#Like i guess at minimum slugcats have an understanding of things that harm other creatures enough that they might make an active choice to
gay-artificer · 1 year
Honestly the idea of slugcats existing in a sort of space where they are capable of 'moral' thought but not having a full structural concept of it in like, slugcat culture is kinda an interesting thought. Like they have sympathy as a personality value that governs a willingness to do harm, particular in terms of slugpups being unwilling to eat live food like centipedes if it has high enough values, if i recall right.
Which does seem to at least a basis for slugcats having an internal capacity (or lack of) for violence, and at least some understanding of what the 'weight' of choosing to harm something is- enough to potentially have a discomfort with it just by their personal nature. The idea of experiencing guilt for a natural, accepted and expected behavior without otherwise having a full understanding of what guilt is even is interesting.
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