels to see it come to an end
inciting incident: alex’s fifteen years of life must now change as he leaves behind combat and returns home
to a family who wants him dead - a fact of which he is utterly aware and doesn’t particularly expect to survive
RISING ACTION: alex returns to the imperial city
obstacle to overcome (that is, particular incident w/ which the episode will deal): ???????????? maybe he helps GUIN????
establish character arc obstacle: his family wants him dead!!! he wants to change aragoth for the better...and survive it
also wants to find and help the rebels!! and throne HELENA
his bio states that he would’ve returned earlier, but he spent time looking for aalis - i’d forgotten!
no one at home is particularly happy to see him besides some kids who he doesn’t really know!! #goodtimes
midpoint: alex tells CASSIUS just what he thinks and that sort of clears the air even tho alex is probs like ‘yup im 100% dead now’
tension rises: the possible helping of GUIN????????? something else????????
END: ????????????????
climax: more to do w the possible helping of GUIN???????
dénoument: he may or may not suspect guin’s involvement w the resistance but he at least knows there are other good ppl at court
resolution: alex decides he’s gonna do everything he can do to help aragoth here at court && even goes to coucil meeting
focal character: ALARIC DE MONTFORT
START: we spot alaric helping out some beggars, giving them bread and coin tho we see he doesn’t have much, himself, see his forest home, etc.
we don’t know anything about his background tho we only know what we see today
except for a loose sprinkling of little clues
we also see his relationships w the various members of the resistance tho probs focus most on GUIN for this ep
and also CEDRIC just bc they’re so tight but GUIN’s def the bigger character here to focus on!!
INCITING INCIDENT: tax collectors come to town to further clamp down on the ppl!! no thanks!! #getoutofmycounty
alaric quickly sees that he can turn this to their advantage, however, as all the gold that’s been collected has to be transported
and they can 100% make that work for them
we also see through this, not only that he’s done this before, but also that he has a history w the roads, the county, the laws...
OBSTACLE TO OVERCOME: ppl!!! starving!!!!!
ok he doesn’t have any permanent fix but he’s got some impermanent ideas to help things along!
and he’s working towards a better future so there’s that!!
MIDPOINT: setting the plan in motion i guess???????
TENSION RISES: receives info from CASSIUS via GUIN!!!! 
CLIMAX: the whole burning village scenario
DENOUMENT: handing out all the $$$$$$$ to the ppl successfully but knowing that ppl have been hurt and killed 
and things could easily have gone ever WORSE
‘if only we had a dragonrider on our side too hmmm’ ~alaric, probs ;D
RESOLUTION: resolution is a really strong word for the end of a pilot ep ;D but i guess he knows better what the stakes are 
and can plan accordingly
focal character: CASSIUS MONTAGU
start: cassius is tasked w the v happy task of getting to tell ROWENA her uncle is coming back!! yay!! not a dreaded thing at aLL!!!
inciting incident: returns the imperial city to find that the privy council is meeting w/o him rudE!!!! 100% convinced they’re plotting
(lbr he’s probs right)
acts! like! an! ass!
++ a fun meeting w ROWENA #notweird
obstacle to overcome: aLEX is baCK!!!!! & this is weird bc cassius likes him which is worSE then when he doesn’t like ppl!!!! 
also keeping the status quo, in general, on an even keel despite the resistance
esp bc 50/50 chance he’ll have to kill alex asp too
also fun bc asp they’ll be the two (2) suspects for JON’s murder and cassius be like [ x ]
midpoint: he and alex reach a weird understanding in that alex tells him exactly what he thinks and cassius is like ‘...yeaH’ 
and weirdly pleased to learn that at least one (1) person is still honest
even tho it sucks bc alex is like ‘yo i know what you did and whY’
also use this confrontation to build up cassius’ bad rep ;D
tension rises: something w the resistance and getting the queen’s tax???????????? and alex??????????????
climax: an adventure scene!! someone/something 100% gets set on fire and cassius walks through it like the bad, bad badass he is
dénoument: the resistance still gets the $$$$$$$ tho even tho like a town or something has been burned to the ground
and obv the privy council spins this to their benefit likE ‘those evil rebels burned ur village!! by summoning the fury of cassius!’
resolution: mah boy knows he needs to stay on his toes 
but honestly pr much things’re the same for him as they ever were 
so i guess this is basically a ‘the hero’s journey’™ ep for him that way ;DDD jk jk
focal character: GUINEVERE FONTAINE
start: we start out w her at the resistance camp as someone fighting to make a better world!!
not ready to show too much of her life, that’ll come later, she’s mostly a bridge between plots here
we can probs infer tho from her dress and ofc her court connections that she’s of rank
also the fact that at court she’s ‘lady fontaine’ might give some of that away aldjfklsdjfkljdsf
inciting incident: the meeting w ALARIC at camp where they hatch their possible redistribution of wealth scheme ;D
obstacle to overcome: she’s a spy!! her whole situation is just terrible!!
mostly tho trying to get info to the resistance from court w/o getting caught herself
esp bc she’s exploiting CASSIUS and that’s just...noT the position you wanna be in
esp when you watch him walk out of a fire unhurt and ur like ‘im gonna piss off THAT guy’ isabella does NOT approve
midpoint: guin uses a moment of CASSIUS’ tenderness to get some precious info...
tension rises: that she then has to get to the resistance w/o being caught!!
cue a whole sneaking around scene(s) && ahhhhh suspense stuff probs
what is this precious info you may ask???? NO! CLUE!
climax: deF a scene where she almost gets caught and maybe even thinks she’s been recognized for a moment
dénoument: it turns out she’s scott free buT she now knows she needs to be v, v careful
resolution: she’s still alive AND still in danger but she decides to continue anyway bc she’s a brave babe and believes in good <3
focal character: ROWENA GODIVA
start: the mysterious gracious queen enjoying her regal splendour!! its good to be queen!! 
esp a dark queen 
beautiful, and terrible as the dawn, treacherous as the sea, stronger than the foundations of the earth! all shall love her and despair!
inciting incident: CASSIUS brings her some bad news that not only is her uncle NOT dead, he’s also coming back home a hero
making the political situation untenable for offing him quickly
instead she has to reward him!!! gross!!!!
ofc she decides to use this v reward to kill him AND warn AVELINA but we don’t know that yet
or really anything she’s thinking!!
obstacle to overcome: rowena’s got a few! but she thinks atm that she’s stopped the prophecy (which she believes was about her not dezod)
her main thing now is mostly maintaining her own power: a goal troubled by alex’s reappearance esp w/ ROMAYNE
++ the pesky resistance situation but mostly she just sicks CASSIUS on them
and (eventually) she turns both political situations to her own favor...as always
AND punishes CASSIUS for letting things get out of hand by arranging her wedding to someone else!!
midpoint: announces her intention to wed ROMAYNE, thus helping to neutralize him as a political opponent, etc.
and essentially making him a glorified hostage yay!
tension rises: ?????????????????
climax: ?????????????????
dénoument: good help is really hard to find, these days, but at least CASSIUS isn’t 100% useless ;D
he’s still just as good at burning down villages and instilling the fear of GODS in the populace as ever so that’s something ;D
resolution: everyone’s in line atm...but rowena knows well and good that won’t last and she has to remain vigilant as ever...
focal character: ROMAYNE ‘i was a male war bride’ VITALIS
start: romayne decides to change EVERYTHING by helping aragoth overcome his bro and subjugate the southern isles
inciting incident: this plan quickly backfires
not only is he ~not king, or even governor, but he’s now a pawn in an entirely foreign game of chess on someone else’s board...again
but romayne’s nothing if not resilient and he determines to find a way to adapt to this, too
obstacle to overcome: basically everything in his life tbqh ;D
jk mostly surviving the imperial court and esp his bride-to-be who he’s 50/50 sure means to do away w him soon after marriage
also arriving at court and learning he’s def noT gonna be the governor of the southern isles like he’d imagined
also, like, trying to understand them and their customs etc - makes him a good exposition tool too ;D
midpoint: ?????????????????
tension rises: ?????????????????
climax: is informed, w the rest of court, the queen’s intention to wed him, 100% considers this to be a death sentence
dénoument: realizes that, tho virtually a prisoner here, he does still have some power 
his situation now isn’t so v different from how things were under his bro so he knows he can live w this
resolution: invited to join the privy council as ROWENA’s future consort && begins feeling out fellow players in this game...
focal character: RORAN DEGREY
start: has a pr nice life w his surly uncle at his boring farm, being a town menace tbh
inciting incident: ?????????????????
obstacle to overcome: ?????????????????
midpoint: ?????????????????
tension rises: ?????????????????
climax: ?????????????????
dénoument: ?????????????????
resolution: that awkward moment when you stumble upon ur uncle’s hidden dragon eggs (but don’t know their his) and one hatches...
possibly the v end shot of a boy finding dragon eggs and one hatching is the v first we see of roran?????
and delve into him in the next ep???????
OVERALL (if we throw this all in together...)
start: things suck in aragoth
inciting incident: things still suck in aragoth but now they suck a lil less bc there’s no more war and alex is coming home
the resistance develops a plan to steal back $$$$$$$$
obstacle to overcome: the starvation of the populace!!
midpoint: guin pries info out of cassius
tension rises: alex helps guin somehow??????????
climax: getting the info to the resistance just in the nick of time (and thereby saving their lives?????) but failing to save a village
cassius burns down a village in a face off w the resistance (idk how this works exactly tho????????)
dénoument: somewhat pyrrhic victories on both sides
the money’s gone to the ppl but a village has been burned and the area’s scared shitless of the gov again
resolution: things still suck in aragoth but at least we know what aragoth is ;D no, but actually, there’s a new dragon rider on the rise...
So what do you think??????  also,~ if we do like this format for an ep, is it a better ep2 than pilot or is it good pilot fodder??????
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