#Liu Mingyan x GN Reader
hxnguxng-jxn ยท 1 year
๐’๐ก๐š ๐‡๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐  ร— ๐†๐!๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ ร— ๐‹๐ข๐ฎ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฒ๐š๐ง || Fluff + Do Nothing
Synopsis ไธ€ Being apart of the Heavenly Officials can be quite awkward, especially when your watching over mankind and Heavenly Demons start war through the Sects. After everything settles, it's not so bad. You don't dislike demons or humans at all, not when you get kisses from them often.
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Info on Reader: Reader is intended GN, and uses they/them. Reader can be AFAB or AMAB as you please, this is for everyone! Reader is called a "Heavenly Official" and it's loosely based on TGCF, but it's mostly up to you how it works. Reader is described to be more scholarly then a fighter. Reader is mentioned as visiting Xian Shu Peak but that does not guarantee Reader is Fem, as Qi Qingqi understands Reader is a God and extends invitation on courtesy.
Info on Timeline: Post-Canon to SVSSS, mentions of BingQiu and MoShang galore.
ใ…‘๐Ÿ’กใ…• This was a brainstormed idea from the thought of the pairing of Angel/Human/Demons together but with SVSSS. I kinda didn't want to do BingQiu or HuaLian again, so it's MingLing's time! This is NOT a Love Triangle, it's Polycule.
Fundanshi DNI (anyone who sees WLW as a sexual fetish/kink) || Christmas is soon!
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You jot down another set of names through the scroll you have across the table of your girlfriends table. The subtle winds on Xian Shu Peak gives the scribing rooms a nice breeze through the library and halls. Hearing the students all walking around doing their busywork, you try and finish quickly as not to have to disturb the foot traffic outside.
When you had made plans to set yourself upon this peak for your duties to the Heaven's, you had not expected Qi Qingqi to extend an invitation at all. You had expected to be turned away like the majority of visitors, but you hadn't. Sure, she had set an immense amount of rules upon your visit, but at least you didn't need to challenge the Peaks to do your duties.
Coming to the mountain hadn't been quiet, as your decent onto the mountain had to be broadcast to all via the spread of gossip. Of course, no matter who you were, you'd get stares from girls and women of Xian Shu Peak for simply being allowed into the inner libraries.
Of course, they had quickly lost sight of you as you slink into their library and lock yourself in (as Qi Qingqi instructs), and your set to begin taking the information you need. Scribing the words flows easily and carefully, especially as nobody disturbs you and your free to write in peace...
Until you can feel the air become more buzzed with a foreign heat, and you can hear the quietest creak in the red lacquer woodwork along the ceiling.
You don't acknowledge the noises or atmosphere until you carefully roll up this one scroll, and pull out another. "Sha Hualing, Liu Mingyan. It's good to hear from you both."
"Party pooper!" The voice came from a plane of existence only demons and officials can hear, and it was as exasperated as you expected. She doesn't like it when she can't jump you.
As Sha Hualing materializes into the human realm with a whoosh of hot air, you can hear Liu Mingyan making her way from the rafters in short bursts. Seeing them both before you has you putting down your ink and pen, and you smile happily to finally be together.
"I know what you both might have thought with me visiting the mountain..." You reference the whispers of gossip. "And I'm sorry you both found out it was for business. I was planning to leave letters about my next day off."
"Bah! Who cares about you visiting this mountain for business! I wouldn't consider this place a proper date spot, anyways." Sha Hualing says with a bit of indifference, but you can tell she didn't want to be here.
"You can leave anytime, we can plan another day." Liu Mingyan is as calm as ever, and doesn't look as offended as she used to when you all first met. "There would be trouble if I was found in here, or Sha Hualing at all. The Sect Leaders still are weary of all demons with Luo Binghe."
"Of course they are." Sha Hualing huffed.
You smile as you pull a talisman from your sleeves and whisper a spell into the already drawn sigils, and toss it to the heavy entrance door. Elegantly and with absolutely no noise, the door was sealed and silenced right before their eyes.
Liu Mingyan let's out the breathe she had been holding as Sha Hualing clapped and bounced on her feet, "Yay! Heaven's magic being used as it should! For debauchery!"
In the next coming hours, the closest you've gotten to anything considered debauchery was having Sha Hualing lay on your lap to profess how bored she is. To cure her boredom while you worked, you settle for scratching her back or letting her read your last scroll you finished. Since she isn't royal blood, she can only read what was in the human dialect, though. Liu Mingyan was willing to settle across from you and read what you finish with, and fetch you anything you need. The information surfing and Sha Hualing trading herself between your lap and Liu Mingyan's is very peaceful for what you expected from today.
It was the end of the sixth of your seven scrolls when you finally decide to slow your writing, and that's when Sha Hauling pounced on your relaxing state. Sha Hauling was draped across Liu Mingyan's back as she calls, "Almost done with your official business? Date nights don't look good when the sun comes up when your leaving."
Even though Liu Mingyan is the more calming one between you three, no matter how flustered she gets, she can still get bored. Human lifespans are not as long as Officials or Demons, so she must have been feeling the time.
Liu Mingyan nods slowly. "I do agree. It's hard to explain my absence so early in the morning, especially as Head Discipline. Perhaps we can... sneak out for at least this date?"
"Mingming! Breaking the rules!" Sha Hauling let's herself fall entirely across Liu Mingyan, and gushes into her girlfriends neck as she kisses her cheeks and chin. "A new low for my shy Mingming!"
You smile and dismiss the pen and ink you'd been using to write, and you stand up slowly to pay yourself down. You've been sitting for so long, Liu Mingyan had to stretch as she stood up. Sha Hauling just bounced happily to her feet as she finally knows she gets to leave this Peak soon.
Turning around and summoning a portal in the marble wall, you decide the location before Sha Hauling can run in and get out of the stuffy library. Liu Mingyan walks side-by-side with you as you try and calm your girlfriend down from wanting to scold Sha Hauling from running ahead.
Finishing work can be done later. Some fresh air could be used.
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