#Lol Marlotte
borom1r · 3 months
tag game ✌🏻
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite!
i was tagged by @cary-elwes lol ty
don’t even talk to me abt the fact 3 of these are Sean Bean characters 🫥
tagging: @oy-gayvalt @theshakespearetrash @salmonfordesire @angeltrapz @thehedgehogat221b + ik it says five ppl but fuck it if u wanna do this just say i tagged u lol
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
The Beauty in the Library
A/N: A request from @1-insert-name-here-1 for a fic where Spencer asks out the reader by using a specific line, and then cute fluff happens. I haven’t done both reader and Spencer being super awkward in a while, so that’s what needed to happen. lol. @coveofmemories @sexualemobitch @jamiemelyn
You were...awkward - to say the least. Honestly, it was a wonder you managed to do your job as a librarian with your awkward mannerisms. The upside of your position was that you mostly worked with children; it was much easier to be yourself around them than adults. On the off chance you got an adult reader in the library, you’d hand off checking them out to the nice old lady you worked with or you’d avoid eye contact and give them a mousy, quiet goodbye as they headed out the door. 
For the most part, you didn’t have consistent patrons - with the exception of a couple of local teachers, some elderly people, and one man. Through overhearing phone calls, you surmised he worked for the government, but on the rare occasions he’d sit in the library, you noticed the speed with which he read. It was fascinating; he could literally devour two or three lengthy books in a couple of hours. As a reader yourself, it made you like him more.
Once, he’d come in with a man as tall as him, rippling the muscles and shining a brilliant smile. That man, Morgan you believed, had called him Reid, which could’ve been a first or last name, but either way it suited him. Since you were super awkward, you hadn’t had many romantic relationships, or even casual sexual encounters - you were just so awkward it was rare that people paid attention to you. And honestly you were content to sit on the sidelines of romance until someone really struck your fancy.
He had.
At least physically even if you didn’t know him otherwise.
Reid was tall and carried some slight muscle. His jaw was soft yet angular and his smile sent butterflies through your stomach. Whenever you did manage to catch his gaze, his eyes shone, even under the dimmed lights of the library, and much to your joy, his voice was soft - at least he had what you called library voice. You had to confess you’d imagined him reading to you with that voice on more than one occasion.
Today was a day like any other day. Signing for packages, taking phone calls about how many cents someone owed on a late fee, and checking out the occasional DVD were the norm for you, so it took you by surprise when the lanky, geeky man known as Reid came in one Saturday morning. 
As he always did, he walked into the classics section, picking up books he’d read countless times before and sat at the table he frequented. There was no one else here for a few hours, so if he needed to check something out you would need to take care of him. 
Nearly two hours later, he stood up from his table and tucked a strand of long, light brown hair behind his ear before heading over toward you. “Hi,” he said softly, placing a book on the counter. It was a copy of War and Peace that someone had donated years back. It was in Russian, but you’d found the cover so interesting you’d put it on the shelves despite it not being in English.
“You can read Russian?” you asked impressively, trying so hard to hide the blush forming on your face.
He gently nodded his head. You opened the book and checked it out, sliding it back to him. You noticed the name on the card inside. It was Spencer Reid. So that was his first name. “I hope you enjoy your War and Peace in Russian, Spencer Reid.”
“I will,” he smiled, turning away before stopping in his tracks. “I have no idea how to go about things like this, but do you happen to be in a romantic or sexual relationship at the moment?”
Taken aback, your mouth dropped open. “No, I’m not. Would you like to know my name first?” He was as awkward as you. Thank god. You extended your hand and introduced yourself. “I’m not going to lie, I’ve been hoping you’d ask me out for a while now. Maybe we could go grab a bite to eat in a couple hours when I get out?”
The fiercest rosiness spread across his cheeks as his lips scrunched up into an embarrassed smile. “I’d like that,” he said. “I’ll see you in a couple hours then?”
You nodded and watched as he walked out the door with his book in hand. Once you were sure he’d stepped out you did a little dance in front of the computer. The next two hours needed to go by quickly. It was barely a half hour later that Spencer returned with a paper bag in hand. “When I left I realized I didn’t want to wait, and I know you don’t have many people in on a Saturday.” He placed the bag on the counter and opened it, passing you a bowl of creamy soup from the diner down the street, as well as a bottle of Snapple ice tea - the kind you liked. After noticing the look on your face, he explained himself. “I’m in here a lot and I know you like the diner, so I figured I’d grab some food and we could get to know each other now.”
“That sounds great to me,” you said, forming your hands around the styrofoam bowl and taking in its warmth. “Can I ask how fast you can read? I can’t help but notice how many books you devour when you’re in here?”
“I can read 20,000 words per minute,” he said. That little fact nearly caused your eyes to pop out of your head. He went on to tell you about his eidetic memory, his IQ, his job with the FBI (so you had been right about a government job) and all of the killers he’d helped to track down.
During your entire back and forth about his job, you only needed to check out a DVD for an older man before returning your attention to Spencer. “Well I have to confess my job isn’t anywhere near as interesting, but I love books, so I’m comfortable here.”
“You remind me of my favorite Disney princess,” he smiled. “The beauty in the library.”
“Belle?” You blushed.
Spencer nodded, a nervous laugh choking out of him before you broke the silence again. “I get that a lot, not the beauty part, but the Belle part, and she’s definitely in my top three. They tend to change depending on the day. So I’ll take that. I love reading, being read to - it’s just soothing. I’m rambling. Sorry.” 
“What’s your favorite book?” he asked. “Do you have it here?” 
“That’s like asking a parent to pick a favorite child!” you exclaimed, clapping your hands over your mouth when you realized how loud you were. Spencer laughed and said to name a few. “Again, it changes depending on the day, but I love Lord of the Rings, One Thousand and One Nights, A Bend in the River, anything by Arthur Conan Doyle, Tess of the D’Urbervilles...” You rambled on and on, watching his smile grow wider and wider. 
You continued to recount the myriad of books you loved as Spencer ran up the stairs and returned with a book - Tess of the D’Urbervilles. There was a special place in your heart for that one considering you’d done your undergraduate thesis on it. “You said you like being read to?” he questioned.
When you nodded, he smiled and opened the book to the first page, the soft, library voice emanating from his perfect pink lips. You got lost in the feathery lightness as he started to speak. 
On an evening in the latter part of May a middle-aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blakemore or Blackmoor. The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line.
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cloudcoaching · 7 years
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From the series, 'found in my school textbook' lol (à Bourron-Marlotte)
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borom1r · 2 months
Would you ever write stuff about John Marlott? And, if it's alright to ask, which episode did you get that gifset of him with the scissors?
write stuff like fanfic? technically I’ve published two, though one is experimental + one is on my burner ao3 (so I’m not gonna link it publicly lol)
if u mean write stuff like meta, immmm like 99% sure Tam @theshakespearetrash has sent me asks abt Marlott, id just need to hunt for them bc im a nightmare man who doesn’t tag shit in useful ways lmfao
OK I found ig just one?? I’m not diggin thru my activity anymore soz here’s some intoxicated John Marlott meta
also plugging Tam’s fic, which is Incredibly Fuckin Good
LASTLYYYYYY the gifset w the scissors is from season 2 episode 2 about 27 minutes into the ep :3
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borom1r · 3 months
THANK @theshakespearetrash FOR MORR QUESTIONS IMMMMMNNN VERY HIGH ive never RPed as John Marlott but ive written 2 fics for him tht counts right? right
(ask meme)
1. Is your muse afraid of death?
he wants to die so bad. + then he does and his family is gone AND his rest is stolen from him 💔 so no. but it’s very sad
2. What is your muse’s kill count? 
huh. that’s a good question actually. I think.. huh. not many? Hervey’s henchdude in s1 and i think someone else?? im very high rn he killed the one dude in s2 to escape the asylum n there’s a lotta death that follows him but like 2? 3? ppl HE kills on screen.
ofc that’s not touchin on the war/anything pre-canon in his work. + he blames himself for the death of his wife and child so those Could be counted
3. What is your muse’s biggest fear? 
everyone he loves dying. + hey guess what happens in canon!!
4. How easy is it to anger your muse?
not very. he knows the dance of Polite Society Manners and can keep his composure. he might be stern but it’s rare that he Actually gets angry. until his sanity starts slipping but u know that’s beyond his fuckin control
5. What is your muse’s biggest regret? 
everything tht happened w his wife n child
6. Does your muse believe in an afterlife? 
LOL yea but he doesn’t get to go thereeeeee
7. How many scars does your muse have?
HM. many. lots on his back n obvs the scars from Hervey. bet he has quite a few more tho
8. Does your muse tend to bottle things up?
yes but not.. mm, not consciously i think. he’s just so used to isolation that i don’t think he even Fathoms opening up to someone as a possibility
9. What is one thing that would break your muse?
HRM. well. Flora’s death does, one could argue. at least it starts the steep downward spiral into his rebirth and further decline following his institutionalization
10. Does your muse have nightmares? What about?
obviously yea + im fucking insane abt him. barking like a dog @ Sean Bean fucking gutting himself with fabric shears
11. Would your muse kill for someone they care about? 
oh yea ofc he would. of course he would.
12. What was the worst injury your muse has received?
does it count as an injury if it happened postmortem? i think the psychological trauma caused by it means it counts. the surgical wounds from Hervey
13. How much pain can your muse withstand? For how long? 
s1? a fair amount of pain for quite a long time. s2? the man’s a corpse. he got coffin shrapnel in his side and fuckin walked home. he’s fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine he’s fine don’t ask
14. What was the most traumatic moment in your muse’s life?
Hervey’s bullshit forever. hate that man hitting him w bricks unironically
15. How often does your muse cry? Do they view it as weakness?
RARELY + feel like he’s probably neutral abt it conceptually he’s just so used to being completely alone. i think emotions are kind of just a numb ache for him for a while. + then of course he bonds w Flora and Nightingale and then Everything Goes To Hell And Crashes And Burns
16. If your muse could talk to one person they’ve lost, who would it be? 
HM. his wife i think. bc he at least got the closure of seein Flora + Nightingale reunited. but he never got to see his wife even Before his rebirth
17. Does your muse consider themselves a good person? Why or why not? 
HRM. s1? no i think he’s neutral to himself at BEST. s2……….. nooooooooo but also yes kind of i think Esther really helps him see the good in himself. so by the end of s2 Yes but only then
18. Does your muse think they’re capable of changing? Do they even want to?
OH. very good question. does he? i think he feels like he Has to believe in change bc Esther and Flora and Nightingale did ultimately play a role in changing him for the better. and Hervey changed him for the worse. but also these r all external forces effecting him not like. himself. can he? I don’t think so. I think if he thought abt it he’d think that he himself is stagnant. it’s like pond ripples. if you lob a rock into water there’s already rocks in the bottom of that bitch so the only real change is surface distortion and a little more weight. and ultimately the ripples stop and the water settles. maybe it’s cloudier bc sediment got stirred up. maybe it’s clear, who knows. Still just a fuckin lake. does that make sense? idk man I cried in a theater today + toook too many edibles he’s himself. that’s an answer
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