#Lou (you know - the ghost in the ghost story) will reappear next update
srprincess · 4 years
Hey look, it’s me! Still on my bullshit!
Chapter 18 of the Spookydoo Au
Fictober (Hahaha remember October? We used to leave our houses back then) Prompt 20 - “you could talk about it, you know”
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Shitty breathlessly made his way back to the group and handed the, now handily dog attached, leash over to Lardo. “Haven’t fuckin’ run like that in years,” he managed to huff out as he leaned against the building, hunched over.
She smirked, “Maybe next time you'll go running with me when I ask.”
“Not likely,” Shitty told her with a wheezing laugh. He tilted his head toward the dog. “Next time he bolts I’ll let you can chase after him though.”
“You’re too kind.”
“I assume this is Sammy?” Will squatted down to dog level and held out his hand for inspection before giving the wild haired dog some pats, and getting an enthusiastic face lick in return. Laughing he told the dog, “nice to meet you, little fella.” He wasn’t sure, but he thought he might have heard Nursey mutter about it being a nicer welcome than the one he had gotten.
“That's what we're calling him right now,” Lardo told Will, while she gave the dog a couple of scritches behind the neck. “Had to call him something, and he didn’t have any tags, so-”
“-Figured, Samwell crew trip- Sammy,” Shitty explained, breath thankfully returned.
“I like it,” Nursey said, sneaking his hands in for a couple of pets of his own and asking the happy dog, “Is Sammy a good boy? Oh yes, he is.”
“You and your nicknames.” Will shook his head fondly. “So you just got him? Unconventional souvenir, I’d say.”
“Well, he’s not actually, technically, ours,” Shitty admitted.
Will looked from the dog, with his shiny new collar and leash, back to Shitty and Lardo. He pulled himself back upright, suddenly suspicious. “You didn't steal him, did you? Please tell me you didn’t just make me an accomplice to dognapping.”
“No! Not stolen, found,” Lardo rushed to assure him.
“Rescued even,” Shitty insisted.
“When did you two have time to rescue a dog? We just saw you last night.”
“You know how we were at the cemetery, right? Well, we weren’t getting anything there, even looking in the right spot, so we wandered around a little more and there he was. Hanging around to edges of the trees, a little spooked but I think he was hungry enough not to run. We stayed longer to lure him out-“
“-earn his trust!”
“Yeah, Shitty, earn his trust,” Lardo agreed. “And then this morning we took him into-“
“-Petcetera.” Will finished, as things clicked into place. “I did hear something about you two being over there earlier.”
Of course. That explained the phone call that morning. He had been fishing, Will frowned at the pun even though it was hidden silent in his own head, to see if he could take off and leave the dog handling situation to someone else. At least he had called before taking off for his own fun, but still. He couldn't have just been upfront about it? Said why exactly he was calling? Maybe ask if he'd mind handling this for him? Ugh.  
It was probably for the best he didn't hang around that guy much anymore because the next time he saw him he was going to have to murder him.
Okay, maybe not murder. Murder was messy. Also incredibly illegal.
Sink his boat? Hmmm. No. Less messy, slightly, but still illegal.
Let it drop to his mother about how he heard her son was sneaking around with that girl from the island again? Oh. Yes. That would do. Almost guarantee a talking to at their next family dinner. Sweet revenge for duty shirking.
Will knew that his own mother would have said eavesdropping wasn't something to be proud of, but damned if it didn't come in handy on occasion.
Oblivious to the vengeful thoughts racing through Will’s mind, Lardo went on, “Yeah, Petcetera, you know it? The waitress when we stopped for breakfast said it was the best place to try and find his owner.”
“The only place really.” Will told her. “That's our vet, animal control, adoption, and pet supply store all in one. Used to be run by Old Owen, but he passed it on to the younger a few years back.”
“Makes it easy I guess, keeping everything together. Anyway, no chip but he was going to check around. See if anyone is missing him or find him a family. Owen’s supposed to get back to us in a couple hours so we can drop him off either way.”
Will blew out a breath as he pulled himself back to standing. “About that...I can almost guarantee he’d already run through all his guesses about who this little guy belonged to before you even left the shop. He is animal central after all.”
“Maybe he was just waiting to find a place for him then?”
“Or he already found one.”
“Then why-” She looked at him with confusion, and checked her phone screen. “He hasn't called yet. You think we should go back over there?”
“No point, he was headed out fishing.” Will sighed, “probably can’t even see him from shore by now.”
“But if he found a place-” he could see when it clicked in her head, even before Lardo said, “Oh. You’re saying us. He found us.”
“So he just fucked off?!” Shitty asked. “Who does that?”
“Owen.” Will deadpanned.
 “Look, in general, he means well. He cares about the animals. Tries his best, usually. If he didn’t, then the business wouldn't have been passed to him. It's just, sometimes,” Will shrugged, “I don't like to be mean or speak ill, but-”
“Really,” Nursey scoffed, “you don’t like to ’speak ill’? Huh, could have fooled me.”
“Ha-ha funny.” At least Will hoped he was joking. Regardless he had to admit facts. “Fine, Owen’s kind of a flake. He’s been an expert at accomplishing the most while doing the least ever since we were in school. He is good people though. He wouldn't have left the dog if he wasn't sure that he would be taken care of. Assuming that's the reason for the call to me.”
“So, just like that, we have a dog now?”
Shitty looked at her, seeming excited at the possibility of them keeping the dog. Lardo didn't seem entirely against it, as evidenced by the frequent pats and scratches, but did have a look of someone on the edge of overwhelmed at the idea. Not quite sold. Yet.
“You could talk about it, you know?” Will told them. “You’ve still got, what, another day or two here? Take some time to think about it, talk it over. Either way, it’s up to you. And don’t worry, even if you want to leave Sammy here when you go, I’ll make sure he finds a home and is taken care of.”
 Shitty and Lardo looked at each other.
“It’s not like we planned on getting a dog anytime soon-”
“But we didn't plan not to either-”
“You did spend all that time earning drawing him in last night-”
“And you always say it gets lonely at the house when I'm working so long.”
As if he knew they were talking about him, Sammy sat back and wagged his tail. Like he was trying to look his absolute cutest, turning his head back and forth and panting, as they discussed his fate.
“We do have a decent size yard-”
“Big empty yard, that we're doing fuck all with.”
“Truth. Could be nice-”
“Coming home to this cute little happy face?“ Shitty stooped down to the dog’s level and looked up at her hopefully.
“Yours or the dogs?”
Shitty smiled wide up at her, “Both, of course!”
 “I meant what I said, don't let this pressure you. Either way, I’m going to have some words with Owen. If you need longer to think about it, I can-” Will started to offer again.
He wasn’t particularly looking for a pet, content to throw the odd stick across the beach for any loose dogs that escaped for a run. All the fun, none of the responsibility. He just wanted to make sure they didn't take on something they'd regret, most people had more time to work up to and decide on this kind of commitment. Then he saw Lardo and Shitty look down at Sammy one more time before smiling at each other, and he knew the decision was made.
“You want to come home with us little dude?”
Sammy hopped eagerly between them, and just like that it was settled.
“Congrats,” Will told them, “looks like you two just got a new dog.”
“For better or worse,” Lardo laughed out.
 She made sure Shitty had hold of the leash and then turned to Nursey. “Need to borrow you real quick.”
“Oh. Just let me-”
“Now.” She dragged a wide eyed Nursey away by the arm. She started before they were quite out of earshot, “You two? That looked very, well, I hope I didn't interrupt anything.”
Nursey ducked his head down before answering, which had the unfortunate side effect of muffling his voice, and then they were too far for eavesdropping.  
Will sighed, hoping he wasn't in for an interrogation of his own, but Shitty seemed happy to go on about the dog. How the pup had been shivering and scared when they found it, but a bag of his favorite jerky - a worthy sacrifice - was enough to bring him in.
“Think the tent might be lost cause though, some things you just can't clean out. Bitty’s gonna freak. Thing’s green couch bad, bro.”
Will nodded, like he had any idea what Shitty meant by that.
 A few minutes had passed and then Nursey walked back with Lardo, Will tried to catch his eye. He wished for the psychic ability to find out what she had asked him. And know what the reply had been. But he wasn't a mind reader and all Nursey did was smile. Well, at least he still looked happy, not any worse for the wear, so that was likely good. Almost reassuring, he told himself.
 “You tell him?” Shitty asked Lardo. She looked back, lost, and he added, “About Chow?”
“Nah,” Nursey answered for her. “Holster called earlier though. Said Chowder, ummm, got called into work early. Jack and Bits running them to the airport?”
“Yeah, Chowder and Farmer said to give their goodbyes and they'd see everyone at the-” Shitty faltered, “uh, conference? In October. You're still planning on going, right?”
“Course I’m going. Cait’ll be there too?”
“Should be, said she'd try her best at least.”
“Nice,” Nursey said. “So, no car?”
“Not for a couple hours, after lunch at earliest.” Lardo told him.
Will pushed back his questions about what sort of conference would have all their varying jobs called together, and instead offered up his truck to run them wherever.
“Your place again?” she asked. “Ransom said he had somethings to show you. Could get him and Holster over too.”
“Yeah? Sure, why not.” Will told her as she was already dialing.
“Tell them to grab Sammy’s food from the room,” Shitty said, leaning over her. “And us food. Sandwiches!”
“From that place by the pier!” Nurse loudly added. “With the peppers and-”
“Could you let me-” Lardo huffed, as she shoved them aside to get some quiet to finish the call.
Will looked at Nursey in disbelief. “Hungry already? You, literally, just rejected muffins.” He gestured at their, now cleared, table.
“Wasn’t muffin hungry. But sandwiches though.”
“Whatever.” Will rolled his eyes. “Think they could grab a club for me too then?”
“Hmmm maybe. I don't know if they should. You literally just rejected a muffin.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Will shoved him lightly. “Shut up and get in the truck.”  
To Lardo, Shitty, and by extension Sammy, he said “You guys-”
“In the back, got it.” Shitty offered Lardo a hand, but she had hung up and was pulling herself up and over the gate already. Sammy quickly followed over with an excited bark and a leap, and they were off.
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