#Loke feeding me the good ol' Peachtea~ <333
siixkiing · 2 years
“You know, you keep fretting over everyone else, but you won’t even take a second to relax, yourself.” [tang @ wukong]
☯  exhaustion … sentence starters  ☯  
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“I’m relaxed.”
That was an absolute lie. One he knew that Tang wasn’t about to buy that easily, not when the scholar before him could read him so easily. He’ll never know how the other could read him like that without much effort. Still, the lie past his lips all the same, trying his best to throw up a façade of calm and collected. 
There were truth to Tang’s words though — after all, he wasn’t the only one to point this out to him. A certain noodle chef had been on his case too recently. It was like they were deciding to gang up on him or something, sheesh. Besides, wasn’t he suppose to fret over everyone? That was what a hero did right? His own past failures also playing a part in why he wasn’t as relaxed as he liked to project on the surface. Doing his best to cover his worries and doubts with the usual happiness and carefree attitude that had become the Monkey King Brand essentially. 
A soft sigh escaping past his nose. He couldn’t fool the scholar, not for long anyway. Already sensing that the man was ready to chew his metaphorical ear off with an added bit of sass on top of it. Or as Pigsy called it ‘Tangy-ness’.
“I just — ”
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“...I worry about taking a break, you know? Like the moment I relax is the moment things will go to hell and that I’ll be too late to stop it? I...I don’t want to fail everyone. Not again.”
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