#Look hear me out she's a 'figment' of Matt's imagination in GTLive lore
sushiburritonoms · 10 months
New Fic: Don't Let Me Down (ETN)
Self promotion gives me hives, especially these days, but I need the world to know two very specific things about the fic I'm currently writing.
Firstly, chapter 3 was, hand on heart, the most fun I've had writing in forever. It probably isn't that good because I couldn't bear to remove things that I know make very little sense. This fic should have been split into two stories, but at the time I wrote it I thought I'd never publish it and now it's an overgrown monster and I don't have time to rewrite stuff, ok? But it was really, really satisfying and it's the reason I'm back on my shit, writing fics again.
Secondly, I watched so much GTLive to figure out how to write Matt that I accidentally influenced another person in my household to get an AirUp bottle. As in, Matpat Game Theory's used car salesman pitch was so overplayed, so constant and so annoying that it convinced another human being not obsessed with him to buy his Youtuber ad. I'm not proud, but I am impressed.
Yeah, so here's the thing, summary of fic is below:
Fandom: Escape the Night
Don't Let Me Down (explicit for sexual violence, attempted non con, Matt/Manny, Matt/Joey, Matt/Manny/Joey and Matt/Lucy (non con))
AU of Season 3, episode 9. What if Matt was the one put into the Collar of Control instead of Nikita? What if Lucy turned all her sexual frustration on her male captive instead of Mortimer? How would Manny and Joey, who are attracted to the poor Detective, react?
And finally, what if there was a way for all four of the final survivors to survive?
Ships: Yes its OT3, Matt/Manny/Joey. Matt/Lucy is attempted non con
Status: In progress. The fic is complete, and I'm posting a chapter a week as I finish editing (as of 11/13, chapter 3 of 4 is up, should get the final chapter up by Thanksgiving)
Sequel: God help me, yes. Very likely. Help.
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