#Lio Convoy isn't good with feelings or relationships that aren't commander and soldier that listens to him
liaswritesrobots · 10 months
Lio Convoy reacting to the reader being called "mama" by Lio Junior?
"What?" Lio Convoy turns his head to Lio Junior.
"I said mama doesn't mind, right mama?" Lio Junior asks, tilting his head while looking at you.
You look at Lio Junior with confusion for a moment, "I'm not- I mean yeah I don't mind, but I'm not actually your mom Lio Junior." You respond with a smile. You're always so kind to Lio Junior so it's not that hard to figure out why he'd see you as a mother figure, but it still feels a little odd to be refered to as that by an alien that's about as tall as you are in robot mode despite being a child.
"Lio Junior. Stop." Lio Convoy demands.
"But papa-"
"Stop." Lio's voice is firm.
Lio Junior bows his head. You look on in pity at the lion cub and crouch down, placing a gentle hand on his mane and giving him a pet, "Hey it's alright. It's just a little confusing being called mama all of a sudden but I'm not mad at you for it." You're reassure him and he looks up and smiles at you.
"You don't need to encourage him." Lio Convoy says.
"Really Convoy it's fi-"
"No. He needs to stop calling any of us mama or papa." He crosses his arms.
"But... he's your son?"
"No, he isn't."
Lio Junior fliches at Lio Convoy's words.
You stand, "He is!" You insist, stomping your foot and place your hands on your hips, "He came from your spark, right? He's your responsibility whether you like it or not. You can't just pretend that he isn't yours when he literally came from your body!"
Lio Convoy lowers his arms, "You know nothing of this kind of process. It isn't completely the same as you organic creatures, it's far more complicated than that."
"Who cares about how complicated it is?! He came from your body and he sees you as his father, there's nothing to be complicated about! Can't you just take his feelings into consideration?"
"Stop!" Lio Junior shouts, "I don't want mama and papa to fight!"
"Lio Junior for the last time we are not your parents!"
"But mama made a good point about me coming from your body so you are my papa! And papa loves mama so that makes y/n my mama!" He huffs before running off.
Lio Convoy freezes. You look over to him but he refuses to look at you.
"Hey Lio? You two are connected by your sparks, right? Which means you two know each other's feelings corr-"
"I have to do some scouting." Lio Convoy says abruptly before transforming into his lion mode and running in the opposite direction.
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