#Like she knows how i feel about it but she doesnt care. istead i have to sit here and do something to helpmy mom
kilibaggins · 7 months
/ vent and rant about stuff idk
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nightmyst14-blog · 1 year
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Back at it again!!
2nd part to showing some of my ships, so today its my Kingdom Exclusive ships!! Now some should be more familiar.
Also throwing this out there for honestly no reason, I'm prefectly okay if you ship anything different from what I show here. These are all MY ships. If you ship something else, as long as its not-toxic and not Proship, I'm bound to be okay with it.
With that in mind, let's go.
Polychampions: Even after their event, I can't help but love this trio!! Their dynamic is so funny. I can imagine their hugging sessions are the best, especially with Capsaicin being there. They all keep an eye of each other, even dealing with their own issues.
CaviOyster: My most written about ship!! Sea cookies got to stick together, after all!! It tickles me that it was these two who stood up to Custard and the others about the treatment of the Creme Republic. They're Clotted Cream's uncle and aunt figures.
DarkCherryWolf: I couldn't decide werether I liked Darkwolf or Cherrywolf more, so I slapped them together. I imagine Choco already knew of Werewolf even when he left the COD, so they started to hang out more. Then later Choco was introduced to Blossom. Shenangians happen and now, they're all dating. and thanks to the idea @analogical-spacegays gave me, they are all now parents to the squirrel trio Roll Cake, Pancake , and Pinecone.
PureHolly: A comfort ship of mine. Loving parents of Royalberry even the two are in separated kingdoms. PV feels awful about all the hardships Holly went after his sacrifice, and constantly does his best to be there for her. Everytime they meet up, Holly engulfs the shorter man in a big hug. PV doesnt have the heart to stop her, plus he enjoys it,
AlmondLatte: A classic, but a good one, Their banter during the Light the Beacons story is so funny. I love the found family potential between them, plus Walnut and Creampuff. Latte would be a loving stepmom to Walnut.
ClottedClover: A rarepair!! Noble x Fairy/Elf vibes. With the idea of Clover being White Lily's son, that's going to be an AWKWARD reveal. Its a secret relationship the Consul is hiding from his father. Clover often would send Clotted songs he's written for him or 4-leaf clovers on his travels. One day, Clotted wishes to accompany.
RaspRye: This comes from me rewatching the scenes of Jedidiah and Octavius from all 3 Night at the Museum movies ( I know I'm old) and imagining them as these two. It works. Rye is always on the move from bounty hunting, so she's always stopping by House Raspberry to pay Raspberry a visit.
MalaFrost: Hot and cold gfs!! They give me SU Ruby and Sapphire vibes. How they meet is where Mala was given a dare to survive in the coldest region for the week (as you do), and was found by Frost Queen after Mala almost frioze to death. Of course Forst took care of her and restored her to full health, bue expected her to leave due cookies usually being scared by her and her powers. Istead , Mala stuck around and tries to court her, without much avail. One day, Frost decides to take up her offer. In short, Frost fell HARD in love at Mala's silliness and her good heart, along with impressed how well she was as a chieftain. They've been dating ever since.
WildChip: Last, but definitely not least, these two dorks. I know a lot of WildChip lovers can understand why I love this ship. Also, their bond also reminds me of Patroclus and Achilles from Greek mythology. I know they got their other's back, even when in danger.
That's all 9!! My next one will be mwcrossover ships, as I ship two characters One from Ovenbreak, and One from Kingdom. It might be a bit shorter than this, but we'll how it goes.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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forestryfae · 1 year
and he fucking brings up grandma and telling me i should call her and like. yeah okay i know her health is bad but like what the fuck am i supposed to do about that. i cant talk to mom, shes fucking cruel and heartless and i cant fucking talk to her about anything, the way she talks about the whole thing is just fucking ruthlessly shitty and its like its designed to hurt. i cant talk to dad either cus he just doesnt care. he doesnt wanna fucking talk about it, hell just dump it all on someone else like he did when i was getting bullied in highschool and he got a friend of his to talk to me instead of like. talking to me himself or fucking fixing shit istead of pushing that responsibility on everyone around him so he doesnt have to deal with it. anything to avoid having to be a parent or having to talk about stuff. and my stepmom is almost a bad as my mom ngl she fucking makes theories about whats wrong with grandma and talks about it like its gossip or some shit, will not shut the fuck up and rags it on longer than it needs to be, and its so fucking infuriating.
like. its not like anyones asked me how im doing about the whole situation or asks me how im feeling. no fucking "are you okay" or "what are you thinking" or "how does it make you feel" in any genuine actually worthwhile way or any questions about how it might make me feel to talk about it or anything. no matter what i say theyll just try to brush it off or act like i have nothing to worry about or some shit etherway cus im not allowed to be upset or have emotions afterall, and the world doesnt revolve around me, it revolves around them and im selfish for not managing or caring about their feelings when its THEIR FUCKING JOB TO CARE ABOUT MINE. THEYRE PARENTS. THEYRE SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT ME, I SHOULDNT BE MANAGING THEIR EMOTIONS BY SHUTTING TEH FUCK UP ALL THE TIME AND DEALING WITH THEIR EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS AND SHIT.
as if it wasnt fucking bad enough that i was taught any emotions that dont align with what they want me to feel or that dont validate them arent allowed, im supposed to do exactly as they want and no other option is allowed. cus then im an asshole and im selfish, self centered, egoistic, spoiled, brat, "angry" "all the time", and in general "nobody cares" and "nobody feels fucking sorry for you" and thats just what im supposed to deal with all the time? i cant have emotions or be upset so i become a fucking doormat to please evryone but if i dont stand up for myself its my own fault im unhappy, but when i do stand up for myself im completely ignored and i get run over and i cant have everything exactly as i want it all the time cus the people around me have their own lives, but when i suddenly dont want visitors or i dont answer peoples calls or i dont engage or i dont visit its all "you can just call us or visit us". why the fuck would i want to spend time with a bunch of overgrown toddlers who dont want whats best for me and who actively shut me down any time i try to exist like a normal person. they literally treat me like a fucking dog. like weve HAD a dog and they just fed it and put it on a leash in the garden and that was p much it. dad actually didnt even feed it after the divorce i think? im pretty sure he forgot cus he expected US to do it? I WAS FUCKING EIGHT OR SOME SHIT. why would an eight year old with neglectful shitty parents know that theyre supposed to feed the dog. id get yelled at for literally anything i did if my mom or dad didnt like it to the point where i dont even know as an adult whether im allowed or not allowed to do things specifically because What If Someone Gets Mad At Me For Doing This Even Though They Shouldn't Get Mad For This But What If.
like even at inpatient, theres food in the kitchen. theres food and theres bread and sandwich stuff and theres even leftovers in the other fridge sometimes and if the kitchen isnt gonna be used anytime soon i can even cook myself something, like if i buy a pizza or i have a bag of macaroni. ive even been offered the option to make salads for lunch and i feel like THE MOST selfish bitch for having the audacity to need food or have certain issues with food that make me need to eat differently than most other people. i feel fucking bad just for asking for bread i can eat without gagging. i feel like im being judged HARSHLY when i eat fucking nutella. i almost have to hide candy or anything sweet like chocolate cus im afraid ill have to have the "you eat too much sugar" talk again as if its THAT easy just walking into the kitchen and eating.
so yeah anyways, my parens fucking suck and i want to yell at them every time i talk to them but i have the patience of a fucking saint cus thats the nly thing im allowed to have without any repercussions so i just have to shut up and wait to get home so i can finally go back to being a semi-normal person.
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