#Linking all the things because 1. Sources 2. I'm a nosy bastard that always wants to see the post mentioned in other posts lmao
revenantghost · 6 months
Regarding your recent post about wolfwood's potential survival in stampede, and the tag about wolfwood possibly being from earth.
Excuse Me, WHAT..
I crave more information.
OH YEAH, it's from the same interview mentioned in the Wolfwood has a chance at living in Stampede post!
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I think I've read a different translation of this before, too--but regardless, note that this was fairly early on in Trimax's run, 1999. I remember reading in later interviews that the whole Livio and vials and all that wasn't planned from the beginning (I do NOT have the source for that on hand--if anyone knows what I'm talking about, please link it, but until then take this info with a grain of salt), so I'd imagine this is just an idea that got scrapped along the way. Or maybe it didn't, who knows??? I read an adorable fic about Wolfwood being curious about earth because he came from it the other day--it would be really fun AU fodder, imo
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