#Lmao at Konig being once again called out for harassing Liebling
ghouljams · 11 months
I feel like my old lady oc Beryl in your AU has definitely raised baby Fae changelings previously, hence why she seems to have a spidey-sense for Fae and their shenanigans. Part of the reason she offered to house the Mimi Fae (let's call her Sketch) is because she just misses having cheeky young fae running around the house.
Unfortunately, this means she views any fae that appears visually younger than her as BABY. She adores Love because she's so bubbly and provides good business, this of course extends to Ghost too. When he comes in he'd best be prepared to have his cheeks pinched (somehow through his mask??) because aww isn't he such a sweet boy, buying art supplies for his lovely lady!
Can and will let Love talk to her for hours about her boy while she dusts the store.
Dislikes that Soap actively eats her clients, but she's willing to put up with his existence because the poor boy looks hungry. Has he lost weight? Has he been eating well?? There's no eating anyone in the store, but she can't kick him out of one of his favourite hunting grounds, he'd starve!!
She probably knows the witch, if only because she sells ink and gemstones, and probably met Price at some point. If the witch has ordered something in that takes a while to arrive, she'll probably just drop it into Price's hands like "this is for your lady, be a good boy and give it to her." She gets free delivery, Price gets to save Witch a trip into town, a win win.
Meets Gaz when he's out with Price one day. She thinks he's absolutely darling and keeps telling him that such a sweet boy will definitely find someone who makes him happy soon.
Was very suspicious of why König was hanging around Leibling (leave the poor girl along you naughty boy!!) until she reluctantly explained that no, he's her boyfriend, the old hen doesn't need to whack König with her handbag for harassing a young woman. Of course, she immediately flips and starts cooing over what a handsome man he is while smooshing his face, just look at those lovely claws and that massive tail! Can she see his true form? Can she not? That's for Beryl to know.
I absolutely adore Beryl, I'm adding her to the Fae Shopkeepers Union.
The craft store is Love's favorite shop, she just goes in and spends hours talking about markers and pens with Sketch and Beryl until Ghost comes by to figure out where she's been all day. The sort of customer that upsells everyone. "If you're getting that set of markers you should grab this sketchbook too, the paper weight is perfect for them. Plus this pen! And if you haven't tried this pencil you're missing out." Loading up a stranger with hundreds of dollars of add ons because she can't help giving her opinion to strangers.
Witch and Liebling both stop in to commiserate about fae customers and to pick up supplies. Liebling can only get the good floral wire and ribbons from Beryl's shop after all, and Witch can't find the right paper weight for spell tags anywhere else. It's absolutely not because Beryl dotes on them.
Price appreciates the excuse to go see Witch. Witch is very suspicious that shenanigans are going on with the deliveries.
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