#Lmaoo sorry for this rambling rant this drama is making me feel things
whatlovelykdramas · 2 years
At first I figured that the library Noona was going to be a thorn in my side, but after that convo with Yeo Reum, she is genuinely pissing me off. She is acting like Yoo reum is taking advantage of Dae Beom, when in reality she has never asked anything of him. In some cases he has actively asked to help and in other cases he helped with her knowledge. And for the instances that she is aware of her help she has always been extremely appreciative and has also tried to return the favor (although clumsily).
All this bullshit she’s spewing isn’t even for Dae Beom’s sake, it’s drenched in her jealousy. And that became obvious when she claimed that she could “take responsibility” for him. Which is honestly just laughable because she can’t.
Here’s the thing, Dae Beom’s past is full of back to back turmoil and trauma which he hasn’t healed from. It appears that in one point in his life he tried to fight through it and went to university, but he must have gotten burnt out and then everything caught back up to him and he had a mental breakdown (I’m assuming, from the scene we saw of him melting down in class). From there he probably realized that what he was doing wasn’t working so he returned back to his small hometown to work in that library and to relatively recover. And from what we can tell, he is happy there! He likes what he’s doing and he feels comfortable in it. As said before, he still hasn’t healed from his trauma and grief, but he seems to be in a better place, mentally.
So when she looks at Dae Beom she doesn’t see that he is content with his quiet life, instead she sees the gap between what he is and what she thinks he could be. She’s in love with potential Dae Beom, not current Dae Beom. And so she ignores his feelings, wishes, and comfort zone to try to push him towards a future that she thinks he should have all while under the guise that she’s doing it for him. That’s why I said earlier that her claiming she can take responsibility for Dae Beom is laughable. You can’t take care of someone (or love someone) if you are actively ignoring their wants and needs.
And this is exactly why she can’t understand why Dae Beom is so enchanted by Yeo Reum. Yeo Reum is the opposite of library Noona. She accepts people for where they are at. She listens to them without judgement and empathizes with them. She is content with the small things in life. She has a kindness and softness that draws Dae Beom in. After all this trauma and stress she must seem like spring after a harsh winter to him. I think he can tell she is a safe place for him to just be, and so it’s no wonder why he wants to be around her and to make her happy. Because she makes him happy.
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