#Little insecure motherfucker. Also they only ever talk! A lot of the others do hobby related things
hajihiko · 2 years
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(Ok so I got my timings wrong this hangout does not happen in the Funhouse but you get it)
Fuyuhiko is always down to hang out with Hajime, but doesnt seem to get why it keeps happening.
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3am peter maximoff/me discord headcanons
the people have spoken. i edited it a bit so no personal info is revealed. also sometimes a ‘you’ is addressed, that’s my friend but feel free to imagine that as you. have a fun peek at my brain when i am not putting in Effort. also i misspoke its 6000+ CHARACTERS not words. i passed out after the final headcanon
- first of all. this bitch is Insecure with a capital 'I'. all his life he was told that he was a freak because of his mutation and then he believed he was a loser because he lived in his moms basement for a while and he just. he needs someone to tell him that he is actually great and a Hero
- I can and WILL be that person
- I think this is canon but ya know they don't really discuss this stuff in a superhero movie but. Peter is a whole ass virgin. 
- bisexual because no straight person dresses THAT well
- if peter was around these days he would be a retro punk type of person. I think he would like lemon demon but that might just be because i'm listening to lemon demon rn
- since both his parents were holocaust survivors he would be a huge advocate for human rights
- i'm not saying he would try to kill the president but that's exactly what I'm saying
- I think Peter would have a similar interest in children as I do. other people's kids are cool. Do I want kids? FUCK no
- if peter maximoff was a real person he would 1) be my bestie and 2) ABSOLUTELY have a weed old people music basement party with us
- he is super touch starved because most of his mother's affection was given towards his little sisters (his dad wasn't around because of the whole. 'not knowing he was his dad' thing)
- peter would cry the first time he got laid and thats all im saying about that
- he gives the BEST hugs because they are tight but not too tight 
- he smells like leather 
- not a headcanon but. I want to touch his hair
- Peter Maximoff just wants to be given affection and praise for everything he's accomplished. I would pull the sun out of the sky and hand it to him if he asked
.- this is going to sound like im Projecting but Peter would play bass 
- he plays bass because it helps him slow down and focus without being a drag on his personality
- hates water
- thinking about Holding his Hand makes me cry
- bro this is a FICTIONAL character I am being weird but I do not care
- dude I just pictured getting to wear the silver jacket and im :sobs: 
- anyways back to what I was saying
- peter could tell me that the only way he could ever be At Peace and Happy was if I grew wings and flew into the sun then I would do exactly that 
- he dresses in traditionally masculine and feminine ways because he is epic
- he just knows the power he holds in a skirt
- I am crying 
- low key hc him as nb 
- by low-key I mean not at all lowkey
- he is oddly good at drawing faces but nothing else. He can only draw faces.
- YES this is so he can draw the faces on the bodies i draw
- this man would punch a neo nazi in less than a second. no hesitation. again, the parents thing
- he protects his little sisters but like not in the creepy "whatever you do to her, I do to you" way. just in a 'dude I am literally an xman if u hurt her ill obliterate you' way
- hc abt me. I buy him shoes a lot because he is constantly destroying his shoes because he moves at the speed of sound
- living with peter would rock because 1) the whole space is clean in 0.000000000000000000001 seconds and 2) cuddles and 3) he showers in 3 seconds so the water bill won't get too high when i take 30 minute showers
- he is canonically a kleptomaniac but you already KNOW he is raiding and vandalizing hobby lobby because those bitches homophobic 
- I would force you to let him participate in 1 mcu cover (MCU is my mcr cover band called my chemical uterus where we replace half the words of mcr songs with penis)
- he is an xman which means he is athletic but begrudgingly so
- if he was real every Christmas i'd give him twinkies and he'd give me chocolate chips and I'd sob and cry for hours and hours
- this motherfucker would despise ahs because he doesn't like seeing people sad or in pain but he would still listen to me if I talked about it because he's cool like that
- dude no one would ever shatter their phone around him because he'd just catch it before it hits the ground
- I am trying not to make this sexual but. I mean c'mon. he can jerk it to the speed of light that's gotta count for something
- he can do FLAWLESS eyeliner because he practices on his sisters and i am Jealous thinking about it because i look like a raccoon when i do eyeliner
- peter would say acab rights
- he would simultaneously love and hate Jojo Rabbit. if he were real I wouldn't make him watch it very often but it is my favorite movie so he might see it once or twice.
- problem is. this bitch can't be driven ANYWHERE
- it's always "bro we could've been there and back by now. no dude you don't understand you can just ride on my back—" 
- any meticulous or "slow" tasks would make him really anxious and fidgety. unfortunately that just makes him more anxious because he's afraid he's annoying the people around him.
- ^ is that canon? probably
- retro gaaang
- arcade gaaang
- he would probably try to beat my asteroids high score but he CANT because im the asteroids KING
- literally I beat the highest score ever done in that arcade I am So Cool
- not a fan of stickers. too much responsibility 
- pet ferret 
- lowkey insecure about his laugh & his smile because a bunch of adults in his life said his laugh was irritating
‐  fuck you YES im projecting
- blue painted nails because he has taste
- king of DDR
- [friend’s name] you’re not reading this but he would kick ur ass in taiko
- halloween would fuck SO HARD
- space nerd space nerd space nerd space nerd space ne
- bro if peter was real i think id never infodump on my parents again
- a 3 hour rant about ahs from me
- a 3 hour rant about the solar system from peter
- my parents are crying because my voice box would implode on itself
- cud ddddleel ee
- i want him to Hold Me Gently
- i want to wear the goggles
- pink floyd party
- nirvana party
- mcr party
- crying on the floor because I love him so much.
- Peter likes to have his picture taken but he doesn’t want to see the picture. He wants to live on past his death but he does NOT want to see his disastrous hair
- speaking of hair
- yes i would braid it
- very nice color I want to touch it
- butterfly clips……………….
- in conclusion: I love this bitch and I will protect this bitch until the day that I fly myself into the sun
- also i want to kiss him on the m*uth
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pcndemoniums · 5 years
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FULL NAME:  malachi avery thorn
NICKNAME/S: mal, bastard, you, asshole, leech, motherfucker, cocksucker, among others he doesn’t know about.
D. O. B.: april 30th 1913
D. O. D: april 29th 1945
AGE: 105 years old, 32 human years
GENDER: cis male
ORIENTATION: homoromantic bisexual
NATIONALITY: german and british
SPECIES:  human ( formerly) , vampire ( currently )
BLOODLINE: furorem & orphan
BIRTH PLACE: london, england
CURRENT LIVING SITUATION:  a house in ashbourne
OCCUPATION:   co- owner of the pit & pademonium
LANGUAGES: english (fluent), german (fluent), french (advanced), italian (conversational), spanish (conversational), japanese ( conversational )
ACCENT: british with a hint of german.
OTHER TALENTS: gifted painterand violinist. knows how to play the piano but doesn’t practice it. sometimes writes poetry but doesn’t share it.
HEIGHT: 5′11
BUILD: slim but with good muscle definition
HAIR COLOR: dirty blond/brown with redish highlights
BIRTHMARKS/SCARS: a few scars running down his back from his time spent in concentration camps.
TATTOOS/PIERCINGS: i like jomo’s tats so i’m using them as hc’s. a skull and violin tattoo on his left side. he used to have a serial number on his forearm but it’s gone now.
MOST PROMINENT FEATURE: intense glare and malicious smile
CLOTHING STYLE: casual style. he enjoys wearing  modern slim fit sweaters or basic t-shirts, paired with jeans and boots. he often accessorizes with leather bracelet or necklaces. he also favors leather jackets.
FACE CLAIM: joseph morgan
FAMILY: derry thorn (father, deceased); claire thorn (mother, deceased);  jacob, noah, alexander and mason  (siblings, deceased)
PETS: human pets count?
BEST FRIENDS: anne lavenski & henryk barczak. ariana fawn gets a shout out
FOES: everyone else
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: being gross with henryk barczak
SIRE: who cares?
FLEDGLINGS: anne lavenski, nicolette gardner, justin anderson, beatrice marshall, dimitri valentin, a full congregation, sid vicious ( he’s not dead guys ),  a group of traveling actors in paris, among others.
BLOOD SIBLINGS: none that he is aware of
WHAT WOULD BE THEIR CHARACTER ARCHETYPE: the manipulator, the corrupter
STRONGEST CHARACTER TRAIT/S: cleverness, has a photographic memory, artistic, passionate, can read people easily, loyal to those he actually loves.
WEAKEST CHARACTER TRAIT/S: jealousy, fear of abandonment, has deep trust issues and insecurities, prone to violence, reckless and impulsive, loud mouth, possessive and cruel
PHOBIAS/FEAR/S: abandonment, tight spaces (claustrophobic), isolation
BIGGEST SECRET/S:  he doesn’t tell people about his past and what he went through. there are a few people who know because they were either there, because he trusted them enough to tell them or they put two and two together somehow. only two people know he has night terrors and what they are about.
BAD HABITS: jumping to conclusions, acts before he thinks, tightening his jaw when angry, drinking far too much, smoking, pushing people away even when he wants them to be around, sabotaging his own happiness
OBSESSIONS: henryk barczak, painting, making fledglings ( although not so much anymore ), being a life ruiner
RELIGION: atheist
ZODIAC SIGN:  taurus
HOGWARTS HOUSE: none. he would get kicked out on day one
MORAL ALIGNMENT:  chaotic neutral. yes, neutral, i was shocked too
OPINION ON DRUG USE: good for spicing things up
OPINION ON ALCOHOL USE: he’s basically an alcoholic, what do you think?
OPINION ON SWEARING: a necessary evil
HOBBIES: painting, reading, playing the violin, glorious murder, pushing people’s buttons
OUTDOORS OR INDOOR PERSON: depends on his mood
FAVORITE TYPE OF MUSIC: classical, 70′s rock and some alternative music. he went through a punk phase in the 80′s but it was short lived.
FAVORITE FOOD: blood, double duh. although if we are talking human food, he does like his onion rings.
FAVORITE ANIMAL: butterflies, don’t judge. well, moths to be more precise.
FAVORITE BOOK: don quixote by manuel de cervantes and fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury
FAVORITE SCENT: leather, cigarettes, whiskey, aftershave, the way henryk smells after sex
INSTAGRAM: malbrotz
WHAT DOES THEIR VOICEMAIL MESSAGE SOUND LIKE: “please deposit 25 cents for the next three minutes”
WHAT WERE THEY LIKE AS A CHILD: very inquisitive, always trying to figure things out. was reckless from the start and a bit of a handful because he could never stay put. he was the youngest of five boys who liked to bully him a little, so he learned how to put walls up at a very young age.  
DID THEY GROW UP NURTURED OR NEGLECTED: nurtured. his father wasn’t around much because he worked all the time but he was a mommas boy.
WHAT DID THEY WANT TO BE WHEN THEY GREW UP: before the war started, malachi had plans on moving to italy or paris to learn more about art and music.
SMELL THAT REMINDS THEM OF THEIR CHILDHOOD: the smell of rain on grass, freshly baked bread because his mother used to bake all the time.
BEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY: his mother and him used to play in the rain, jumping on puddles. one time he got really sick and spent a whole day in bed. his mom brought him home made soup and spoiled him rotten by telling him all kinds of stories.
WORST CHILDHOOD MEMORY: when his father died. his mum died when he was an adult so its not exactly a childhood memory even though the pain was a lot worse.
ARE THEY/DO THEY WANT TO GET MARRIED: fuck no. but he does want to spend his life with a certain someone.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Until we find a way (Biadore) Chapter 1- City Angel
Hi!! So i’m finally daring to publish this story and I hope you guys enjoy it, I’m open for suggestions and any form of critiques! I would like to thank the beautiful Dottie and Matilda for being so nice to me and helping me with this story. I appreciate all your love and help, you are the best. 💕💕
“So” Shane began as he was concentrated trying to follow a cooking recipe,  cooking had become one of his new found hobbies.
“What?” Danny answered as he scrolled down on his phone carelessly.
“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about, what’s going on between you and Roy?” Shane questioned, continuing to chop onions and tomatoes.
“Oh my, are you like a fan or something?” Danny mocked. Ever since the finale of Drag Race, he was continuously asked that question by fans and people on the street. It wasn’t a secret that the so called –ABC of drag- spent a lot of time together when they were not being absorbed by tours and shows all over the world.
And it also wasn’t a secret that, Danny and Roy were closer than anyone else in that season, which caused lots of rumors and hypotheses from the fans about their relationship. Danny had found it amusing to read the endless fanfiction that was written about them, and even read it to Roy when they were bored, which lead to endless hours of laugher and fun for the both of them.
“There’s nothing going on between us, nothing more than what goes down between me and you” Danny answered not paying much attention to his surroundings or even the words that he had just mumbled.
“C’mon Danny” Shane insisted as he stirred what he was cooking, “I know there must be something going on between you, that little game of yours is not normal” Shane continued as he glanced at the boy.
“What game? What are you talking about?” Danny inquired finally shifting his gaze from his phone to the man standing in front of him.
“That one of yours, that –you’re my hubby- kind of thing” Shane said, mimicking the way Danny treated Roy.
It all started months ago when Danny answered and interview question and jokingly called Roy his “hubby”. Since then, it developed into something he’d do even when they were just texting each other.  For the younger boy, it wasn’t something he had put much thought into. It was just a game.
“It’s just a game Shane, I don’t know why everyone freaks about it” Danny admitted as he got distracted again by his phone.
“It just doesn’t seem too normal for me” Shane replied insisting on the subject, “You don’t just call a friend your husband for no reason”.
“Have you been reading fanfiction or something?” Danny teased “Any good biadore stories?” he laughed and rolled his eyes.
“I’m just saying,” Shane continued, “It’ll be cool if you guys got together”
“And I’m just saying it’ll be really cool if we could have dinner already, I’m starving.” Danny replied in a whine.
As the days went by, Danny kept receiving the same question again and again, and it was starting to get in his nerves. Roy was still touring in Europe with his “Not Today Satan” show and Danny kept in touch with him almost every day.
Danny- I miss you bitch, how much longer till we get a pizza and wine afternoon?
Roy- What are you doing up this late? I miss you too. I’ll be back this weekend, you better have dinner ready for me when I get there.
Danny- I can’t sleep, what time is it there?
Roy- It’s almost 8:30am, you should really sleep man. I don’t want your health to be affected.
Danny- Oh so you want me to leave? It’s only 12:30 am, Are you with other guys and you don’t want me to bother you?
Roy- Oh sure queen, I forgot you were my lawfully wedded husband! lol
Danny- Oh so now you forget me! Anyway bitch I’m pretty sure you have work to do, I’ll leave you to it. I’m gonna smoke some weed, watch porn, and sleep. Miss you! See you soon.
Roy-Sounds like a fun night . Just try not to smoke too much, Danny. I hate that habit of yours.
Danny- All right mom lol, I’ll try, love you!
Roy- Love you too.
The week couldn’t go fast enough for Danny to feel at ease. Roy was his best friend and his accomplice in so many things; they had developed this strange relationship that people perceived as something else, but deep down Danny knew it was nothing more than a good friendship.
It was only Friday night and Danny was losing his mind thinking of all the endless conversations he would get have with Roy the next night. For now he had to focus on his show. Lately his fame was growing, and with that, his insecurities. It took him to a point of anxiety that, according to him, only weed could control.
The time had come and Adore was ready to take the stage, the crowd was raging and she was ready. Performing gave her life, it made her forget how small she felt when she was offstage. Just one more drag to her blunt and she’d be ready.
Adore took the stage and she felt untouchable. Whatever was going on around her felt so small. She was the spotlight of everything; her body felt relaxed and she was having fun for the first time in a long time.
“Aren’t you proud of her?” Shane’s voice was barely audible above the noise inside the club.
“I am” Roy replied, his eyes were stuck on the dancing silhouette on stage.
“She’s been missing you a lot” Shane continued, taking a sip from his drink.
“Really?” Roy questioned, surprised.
“Yeah, I don’t know what you guys have going on, but it’s cute.” Shane teased.
Roy rolled his eyes and stared deep into Shane’s green emeralds defiantly with that signature Bianca look that always muted the blond man.
“What?” Shane asked once the silence was too long.
“Nothing is going on between us,” Roy reassured him, and at the same time he tried to convince himself that indeed nothing else was going on between the two of them.
“Roy” Shane began “I’ve seen you, I know you, and the way you act with each other is not the way you behave with me or with anyone else” both of them staring at each other’s eyes.
“It’s nothing. We’re just friends, and Danny is too young for me anyways” Roy said turning  his gaze over to Adore who was turning it out onstage
“So, if he was older, or you younger, would you like to have a relationship with him” Shane asked as he smiled cheekily at a mesmerized Roy who couldn’t take his eyes from the stage.
“Quit it Shane,” Roy answered, clearly annoyed by the question. “Danny and I are just friends.”
“All right,” Shane said, not convinced with the answer.
Adore continued to perform with an incredible amount of energy and the audience loved it; she held hands with the crowd and performed for the hundreds of phone cameras that were recording her.
“Alright motherfuckers,” her singsong voice sounded agitated due to the dancing and prancing she had been doing for a while now.
“For this next song I’m going to need a hot guy to get on stage,” she said as her eyes searched the room for a man that she found attractive.
“You” she yelled “The one in the red shirt, come over here baby” Adore called the guy and sat him down on stage.
The melody of DTF started to blast from the speakers and the crowd went crazy, she began to dance and flirt with the man on the red shirt that was now underneath her in a chair.
“Oh my” Shane giggled as he turned to Roy, “I’m guessing you are right, you are just friends” he said as Roy glued his eyes to the performance.
Roy didn’t said a word; he just watched Adore grind and lick the guy all over. He had his hands on her hips and was coping a feel every now and then, and she was enjoying herself. Something inside of Roy wasn’t ok. Something made him… angry? He couldn’t quite put his finger on it but it was bothering him.
“Look at her go,” Shane commented while Adore was making out with the man onstage.
“Yeah, she must have smoked quite a lot for her inhibitions to be that low,” he managed to say. Something inside was bothering him, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it but it was burning inside and Roy was trying his hardest to ignore it.
“Are you ok?” Shane asked, staring at Roy once again.
“Yes I am, we should go to his dressing room to surprise him,” Roy said and began to walk towards the room, followed by a confused Shane.
All the way from the bar to the room Roy was trying to shake that feeling out of himself. Maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t seen Danny in a while, and seeing him grind on a stranger wasn’t the best image, or maybe it was just all of the questioning. Not only from Shane but the fans were also making him doubt his own feelings.
While they were waiting for Adore to come back to her dressing room, Roy was praying for her to come back alone. He didn’t want to deal with a stranger on the day of their reunion.
“Are you sure you’re ok? Did it bother you to see her perform like that?” Shane inquired as he stared at himself in the mirror.
“I’m ok, but I’m bothered now because you keep on asking the same question, so shut up and don’t ruin the surprise,” Roy answered, trying to not sound rude.
Finally, after 15 minutes (that felt like 3 hours for Roy) Adore’s voice came from the hallway. Roy felt his heart beat in anticipation, he had been waiting for this moment for at least a month now, and he knew that seeing her was going to revitalize him.
“Yeah, thank you, see you soon,” Adore said as she held the door open.
She finally stepped inside the room and sighed, she was coming down and her anxiety was growing by the minute. She sat down in front of the mirror, took her pipe in her hands, and just as she was about to fill it up, a voice broke the silence.
“I told you I hate that habit of yours” Roy’s voice came from the back of the room and she stared at him through the mirror, her eyes lit up and she felt her heart race.
“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up!” Adore said as she ran towards Roy and held him in her arms, tighter than ever.
“Easy girl, I’m old. We don’t want my ribs to break,” Roy giggled as he held Adore close and breathed in her scent.
She smelled like perfume, sweat, and weed. So typical of her. Their eyes met and Roy couldn’t help it but smile along with her.
“I thought you were coming back tomorrow!” Adore said, finally letting go of Roy’s embrace.
“Surprise bitch, I came earlier just to see you perform,” Roy said staring into her deep eyes.
There was something so magnetic about them, you just couldn’t miss them, even if you tried. Adore’s eyes would trap you, and that’s something that Roy learned from day one on Drag Race.
“What? Am I not pretty today?” She asked concerned. Roy was her biggest supporter and her biggest critic at the same time.
“Nah bitch, you are. I was just taking all in,” he admitted, a little bit embarrassed for the time it had taken him to remove his eyes from her.
Shane observed the bizarre scene from afar. Something inside of him said that those two were more than just friends, and he was more than willing to investigate it.
“Where are we going tonight? I want to meet hot guys,” Shane mumbled breaking the tension.
“You whore!” Roy giggled.
“I know just the place, bitches!” Adore said and began to de-drag.
After a while, Danny, Shane, and Roy were headed toward downtown LA.  
The place was raging, but everyone was drunk enough already to not make a big fuss over the presence of the trio. Immediately, Shane ordered a round of shots for the three of them to celebrate the unusual reunion.
The night went by and the drinks kept coming, at some point in the evening Shane got lost, only to be found later alongside of a very handsome man that wasn’t letting go of him. Danny and Roy divided their time between talks, long stares at each other, random dancing, and drinking around the club.
It was 3am and both of them were considerably drunk. Shane had left earlier with the guy he was flirting with the whole night and Danny and Roy were left together.
“Pajama party at my place?” Danny drawled. “I want to cuddle with someone,” he continued as he brushed his lips against Roy’s ear.
Roy was drunk, but nowhere near Danny’s state. He giggled at the young man’s proposal but nodded in the end. There was always something about that boy that made him want to keep him safe from all harm in this world, and if someone was going to be leaving with Danny that night, it better be Roy.
The cab ride was a thrill. Danny’s drunkenness made everything funnier, and the fact that his inhibitions were so low made the physical contact much more interesting.
Danny laid his head on Roy’s shoulder sometimes hiding his face on the crook of his neck, it sent shivers down Roy’s spine. It wasn’t foreign to him, the thought of Danny in his bed, but lately that desire had grown.
Ever since the kid began that game of calling him husband, Danny’s teased him more and more. They were always touching each other in some form, and whenever they were left alone, the sexual tension between them became heavier. Finally, they made it to Danny’s house and got inside.
“It’s a nice place you got,” Roy commented as he allowed his eyes to wander around the room.
“Thanks,” Danny replied from the kitchen. “I try to make it so chill. It helps me with my anxiety”
“That’s good,” Roy replied.
“Come here bitch, I want to cuddle,” Danny said as he sat down on the couch and turned the TV on.
Roy walked towards him, and laid next to the young boy.
“Hug me,” Danny demanded.
“You missed me huh?” Roy teased as he wrapped his arms around Danny, who just nodded like a little kid.
“How did you like my show?” Danny asked, changing channels, searching for some background noise for their conversation.
“It was great,” Roy began, while he caressed Danny’s brown hair “Except for that porn show you gave,” he finally said. Ever since he saw Danny with that guy it had been bothering him, but he knew that if he brought it up when Shane was around it could be misunderstood.
Danny turned to face him.
“It was just part of the show” he said.
“I know, is just that-” Roy began but changed his mind “Nothing, never mind.”
“Say it,” Danny demanded.
“I didn’t like the way that guy touched you,” Roy whispered.
Danny’s eyes were locked on Roy’s, who was staring at some point in the distance.
“Why?” Danny asked confused. “Is not like I did anything wrong.”
“I know, it was just a stupid thing I felt. Old people’s feelings,” Roy tried to make a joke out of it.
Danny rolled his eyes and giggled as he placed his gaze on the TV. Roy’s train of thought wandered in all directions now. Why did he said that? Why did he feel that way? Was he even allowed to feel it?
As the time passed, both of them were lost in the movie, and their bodies were moving closer and closer. Danny’s head was now resting on Roy’s chest and his body was lying on top of him. While Roy’s hands caressed Danny’s back up and down and stopped just above his ass.
Danny’s body trembled with every stroke of Roy’s hands. He’s had lots of sex dreams about this man since they met, but he always thought Roy was out of his league so he hid that desire deep inside of him. But lately that flirting game that they had was bringing it up again.
In a slow move, Danny hid his face on the crook of Roy’s neck and softly nibbled it. He felt how the man underneath him shifted but he didn’t stop, he was just teasing. He wanted to see how far this could go. He looked up, only to find a confused Roy staring back at him.
“What?” Danny asked in that signature bimbo voice “Is it too much?” he giggled.
“Queen, it takes more than that for a man to have a piece of me” Roy teased, wanting to see what Danny would do.
“Oh really?” Danny lifted his head to see straight inside Roy’s dark eyes, “Do you mind if I try?” he teased, not even waiting for an answer. The alcohol in his veins was giving him the guts and the heat inside his pants was urging him to touch the man underneath him.
Danny’s lips caressed softly the edge of Roy’s and his breath was like a drug for the older man. His hands went straight to Danny’s ass, a place he had long dreamed and fantasized about. Danny moaned softly at the contact of Roy’s hands, he brushed his lips once again, not daring to kiss them yet.
“It looks like I’m the one who’s giving you too much,” Roy teased, referring to Danny’s growing bulge.
And as if that was the push Danny needed, he pressed his lips aggressively against Roy’s. The kiss was filled with lust and desire; they needed it, and finally the alcohol was letting them have it. Roy bit Danny’s lips and stopped the kiss long enough for them to breathe. As their lips found each other again, their hands began to wander around.
Danny allowed Roy to take control and flipped them, so that now he was on top. The kissing became more and more aggressive, their hands wandered around, and their bulges were growing. Roy’s hand travelled down to Danny’s crotch and began to caress it. Danny’s soft moans turned him on even more.
“I’ve wanted you to touch me like this forever,” Danny confessed, moaning into Roy’s lips. “Fuck me,” he whispered.
Just as the heat was growing between them, the sound of the doorbell broke the moment. It could only be one person.
“Open up bitch!” Shane’s drunken voice came from the other side of the door.
“Fuck,” Danny mumbled, and Roy stopped completely.
“Open up! It’s me! Pretty tiny little Courtney!” Shane drawled as he giggled on the other side of the door.
“We should open it,” Roy suggested. “Uhm I’ll just use the bathroom,” he said as he stood up and walked away slowly.
Danny got up and walked towards the door as the pain in his crotch began to burn. He opened the door to find Shane giggling at his phone and unbelievably drunk.
“What took you so long?” Shane asked as he stepped inside the house.
“I was busy,” Danny said annoyed.
“Oh I see,” Shane drawled. “You were masturbating you nasty whore,” he pointed out staring at the bulge in Danny’s pants.
“Uhm, yes I was,” he admitted as they walked towards the living room.
“You would never believe this guy,” Shane began.
“What the fuck bitch, you scared the shit out of us,” Roy mumbled as he walked out of the bathroom. Danny’s eyes wandered straight to Roy and he smiled softly as the man sat down next to Shane.
As Shane babbled about how his trade wasn’t what he expected, Danny’s mind wandered all over the place. All he could think of was the feeling of Roy’s touch on his skin, the taste of him, the way his heart skipped a beat when that man was touching him all over.
“Can you believe it Danny?!” Shane said, bringing Danny’s attention back to reality. The boy seemed confused. Roy was staring at him directly, and Shane seemed like he was waiting for an answer to whatever he’d asked before.
“Party,” Danny managed to answer as he came back to the conversation.
“You egocentric bitch,” Shane laughed and then stood up, beginning to walk towards the bathroom.
“Do you know what he said?” Roy inquired in between giggles.
“Not at all. I got disconnected,” Danny admitted a bit ashamed.
“The guy she left with was hoping you’d appear to have a steamy threesome with both of them,” Roy laughed, but his words came easy.
“What!” Danny responded in that signature voice, “Fucking crazy. I’ll never have sex with Shane,” he said shaking his head, trying to eliminate the images his mind had created.
Roy laughed along as Shane appeared once again and sat right in the middle of them, the famous trio was together again, and God it felt so good.
“I love you both so so so much,” Shane mumbled as he placed his arms around both men.
“And I love you right back, but we all should go to bed now” Roy said. He was always the voice of reason.
The three of them walked towards Danny’s room, and crashed on the bed. Danny ended up in the middle of the bed and as he closed his eyes he felt Roy’s safe embrace around his waist. Everything was ok. The whole world was ok…at least for that night.
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bethabunnywrites · 7 years
2 through 9, 18, and 19 for Zihnan, Hising Softbelly, and Nak'tah!
I don't know why I did this out of order, buuuut I did. Also, I'm combining a few questions for Zih because they don't necessarily apply. Nak'tah:02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?- His lack of life experience outside of battle. I know it's my answer to pretty much every ask about him, but he's very preoccupied with it. I suppose it could kind of be used against him, but only to hurt his feelings? Rude. 
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?- Him stronk. Okay but for real, he likes being eight and a half feet tall and having very few physical limitations. He's strong enough to handle even the heaviest axe or mace with ease, but still agile enough to move easy on the battlefield, and if there's anything he does take pride in, it's that. 
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)- So, uhh, Nak is currently single. And before that he'd only really had one very brief relationship (like I don't really count it, brief). BUT, we can speak hypothetically. I think physically he'd go more for the cuddly types, but he's not really too picky. Just, you know, relatively close to his size and with some sort of fur. Psychological...whether he knows it or not, he needs someone very patient and sympathetic to his needs. Because he will be pretty damn needy when he finally does open up to someone, and it will take a lot of work to get him into a Good Place. 
05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type?- Very much the shy type. If the other person isn't making the first moves, nothing is going to happen. Which, y'know, probably factors into the fact that he's still a virgin. Just my guess. 06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?- Again, speaking hypothetically on the lover part. His lack of hobbies is probably more irritating than anything he actually does do. He sleeps far too much, and snores pretty loudly when he does. He's working on drinking less, but less just means, like, less than three bottles a day, so...clearly he's Prime relationship material. 
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?- He stutters pretty badly when he's nervous, with a lot of umms and uhhs. Otherwise, I honestly don't think he speaks enough to have many patterns like that. Which is kind of sad. 
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?- His self esteem, by far. He's fairly intelligent, pretty kind by nature, and actually fun to be around when he's not moping about, but he sure as hell doesn't know it. He sees himself as little more use than the axe in his hand, and it will take a lot of work and probably outside encouragement for him to work his way through it. 
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday?- He actually really likes spring. He likes seeing the world come back to life after the bleak winter, and he has a deep, dark, secret love of flowers. Don't tell anyone I told you. - As far as holidays, he doesn't really celebrate any, but he has some very faint memories of going to the Darkmoon Faire as a calf and enjoying it immensely. 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?- Something quiet, out in the middle of nowhere. In the woods, perhaps, or a farm with lots of land. Anything that's away from the bigger cities. Just a little house or cabin with a big, comfy bed. 
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?- He's not too quick to get into arguments or bar brawls, but if there's an attack on the city or what have you, he'll be one of the first rushing in, whether he's on duty or not. Zihnan:02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?- I guess he might worry that his laziness will bite him in the ass one day, but it's not a huge concern and if brought up he'd just shrug and ask why you care. 
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?- His fur. Even as a Shu'halo it is long and luscious, and one of the few things he'll put effort into is brushing and cleaning it to give it a beautiful shine. 
04-5. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)- He's really just not interested in other people sexually or romantically. 06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? - The other druids get pretty annoyed with his snoring. If you're going to spend time in the dream, be courteous about it. Geeze. He also sheds, a lot. 
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?- Yawning. Constantly. Like, it's kind of ridiculous. He must need vitamin D or something. 
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?- He's so, so lazy. It's not even an apathy that can be explained with depression, he just does. Not. Want. To. Do. Things. And he knows it quite well. 
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday?- His favorite season is winter. He's thick furred and tries to convince people that he spends enough time as a bear to hibernate. It doesn't work. His favorite holiday is Winter Veil, because he loves the snow and food. 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?- He would love a little cave in Winterspring to call his own. Frankly, if he could get away with not being a Tauren at all, he would. 
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?- Pfft no. It takes far more effort than it's worth to make him angry, assuming you're not an arsonist. If you ARE an arsonist or start forest fires at all, well, he can do more than sleep in bear form. Hisin:02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?- I first read this prompt at 4:45am this morning, when I took my husband to work. I came in at 6:30am to hang sales tags and open the store. I've been thinking about what the hell this motherfucker might be insecure about ALL DAY, and honestly, if he has any insecurities, he sure as hell hasn't shown me yet. Maybe it's because he's underdeveloped and I haven't roleplayed as him, or maybe the tourist grandpa just doesn't have any. 
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?- Uhh, everything. He's a silver fox, just ask him. If he had to choose, though, his mustache is pretty rad and he strokes it pretty often because he thinks it makes him look wise. 
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)- He doesn't actually have one, but for entirely different reasons from Nak'tah (who needs to be weighed down by some girl? Not Hisin!). But, I'll just go with what he typically likes. He tends to go for girls who are quiet and thoughtful, full of interesting information and great for a conversation. And a nice rack. He can't be perfect, y'all. 
05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type?- He's a complete and utter flirt. If he sees anything even somewhat appealing, he's going to make it known. He doesn't follow through on it much these days, and it's questionable whether or not he ever did it as much as he says he did, but he certainly makes it look easy. 06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?- He collects snow globes. His little hut back in Pandaria is fucking packed, like a grandmother who hoards little ceramic figures. He loves them like children, which is why he left them at home. Safe.
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?- He hums to himself. Folk songs, lullabies, no tune at all, he's probably making some sort of noise if he's not talking someone's ear off. If you ask him about it, he'll start singing the song in question, or making up words of it didn't have any. 
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?- He's so full of shit. He thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread (or at least acts like he does), and honestly it could catch up to him one of these days when someone calls his bluff. Not that it would stop him. 
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday?- All of them. For real. Although, he did discover Brewfest last year, which quickly rose through the ranks enough that it could be called his favorite. 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?- He has a cute little house back home in Pandaria, loaded with snowglobes and cozy furniture. He really doesn't need anything else. 
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?- He's all bark and no bite. He'll argue someone up a wall, but if it escalates to something physical he'll find a way to talk his way out of it. He's a healer, through and through, and has very little experience with fighting.
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