#Literally hypersorry to my genshin moots but I'm being driven insane
Half of this theory's been around for ages I'm just adding more but
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Is this anything. I know the theory of Toni Kensa (which could easily be short/nickname for Tataki Kensaki, making both canon) and the Squid Sisters being related but.
Is it any coincidence that one of the promo characters literally has the exact same name with the exact same spelling and coincidentally is seen using. A charger (Marie's weapon) in the Direct he was first seen in. I'm gonna call him Saki with this because what else can I do when he refuses to tell me if it's his last name or not
I'm already going too far with this but there's also the fact that he primarily wears greyscaled colours (cough Toni Kensa before the Kensa brand existed). And I've heard people say the hipster cut is a budget Marie cut before. So that's A Thing.
I don't know what's going on and we haven't seen Saki in five years anyway so I don't know why I'm theorising now but I just find it weird that. The family crest on Marie's kimono, Toni Kensa, and now some random kid all share the same name. Especially since S2's main story mode puts this emphasis on family (Callie & Marie). And the fact that everyone who's ever modelled for Kensa has used black ink, implying that Kensa himself probably has black tentacles (like Callie does) or even white ones (like Marie.) and the greyscaled tentacles could easily be a family thing that just happens as you get older. Especially with the family thing since we know it doesn't happen to everyone (Captain 3 doesnt have greyscaled tentacles despite being older now than the Squid Sisters were in S1.) If it's true then that would mean the greyscaling happens around at least 17 years, which explains why S2 Saki has regular colours because he'd be 15-16 at the time (S2 protagonists are two years older than S1 protagonists are.) (I just realised my logic on that one is way off base and they'd actually be around eighteen by S2 but roll with me here. It still works, he'd just be a late bloomer.)
Anyhoo ive been high on this theory for like an entire day now but suffice to say. (1) Saki should've been the protagonist of S2 (2) in my head it's canon that the Squid Sisters, Saki and Toni Kensa are cousins (3) wait that kinda fits because the gaudy pair of black bracelets on Saki's shirt feel very Kensa (4) I'm going insane help.
Having said that, if it is canon that raises the question why didn't Marie directly ask Saki for help with Callie- but she could very well have not wanted to worry him or put him in danger, especially since S2 was kinda his time in the spotlight as a turf war player, especially since that's the one point in the timeline where neither the Squid Sisters nor Toni Kensa were getting attention. Now that I think about it, there's no real confirmation that Cuttlefish's family stopped with Callie and Marie's parents, and them two respectively. For all we know, Saki is Marie's little brother or something like that. For all we know there could even be four cousins to the Kensaki clan instead of the two Squid Sisters.
I'm gonna write a fic based on this actually. Do y'all wanna hear more of my crack theories about the promo kids because I also have one highlighting the fact that (a.) Tof-U and Kensaki seem to be opposing each other a lot (second in command to their leaders and/or killing each other midmatch) and also the fact that Half-Rim and N-Pacer are literally what happens if you give them fanchildren
Yes I am insane
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