#Lokittys Halloween prompts
specialagentlokitty · 17 days
Lokitty’s halloween prompts 2024
“Have you ever been to a corn maze?” “Now that’s a dumb question I don’t like corn why would I go to a maze full of it?” “No that’s not… never mind…”
“Pumpkins?” “No.” “Pumpkins!” “No!”
“Don’t you ever find this time of year eerie?”
“I think I heard something…”
“Come on, ghosts aren’t real!”
“Why do you like Halloween so much?” “I guess there’s just something I find hauntingly beautiful about a day dedicated to supernatural things.”
“There’s something in there…”
“You know the wild hunt happens on Halloween.” “What’s that?” “We hunt humans instead of them hunting us.” “Do you hurt them?” “No, just scare them a little.”
“I’ve seen your name somewhere before…” “I should hope so you’re stood on my grave.”
“I love the fact you love Halloween, but it’s too early for horror films.”
“What’s that?” “Gingerbread haunted house.” “…what…?”
“So I know you don’t celebrate any holidays, and I love Halloween, and you love cats, so I made you little black cat cookies because I know you had a bad day.” “…thank you…”
“Where are you going?” “Bonfire by the old haunted mansion.” “Sounds stupid, I’m coming with you.”
“Stop summoning me!”
“Where’s its head?” “You can’t just ask the headless horseman where his head his!”
“I don’t want to scare you, but there’s a uh… werewolf behind you…” “oh that? That’s just my partner/husband/wife.”
“Puppy.” “That’s a hellhound.” “Puppy.” “Please leave.”
“Get under the covers you’ll freeze.”
"Why are we doing a bonfire tonight again?" “To appease the spirits.”
“Did you hear a scream…?”
“Ew a spider!” “It’s fake!”
“Woah… you’re a real ghost…?”
“It sucks I only see you on Halloween…”
“It’s creepy out here can we go back?”
“Didn’t your parents ever tell you the stories about that place?!”
“So… a vampire and a werewolf…? You’re both…?”
“Somethings following us…”
“I told you not to pick up the haunted objects! Now look what you’ve done!”
“That was always your favourite time of year…”
“During Halloween there’s no rules, it’s when all the monsters come out to play.”
“Do you actually know the meaning of Halloween?”
“Let me be clear, just because I’m here and you summoned me doesn’t mean anything.”
“Make sure to look under your bed.”
“What’s with the shopping?” “So you said you never went trick or treating, so now I have two bags full of candy.*
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Lokittys Halloween prompts
Hey guys! So this is just a little prompt list for autumn/Halloween themed fic requests if you wanna use them! I will repost this list a few times a week, or you can search “Lokittys Halloween prompts” on my blog to find it 💜 alternatively feel free to send your own Halloween or autumn themed requests to!
“So you’re a monster?” “You can’t just ask people that it’s rude.”
“You’re insane!” “Yes living for centuries would do that.”
“Isn’t it funny how time changes people.” “It’s twisted you.” “Perhaps, although that may be the vampire part of me.”
“Don’t say a word about this.” “Why?” “What do you think they do to demons moron.”
“Can you track people?” “I’m a werewolf idiot not a blood hound.” “But can you?” “Give me the damn shirt.”
“So does the new moon affect you?” “No why would it?” “I don’t know the full moon makes you change I thought the new moon would make you disappear.” “Thought or wanted?” “Wanted…”
“I’m a demon.” “But can you do it?” “You summoned me to ask if I can take you on a date?” “I don’t want to be the only one without one…”
“I don’t like ghosts.” “I don’t like being one.”
“I rule this season.” “Why?” “I lost a bet.”
“I want a pumpkin head.” “What the hell?”
“I’ve tried everything.” “Have you tried hitting it.” “It’s a bottle of holy water not a damn car!”
“You know, Halloween isn’t all about scaring people.” “It isn’t?” “No! It’s about the sights, the smells, the weird food no one likes but still buys.”
“Is it still as pretty as last year?” “What?” “The trees.” “Yeah, they’re just as pretty.”
“What will make you feel better?” “Jumping in some leaves…” “come on then.”
“How did you get here?” “I walked?” “But you’re a witch.” “That doesn’t mean I fly a broom!”
“Do you like autumn?” “I suppose.” “Why?” “Because it’s when everything changes.”
“Isn’t a full blood moon on Halloween dangerous?” “For a human? Yes. For me? It’s amazing.”
“So why are you stuck here?” “Because someone thought it would be funny to trap me in a demon trap please help me.”
“This is farewell my love.” “You can’t go…” “the vail closes at midnight… you’ll see me next year..”
“Aren’t you like hundreds of years old? Shouldn’t you be an adult?” “By your standards yup, by my kind I’m just a teenager.”
“I never signed up to babysit whatever you are.” “Well you’re stuck with me.” “Why?” “Because you picked up the damn object, why the hell would you pick some random object up that mysteriously appeared on your desk man? Seriously.”
“I’ll protect you.” “That’s what scares me, I’ve seen what you can do.”
“Let’s listen to spooky music.” “No.” “Why?”
"You don't want to go and do couple's costumes with me?"
“I like the sun sets earlier.” “Why?” “Just do.”
“How did you find me?” “You forgot that frost leaves footprints when you walk on it.”
“Wanna go to a party?” “Not really.” “Great put on that costume.”
“This is the only time I can be me without being hunted.”
“I am the deity of the harvest.” “We don’t do that anymore.” “I know it’s kind of tragic really.”
“I wanna go to a haunted house!” “You cried last time!”
“Hold my hand.” “Why?” “Because I’m scared idiot!”
“you got a pumpkin spice again?”
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Lokittys winter 2023 prompt list
“Will you take me to the Christmas market?” “If you want to go then sure.”
“Why are you here?” “Because it’s Christmas Eve.” “So you came to the hospital?” “Well, you’re here, so of course I did.”
“When do you think it’ll snow?”
“Can you teach me how to make a snow man?”
“Throw one more snowball and you’re going to be in huge trouble.”
“Remember to put a coat on, it’s cold.”
“What you got there?” “Gingerbread house?”
“What’s wrong?” “Nothing, you look perfect.”
“Why are you here?” “I forgot to put my winter tires on…” “want a lift?” “Yes…”
“I’m not a big fan of Christmas.” “Why’s that?” “It’s never been a good holiday.”
“Do you want to spend Christmas with me?”
“I got you something.” “Really?!”
“I want the biggest tree there is.” “It won’t fit in the house.” “The biggest tree!”
“So how did you get hurt?” “I went down the hill on a sled…” “and?” “And we left it out overnight so water on the bottom would freeze…”
“Why are you staring at me?”
“Christmas is a time of happiness.” “Not for everybody.”
“Happy holidays.” “Huh?” “I know you don’t celebrate Christmas, so, happy holidays. Want to find somewhere that’s open and get something to eat?” “I’d like that.”
“I’ve never had a present before.” “Really?” “Yeah.” “Well, I’ve got one just for you.”
“Shouldn’t you be with your family?” “They see me every year, I think it’s your turn to have somebody be with you on Christmas.”
“Happy new year, marry me?”
“You know, this time if the year isn’t the same without you. I miss you.”
“It’s November, stop.” “Let the Christmas music commence!”
“I miss Halloween.” “It’s just been.” “I miss it.”
“A snowball fight?” “We’ll we’re stuck here, so why not?”
“Did you walk here in just a hoodie?” “Yeah why?” “Because it’s cold enough to turn you to ice!”
“I’m cold.” “Congratulations, I’m hot.”
“Secret Santa?” “It’ll be funny.”
“What do you want for Christmas?” “Sleep.” “Come on then, let’s go home.”
“You really went all out huh?” “It’s not for me.” “It isn’t?” “You love this stupid holiday, it’s for you.”
“Aren’t you cold?” “Not really.”
“Who are you?” “Well, I’m the god of winter!”
“You look nice in all these lights.” “I do?”
“So, I know you said no presents, but I know how much this meant to you, so here.”
“I didn’t think you’d made it.” “It’s the holiday season, of course I would.”
“We’re stuck in the middle of a blizzard.” “Exactly, so we may as well get into the Christmas spirit!”
“Want to go watch the fireworks?” “I don’t like fireworks. They’re loud.” “Want to watch them from here?”
“I hope this year is better than last year.” “I’m here, of course it’ll be better.”
“I want to play a song.” “No.” “Why?” “Because I know exactly what song it is and they’ve banned that song.”
“I didn’t know you could ice skate.”
“I’m sorry, I know I said we could spend the day together but I have to work.” “I know, it’s why I’m here.”
“You know tradition is you have to kiss someone under the mistletoe.”
“Ugly Christmas jumpers!”
“What’re you making?” “Paper snowflakes.”
“I make a great hot chocolate.” “I’ll be the judge of that.”
“Surprise it’s me! I bearing a Christmas get out of my way.”
“Will you stay with me?” “Of course I will.” “Can I go out into the snow?” “I don’t see why not.”
“Some say the first snow is good luck.”
“This year went so fast.” “I know.” “I’m excited to see what next year brings.”
“It’s the season of hope and joy.” “I have none of that.” “It’s okay, I have enough hope and joy for us both.”
“Stop being the grinch and come help.”
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Lokittys Halloween prompts/scenarios
“Come on, I’m a vampire yes. But at least I have some self respect to not play with my meals.”
“Do you think that ghosts are real?” “You’re asking me, a ghost, if ghosts are real?” “Sorry I forgot…”
“Growl at me one more time I’m going to get a cage and put you in it.”
“Seriously, werewolf? Please, I’m not stupid.” “Did you think I was wearing contacts or something?”
“You wouldn’t dare show yourself to them.” “It’s Halloween time, they’ll just think I’m going to a party.”
“It’s peaceful you know.” “What is?” “The comfort of knowing at this time the creatures in the dark come to play.”
“On Halloween night, when dusk hits, that’s when our two worlds no longer collide.”
“Get away from me…” “if I was going to hurt you I would’ve already!”
“Stop poking me!” “You’re dead…” “yes! I died last night! Now help me solve my murder so I can leave.”
“Each year is owned by someone, and this time of year is owned by me. Do you hear me? It’s owned. By. Me!”
“Are you scared?” “…yes…” “you have no reason to be. I want to help.”
“We should do Halloween food.” “Pineapples.” “That’s not a Halloween food.” “Pineapples!” “No!” “Let them have pineapples!” “Okay!”
"What are you supposed to be?" "I'm you!" “I am nothing like that!” (dressed as something soft and cuddly) "Yes you are!"(muttering) "For the love of everyone here, pls get rid of this sexual tension"
“You look scarier without a mask.” “You’re an asshole.” “If it’s any consolation, I like scary.”
“What do you think you’re doing?” “There’s a lead in your hair.”
“Come with me.” “Where?” “Pumpkin picking!”
“If I was a ghost I’d haunt you.” “Why?” “Because it’s funny watching you scream.”
“Black cats are bad luck.” “No, you’re bad luck. This little baby just wants a treat.”
“You’re a ghost.” “No I’m not! If I was how can you see me?!” “Because I’m looking right at your death certificate….”
“If this is another dog toy I swear I’ll use you as my next chew toy.”
“You cut your leg.” “How do you know? I’m not wearing shorts and haven’t even been anywhere!” “Well, I hate to break to you, but I can smell blood. And you’re the only human in this room right now.”
“Can you turn me?” “I could. I won’t. But I could.” “Please?” “No thank you, I don’t really like you as a human, I don’t want you following me around all eternity.”
“If you’re a ghost does that mean I can’t touch you?” “I don’t know, try hit me.”
“Look.” “It’s a leaf.” “Yes, but it’s red.” “Okay?” “It’s Halloween.” “No.” “Yes!”
“Forgive me for not telling you I wasn’t human, how the fuck did you think I was going to break the news to you?!” “I don’t know!”
“I… may have turned him/her/them into a cat…” “what the fuck?” “I’m sorry! Help me fix it!”
The name on the gravestone, it was hauntingly familiar
They said the grim reaper was a skeleton, cold, emotionless. In realty, the grim reaper has a soul, and can’t stand by and watch the human they love die
Black cat, candles, old books with strange writing. All the makings to be a witch, except they weren’t a witch
Werewolf with a bad case of puppy love
Pumpkins, fake spiders and withered roses
a terror movie and one of them is afraid to spend the rest of the night alone
Person A loves Halloween, but sees that Person B hates it. A wants to find out why, but B doesn't want to say it.
Person A and B rivals but accidently get placed in a couples costume by their conspiring friends
The characters meet each other in a party where everybody has to dress up. One of them is dressed like a super specific character (like a famous person or something related with one of their passions) and no one seem to know what they are dressed like. Until the other person reconigze it and they start talking for hours about their favourite things.
A has always been lonely, sad and never have celebrated anything not even their birthday and Person B coming to know about it drags them outside and together dressing up as ghosts with real spirits they celebrate Halloween
character(s) go to or have a costume party on Devil’s Night (the 30th) but for some reason as soon as the clock ticks midnight they become their costume
Person A is B's best friend and is always hanging up in their house. So when it is Halloween and the child of B neighbors goes trick or treating. The children thinks A is their partner,which later leads to a confession
Person A is B's best friend and is always hanging up in their house. So when it is Halloween and the child of B neighbors goes trick or treating. The children thinks A is their partner,which later leads to a confession
Admiring the changing season, and a confession of love not just for the pretty changing leaves
Going to a haunted house
Hosting a Halloween competition of some sort
Something went wrong, and while waiting for help character A and B try scare one another
Jumping in a huge pile of leaves
Character B baking character A Halloween cookies
Dancing under the full moon
Curses and accidentally falling in love
Magical family heirlooms
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