mairhelleclarisse · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
"Future generations will judge us not by what we say, but what we do."
-Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
As reported by Business Insider,  Generation Z refers to the generation that was born between 1996-2010, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. Truly, this generation is integrated with technology, thus, considered as the first consumers to have grown up wholly in the digital era. Information is effortlessly disseminated, sharing of knowledge is with ease, and development of skills and proficiency is perceptible. But, what really makes Gen Z different from other generations? Ably due to the fact that Generation Z are perceived as being more entrepreneurial than any previous generation. The reasons for this can be down to multiple things - such as access to advanced technology, right through to the ability to connect with people on a global scale (Clarke, 2017).
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All these things Gen Z can do have advantages and disadvantages  — hence, the reason why being a Social and Information literate should be a crucial ability to be embodied by each individual.  Jon Clarke further stated that the strengths of Generation Z candidates are  — multitasking, technological competency, and individuality. Multitasking since technology has shaped the way they operate on a daily basis, they can type quicker than they can write, tweet quicker than they can speak, and like a status quicker than applaud. Technological competency,  they have the ability to understand and operate a variety of software and devices makes them appealing to many companies. Individuality, the likes of Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat all facilitate a desire to be individual and this portrayal of uniqueness is an inherent feature of Gen Z candidates. Moreover, Jon also mentioned that the weaknesses of being in this generation are  — concentration levels, low company loyalty, and reliance on tech.  The distractions of multiple social media platforms make their ability to focus on a single task very difficult.  In addition, they believe that they should stay in any one job for a year or less though they like to move around a lot, which can be a difficult thing to manage for employers. Lastly,  being born into a world of technology is actually one of the downfalls. The simple reliance they have on technology is actually a disadvantage thus technology makes an individual lazy. Therefore, technology is indeed a gift and a curse.
Clarke, J. 2017. Who are Generation Z and Why You Need to Know. jobsatteamsblog.
Business Insider. n.d. Generation Z News, Latest Characteristics, Research and Facts.
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ichbinzie · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
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Art by Anthony’s Art
Suppose that life exists, and with that, good and bad exist too. With the Chinese philosophy of the principle of Yin and Yang—neither one exists without the other—it is relative to the existence of some of the things that we know—the opposite of one another. It is a concept of balance and harmony which should be achieved. However, in today’s generation of technology and communication, not only the beneficial side of the innovation of technology has flourished, but disadvantages come along with it. That is to say that although social media eased the task to communicate, to receive information, and to access different information through the use of different media and technology, social media negatively affects some aspects of our life and are concerning. However, with the proper and ethical use of social media, it will bring balance to our existence. As Yin and Yang defined by Cartwright (2018), neither pole is more than the other and, because the rise of one brings fall to the other, a proper balance must be achieved between the two poles in order to achieve peace and harmony.
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Photo retrieved from https://www.wallpaperflare.com/digital-digital-art-artwork-fantasy-art-futuristic-futuristic-city-wallpaper-udzsp
Personally, as a youth of this generation—a Gen Z individual—I may say that this generation is fortunate enough. The technological advancements of our communication today have provided advantageous opportunities, which affected my well-being and the knowledge that I am gaining which are beneficial. Mental productivity is enhanced by social media through evaluating information that is found, whether it is factual or not. Awareness is promoted, which is important in identifying information for us not to be deceived easily. Additionally, cognitive abilities are developed as much as the mind is active. Social media also develops open-mindedness,  which promotes openness to different points of view. Furthermore, it exhibits academic attitude and honesty. Lastly, it promotes social interactions and participation, boosting one’s self-esteem and self-actualization in society. However, with improper use of this platform comes with disadvantageous effects. Instead of promoting good mental health, I could say that negativity is what social media could promote. Rather than becoming an academic honest individual, more than being a thief is what a person could become. Usage of social media more than what is advised is detrimental to health and it is concerning. With social media, instead of developing a sense  of togetherness, other social media users could be worse than a bully. It also does create a pretentious personality of our own and does affect psychological aspects of our life. Implicitly speaking, freedom is handed down to us—whether we take a step forward to solitude, or cause mass destruction. Significantly, keep in mind how Yin Yang is presented and defined, neither pole should be more than the other nor lesser than the other. With balance, we will become a responsible Gen Z individual, who utilizes Social Media for a good cause. 
Cartwright, M. (2018, May 16). Yin and Yang. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://www.ancient.eu/Yin_and_Yang/
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caro-lene · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
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Illustration by: @violetanoy
There will always be balance in the universe to achieve equilibrium, same as in technology, good and bad side of Social Media. The advancement in technology has not only made our lives easier, it has also affected our thinking skills and social behaviors. (Impact of Technology on Generation Z, 2019). First off, the Good of Social Media− there are various of things that this type of platform gave a great impact on todays generation such as it enables us to communicate, socialize and having the access to more information in which making us being more aware of  what is happening within the community as well as global issues. Moreover, it also happen to influence more children and young adults to be more knowledgeable about various social causes such as animal rights protection, women empowerment, and conservationism that really helps our society. Furthermore, it enables us to showcase our talents into technological creativity, empowering introverts into expressing their ideas thus being at this time it is really beneficial for it is now a need for us to communicate digitally because of the outgoing pandemic. In a busy day wherein you need to review for an upcoming quiz or exam, oftentimes after reviewing on one topic or more or less just looking at your reviewers, books, or notes. But before continuing on what you intend to do you think Social Media Break! Ten minutes have passed. Scroll, scroll, refresh, go to another app. And before you know it , an hour and a half of your day is gone and might as well think “This can be handled with stock knowledge”.  At this time you ought to go to bed and sleep soundly then wake up at dawn and heaven knows how hard you try to stay awake just to read the context.
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Photo taken by: @somewheremagazine
This type of dilemma usually occurs within teenagers nowadays or most likely because it’s one of my experiences. Although, the technology today might gave a great influence however it also has lapses on my part. Everything on what you see on social media will always have a façade within it that we don’t really know. Firstly, the rampant of fake news, we really engage into having more and more information however, we must be aware that we also need to check our sources if it’s reliable. Technology is so powerful that it can also affect every aspect of our life. One is the emotional consequences that is detrimental to one’s life satisfaction such as the feeling of loneliness and envy. Moreover, it can really get you addicted once you start that may also take effect into limiting you from your outdoor activities in which it affects your mental state. “Technology is making us less social” which may be the cause of having low self-esteem and lack of confidence. Furthermore, its exposure to inappropriate content really is a big drawback thus it happens to be that social media allows raw and unfiltered content in which all users have an access to even without guidance. Another disadvantage is the risk of cyberbullying that may be the leading cause of depression by the users.  For me, the downside of Social media is that I easily get distracted and it’s really a struggle. Technology is powerful, and it is up to users to make sure that it is used for good rather than bad. “Anything in Excess is Bad”  When it becomes too distracting and depressing,  then the problem is most likely stemming from how you use it. Don’t get drowned on what’s happening. So unfriend, block, report, unfollow, log out, deactivate or delete. The choice is up to you.  
Posted February 8, 2. (2019, February 08). Impact of Technology on Generation Z. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from https://percentotech.com/bobbyjdavidson/impact-of-technology-on-generation-z/
Brown Law Firm. (n.d.). Are the Kids OK? Generation Z and Growing Up With Social Media. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from https://accidentlawyersc.com/generation-z-and-growing-up-with-social-media/
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sittiesohaya · 4 years
"The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual"
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GIF by Sittie Sohaya Suma
"Turn off your phones," they said, "be more connected!" they exclaimed, but there is nothing wrong with using social media to connect. Nowadays, Gen Z is dominating the internet. They are immensely active and updated to the latest trends, news, and gossips. However, we cannot blame them. Finding comfort in virtual is trouble-free than acquiring it in our surroundings. We, as part of today's generation, enjoy the company of others and the internet made it easier for us to connect to our friends and families. The youth of today enjoy trends such as memes, games, and music. Despite that, we need to realize that there is always an unpleasant side to good things. As social media has the goal of fostering better connections in the community, the social relationship of the individuals may be affected. The harmful effects include loss of quality of life, lack of privacy, and decreased safety and security — when people are becoming careless in giving out their private information. Therefore, we can say that the internet does not just hold the key to a convenient life, but also a way to danger.
In my case, social media affect me in terms of time management. I became poor at managing my time. For example, as I scroll constantly on my Facebook feed I became unaware of the time. Minutes will pass smoothly and slowly indulging me to scroll. I will be entertained by a 5 minute video and after finishing that, I will again encounter another interesting 5 minute video. And then I will continuously scroll until I will realize that hours have passed. Therefore, because of lack of time management, my productivity in school reduced. Since I can't focus on my tasks and assignments, my grades decreased. Thus, as a user of social media, I must know my responsibilities in indulging myself in the virtual world to avoid such negative impacts. Being matured in handling situations is also necessary for me to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the future. Nonetheless, I will always practice to show proper behavior because it is one of the way to achieve a peaceful online community.
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charianneyzh · 4 years
"The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me As a Gen Z Individual"
As a Gen Z individual, I grew up shaped by technology. I can't deny the fact that I always depend on mobile gadgets for school, entertainment, and for my personal and social life. One thing is for sure, the internet has become an essential part of my life. So too has social media. Social media is now the number one time consumer of Gen Z. Even I, spend more time on different social media platforms rather than doing other things that do not concern with using the internet. Social media is sometimes viewed as an online distraction but in my opinion, it is one of the best ways to be informed. It is a valuable tool for us, Gen Z to be aware and informed just as much as adults. These different platforms are raising awareness of political, environmental, socioeconomic problems that our societies face today.
Through social media, we are free to voice out our sentiments and express what we feel. We all know that we have our freedom of expression, but it doesn't mean we don't need to practice our limitations. As a Gen Z individual, it is important to be mindful of what we are doing, and we should have control over what we post on social media. That in every action, it must be coupled with responsibility and I believe being on social media is a responsibility. I believe freedom of expression is power, and it needs to be used wisely.
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Photo from ilnaclub.info
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hansleygamutan · 4 years
The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual
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Retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/86835099064664411/
In today's generation, whenever there is a significant technological advancement that modifies the way people exist, it generates controversy over the nature of that shift and whether it is "good" or "bad." People find it convenient to use, especially to Gen Z taking things to a whole new level like socializing, cooperating, and reporting. The One-click away's an openhanded lifestyle does not want to go through much effort to keep in touch or get news. The quicker we can consume the content, the better. I find these sort of things essential like educational purposes like tools for school works; being on Social Media and search for the latest trends, and have better perspectives of issues and events; be in touch and updated with people whom you know like family and friends and especially your idols and biases; without delay 24/7 access of information; and more level of business fields. However, the downside of this is health issues, specifically mental health-related ones, severe addiction leading to isolation from real-life friends, loss of productive time, identity crisis, payment frauds, and negative academic performance, are perceived to be the major pitfalls of social media overuse.
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Retrieved from: https://dribbble.com/shots/8728107-Imminent-Danger
I cannot distinguish whether it is good or bad. However, one thing for sure, this is beneficial, and we should try to balance these things, not rely on it every time, have some faith within yourself, be independent without using one tap away answers. Nonetheless, we should not practice one's unhealthy ways. It is harmful and vulnerable in problematic behaviors; it might cause complicated issues or even someone's death due to cyberbullying, depression, and payment scams. Furthermore, we should practice social media detox, be away from Social Media elevates us more instead; it won't kill you without using it for 2 or 3 days. Be with books, nature, your family, and always stay in touch with your friends. Remember, it is never too late to change the bad habits, notably the ones' we think it's legal and ethical, yet it's not. Thus, start considering balancing the usefulness to the extent where there's no malice in what we're doing on the Internet.
Deccan Herald. (2018, July 26). The good and bad of social media. https://www.deccanherald.com/supplements/dh-education/good-and-bad-social-media-683498.html
Landry, T. (2014, September 5). How Social Media Has Changed Us: The Good and The Bad. https://returnonnow.com/2014/09/how-social-media-has-changed-us-the-good-and-the-bad/
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carlenziee · 4 years
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“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
The Generation Z is a diverse and an influential generation. We always say that this generation would lead us to innovation, this generation would lead us to change. But the thing I see is that we are actually the one changing, and this change is caused by social media. Social media provides us benefits, rewards and also consequences towards communication, knowledge, health and human interaction. Social media has a huge impact on individuals and this can be positive and negative.
With social media, communication has improved significantly throughout the years. With social media, communication became much easier, you can communicate with people abroad, send fast messages and emails, and now it became a way for online classes. Social media also had become a big help towards businesses and that includes my business, in which I can now advertise online, shop online, and open a business online. Customers can actually get the things they need online, hassle-free and also faster. Basically, social media made any thing much easier.
But no action is without its side effects, even with benefits and these positive feed backs, social media also comes with negative effects on Generation Z. This harm lies in their change of behavior, Generation Z is addicted to this drug called social media. Our generation or generation Z is glued to technology, iPhone and computers are almost everywhere. A lot of people thought that generation Z would actually be a “tech” generation but no one expected that this generation will actually get hooked to these gadgets and social media websites and cause everyday life to change. This addiction may not cause physical harms like alcohol, drugs and smoking but it can potentially cause long-term damage towards behavior and relationships of the generation Z. Statista released a data regarding with social media addiction in teens in which 40 percent of U.S. online users aged 18 to 22 years reported feeling addicted to social media. Millennial or the generation Z where I am also part of, we already embraced social media as part of our lives, it became our source of relaxation and it became a big deal to us. The problem is that we lack self-reflection, we have the ability to reflect on our thinking, feeling and behavior but we failed to do so. We need to realize that this addiction on social media won’t give us liver, lung or heart damage but it can be damaging nonetheless. @blogcoversandpagesworld
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allysaclaire · 4 years
The Good and the Bad : How Social Media Affected me as a Gen Z Individual
A coin has two sides; the head and the tail. Every word has an opposite; antonyms. Then, we have the yin and yang; a concept of dualism. As a Gen Z individual, Social Media has affected me in both good and bad ways. Social Media allowed me to become aware of my surroundings, not merely issues presented nationally but universally. It gave me the opportunity to use my platform, to inform and to be informed; to be open minded whatever the situation may be. Despite the distance, I am able to connect and communicate with my loved ones with the help of social media. I can say that we, the Generation Z are lucky and grateful enough to have this as it made life a bit easier – yet as what the yin and yang implies, one would not exist without the other. Having to spend so much time on social media lessened my productivity. As to how technology made things easier it also made the user lazier. Due to the radiation excreted by the gadget used, it affected my eyesight because of the time spent on social media. Too much negativity is spread throughout the social media world and it really affects my mental health sometimes.
I believe that the good and bad side of a certain aspect is a way to balance things. Too much goodness can make us incapable of accepting how some things are just not meant to be. Too much darkness can fill you up and enable you to do unnecessary things. Balance enables us to become aware of our actions. Do not dwell so much on social media, everything should be in control – learn when to stop, in that way you will be able to view things differently. Yes, social media offers unlimited entertainment and acknowledgment but never allow yourself to be swallowed by this. Control or to be controlled, the choice is yours.
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cbshna · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
As a Gen Z individual, we are born into an age where social media and digital technology have been integrated in nearly all aspects of our lives. While social media has proven to be a valuable communication tool in connecting with each other and sharing information, the long-term psychosocial effects are beginning to become more apparent as social media matures. In comparison to other generations, Gen Z favors social media platforms that contain less messaging and are more visually oriented that is very helpful for expanding our sources of content as a whole. With so much being blogged and written, then curated and shared proactively, the volume of content has grown exponentially. Now, there is no shortage of viewpoints and sources from which we can draw our own conclusions about what is really happening in the world. This tells me that everything has permanently changed and has officially embedded itself in our culture.
In today’s climate of social media, I can say that Generation Z have negatively been affected by social media leading to harm our perception of what the real world is like away from Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Social media and the internet age ruined the senses of reality among us, teenagers, college-aged and young adults by ignoring real-life’s flaws when we take away our cell-phones and smart devices. One of the biggest phenomena that we young people created on social media is virtue signaling to gain attention and the unrealistic beauty standards. There are countless times I’ve seen my friends pretend to be active in social issues and movements just to get likes or a larger following. On the other hand, when I say unrealistic beauty standards, it is Instagram’s realm to be perfect within every single bone structure in our body. The filters and editing software are so advanced you can instantly look like another person where it can lead to serious insecurity issues, low self-esteem, and fear of missing out. As we all can observe, the bar has been set so high for what people are supposed to look like this day in age on social media. The online world is often raw and unfiltered. While several organizations are trying to limit the type of information that is easily accessible online, the internet is still full of inappropriate content. In the absence of any proper regulation, parental control or supervision, gen zers often have easy access to inappropriate material that became an open game to spread rumors, false information or flat out.
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jaybellefaith · 4 years
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“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me As A Gen Z Individual”
We all thought Millennials were obsessed with social media, but Gen Z is taking it to an entirely different level. Millennials are rising further into adulthood and parenting, so there is space for the emergence of Gen Z. In the world of smartphones and social media, we are the first generation to be completely raised. Therefore, the use of Gen Z and social media is in many aspects different from the era that preceded them. Gen Z favors social media platforms that contain less messaging and are more visually oriented. Social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram are visually-oriented, therefore growing increasingly popular among Gen Zs. As digital and social media natives, Gen Z teens have never known a world without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. And that informs our comfort and engagement with and potential rejection of social media.
Born into an increasingly digital age, Gen Z has been using the internet from a very young age, and it has become quite adept to it. Being addicted to social media and cellphones, this generation has come to be known as the always-on generation. However, being addicted to technology is not really a bad thing, and it offers following benefits. First off, I, a Generation Z individual are aware of my privilege and that being said, I am willing to do something about it. I am eager to learn new skills and educate myself. This helps especially nowadays, our generation watch lessons over the internet, read e-books, and study with classmates online.
In contrast to the positive effects of social media, the advancement in technology has not only made our lives easier, it has also affected our thinking skills and social behaviors. Spending too much time on the internet is bound to create a few issues in our generation. When children and young adults become hooked on the internet, our generation becomes exposed to issues such as low self-esteem. Depression and low self-esteem have been correlated with reducing physical activities and spending more time on social media. Compared to millennials and baby boomers, it is likely that Gen Z will be shyer and more socially awkward. Moreover, Gen Zs are likely to experience confidence problems as self-esteem declines. Although our generation are reasonably positive about our technological abilities, we may lack the confidence to have a fun date night, a job interview, or establish deep, meaningful relationships. For this generation, the term 'technology is making us less social' holds very real.
#Grade12ABM1 @blogcoversandpagesworld
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johnybanez-blog1 · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
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Communication has been encouraged and developed by social media. In this present era, these have made a significant contribution, but we can't ignore that social media has its negative impacts too. As a Gen Z individual, social media has influenced my ways of interacting, such as how I communicate online, how I express my views through tweets and posts, how I gather information, etc.
I sometimes use shortcuts when I converse on social media. It's terrible, I realized, because it destroys the language, syntax and semantics. Even, occasionally social media has even turned me toxic. For example, I share hurtful and very disrespectful posts that I'm not really proud of. Social media not only negatively influenced me, but also allowed me to make decisions more rational than subjective because facts and data are readily accessed and exchanged on the numerous channels that nurtured me at such a young age as a very educated person. In conclusion, social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many more are all fine, but in moderation, because too much of anything could contribute to your misery, always remember.
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libraimej · 4 years
“The Good and The Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
Most of the lives of people changed since the rise of the Internet. News are easily shared, the latest trends, updates, the latest video-games, anime and more. The Internet and Social Media entertained thousands of people. Aside from entertainment, The Internet and Social Media also shared information, research studies and references. This is the Good Side of The Internet and Social Media. The users of this side of the net and social media do not troll or prank other people. They share information that is not false and entertain without. It affected me as a user of the internet in a good way. People before the click baits and the lies were wholesome. A good example would be PewDiePie and Smosh, they post comedic, video-game commentary, and meme worthy videos without hurting anyone or lying to anyone to gain views, subs, and clicks. Twitter and Facebook also entertained and informed other users without lying to anyone or click-baiting.
The Internet was a wholesome place, a place where you can enjoy videos, play video-games with others etc. Until people found to exploit, troll, and pull pranks on other users. This affected the internet greatly as people exploited algorithms and shared false information. The new users of the net and social media are exposed to a toxic community, platforms that are toxic. An example of this would be YouTube. It affected YouTubers that are clean. This era of the Internet also stained the good name of Facebook. Full of users whose intention is to really hurt other users, forwarding or sharing false information, and spammers. Just like the real world, The Internet is crawling with toxic people, click baiters, and users who exploit. Also, just like the real world, The Internet is not a bad place, it is the users who are bad.
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hafizasantican · 4 years
“The Good and The Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
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Photo by The Londoner
“Everything has good and bad side. It’s your choice, to go forward with good, or to sit behind with bad.” -  Afshin Sayyed
The advent of technology have triggered novel changes to every lives in a society. We, human beings are powerful creature with exceptional skills, abilities, and intelligence. We grasp the prowess to make a better change. However, with the rise of social media, some used their power in a wrong way. Over the past few years, social media has skyrocketed beyond one can ever imagine. Most of the time, people tend to embrace and clutch on to their digital devices like their lives depend on it. From the moment they wake up until they fell asleep, their digital tools are slowly creeping in their system, like a leech, sucking every bit of their existence. Nevertheless, I believe that everything has two side. Thus, social media has advantages and disadvantages that bear a lot of consequences in our lives. In a nutshell, our actions and freedom entails great responsibility, especially to the Gen Z Individuals. According to Jose Rizal, “the youth is the hope of our future.” Hence, the tomorrows lies in our hands as Gen Z individuals that must strive to make this nation a better place once more.
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Photo by Daniel Ursasche
As a Gen Z individual, I am positively and negatively affected by social media. The continuous advancement of modern technology provided us easy and better access to life. In addition, it widen our horizon and gave us a lot of opportunities. It continuously influences our norms and culture and constantly changes the way we live and communicate with other people. In this fast pace of evolution and advancement, social media made it easier for us to share and disseminate every information, opinions, and social issues in an instant. It opened the portals of knowledge, awareness, innovation, and chaos. In this modern generation, we cannot deny the fact that social media is not perfect. Hence, with the improper utilization of it, it causes us confusion, stress, and turmoil. Moreover, due to numerous and accessible information for anyone, netizens tend to forgot how to utilize social media properly and ethically. Thus, the silver lining between novelty and plagiary is heavily diminishing. Furthermore, due to this replication of information, false information is relevant nowadays. With the poor utilization of social media, it heightens the potential addiction that might harm an individual's health in terms of mental, emotional, and physical aspects. As a Gen Z individual who witnessed and experienced some of these pros and cons, I have grown tremendously with valuable knowledge and skills. Furthermore, I have developed a sense of responsibleness, openness, and awareness. Also, I have enhanced my skills in identifying, evaluating, and analyzing information in various social media platforms. Overall, social media is a medium to develop, nurture, and improve an individual responsibly, ethically, and truthfully. Before we decide to act, one must open its palm and discern the aftermath of his or her actions for the future lies in your hand.
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climeunice · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
As a child, I grew up without any idea of what social media is and would’ve never expected how much of an impact it would have on me in the future. I was 10 years old when my mother helped me create my first facebook account, but it was only when I turned 12 that I actually actively used it. Now that I’m turning 18, it made me realize that social media has only been a part of my life for about 6 years, and yet, I could still make an entire list the size of Mount Everest on how it affected me as an individual. Social Media practically integrated itself within my day-to-day system. The first thing I do when I wake up in th morning is check my twitter to see if my favorite anime updated with a new episode. In the afternoon, I would chat random things with my friends in Messenger. Later in the evening, I’d take my time watching videos on facebook up until I fall asleep. Then, the neverending cycle continues. It’s amazing yet frightening to see how much social media takes up my time on a daily basis. Of course, it comes to no surprise that it has indeed influenced how I’ve developed as the years pass by.
The two personal things that have been affected the most by social media in my life would have to be my thinking process and social skills. Social Media, more specificially Twitter, has indeed opened my eyes on the importance of open-mindedness. It taught me how every individual has their own opinions and how we should all understand and respect eachother’s views. The platform also allowed me to be more outspoken as it gave me the chance to freely express my perspectives on certain topics, while paying attention to the right online netiquette. On the other hand, I can say that my social skills also grately improved due to social media since it was easier to communicate and make more friends with its help. It also strengthened the relationships I had with the people I already cared about, especially during this time of pandemic.
All in all, I can say that social media did more good for me than bad. Although some negative things have sprouted due to social media, I never actually pay any attention to it since I already have the wisdom and maturity to try and stay away from such toxicity. I’m also a fortunate individual for I am surrounded with respectful and non-toxic people online. Therefore, I can argue that as long as I know how to distinguish the good from the bad, social media can still be a part of my life and help me grow more as a modern Gen Z individual.
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impeytnpne · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
How life worked and lived before was way too different from how it is in the present. In fact, it is a mixture of positive and negative attributes that affects the people who are part of it. But no matter how different the past generation is, the change it brought made the world easier and better. Thus, it is amazing how much the world has changed and developed over the past few years.
According to the Pew Research Center, Generation Z refers to those individuals who are born between 1997 and 2012 with the age of 15 to 21 years old. It is a demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. Members of Generation Z are more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generation. Also, they are mostly known as a well-educated generation among the past generations.
As an individual who is part of Generation Z, I can say that the use of social media has a good and bad effect on me. Social media may be full of pieces of information that give its users inspiration and motivation, but at the same time, social media can also be a reason for an individual to gain depression and anxiety. I always believe in the saying that too much of something is not good. Therefore, if I always keep in mind to not let social media rule my life and control my decisions because it might be the reason for my failure in life. Another bad factor that social media gives me is the feeling of anxiety. Social media may be a platform used to educate and inform, but other people share something inappropriate with the public. Because of this, my anxiety would sometimes be triggered. Despite that, social media also gives me a feeling of comfort and entertainment. With the help of the different social media platforms, I can connect and build a relationship with other people. Also, I can use it to search for ideas that will inspire and motivate me to do better in life.
Contents on social media may not always be about good or positive things, but if it is used responsibly and accordingly, then it will also give you peace and joy upon using it. It is important to be a media and information literate individual in this generation because it is a way to save yourself from a huge number of false information in media.
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rypaudac-blog · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
The Social Media has a Positive and negative Side. First of all social media let us communicate with our parents in other country. As a Gen Z individual, I can say that social media helps a lot in our generation. Social media also help us to build a relationship in other people. I can say also that social media doesn’t destroy us, It depends how we use it.
The negative side of social media is you can destroy other people while using fake accounts. You might be surprised to learn that the negative effects of social media are both physical and mental. They can change your perception of the world and yourself. Social media affected me how I handle my time. I use social media in a good way. I can also say that because of social media many have become lazy and can no longer help with household chores, And also because of social media many had a lot of money because of online selling and etc.
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