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Madrid, Spain -- 12/19/10
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homeofhousechickens · 4 months
Chickens treat the chicks of their social superiors differently than they do birds lower than them on the hierarchy? Didnt know this, that's cool. How does the treatment differ between social rank?
Well a low ranking hen's chicks are more likely to get bullied and pecked by a high ranking flock members while a high ranking hens chicks are usually more likely to be avoided because the broody will kick their ass.
It doesn't matter if the chicks biologically belong to a different hen either, they will pretty much always partially inherent their parents position in the beginning. This is part of the reason why hens are obsessed with laying their eggs in each other's nest because if a more dominant hen raises their chicks they won't have to expend energy raising them AND they have a higher chance of being protected and well fed. On the other side of that coin a low ranking broody can raise her position in the flock by raising chicks because those new adult flock members will respect her and defer to her.
Also, this can backfire because the broody segregating herself from her flock to brood can negatively affect her place in the pecking order, and she can even be bullied because of it.
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
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Und was, wenn nicht?
Bonus (weils so schön war):
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lukedjarinsblog · 7 months
not to be that person but for some reasons I will always feel like we don't have enough of luke skywalker and is kind of sad
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australet789 · 6 days
btw i did a poll on my DA and i checked its results about getting rid off tiers, and honestly, same xD I prefer having just monthly memberships for everyone.
So once after i post the next Perfectly Valued page, i will change that for my Ko-fi, meaning, early access for all the supporters of my kofi. And i will keep it at $3
I hope i can get more traction this way, since this is my only money income rn
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violecov · 4 months
Hello guys, do any of u know How to do lineal programming modeling by any chance?
I ll... Draw ur fanfics if u help me
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rosyjuly · 6 months
what do you mean suzuka was a month ago. it feels like a week
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Sanar no es lineal 🤍
Sanar es un proceso, no es lineal. Cuando intentamos sanar las heridas que vamos guardando desde pequeños, podemos pasar por altibajos que son completamente normales.
Recuerdo que cuando estaba pequeña y me raspaba jugando, cuando la herida empezaba a picarme, mi mamá me decía que era porque estaba sanando.
Cuando sanamos nuestra alma, también podemos sentir incomodidad o remover dolores pasados. No es un proceso corto o lineal. Cada uno lleva su propio ritmo.
Es necesario en el proceso de sanar, analizar y cuestionar lo que sentimos, para después pasar a un proceso de aceptación.
¿Qué heridas tengo? 
¿Cómo puedo sanarlas?
¿Qué cosas debo aceptar?
¿Qué cosas puedo cambiar?
Tips para sanar
La vida es hoy, disfruta de lo que tienes ahora y no te quedes en el pasado.
No pongas cargas en los demás. La responsabilidad de tu vida, es solo tuya. Nadie te hace daño, o te hace cosas malas. Las personas simplemente hacen cosas, depende de ti si te lo tomas personal.
Permítete sentir. No enmascares tus emociones porque en algún momento deben salir. Es completamente normal que en el proceso de sanar te sientas triste o enojado. 
Aprende de cada situación, así no parezca, todo pasa por algo. 
Agradece también por las situaciones difíciles y por poder aprender de ellas. 
Crea y construye lo que quieres para tu vida. 
Perdona y suelta las cargas del pasado, decide vivir una vida en libertad. 
Acepta con amor las situaciones que no puedes cambiar. 
Date tiempo. No te fuerces, ni te obligues. Cada proceso lleva su tiempo.
Mira cada situación como un crecimiento y transformación positiva para tu vida, las cosas que alguna vez nos lastimaron, son las que nos hacen más fuertes. Sanar es una montaña rusa, no tengas miedo al proceso, al final vale la pena.
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arloqui · 15 days
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Poemas en El reino de lo no lineal, Elisa Díaz Castelo, 2020.
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3cosmicfrogs · 1 year
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babybirthdaygirl and such
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Study -- violet/green/gold
Madrid, Spain -- 12/19/10
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cm-lily · 1 month
It might be strange for a boy to be named Abigail.
But back then, upon arriving at the orphanage, Abigail is nothing but a filthy, quiet kid. Aimlessly wandering around the orphanage until a nun take pities on him and decide to take him under her wing. He never spoke, never did things unless he was guided to. Eyes that didn't spark a hint of life in them, that always seems unfocused.
Children avoid him a lot, naturally. In this small village, people still believes in ghost and bad spirit.
The only time he ever reacted is when he heard the name Abigail.
No one knows why. Abigail probably wouldn't remember. But like a clockwork, he spring back to life when people called him Abigail.
“Abigail can you bring this for me?”
“Abigail let's play!”
“Abigail you count to ten, and we'll start hiding.”
Abigail. Abigail. Abigail.
Maybe there's something familiar in that name.
Maybe it's a memory Abigail refused to remember for whatever reason.
But he knows the name Abigail is important. To him, or to someone else.
So he respond, and he spoke, and he play, and he lived. He lived because someone he cares about could never does.
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klcthebookworm · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday
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Back to Star Wars: Sororal Lineality, the third story is "Miha" (Ao3).
“Hey, are you okay? Have you talked to the data droid?”
She jerked straight with his words, but her blurry eyes could barely focus on him. And those eyes were as green as Yavin 4. “I’m defecting!”
“Welcome to the Alliance, then.” Biggs suppressed his smile.
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princeofyorkshire · 6 months
i booked my first tattoo early today !!! so excited about it. i’m getting amor fati which basically means this:
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so much has happened this year and i just really want to learn to love my life despite everything. after opening up to my friends, meeting new people, hearing about their live experiences, and most importantly, meeting the bestest of friends through a really shitty situation, i want to become better. i want to live a life i don’t regret. that despite everything, the hurt and the suffering, life is worth living, because there is so much beauty in it and i know i can find it anywhere if i try hard enough.
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betagarvaa · 8 months
La recuperación de ACL o LCA no es fácil, sanar no es lineal y nunca renunciar, cada logro es festearlo al máximo.
Sanar no es Lineal
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keshlem · 2 years
El crecimiento no es lineal, habrá un tiempo en el que tú crees que vas bien y de un momento a otro caes, pero es parte de ello
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