#Lmao can you imagine if he brought an extinct tree out of heaven by resurrecting his stick somehow
bonefall · 1 year
Since Jayfeather can fight Starclan cats, and DF trainees can permakill DF members, could Jayfeather kill a Starclan cat or even force them to fade?
The mechanics of spirit death goes like this: A spirit is protected by their home. Spirits can't kill spirits in their territory.
So as long as Tigerstar is in the Dark Forest, no spirit can kill him, neither angel nor demon. This is how they demonstrate killing moves; Dark Forest demons just pop back up the next day.
Remove him from the Dark Forest and he is vulnerable. This applies in reverse to angels. Silverpelt protects them but they can die outside of it.
Living cats can kill spirits, at any time. They're protected by the fact they're incorporeal most of the time, but by bringing the living into the Dark Forest and attacking on the day of the eclipse, the demons put themselves in danger.
So... Jayfeather could kill any spirit if he wanted to. I don't think he can mind control them though, or Thanos-snap them or anything. But he can physically affect them, with his own two paws.
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