Since when does it require a commitment to be compassionate? 
Today I went for lunch with my mom. Our conversation eventually led to us discussion goals and plans. I was explaining how I didn’t feel like a person who set a goal and committed to it, but I flirted around a goal for a few weeks before setting a new one. She preceded to tell me that she thought I was committed - committed to ‘my diet’ (spoiler alert - I do not eat any animal products...’vegan’.). 
I was shocked. For maybe the third time in my life I wasn’t sure what to say. 
You see, veganism is not a commitment to me - it is simply something I do, part of my daily routine and who I am. I do not need a commitment to continue this diet, to continue to be compassionate. 
Why is it rare to be compassionate?
Seriously, it is RARE. Sure people may say that they have empathy for someone else based on their situation - but is this really compassion? No. Compassion is going beyond the empathetic stage and doing something about it. Don’t sit on your ass and tell me how bad you feel for someone else - go talk to them, do something nice for them, rally the troops to help them out of their bad luck and hard times and be compassionate. 
Compassion needs to extend beyond humanity and extend to all beings, all animals. Living, breathing, empathetic, compassionate beings are being discarded as waste, overbred for greed, and murdered for some fucking taste buds. It’s disgusting. 
But I love animals!
Of course you do. But you, my good sir, are a lying, hypocritical, douchebag. If you ‘love animals’ you wouldn’t support the overbreeding of ‘house’ or ‘show’ pets (oh, don’t ever get me started on the pets and farmed animals comparison). You wouldn’t unnecessarily murder an innocent and defenceless animal. You would not continuously rape and torture an animal either.  
And you, gaped mouth, are totally agreeing. Right? 
Well, if you really loved animals you would do everything you could do STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING, right? 
Ah, and now the confusion and ignorance seeps up from your gut into your eyes and mouth. 
You would adopt any house animals, support local rescues and shelters, and petition against those who treat house animals as objects. You wouldn’t buy any meat, dairy, eggs, seafood, poultry, etc. from your local grocery store. You WOULDN’T EAT ANIMALS. 
But yet, compassion is a commitment. 
You may agree with everything I’ve said thus far, and thank you and love you for that. You may hate everything I’ve said so far because you are an ignorant fuck, but than you for reading thus far and opening your mind. Why is compassion a commitment now? Why have we, as society, decided that ignorance is bliss and we should feed into a never ending cycle of ABUSE, TORTURE, RAPE, and MURDER or innocent beings we share the world with? Notice how I say ‘the world’ opposed to ‘our world’? It is not our world - even though greediness, power, and masochism made us decide otherwise. We share this world with so many other intelligent beings, yet we choose to ignore their beauty and quite literally murder them for a 5 second taste-bud gratification. 
So I guess I have chosen to commit to compassion. As pathetic is that is that I have to ‘commit’ to it, that’s exactly what I’ve done. But to me it is not a commitment. A commitment is that I’m going to go to MMA training 5x per week and drink at least 3L of water a day (that’s some unrealistic expectations right there). This is me, who I am down to my core. 
Blog, Blog, Blog
When I found a desire to start a blog I did not do it with the intention to ‘preach’ (for lack of a better word) to anyone. I wanted to blog because I love to write, and rant, and smoke weed (suckers! (who don’t live in Canada)). This just happens to be the first event I needed to write about to an unknown, and potentially absent, audience. 
Here you will find my rants, my stubborn opinions, and my high thoughts. Happy, hungry, moody, and mad - this will be me. 
So if you’ve read this post, thank you. If you loved it, you are appreciated and you probably understood where I am coming from and what I hope I said. If you hated it, that’s probably better because this is how conversations start. 
So thank you, whoever you are. 
Until next time, 
A vegan with a very large attitude. 
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