#Looks a lot like cordelia in that second one but I don't have the energy to battle my same face syndrom right now
lesiasmadness · 11 months
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Needed a break, so have a him
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aboutcustardcreams · 5 months
If love is a sin, my stake is already burning
[ z. s & c. g ]
part 1 here
I guess another part is in order after this, what do you think? Hope you're enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying writing it! 🫡🤞🏼
When you appear in front of the Robichaux's Academy of exceptional young ladies, you take a moment to collect your breath. You inhale for three seconds, and exhale for six, a little trick you've learned that helped you get it together. You're glad to be early, everything is so peaceful and quiet. However, it would be way more enjoyable if it wasn't for that annoying ringing in your ears, a constant reminder that Zelda had a point.
Making your way inside the academy, you walk on your tiptoes, heading to the kitchen to fetch yourself a glass of water. You easily find your way there and help yourself with what you need. Your hands tremble as you take sips of your water. After that, you put it in the sink with a sigh. Maybe, it's a simple lack of sugar, you think to yourself. It could be considering you didn't have time to eat anything back home.
You're not normally one that snoops around, but you're desperate to hide that annoying trembling of your fingers, that you're sure, Cordelia would notice. Lifting on the tiptoes you open the top shelf, trying to find anything with a pinch of sugar in it. You're happy to know that at the academy you're not the only witch with a sweet tooth. You find chocolate and nuts bars, rice cakes, plain biscuits, crackers, honey and cookie jar, marmalade and cereals.
You don't really have time nor the patience to sit down and eat properly so you decide to go for a spoon of honey, hoping it would boost your energy. You hum happily as you taste its sweetness on your tongue. It feels nice, you can't deny it. As you do that, a quite familiar chuckle comes to your ears. You immediately recognize the voice, and a wave of warmth rushes over you. You lick your lips, trying to wipe your mouth from any residual of honey, before turning around. There she is, still in her white dressing gown, looking absolutely ethereal.
"Craving sweet stuff, I see," she voices, taking graceful steps towards you. You bite your bottom lip, trying to suppress your own guilty smile. Your lashes flutter, when she is a few inches from you, "I'm sorry, I should have asked," you quickly apologize.
"Nonsense. This is your house," she places her hands upon your shoulders, offering you a gentle squeeze, "You're here early, though," she adds, tilting her head to the side, as to grasp any sign of discomfort in your eyes. The way she looks at you makes you feel both safe and vulnerable. Being the Supreme allows her a lot of things, one of them being a mind reader. But she is way too respectful to do such a thing, without permission.
You wince playfully, "you said that like it's a bother to you," your teasing causes a chuckle out of her, "I can leave and come back later, if you want," Cordelia clicks her tongue, and reaches out to grab both your wrists, "You know that's not what I meant by that, Celeste. I'm always happy to have you around," she confesses, her thumbs graze your skin affectionately.
"Are you now?", you hum, a little sarcastic, earning an eye roll from her. You feel her breath against your cheeks, calm and steady. She hums with a coy smile. You need a lot of willpower to keep your breathing at the same regular rhythm. She seems to notice that and decides to play a little with you, "Don't move," she whisper, and you frown, "Let me just—", she doesn't finish her sentence and you freeze in place when her hand brushes against your side, as she places it over the counter behind you to stabilize herself. Her thighs almost touch yours while she leans forward, "Grab this," Cordelia knows what she is doing, the grin on her face says so.
You hold your breath as her golden hair tickle your shoulder, her arm reaching out to grab herself a glass from the shelf just above your head. You blink in trance, feeling flustered by how Cordelia's front feels against you. Looking down, you spot her breast, and you suck in a breath. Her pupils gape at you doing that, but you don't see it, considering your eyes are elsewhere. You can't help the amused scoff that comes out of her right after. She's surely got a skin in the game. "All done," she mutters simply, backing away.
Your cheeks turn the same color of the setting sun on a summer day.
"Awesome," you reply awkwardly.
She takes a sip of her water, "would you fancy a proper breakfast instead of random spoons of honey?"
You shake your head, "I'm fine with this, thank you," when she gives you a skeptical look, you add, "it's perfectly nutritious," you allow yourself another mouthful of it. She giggles at the way your cheeks fill with honey, the tip of your tongue goes grasping some of it above your upper lip.
"You remind me of those little singing squirrels--" you scrunch up your face at that comment, "Don't tell me you mean the chipmunks?", the Supreme starts chuckling, giving you the answer you're looking for. You want to pretend you're annoyed, but truth be told you find it as funny as she does, if not more.
"No need to be embarrassed, they are adorable," she points out, mesmerized by how pretty you look when you blush. 
You cross your arms over your chest, "You know, flattering me will get you nowhere"
"Would you bet on it?", she adds, with slightly narrowed eyes. She playfully pokes your chest, the tip of her tongue showing as she smiles almost wickedly at you. You hesitate for a couple of seconds, opening and closing your mouth in search for a proper answer, but nothing comes out.
"Wise girl," she praises against your lips.
"Cordelia", your breath falters. If only you were brave enough, you'd take that single step needed to shorten the gap between the two of you. Melt against her body, become one with her.
At that moment, other girls make their way to the kitchen, saving you, or cursing you, you weren't sure. Cordelia pulls back a bit. You couldn't bet on it, but a part of you believes to have grasped disappointment by their intrusion.
You recognize some of your students, which happily wave at you, some of them even tackle you in a big hug. Cordelia melts at the sight before her eyes, her hand comes stroking your back and when you turn to glance up at her, you see pride and gratitude in her eyes.
"Morning, Celeste!" Mallory is the next to greet you, "Morning to you," you respond with a kind smile.
Zoe greets you with poke on your shoulder and a cheeky grin. She briefly glances over Cordelia, who's now rummaging in a pack of pop tarts, "You're here early,"
You snort playfully, placing your hands over your hips, "Glad to see everyone is always so thrilled to have me around," you mutter sarcastically, making a clear reference to what Cordelia had told you before. She freezes as she bites into the pop tart, "Stop it," she half whines, looking absolutely adorable with food in mouth.
"Don't be silly, we all are head over heels for you," Mallory gushes.
You hum jokingly, before remembering one of the reasons why you showed up earlier, "I actually wanted to check on the bay tree's soil before the class."
"Mind if I come with you?", Cordelia is quick to ask.
You bow your head and attempt a knightly curtsy to impress her, "How can I say no to you?"
She peeps her tongue between her teeth. She leads you the way, turning her head just a bit to keep eye contact as you follow her right up, with a lopsided grin.
As the two of you walk towards the greenhouse, Zoe grabs the box of cereals, "I tell you, they will end up sleeping together within the next 10 days."
"I bet you twenty dollars it will happen even before that," Mallory replies with the same confident grin.
The other witch grins, before sealing the deal with a shake of hand.
"There you are," you gush, taking a careful look at the cute little bay tree you planted almost three weeks ago. If it hadn't been for your magic, you'd hardly see it stand like that, considering this peculiar species takes a lot to flourish, years even.
Gracefully, you wave your fingers in midair, whispering an incantation to help speed up the process of growing. Cordelia is just behind you, in utter trance, she doesn't dare to spill a word as you do your magic. Her eyes glimmer with admiration as you proceed to tell her the story of the tree. Words spill out freely and passionately, considering you spent years at the Academy of Unseen Arts to learn everything you could regarding herbalism.
"It's an ancient tradition to leave a leaf to dry for a day and then place it under your tongue until it dissolves. The Greeks believed it was synonymous of fortune and victory," your mouth curves into a smile as you take in Cordelia's astonishment. 
"Have you tried it?", she asks with genuine interest.
You crinkle your nose at that, "I never dared to," you chuckle, meeting Cordelia's confused gaze, "They say its bitterness isn't for everybody," you explain.
She hums in understanding, "what other use does it have?"
"I'm so very glad you asked," you grin, mischievously, "It's an essential ingredient for potions that have to do with another marvelous subject, that I'm sure your students would love by the way," you point out.
"Mythology?", her attempt at guessing is cute, you can't deny that.
The tip of your tongue shows up in the next smile you give her, "Conjuring of pagan gods," you say it as if it was like mentioning a trifle.
She hums amusedly, "I adore you, I really do, but that's a no go," you frown at that, your bottom lip wobbles a bit. Cordelia chuckles softly, "You're too cute for your own good," she teases, slightly shaking her head and poking your chest. "Yet your sense of responsibility is stronger than my charm," at your teasing, her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink.
"The girls once summoned the Axeman using a Ouija board and, to keep it short, he almost got us all killed."
Your mouth falls agape, "Oh shit, I'm sorry," you breathe out, "I had no idea."
She dismisses it with a small smile, as if it now became a silly story to laugh about. "I don't want you to think I don't trust you because I do. This Coven's just been through a lot, so I've learned you're never too careful," she explains, and you reach out your hand to grasp hers. She smiles at the gesture, her eyes lock in your now intertwined fingers, "I'm trying my best to not make the same mistakes of my mother."
"You're nothing like her," you say, beyond any doubt.
"Thanks, petal," that pet name sends you a tingle in your stomach.
You smile and give her a nod of your head, before refocusing on the bay tree on the table, already missing her hand in yours.
"It looks like a lollipop, doesn't it?", you chirp.
The Supreme hums in thought, as she examines the plant more closely, "Well, now that you point it out, I see it," she giggles, leaning against the table with her elbows.
You reach for the water can to dampen the soul around the tree's roots. Her eyes drop to your hands, and you put all your efforts to stabilize your tremor, but it doesn't work out as much as you'd like to. The water can shakes visibly and you mentally curse yourself, sure that Cordelia's noticed that too. You clear your throat, trying to switch her focus on your voice rather than your actions, so you start telling her more about the bay tree's needs and care. But Cordelia isn't stupid. She sees what you're doing when along with the uncertainty of your hands comes a sudden stuttering of your voice.
"Sweetheart, hey," she coos softly, eyebrows knitted in a frown, "What's wrong?"
You almost shudder, when her fingers move a strand of hair from your face, behind your ear, "Nothing, I—“, your lashes flutter close for a moment. While your mouth troubles you with mixed feelings about her, your tremor intensifies, making it impossible for you to hide. Your own legs feel like jelly, and you wish there was a chair behind you to sit down. "Let me just," you need to get out of that situation, so you turn around, pretending you're in need for a trowel, but you move too abruptly.
"Shit," your curse under your breath, having dropped the watering can on the floor, sending splash of water on both yours and Cordelia's legs. You bow down so abruptly that a wave of dizziness washes over you keeping you there, unable to get on your feet by yourself. Concern etches across the Supreme's features, "Celeste," she kneels down right next to you, "You need to tell me what's going on, please."
You shake your head wearily, "I'm fine," you insist, trying to stand up, but your wobbly knees don't let you. With a wave of her hand, Cordelia dries both the floor and your clothes, "You're not fine," she counters softly. Your face is rather quickly losing its natural color, but you can't see it. However, she does.
"Sweetheart, you can be honest with me," she wants to read your mind, grasp that information herself, but she can't. It wouldn't feel right.
"There's nothing to say, I felt a wave of dizziness, that's all," avoiding meeting her gaze, you look at the time on your wrist, noticing it's time to go to class.
"How about we ask Coco to cover for you? Just for this time?"
You make a face, "With all due respect, Coco isn't exactly specialized in ancient tongues," you point out, earning an eye roll from the Supreme, "Fair point," you give her a - glad we both agree - look, before heading out the greenhouse, or trying to. Cordelia walks right beside you, with no intention to drop the topic.
"Celeste, you're not listening to me," she pleads, concern vailing her voice, "Zelda, she said—“
You freeze on the spot, then turn around, "Zelda? Wait, so, you talked to her?", you narrow your eyes, in disbelief.
"She called me this morning, yes," she admits with a nod, "She was worried about you and now I see why."
Cordelia had promised not to say a word about it, but she couldn't help it considering you're being both stubborn and unreasonable, as always trying to hide how you truly felt around them. It was a mystery to both witches why you acted the way you did. You gave them mixed signals, because on one side, you were always so eager to spend time together, but you also shut them out every time something was bothering you.
"So you studied me, to see if she had a point."
Cordelia groans and rolls her eyes, being used to your passive aggressive behavior whenever you feel like you've been tricked, "Why is it so hard for you to understand that we care for you?"
If only you could see the truth, you'd know what both Zelda and Cordelia truly felt for you. It was more than a mere fondness, more than a pathetic interest, a fleeting crush or whatever. Both witches were in love with you, but they just didn't know how to tell you, without risking upsetting you, or worse, losing you.
"Why did you transmute here this morning, despite feeling unwell?"
You stay quiet, nibbling on your bottom lip as a wave of nervousness washes over you. How could you tell her the real reason why you kept going back and forth despite the exhaustion that has taken over you.
"I wouldn't have been mad if you asked for a couple of days off, you know," she coos softly.
Her heart breaks when she spots tears prick at the corner of your eyes. Your eyes well up with tears, because you feel like shit, both physically and emotionally and it pisses you off.
"I-I..", your own voice betrays you. Suddenly your blinking intensifies, as long as your heartbeat. It quickly escalates as your feet and hands turn cold and clammy. Cordelia's eyes snap wide open as she calls your name a couple of times, her voice sounds like a far echo to your ringing ears. You know what's coming, and it absolutely enrages you.
"'m s-sorry," before you know it, everything turns pitch black.
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safic4-m · 2 years
💛I think I love you
Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Fem Lector
Author's Note: I'm not sure about this, but I needed to do something with our dear Delia.
Word count: 633
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~Master list~
Cordelia was very excited and nervous at the same time, it was the first time she saw you again after 14 years, you two had grown up together at the academy, during childhood she had a little crush on you but she could never tell you how she felt.
But she was no longer a child, she had become the Supreme....
-You have to calm down Cordelia,- asked Zoe.
-I can't, I haven't heard from her in a long time and suddenly I get a letter saying she's coming to see the academy,- trying to keep her composure.
-But I don't understand what all the fuss is about.
-She is not like the other witches, she possesses the abilities of a medium and the power of a supreme one...that reminds me that I must warn the girls...- being interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
And there you were, wearing black clothes, leather gloves and a pair of sunglasses. Cordelia's breath catches at the sight of you and again she feels like when she was young, her heart beats fast, she feels butterflies in her stomach, her mouth is dry...
-It's been a long time Cordelia
-Y/n- she greets giving you a smile.
She is surprised to see you open your arms inviting her into a hug, which she gladly accepts; this felt good, it was so comforting.
The women break apart as you hear someone clear their throat, your first reaction is to see Zoe, but she quickly denies and points to Madison.
-Montgomery,- you say looking at the actress.
-Y/n- giving her a smile
-You two know each other,- asks the supreme one.
-In the support groups,- you answer returning your attention to Delia.
Cordelia gives you a little tour and introduces you to some of the girls along the way, they end up in her office, grateful to be able to spend some time alone with the blonde.
-Can I ask you a question?- asks the woman as you take off your gloves.
-Of course, my dear,- giving her a smile.
That simple nickname made the woman's cheeks flush with a soft blush, not to mention your smile, which made her heart race.
-What did you mean when you said support groups?
-Well..., you know what I am capable of doing, so when I lost control I hurt a lot of people, when I hit rock bottom I decided to seek help, which was difficult, because I couldn't really say what I was doing.
-I'm so sorry,- the woman apologized for bringing it back to your mind.
-Don't worry, I got my power under control,- taking off her sunglasses.
It had been a long time since Cordelia had seen your eyes, not even when you were in the academy she could see your eyes, partly because of your medium powers, but mainly because you could see people's souls, as well as the darkest parts of each one.
You slowly approach the blonde and you can see the energy around her begin to change.
-You know I always hated having to wear those glasses because they didn't let me appreciate your beautiful eyes,- placing you behind her, -the gloves for not touching your skin,- turning her chair around and taking her jaw gently, -but mostly I hated never being able to do this,- closing the space between you, claiming her lips, 
It takes him a second to reciprocate, when you try to pull away, he chases your lips making you laugh.
-You have no idea how much I wanted to do that,- brushing a strand of hair away from his face.
-I thought I would never be able to feel your touch,- taking one of your hands, -or see your beautiful eyes again.
This time it's your turn to blush at his words, watching a smirk grow on his face.
-I think I love you,- you confess, losing yourself in his eyes.
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