#Linorien liveblogs
spiritofcamelot · 7 years
Doctor Who Finale thoughts
Very briefly, I loved it. Lots of cool twists and clever writing choices. My liveblogging notes are below the cut. 
 * Aw shoot. I knew those scarecrows couldn't be good * And there's a spaceship for a sky. It's almost like family of blood * Oooh, they chain them. Clever * Oh no, I don't want the little girl to die * Well shoot. That has to be Bill carrying a dying Doctor, did she kill him?? On purpose? By accident? * Did they high five!! * Echoes of The Doctor Dances * Round(!) * Oh burn. Throw Trump under the bus * I do love a good hacking * Ooh! Love Missy knocking out the Master, still not sure I trust her though * Okay, she saved the Doctor but then left him * Love the masters repetition * Wait, now Bill is fixed? * So she was only thinking she looked like that? * Jelly babies!! * Good analogy for not looking like what you think you ought to, not being who you truly are inside * Although, I'm not sure I like that this is very like how we met Clara * "Me and me have been busy." * Oh dear. The Doctor is dying. He's got a walking stick now. * "Is the future going to be all girl?" "You better hope" * Love all the sonics being raised * Ooh, I like the time differential being a reason why they can't use the TARDIS * He's trying to put on mascara! * Ooh, I wonder if he lost his TARDIS, did it run away? * It's like Bill and Ted! I reminded myself so that I can pull this out of my pocket now. * Is she, she is flirting with nardole * I love this monologue. * Silly Master, he was really talking to your female face * Ooh, she gave him something. I know she did. * Bill is going to do it. Isn't she. * You know, they said Bill Potts has that name for a reason. I hope it's not because she literally becomes a pot * So did she just kill her past self? Love it. * Oh f--- I was looking forward to seeing her standing with the Doctor. But now she is dying too. * Wait. I wonder if she gave the Doctor the dematerialism circuit? * He's so offended they don't know who he is. * "Pity. I hoped there'd be stars." :( so sad * And Nardole waiting by the lift doors * How is Bill still alive? Everything else is quite firmly dead. * Oh Heather is back!! Can she go be with her now? Yay! * Oh!! That's why the tears are so important. Nicely done. I had forgotten that. * Oh I really want the Christmas special to be Heather and Bill flying the TARDIS * Oh! Bill becoming the guide! She's graduated from Companion. * Look at everyone who needs you. * Don't you dare. Don't you dare say all of the last lines that break my heart. * Angry Scot stopping his regeneration. * Oh shoot. Cloister bells. * Oh dear. Who is that? * Wait. I know that voice. * WHAT!!!! * That is the first Doctor. What is going on. Is he going to repeat faces? They did kinda imply that in the 50th special when the one was a museum curator and he said he might revisit old faces. * and I do love the twist of the meaning of original Doctor. But mostly WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!
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spiritofcamelot · 7 years
The Pilot liveblogging
My quick thoughts while watching the first episode. Under a cut to help you stay unspoiled. Long story short, I loved it. 
* I love the music and the desk so much 
* And the guitar is back!! 
* I love Bill already 
* And the he's been being a professor!! So cool 
* I love a good monologue about time 
* Nardal and the Doctor are great 
* This is so going to be a trap 
* Awww this is so sweet 
* So he traveled back in time to take pictures of her mum because she said she didn't have any? Sweet 
* "Like a penguin with his arse on fire"\
 * Oh shoot. It's like Midnight. Something reflecting and repeating until it takes over 
* No. It's going to come through the pipes. 
 * Umbrellas. The true weapon of Londoners 
* So flashbacks to both Midnight and the episode of Merlin with the Druid boy 
* Yes!!! Such a great reveal of the TARDIS. And that smug look on his face 
* It's great to have two companions who can stare at each other in disbelief 
* How did no one ever point that TARDIS is an acronym in English? Is it a different word in Gallifreyan? 
* So we have a time travelling puddle 
* "Can I say no?" "No." 
* Love the old screwdriver though 
* No shoot no. Don't let it learn from a Dalek 
* Awww. Maybe Heather can go be with the creature on Midnight 
* I love her knowing that he's going to wipe her memory because she has seen movies and then the reminder of him forgetting Clara 
* And all the women yelling at him
This was a wonderful episode. It hit lots of things I love about Doctor Who. I can’t wait for the rest of this series. 
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spiritofcamelot · 8 years
My Sherlock finale liveblog
I really enjoyed the show. I typed while watching and the thoughts are below. Spoikers, obviously.
So the little kid on the plane, all I can think of is a little Q developing a fear of flying
Oh shoot, if that is Moriarty, is this a flashback to when Euros was younger?
Mycroft, what are you watching?
Outdone by your own sister?
It’s a sword!!!
Stop ruining the paintings
It’s a gun inside a sword! Q absolutely designed this
“Hey bro!”
Love Watson knowing that they need to scare Mycroft and then taunting him to come to Baker St
“It’s family” “That’s why he stays!”
Well the ancestral home reminds me of Skyfall
Oh its burning now. More similarities to Skyfall
So Sherrinford is Alcatraz, I really like this show of power and manipulation from Mycroft
I’m very glad they are thinking of Mrs. Hudson
Oh man, their faces as they jumped were great, and a gorgeous transition to the stormy clouds
Interesting, so Sherrinford is broadcast over the radio often enough that sailors know to ignore it
The pirate!!! I love it so much
That’s totally Sherlock. He really couldn’t help it. He has always been good at disguises
Ooh, that’s even better. I love it when they work together. I also love a pissed off Mycroft; that is the power of the British government
Oh stop touching your earphone
I like the mix of the past tapes with the present music
So hit notes that shatter the glass
Is there a slide out to the water from her cell?
Dang Watson. I like the trend of him being the smart one and figuring things out. He is always better at seeing things about the Holmes brothers
Oh man, he was doing so good at being ahead
Great song choice!! (And hey look, another connection. He’s acting a bit like Silva) It’s a good thing villains don’t care about looking stupid
I’m kinda disappointed he is still… okay good he is not. Five years ago.
I do like her problem that she is giving them very difficult issues to think about and decide. I also love that she is keeping the countdown to herself
I don’t know if I want John to shoot him or not. This is hard
Really guys? Did you not think that she wouldn’t kill the wife? I’m also suspicious that the chair completely blocked the view when she killed the wife
This kinda reminds me of Portal
I’m actually a bit disappointed by Mycroft. I know he likes to keep his hands clean, but I would think he would be more accustomed to acting like a soldier and being prepared.
It’s a coffin for John
Oh, never mind. Well I like that Euros knows that Molly is very important to Sherlock
Right so mock Sherlock while you tell him to shoot his friend. Ah, so that Sherlock will shoot him
I’m still waiting for Vatican Cameos
There always was this third choice
How does that phone A. have battery or B. have signal to call Sherlock
Oh my gosh Sherlock, tell the girl to grab the wheel and pull back
So there is another brother… who is Q, totally Q
Ha!! I knew water had to somehow be important.
I am enjoying how much Latin is important in this series
Oh, well that explains why the phone is working so nicely, there is no plane
Aww, Lestrade is going to look after Mycroft
He’s going to play for her isn’t he?
I really want a duet between them wait yes!!
Aww, a very lovely ending. The violin music really made it.
Well I very much enjoyed the episode. Lots of cool things uncovered. Disappointed in Mycroft, love Euros.
Brilliant how we all thought there would be a third brother named Sherrinford, but then there was a sister and Sherrinford was a place and yet then there was really a third brother named Victor who was Redbeard all along and I am blown away by how clever it all is. Sherlock did always say he deleted memories. (And you know there are going to be even more fics where Q is the youngest Holmes and he escaped himself and not even Mycroft knows.)
Anyways, super cool and clever. I have to say I enjoyed how they used the trailers to trick people. That is very Holmes-esque. The puzzles from Euros were all very clever and I want to watch it all again. Need to see it all again knowing the child is her.
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spiritofcamelot · 8 years
The Lying Detective liveblog
My liveblogging thoughts below the cut. Much better than last week’s episode.
So we ended with Sherlock at the therapist, now we have John
John is very much fighting back with the therapist. I like it. Very in character.
So he is hallucinating her, John you are very bad at lying
It’s an Aston Martin…Bond? I mean I know it’s not, but it would be fun
Wait, is the opera singing in the show, or my neighbor?
I can only see this guy as the Dream Lord
Do stop fondling that woman’s shoulders, it looks so creepy
His teeth are very pointed.
Close your heart…killing your friends
Dude, just tell yourself in the mirror. Or make a video then destroy it. Don’t poison your friends
I love her trying to remember
Okay, if they don’t know each other, this is starting to remind me a lot of SPECTRE. And Culverton Smith would be a great Bond villain
His hands are shaking and his typing is slower
That door is never closed, that’s odd, signs of Sherlock being secretive
I do like Sherlock going out with this suicidal girl to try to protect her; probably because he failed to protect Mary
“Amazing. I meant the chips.” Okay I kind love her. I hope she stays in it some more
Okay, now we have the great graphics again with the cork board and window
“Big brother is watching you.” “Literally.”
Sherlock is watching very odd
Do please tell me he is spelling out something—that is great
Sherrinford….Q??? Are we finally going to learn more about the third brother?!?!!?
Southbank is a great place to sit
Panic attacks? Or something more sinister?
Shoot. He wants to kill ‘anyone’ that’s what the word is isn’t it? Darn it, that’s a problem
What the hell is going on. He is so high. This is a problem.
It was Mrs. Hudson!! I love it. And she was in contact with Mycroft
Haha, Love the Henry V speech!!
“I’m not a civilian” Mrs. Hudson… what have you been hiding in plain sight? Is she an agent? Yes!!! She kidnapped him. Oh man I love her even more.
Oh he couldn’t help but ask about the car.
Cereal killer!! I love it
Sherlock at a children’s hospital. This cannot be a good thing. Something is going to go terribly wrong
Wow, for once it wasn’t Sherlock who brought up the terrible topic
I was waiting for the Sweeny Todd reference
So he is going mad too? Gosh darn it. And that guy’s laughter is creepy
Well they are both mad. Both very mad and crazy and angry.
I do like John leaving the cane like a reminder/symbol
More hints about Sherrinford!!
Man Mrs. Hudson is stealing the show. I love her ordering everyone around and being a bloody genius
He gets to use the car. You better not hurt Mrs. Hudson’s car.
“I like to make people into things.” Now that is a good Bond villain quote
“Put yourself in harms way” That’s exactly what he did in A Study in Pink. Of course the cane should’ve tipped us off
It’s in the cane, isn’t it?
I’m proud of Sherlock for being the one to see that John is not okay.
I like John just saying “Happy birthday”
I love John getting angry at Sherlock, really reminds you that he is ex-military
Give him a hug Sherlock!!
Did Mycroft have sex with M?
How does she know about Sherrinford?
She was the one?? What the frick? She was Faith and E? Shoot. The East Wind. She is Sherrinford?
What the actual frick?? Now that I did not see coming and I love it. Even better than the 3rd Holmes being Q. And Sherlock didn’t even notice. I love it. Wait, unless he did and that’s how he knew where John would be. Maybe Mycroft set it all up. Ugh. Theories are buzzing. That was way better than last weeks.
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spiritofcamelot · 7 years
Smile liveblog
I enjoyed it. Reactions under the cut.
Doctor Who Smile - 10x2 are there seatbelts? haha knocking? that is either good or very bad or nardal race the kettle Doctor! "I wanna see if it's happy" that is actually really sad it killls you oh :noEFO very good intro reminds me of the second episode with Martha is nardol a robot? there have been some sound effects and I think he dropped a screw at some point I'll never run out of battery again! haha, but also the upgrades without their knowledge is unsettling futuristic mood rings, this is going to be a bad idea does this have to do with their hearts? which is a bad idea two hearts two jellos, totally called it sneaky Doctor, hide the necklace lol skeleton crew shoot, the building is all robots "childish impulse to blow it up" the Doctor is the helpline for the Universe the subtle lights in the walls of the building are gorgeous oh no wet brains, dry brains, now that is a sci fy differentialtion if I've ever heard one just take a picture Bill haha, the Doctor had already thought of taking a picture who is she?? haha bad noise oh no, cyro chambers what does happen now? "If I look purposeful, they think I got a plan" they think grief causes death! I love it when you are lead to assume something has happened over a long period of time, but it has only been a short time *sigh* guns again I love stories used as voiceovers "scary handsome genius from space" look at the kid accepting the change immediately and the adults all being wary That was a good episode. I always love future civilizations just getting started. But next week looks amazing,. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the frost fairs.
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spiritofcamelot · 8 years
MST3K Operation Double 007
Allow me to ramble while watching this.
-Sean Connery’s brother is in this
-The guy who plays Blofeld is in it
-Lois (Moneypenny) is in it
-They have already ripped off the James Bond theme and I’m hardly 10 minutes in.
-I will totally host a watch party of this later in the year.
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