#Love Northern Colorado Real Estate
Whether you’ve been considering selling for a while, or this is a spontaneous ‘let’s declutter’ moment, choosing the right Real Estate Agent in Northern Colorado can make all the difference. And that’s where we shine! Life’s too short to hang onto things that could be better loved elsewhere or turned into something that can make your dreams come true. So why wait?
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Want to be a lucky guy or gal?  There are things you can do to become one. In fact, there are at least a dozen luck "techniques" that you can use. I have been using them for years, and yes, they say I'm a lucky guy. Here are two of the most important things you can do.Lucky Guy Tip - Get Ready For LuckWhen we bought a house for $17,500 from the bank, and later sold it for a nice profit, people said "You're so lucky!" Yes, we were lucky that we had the cash saved, because they weren't offering financing at that price. We were lucky that had savings, making it easy to quit our jobs and move to this new town.A friend who owns a used car dealership had cash flow problems. He could get a couple great cars at auction, but needed $1500. He offered a car as security if I would loan him the money for 10 days for $100 interest. Not only was I lucky enough to make an easy $100, but he was so grateful that he sold me a car for $1,600 that was worth much more.Preparation puts the odds in your favour. If you were in the situations above, you couldn't necessarily do what I did. But if you had arranged to borrow $17,500 from a someone, you could have split the profits on the house. If you had a credit card in the second situation, a cash advance fee and interest would have cut your profit in half, but then maybe it's even luckier to make money with none of your own money.In whatever area of your life you want to be a lucky guy, start preparing. There are always things you can do to allow for more luck. When you want to be lucky in love, you comb your hair, right? If you want to have good luck as a singer, start practicing, make a list of places you can audition, read up on how other singers became successful. Start getting ready for good luck.Lucky Guy Tip - Be In The Right PlaceMy wife was recently lucky enough to get a good job teaching Spanish. She never was able to find jobs like this when we lived in a small northern Michigan town. When we moved here to Tucson, Arizona, things changed. Not surprisingly, there are often more opportunities in larger towns. Naturally, you are more likely to get a "lucky break" as a movie star in Hollywood than in Toledo, Ohio. You'll have more opportunities to sail in a city on a coast. If you want to be a great skier, should you move to Alabama or Colorado? You get the point.It isn't just about moving to "luckier" cities, though. Being in the right place is a matter of daily choices too. "Hanging out" where management does is more likely to lead to a promotion at work than spending time with the other employees. We spend time at real estate investing club meetings, and were just approached with an offer to partner on a great deal. Find the "right places," and make it a point to be there. Imagine two men looking for the woman of their dreams. One stays home and dreams while the other accepts an invitation to a party. Who's more likely to be the lucky guy? SUBSCRIBE NOW! Enter your email address:
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11 tips on how best to install EV charging stations in multifamily housing
A top sustainability expert gives the whys and wherefores of installing  electric vehicle charging posts in your next multifamily enterprise.
Electric vehicle adoption is expected to grow at a 25% annual clip over  next five years. That’s going to make the installation of electric  charging stations a must at apartment communities in most major real  estate markets. Having EV stations on your property can lift its value,  help you retain residents, and give your marketers another plus to  attract prospective renters in competitive multifamily markets.
For advice on how best to install EV charging stations in multifamily  enterprises, we turned to Pete Zadoretzky, LEED AP O+M, Vice President –  Sustainability, Bozzuto Management Company.  The company owns and manages more than 250 apartment communities, about two-thirds of which have EV stations. Bozzuto recently was named Energy  Star’s Partner of the Year–Energy Management for the fourth year in a row—the only 100% multifamily management company to do so.
1. Start thinking now about EV charging stations.
Nearly half of respondents (48.6%) to our exclusive Multifamily Design+Construction “Amenities Survey 2019” said  they had installed EV chargers  in multifamily projects, up from 42.0%  in our 2017 survey. That means most multifamily developers and their  project teams have yet to install EV charging stations.
“It used to be, developers would ask, How much? And when they saw the  price, it was, Thanks, but no thanks,” said Zadoretzky, a Fitwell Ambassador. (A 2016 study in San Francisco found that the cost of installing 12 PV ports in a 60-space parking lot was about $860/port, $2,370/port for a retrofit.) According to Zadoretzky, sticker shock has  all but evaporated as the cost to install and operate EV stations keeps  coming down.
2. Do your homework early in the planning process.
Apartment owners and investors must take the pulse of local market EV  demand. Zadoretzky said his company’s preferred charging-station provider, ChargePoint, helps him  track the number of EV vehicle registrations at a given time in a given  market. “You’ll find a big difference between the number of EVs in, say,  suburban Pennsylvania compared to Northern Virginia,” where it’s much  higher, he said.
3. Determine the right number of EV charging ports for your property.
“For new construction, it’s important to be thinking strategically about what makes sense when the property first opens and what, when, and  how you will be able to increase your capabilities at that property as  it matures,” Zadoretzky said.
There was a time when two ports were enough, he said. “Now, we have apartment communities delivering with dozens of stations,” said Zadoretzky. “You don’t want to lose a single lease because there aren’t  enough charging stations.”
There’s no perfect yardstick, but the “Guide to EV-Ready Communities” suggests  that about 10% of all parking spaces in multifamily housing complexes  should be dedicated to charging electric vehicles.
4. Check out the plentiful equipment and supplier options.
“Plug in America,” a resource site for all things EV, lists more than  50 manufacturers and installers; Energy Star profiles about 20. Blink  Charging, ChargePoint, and SemaConnect are the best-known full-service  providers for multifamily and mixed-use communities. Electrify America,  EVGo, and Volta Charging are more common for the retail-facing side of  mixed-use communities. Tesla has its own proprietary stations.
Do your homework, advised Zadoretzky. “Looking back on Bozzuto’s history with EV stations, we learned the hard way that not all equipment  is created equal,” he said. “You get what you pay for.”
Electric vehicle charging station in an apartment complex: just tap to start the charging process. Photo: Courtesy ChargePoint
Zadoretzky said his company chose ChargePoint because it offered an open platform, fully integrated with Bozzuto’s property management software. The ports’ LCD screens and messaging functions are user friendly.
The stations are open to the public. EV drivers can locate a charging  station by searching and getting alerts via the ChargePoint EV app or  the PlugShare app, which lists more than 140,000 charging stations in  the U.S. and Canada. Retail guests patronizing the mixed-use complex’s  restaurants and stores can charge their EVs while they dine and shop;  they pay via the ChargePoint app. “Apartment management companies love  having cars visiting the property because it brings prospective  residents onto the property,” said Zadoretzky.
A second option—at roughly one-third the price—provides an assigned space, one port per customer for the term of the lease, as long as the lessee has an electric vehicle. “It’s a stripped-down version,” Zadoretzky said. “It’s more efficient, but only one car can use it.”
5. Dig into the physical demands of installing EV charging stations.
Initial costs should be baked into your project’s electrical contracting scope of work and budget. A lot of questions have to be answered, said Zadoretzky: How close will the EV spaces be to the electrical room? Will you have to run a lot of conduit? Will you need to  expand the size of the nearest electrical panel from original design  loads? If it’s a retrofit in, say, a garden apartment community, how much trenching needs to be done to lay the conduit? How deep will you have to dig? Will you have to dig through established landscaping? Through asphalt? If you’re installing the EV stations in a structured parking garage, will the installers need to x-ray the concrete?
As for the cost of installing EV chargers in existing apartment properties, Zadoretzky offered these crystal clear guidelines: “You can  analyze numbers all you want, but we know for sure that it can cost three times or even five times more to build EV ports on an existing property compared to new development.”
6. Determine your operating costs.
“There’s no blanket answer to operating costs,” Zadoretzky said. Among  the many variables to consider: Will the EV stations be installed in a   mixed-use project or a 100% residential one? Is parking assigned to the  residents, or is the lot first come, first served? Is there a monthly  parking fee for an assigned space? Is there a shortage of parking spaces  in the complex? Will parking spaces have to be removed to make way for  the ports’ electrical equipment? Will the EV chargers be located on the  property or in an adjacent area?
Zadoretzky described a property Bozzuto manages in Boston. Its six ports consumed 19MWh over a 12-month period, at a rate of $0.135/kWh. “That’s about $2,550 for the year, or about $425/port,” he said. “A lot  for a building amenity for sure, but a drop in the bucket of the overall  building’s energy use—and a non-issue in most cases, as we are recouping the cost of electricity directly from our EV-charging residents.”
7. Look for financial subsidies and incentives.
Government subsidies at the federal, state, and local level can significantly reduce first costs.
“You need to check out any state subsidy programs and combine those with incentives from utility companies for real savings,” Zadoretzky said. “The subsidies vary from state to state, and they are constantly changing. Right now, Massachusetts has one of the best around—not quite  100%, but pretty close. Maryland has excellent state and utility incentives.” Zadoretzky said he’s been surprised that some cities, like  Washington, D.C., and whole states (Florida, for example) offer no incentives at all.
According to RCLCO’s 2020 EV Charging Report, commercial incentives can  be significant, often covering 50–100% of an EV charger’s hardware,  make-ready, ongoing service costs, and station/infrastructure installation. For example, Colorado provides rebates to multifamily property owners for up to 80% of charging station cost. Hawaii will subsidize 100% of the cost of installation.
A 2018 industry survey by CleanTechnica revealed that about 16% of charging station installations obtained government subsidies totaling more than $1,000 per connector, while another 20% received benefits of less than $1,000 per port. But in California, various jurisdictions offer incentives ranging from $3,000 per port to as high as $10,000 for  ports in affordable housing communities. A Colorado program offers $9,000 per port for Level 2 smart chargers. Check cleantechnica.com for state-by-state data.
8. Think ahead about the day-to-day management of EV charging stations.
Zadoretzky said Bozzuto’s EV partner, ChargePoint, provides a  customer-facing app and a management-facing dashboard that produce  real-time information for both property staff and residents. If, for  example, a tenant has been using the charger for too long, the dashboard  will alert the property manager, who can then ask the tenant to unplug  and move the car. Or, the property manager could program the dashboard  not to charge a new tenant for a stipulated period as part of the lease  signing.
ChargePoint has a Wi-Fi–enabled solution that provides real-time diagnostic data to property management staff. It also tracks and reports  carbon emissions data, which is crucial when sharing information with  investors or in complying with mandated benchmarking ordinances, said  Zadoretzky.
“They’re monitoring our stations 24/7/365. If something goes wrong, their team is there to support us, right away, he said. “That’s crucial.” Usually it’s just a matter of a FaceTime phone call between ChargePoint and a Bozzuto maintenance technician to fix the problem using the display screen on the port.
9. Don’t forget to play the sustainability card.
Properties can earn points toward LEED certification by providing charging stations to serve at least 2% of parking spaces. To qualify for  LEED points, EV charging spots must be Level 2 or higher, connected to a  network, capable of supporting demand response or time-of-use charging,  and compatible with universal EV charging connectors.
10. Beef up your EV marketing and signage.
Zadoretzky said his company made a strategic decision that EV charging  stations would be an extension of the apartment community’s brand, and  that they must match the customer service levels residents expect from  Bozzuto. The availability of EV charging ports should also be  highlighted in the community’s marketing package and in the walking tour.
Zadoretzky said he’s amazed that Craigslist is the only apartment listing site that allows prospects to list the availability of EV charging ports. “At Bozzuto, we get an average of about two requests per  month via searches for each of our properties that has EV stations,” he  said.
At the property management level, Zadoretzky strongly recommended putting up clearly visible signage that identifies the EV ports to residents and guests. “EV owners do not want to come home to their apartment, only to find another car parked in the space with the EV charging port,” he said. “Apply penalties if you have to.”
11. Bone up on “EV-ready” building code requirements.
An EV-ready code is one that requires that a building’s electrical capacity and other infrastructure to be ready to install charging posts  if and when there is sufficient demand. According to EVConnect, EV-ready  codes may require a certain percentage of parking spots to have:
  A dedicated electrical circuit with sufficient capacity for each charging spot
  Installation of the conduit and wire necessary to run electricity to EV charging spots
  Electrical panels labeled “EV-ready” and positioned near where tenants will park
  Preparation for EV charging at a certain percentage of parking spots in multifamily housing
Since 2017, Atlanta has required new multifamily communities to make  20% of parking spaces EV ready. St. Louis Park, a suburb of Minneapolis  (2018 population: 49,039), requires 10% of all parking in new apartment  complexes to be EV ready. In 2019, Seattle started requiring apartment  projects with one to six units to have an equal number of EV-ready  spaces; those with seven to 25 units must have at least six EV-ready  slots, and those with more than 25 parking spaces must make 20% EV  ready.
In January, the International Code Council approved a provision that,  if implemented by states or local jurisdictions, will require multifamily projects with three or more than units to have one EV-ready  parking space if there is only one parking spot; two EV-ready slots if  there are up to 25 parking spaces; and 20% of total parking spaces (rounded up, if there’s a remainder) for apartment communities with more  than 25 spaces.
So, if you’re a newby to electric vehicles, when is the right time to  start installing EV charging stations in your apartment communities?  “The best time,” said Zadoretzky, “is before you even know you want one.”
There are three major categories of EV chargers (sometimes referred to  as EVSEs, for “electric vehicle supply equipment”), based on the maximum  amount of power the charger can provide to the battery.
  Level 1 Uses a 120-volt AC plug. Delivers 2–5 miles of range per hour of charging. Used primarily in single-family homes.
  Level 2 Provides charging through a 240-volt (for residential) or  208-volt (for commercial) plug. Requires installation of additional charging equipment. Can deliver 10–20 miles of range per hour of charging. The most common station type for multifamily communities.
  DC Fast Charge Provides charging through 480-volt AC input. Requires  highly specialized, high-powered equipment as well as special equipment  in the vehicle itself. (Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles typically do  not have fast-charging capabilities.) Can deliver 60–80 miles of range  in 20 minutes of charging. Used most often in public charging stations.
Charging times range from less than 30 minutes to 20 hours or more based on the type of electric vehicle supply equipment in use, as well as the type of battery, how depleted it is, and its capacity.
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Ranches Near Bozeman
Cost Of Living In Montana
Although, it isn't totally there yet. However, it is thought about that the expense of living is still on the greater side of things, regardless of the standard of living remaining in comparison to city cities. This is most likely the cost to spend for quiet peaceful surroundings of lakes and also hills. If you ask us, that is truly a deluxe for city slicker. This shows that Montana isn't far behind from its nearby states. Do note that the state additionally has a huge concentration of the populace crowding to its 7 large cities, causing a real estate crunch for newbies. In addition to that, the cost of living might stumble upon as cheaper than the majority of states in the United States.
According to records by Residence, Snacks, there's a 21% distinction in the lease of Georgia, when contrasted with the nationwide standard. If we needed to put a number on it, this indicates it is feasible to obtain a standard 1 bedroom apartment for $641, while the average nationwide rent for the 1 room would be $930. Since you have a rough number to contrast the lease prices, we would certainly advise comparing it with the town you would love to stay in to comprehend if you would substantially be saving way extra by relocating to Montana. To provide you also much more of a context, let's do a relative analysis with the tentative rent costs in the other mountainous states so you can see things from a rate point: So, if living in the mountains is your version of a desire home, possibilities are, it is most affordable to rent out a space in Montana, in contrast to states like Colorado and also Idaho.
Nevertheless, do keep in mind that the town you pick will make a massive difference to the housing budget. In Montana like any other state, there are particular areas like Manhattan, Bozeman, Whitefish, 3 Forks, Red Lodge, Sidney as well as Colstrip where the cost of lease is way greater than the state's average mean rent. 1. Montana State College, Bozeman2. Montana Technological College, Butte3. Carroll College, Helena4. Rocky Hill College, Billings5. College of Montana Western, Dillon6. Salish Kootenai College, Pablo7. College of Montana, Missoula8. Montana State University, Billings9. Montana State University Northern, Havre10. College of Divine Superintendence, Great Falls1. Hobson Public Schools, Hobson2. Highwood K-12, Highwood3.
A Better Life In Montana
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Plains High College Area, Plains5. Geraldine Public Schools, Geraldine6. Sunburst Public Schools, Sunburst7. Philipsburg Public Schools, Philipsburg8. Missoula Senior High School Area, Missoula9. Hamilton Public Schools, Hamilton10. Lavina Public Schools, Lavina, The elegance of Bozeman is that the magnificent nature trails of the state are simply 15 mins away from houses and it's possible to get to a ski resort in roughly 30 mins. Having treking routes as well as ski resorts in close closeness is just one of the major top priorities for individuals relocating into the state as well as this town deals with that specific requirement pretty well. Unlike smaller countryside communities, Bozeman is not a drowsy town.
With a mere population of 50,000, community life is provided a great deal of significance in this town. Kalispell is the mall of Northwestern Montana as well as is also residence to among the largest company of the state (i. e Kalispell Regional Medical Facility). The town is simply 40 mins far from Glacier National forest, which is why it does obtain a lot of vacationers. Nevertheless, the community is exceptionally huge as well as you would still have the advantage of having your own space far from the group. In comparison to various other towns, Kalispell is certainly on the higher end when it pertains to real estate expenses.
Payments is the biggest as well as fastest expanding city in the state, the city has a strong stable economic situation due to the flourishing oil market and it being one of the largest profession locations of the United States. The city brings in a bargain of young experts in search for a city way of life in Montana. Payments is among the cities that remind locals of the city life but is still rural adequate to enjoy the hills and also the all-natural elegance of the state. After Billings, Missoula is the second biggest city of the state of Montana. This small little town has actually created its very own character for many years, due to the variety of breweries, cafe stores, art galleries and the real-time music bars.
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wsmith215 · 4 years
For Vincent Jackson, life after football means inspiring military families
Former NFL star receiver Vincent Jackson remains a self-proclaimed “military brat” to this day, but that life led to the discipline that’s led to an even more successful career after football.  
Jackson, who has partnered with USAA on Memorial Day to offer digital tributes to fallen service members at PoppyInMemory.com, holds that connection now after the death of his grandfather Richard Snyder last month. Snyder served in the U.S. Coast Guard, and that’s another layer to Jackson’s military background. 
“I didn’t love it when I was going through it, but when I got to middle school and high school age I realized how much of an advantage it was to be able to travel and experience some things that some kids who live in the same town 18 years don’t,” Jackson told Sporting News. “That’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I’m going to raise my kids in the same town for 18 years, but what I went through was truly educational.” 
Jackson’s parents, Terence and Sherry, both served in the U.S. Army. Vincent lived in Germany and several different states before a college career at Northern Colorado, where he majored in business. That led to a 12-year career with the San Diego Chargers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  
MORE: ESPN to air Tom Brady documentary
Jackson — a 6-5, 230-pound receiver — finished with 540 catches for 9,080 yards and 57 TDs and averaged 16.8 yards per catch for his career. By his fourth year in the NFL, however, Jackson already had an eye on what was next.  
“I started exploring the business world,” he said. “I studied business in college. That was my degree, and I started exploring time with attorneys and restaurateurs. That really shaped me to see so many different venues and avenues I could be a part of.” 
Jackson now has successful real estate and restaurant ventures in San Diego and the Tampa-St. Petersburg area of Florida, including CTV Capital. Jackson lives in Tampa and remains involved in several community projects.  
In some ways, Jackson has become an even bigger role model off the field since announcing his retirement in 2018.  
Jackson’s foundation — JacksonInAction83 — focuses on helping military families and their children. One advantage is being near MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Jackson’s parents also moved to Tampa in 2015 and have been supportive in those ventures.  
“We’re focused on active duty,” Jackson said. “It’s inspiring that USAA is spending some healthy efforts to focus on the memorial side and people that have made the ultimate sacrifice.”  
That effort entails the tributes at PoppyInMemory.com (a poppy is a symbol of remembrance for fallen soldiers) and use of the hashtag #HonorThroughAction. It was an easy partnership for Jackson to make. 
“This poppy and this endeavor with USAA has been very educating for me,” he said. “I’m going to act like a student. I’m still learning.”  
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bellabooks · 7 years
A look back on our 2017 publications
Romance, mystery, thrillers, erotica: Bella has it all. 2017 saw releases in all genres, with dashing debuts and ravishing returns. Here’s a look back at all of the new releases for 2017, and as a special bonus, Bella is doing a sale on many of these books this weekend, plus some debut authors from 2016. January 2017   Constellations by Meghan Diane We’re thrilled to have Meghan Diane’s debut novel, Constellations, premiering this January with Bella Books. Traveling photographer Aurora has pledged not to get involved with another woman for six months, but when Rugby player and astronomy buff Phoenix comes into her life, will Aurora be able to resist falling?   Ask, Tell by E.J. Noyes Another Bella new author debut! Set during the oppressive DADT (Don’t Ask Don’t Tell) period in the US military, Captain Sabine Fleischer is feeling the pain of serving in silence while risking her life as a surgeon in a Afghanistan combat hospital. Things get even more complicated when Sabine can’t stop thinking about Colonel Rebecca Keane, her superior officer, and her feelings of attraction may just be reciprocated.   Erased by Robbi McCoy Robbi McCoy’s newest novel is a thrilling sci-fi romance. Imagine chasing a bad guy one moment, and ending up two hundred years in the future, the next. That’s exactly what happens to police officer Dani Barsetti, who is now tasked with taking out a dangerous terrorist. Being in the future has wiped out all traces of Dani in the present, including the life she made with her wife, Gemma. Dani has two weeks before she’s sent back to the future on her mission to try and reconnect with Gemma, and possibly, just possibly fall in love all over again.   New Additions by Becky Harmon Former cop and foster parent, Cassie Thomas, is about to meet her match in foster care worker, Kathleen Masters. Well, make that Kathleen and the four teenage girls she’d like to place in Cassie’s care. Will Cassie’s quiet life at her vacation resort be turned upside down by a quartet of new family members and a possible new romance?   February 2017   Delay of Game by Tracey Richardson Niki Hartling and Eva Caruso are former Olympic hockey competitors, and lovers, torn apart by the pressures of the game. Twelve years later, the women find themselves thrust into each others lives again, now as player and rival coach. Sparks and ice will fly when these two deal with their buried feelings for each other.   Consequences by Sarah Libero   This debut novel by Sarah Libero features Emily, a closeted wife and mother, who loses her husband in what appears to be an accident. When Emily’s path crosses with Detective Kay DeLorme, an undeniable instant attraction ignites, and long hidden feelings rise to the surface. As their relationship deepens, so does Kay’s case and their decisions will have serious consequences.   Party Favors by Jaime Clevenger This choose your own adventure erotica is a must have. You find yourself at a party full of gorgeous women, and each decision you make will lead to a different sexy and sensual conclusion.   Milgrane: Embracing the Sapphire by Y.L. Wigman A massive diamond theft is at the center of this romantic thriller. Constable Taite O’Dath of the Australian Federal Police is on the international hunt for the diamonds. Could the owner of the diamonds, Sabine Zaffiro, actually be involved in the theft? And will she also steal Taite’s heart?   March 2017   Stay With Me by Sheryl Wright In this follow-up to the popular romance, Don’t Let Go, Tyler Marsh and Georgie DiNamico are back as  fiancées and business partners in the DiNamico -Phipps Company. Thinking that the drama is behind them, the couple goes about planning their wedding, but circumstances arise that could derail everything.  Lori Phipps, also a successful businesswoman, gets thrown for a loop when she meets someone unlike anyone else she’s known before. In the Company of Crocodiles by Maggie Brown  Former Australian Secret Service officer Vivian Andrews stumbles upon a body in her sleepy fishing village, and becomes embroiled in a murderous mystery. She’s recruited to help find a missing person by behavioral scientist Claire Walker, and it’s not long before the attraction between Vivian and Claire rises to the surface. But is Claire hiding something? Vivian aims to find out.   No One But You by Catherine Maorisi After the heartbreak of being left at the altar, novelist Lily Alexander is a little gun-shy about getting back into the dating scene. Enter Robin DiLuca, a sexy butch entrepreneur who is looking for fun, but not love. Of course, the instant connection between the two leads to something serious. However, when their baby is born early, Robin’s past comes back to haunt her and she flees, thinking it’s best for her love and their child. Can an encounter with a stranger bring these two back together?   Murder at Metrolina by Kate Merrill Artist Amanda Rittenhouse returns to her childhood home in North Carolina to nurse a broken heart. She rents a space in the Metrolina Tradeshow Expo, and starts to mend her own heart and her relationships with the family she left at 18. Amanda’s mom fancies herself a Nancy Drew and soon the Rittenhouse women have a major mystery on their hands.   April 2017   Speak in Winter Code by S.M. Harding S.M. Harding’s latest romantic thriller picks up after the events of I Will Meet You There and A Woman of Strong Purpose. Colonel Win Kirkland and Sheriff Sarah Pitt are recently married and looking to add to their family, but when a network of dangerous people decide to use McCrumb County as home base, Win and Sarah must spring into action to take them down.   A Secret to Tell by Ann Roberts Goldie Winner and Lambda Literary finalist Ann Roberts is back with her sixth book in the popular Ari Adams mystery series. When an attorney who is the keeper of many secrets ends up murdered, real estate agent Ari Adams and her girlfriend P.I. Molly Nelson start investigating in their own ways. There are five women in town who have a lot to hide, and will Molly and Ari be able to get to the bottom of the murder before becoming targets themselves?   Homecoming by Celeste Castro This is Celeste Castro’s debut novel with Bella! Bestselling author Dusty Del Carmen is invited to speak at a conference in her old home state of Idaho, a place fraught with many unpleasant memories. Enter Professor Morgan West, a fan of Dusty’s and her unexpected companion when the two women become trapped in a rustic cabin together. Perhaps Morgan can find a way to help Dusty finally face the pain of her past.   May 2017   Nico and Tucker by Rachel Gold In this sequel to Gold’s Just Girls, Jess Tucker is back and trying to heal from the wounds of the last year’s trauma. Nico is going through a crisis of their own, as a medical situation becomes impossible to ignore alongside pressure from their family. When Tucker and Nico get close, will Tucker be able to deal with her feelings, or will the familiar urge to run away take over?   Sawmill Springs by Gerri Hill Gerri Hill is back with a new mystery! Homicide detective Mandi Murphy thought she was getting away from her stressful life as a Houston cop by taking up in the peaceful and quaint Sawmill Springs. Same for FBI agent Kayla Dixon who took a job offer from her police chief father and hoped for a quieter life. Everything was going great until a prominent citizen of the sleepy town is murdered. Now Mandi and Kayla will have to team up to find a killer and deal with their growing attraction for one another in the process.   Choosing Love by MB Panichi Lesbian novelist/newspaper editor Amry Marasich is visiting her hometown of Northern Minnesota when she meets forestry officer Takoda Running Bear. The women are instantly drawn to one another, but Amry’s homophobic family makes it hard for her to want to return to this small town for good. Can their love survive the obstacles of intolerance and distance?   The Winder Path by Lyn Dowland Veterinarian Gillian Pembury finds refuge in a small town in Northern England. She’d all but given up hope of a social life when farmwoman Sandi Helton came in with her life displaying an intoxicating mix of strength and compassion. Danger lurks however, threatening to derail this passionate romance.   June 2017   Five Moons Rising by Lise MacTague Humanity is unaware of the secret world of supernatural creatures that live among them, and a special force of genetically engineered hunters makes sure it stays that way. When hunter Hunter Mary Alice Nolan and werewolf Ruri Samson- sworn enemies- come face to face, the unexpected happens.   Water’s Edge by Genevieve Fortin This historical romance takes readers back to the late 1800s, where Emilie Levesque and Angeline Fournier forge a bond while working together in a textile mill. That bond is what keeps them strong under the back breaking conditions of the mill, and the oppressive expectations of women during that time. The women are eventually separated but fate will bring them together once again.   Taken In by Erica Abbott CJ St. Clair thought she left the past behind her when she left Savannah for Colorado. However, CJ is forced to return to her hometown and try to solve a murder case and keep her family together at the same time. CJ’s partner Alex is also dealing with the fallout from a murder, but one that happened many years ago. Can CJ and Alex find a way through this together?   July 2017 Conference Call by various This short story anthology by twenty-eight Bella authors features stories of women who find themselves immersed in drama, romance and intrigue, all the while attending their favorite cons, conferences and events.  Conference Callis an anthology to benefit the Golden Crown Literary Society.   Moment of Weakness by KG MacGregor  After receiving an award for valor, and a career ending injury, Captain Suzann “Zann” Redeker heads back home from Afghanistan to Vermont. What Zann discovers something disturbing about the day she was injured and lost one of her team, her whole world is turned upside down. Will her partner Marleigh stand by her?   No More Pretending by Bette Hawkins  Actress Lauren Langham has her hands full with her biggest role to date — pretending to be straight. When she travels to small town Texas to shoot a new film, she meets Harper Ward and is instantly smitten. Harper mistakes Lauren’s attraction for arrogance, and when she’s hired as the director’s assistant, the two women find themselves butting heads and making sparks.   Skin in the Game by Melissa Price  In this sequel to 2015’s Steel Eyes, super spy Kenna Waverly is back and living quietly in Jamaica. She’s called back into service to help find the people behind a hack into America’s cyber security. She’s put together with a woman named Alice, who Kenna shares a past with. Along the way as they play this dangerous game, Kenna learns more about what happened to her parents, while putting her own life on the line.   In Her Eyes by Renee J. Lukas The sequel to the best-selling Hurricane Days is finally here! Rock star Adrienne Austen is ready to open up about her relationship with former Governor Robin Sanders. Since then, Robin has gone into hiding while Adrienne continues her rise to the top. But where is Robin? Was “bad girl” Adrienne involved in her disappearance?   August 2017   Fire Dancer by Micheala Lynn Having grown up sheltered, Sarah has only just begun discovering her true self. Totally uninterested in the men her family has been trying to set her up with, Sarah finds her interested piqued by a fire dancer named Jewel Black, or to her audiences, Enigma.   Visiting Hours by Tagan Shepard In Tagan Shepard’s Bella debut, we meet history professor Alison Reynolds, who has it all pretty much figured out…or so she thinks. That’s until West Coast doctor Jess comes careening into her life. At first they clash, but under all that irritation lies a pesky attraction that won’t seem to go away.   Pixie by D Jordan Redhawk This new novel by D Jordan Redhawk deals with the events started by her previous protagonist, Darkstone. With the veil between our dimension of the mystical realm finally pierced, humankind is dealing with all kinds of unexpected consequences. When Gillie flees from England and ends up in Portland, she meets Lindsay, a beautiful and kind woman with a shock of blue hair. However, falling for someone is hard enough when you aren’t being chased down by mystical creatures across an ocean.   Echo Point by Virginian Hale Another Bella debut! After the sudden death of her sister, Libby, a grieving Bron comes back to Australia to take care of her young niece, Annie. When Libby’s best friend Ally comes in to the picture, Bron can’t help but bristle at Ally’s sudden presence in her family’s life. Just when Bron thinks of taking Annie back with her to Boston, a wild fire begins raging nearby and Bron realizes just how important Ally might be to her after all.   September  2017 A Time to Speak by Riley Scott In Riley Scott’s newest, closeted Amelia Brandt’s best friend and sometimes lover is murdered in their small Texas town, and Amelia’s world is sent spinning. When LGBTQ activist Dominique Velez arrives in town to help with the healing process, Amelia is drawn to Dominique’s passion and charm. Will this stranger help Amelia finally come out and embrace herself?   Illegal Contact by Becky Harmon When security agent Jamison Krews is asked by a longtime friend to protect her little sister and Tallahassee Tigers star player, Shea Carter, Jamison can’t say no. Can Jamison earn the quarterback’s trust (and maybe more) while protecting her from people who don’t want Shea or the Tigers to succeed?   Chain Letter by Claire McNab The ninth book in the Carol Ashton series is back by popular demand. In this novel, Detective Carol Ashton is investigating the murder of a fellow officer, and finds a link to other unsolved homicides: a threatening chain letter.   A Fugitive’s Kiss by Jaime Clevenger When Aysha’s discovers a mysterious fugitive named Darin taking cover in her barn, the women’s first meeting is less than ideal. However, when Aysha is also threatened by the people after Darin, they must flee and learn to work together to defeat their pursuers.   October 2017 Turbulence by E.J. Noyes Stockbroker Isabelle Rhodes is trying to get over a broken heart, and has her first ever one-night stand. The night was amazing, but the last thing she expected the morning after was for the woman to be the new company pilot, Audrey Graham. Isabelle is determined to keep it professional, but with someone as fun and alluring as Audrey, it won’t be easy.   Vagabond Heart by Ann Roberts Contractor Quinn O’Sullivan doesn’t stay in one place too long, so when a request arrives from her recently deceased travel writer aunt, she hits Route 66 to carry out her wishes. When an injury threatens to derail the adventure, emergency room doctor Suda Singh offers to accompany Quinn on the road. A mystery woman, a couple of cats, and falling in love just might be on the map.   Bait and Switch by Blythe H. Warren When marine biologist Liv Cucinelli comes face to face with the homophobic woman who ruined her college career, she’s less than thrilled to spend an evening with her. Mira Butler has no clue of the havoc she wreaked on on Liv’s life, so when she see has a chance meeting with her, she won’t let Liv walk away. The two women will uncover their shared past, and with some forgiveness and understanding, perhaps they can find a way to be friends…or maybe even more.   Past Due and Set Up by Claire McNab Follow the investigations and adventures of Detective Carol Ashton in the newly reissued books ten and eleven of the beloved mystery series. The murder of a reproductive specialist and the hunt for a hired killer take center stage in these novels.   November 2017   The Secret Pond by Gerri Hill In this new novel by bestselling author Gerri Hill, two grieving widows find a connection with each other. After losing her family, Lindsey McDermott moves to her grandparents’ home in small town Texas to deal with her survivor’s guilt. After Hannah Larson’s husband dies, she too moves to the same Texas town. Her son Jack bonds with Lindsey, and even after he returns to school in the fall, Lindsey continues to come by and their friendship grows deeper than either of them expected.   My Forever Hero by Karen Legasy Debut author Karen Legasy transports readers to Australia with Canadian police officer Marlee Nevin. After a surfing accident nearly takes her life, Marlee is rescued by the captivating Abigail Taylor. Soon after, Abigail is framed with tampering with research at her biosystems firm, and asks Marlee to help her. Can Marlee return the favor and save Abigail this time, even as their attraction smolders beneath the surface?   The Schuyler House by Cade Haddock Strong Another Bella debut! Mattie Pearson has a big secret that she’s kept from everyone. That includes Alex Holland, a friend who Mattie longs for something more with. As Mattie’s past deeds eat away at her, she struggles with the decision to tell Alex the truth. Will her honesty cause her to lose the woman she’s falling in love with?   Under Suspicion, Death Club, and Accidental Murder by Claire McNab     Here are three more Carol Ashton re-releases by Claire McNab. We are rereleasing the entire Carol Ashton series in eBook format, and you can read books 1-14 now.   December 2017   Dreams Unspoken by RJ Layer  Cowgirl, take me away! Horse trainer Jo Marchal has returned to her Ohio hometown to try and reconnect with her family, and do a little healing herself. While there, she meets Maria West, a woman who dreams of love and family. Could these two women find what’s been missing in their lives, in each other?   Heartsick by Tracey Richardson In Richardson’s new medical drama, paramedic Angie Cullen and ER doctor Victoria Turner find out that their respective partners have been cheating…with each other. Brokenhearted at the betrayal, Angie and Victoria become unlikely allies and lean on each other. Can these women learn to trust each other enough to fall?   Lethal Care by Claire McNab with Katherine V. Forrest The long awaited conclusion of the Carol Ashton series is finally here. Detective Inspector Carol Ashton has been promoted to Chief Inspector, and finds herself in charge of two massive cases. The death of wealthy philanthropist Greta Denby and investigating officer Inspector Ian Rooke seem to be connected, and it’s up to Carol Ashton to find the links. If anyone can do it, she can.   All of these books and more are available on bellabooks.com. http://dlvr.it/Q8Dd7q
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frostedpetticoat · 5 years
Rustic Italian Entertaining… at it’s finest!
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Guest Contributor: Jewels Gray
Jewels is the talented eye behind Jewels Photography in Denver, Colorado. Follow along as she show's us a proper Italian feast.
There’s a venue here in Denver that reminds me of the home my grand-parents built in Northern California… tan stucco arches and dark brown tiled floors, it’s not something you typically see here in Colorado. The lighting is always so beautiful here and as a Photographer, that’s something I notice while shooting weddings. If this venue were around back when I got married, I definitely would have had my own wedding there, without a doubt. It’s called the Villa Parker, and I’ve always dreamed of what my wedding would have looked like here. This past September, I finally got to see my vision in real life!
I’m in love with Italy…in fact, it’s my favorite country to visit. The Mediterranean climate and landscape, reminds me of home back in Northern California. I wanted this shoot to be as authentic as Colorado could do it. Of course, the aesthetic of the Villa Parker was the perfect setting. “Villa Parker is a stunning Colorado wedding and special event venue. Located just south of Denver, this Mediterranean estate with its grand entrance and vibrant gardens warmly welcomes friends and family to share in your special occasion.
Wallflower Décor brought the rustic table we used for the “antipasti” and “dolce” set up, and the wine barrels & boxes for the bar (which were borrowed from the wine aficionado from Elway’s in Cherry Creek - fancy! They went above and beyond to get everything I wanted for the shoot.
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Antipasti – this was a challenge getting together! Italians love their food and it just wouldn’t be an Italian shoot without it! Being that it’s September, and the busiest month for Colorado weddings, I couldn’t find one catering company that would commit to helping with this project, even with begging and pleading. I completely get it. With time running out, I decided to just do it myself and picked up a few key ingredients at Tony’s Meat Market, a high-end gourmet deli and market. 
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How beautiful the table-scape came out! It was so much fun picking out the details at the Event Rents showroom. They were extremely helpful on this shoot and I just loved how everything looked together! The classic flatware and stunning glassware filled the table and it made me swoon the way the lighting came through the cut crystal goblets! 
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For the florals, I could really only see that soft greyish green of olive leaves, mixed with lots of texture and maybe a subtle pop of citrus. Pam from Petals ‘N Grapes nailed it. She saw I was looking for a florist and was all over it!
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I made a batch of Italian wedding soup, a charcuterie board with Italian meats & cheeses, bruschetta & tapenade, meatballs & marinara, caprese skewers, and an “olive bar” with Italian olive oils and balsamic vinegars.
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Speaking of Italian olive oils and balsamic vinegars, I just had to have little bottles as “favors”. There was only one choice in my mind, and that’s Lucero. American Olive Farmers since 1947 in Corning, a rural Far Northern California community known for producing delicious olive oil for over a century, Lucero is the “standard”, period. One of my friends from high school got married a few years back and had sample bottles of Lucero for her guests, and I brought home as many as I could (and coveted them till they ran out). I loved that idea and wanted it for this shoot. Due to my fan-girl status, they agreed to work with me and sent a case of the most perfect product for us to use! We had the Taggiasca extra virgin olive oil, accompanied with the Bianco white balsamic vinegar and adorable little bottles.
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Italians are revered for their wine, Prosecco, Lemoncello, and even sangria (I know it’s more Spanish, but that still counts for Mediterranean). Peak Beverage, Colorado’s premier beverage catering service was the most perfect choice.
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Wine Featured: Santa Christina Toscana
Arcanum 2005 Toscana
Santa Margarita Brut Rose
Mia Dolcea Moscato D'Asti
Marchesi Incisa Della Rocchetta "Felice" Moscato D'Asti 
Adam, the owner, brought plenty of beautiful bottles to fill the bar with, and made us some authentic Italian cocktails! They photographed beautifully and he included the recipes and featured wines below:
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Summer Thyme Spritz
1 1/2 oz gin, 1/2 oz Thyme Simple Syrup, and 1/2 oz Lemon Juice. Top with soda water and garnish with lemon wedges and fresh Thyme in Collins glass.
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Classic Negroni
1 oz London Dry Gin, 1 oz Campari, and 1 oz Contratto Rosso Vermouth. Stir and serve in coupe. Garnish with orange peel
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Rosemary Sangria
4 oz Italian Red Wine (We used Santa Christina Toscana), 1/2 oz Blood Orange Liqueur (Solerno), 1/2 oz Rosemary Simple Syrup, and 1/2 oz Leopold's Blackberry Whiskey. Top with lemon-lime soda and serve in wine glass over ice. Garnish with blackberry, rosemary sprig, and orange (blood orange if available).
Dolce… the best part! Of course, there were the must-haves… cannolis, tiramisu, and gelato! Rene with Little Bites Bakery did a beautiful job with little tiramisu cups (YUM), some shortbread cookies, biscotti, and cake pops! We also had some super yummy tiramisu macaroons from Honeycomb that were the bomb-diggity (I ate most of them myself after the shoot) :O I was not able to find anyone to do actual gelato (ice cream yes, but not gelato), so we did it ourselves anyway. Bringing all of these things together are the hand-lettered signage done by my pal Krista with Always Rooted.
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You can’t have a wedding without cake! This was masterfully made for us by the amazing Kelley Kakes! Even though this particular cake is actually Styrofoam filled, we imagine the insides to be lemon buttermilk pound cake with fresh berries, or perhaps a banana cake with Nutella mousse filling (reminding us of those crepes we had on the street in Venice that one time…). She also offers Italian rum cake or white chocolate cappuccino cake with a variety of decadent fillings. With Kelley the options are endless, even when it comes to the design – she is pretty freakin’ amazing!
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One of the coolest things we’ve seen in our many years of shooting weddings is The Espresso Affair, a coffee bar catering company. Say what? Yes, you can actually have a catered coffee bar for your event, and Bill’s team knows how to do it right! Their set up is not only impressive, but they actually know how to make everything on the menu to perfection. 
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Special thanks to my Assistant Missy for helping out so much on this shoot!! The girls from the Villa were wonderful and set up was perfection. Thanks to my Dad for knowing a guy who knows a guy…
Favors and Gifts: Bridesmaid Gift Boutique//Specialty Foods:Espresso Affair//Cake Designer: Kelley Kakes//Beauty:Glam Team Colorado//Favors and Gifts: Lucero Olive Oil//Calligrapher: Always Rooted//Paper Props: Whimsy Design Studio//Bakery: Honeycombe Denver//Bakery: Little Bites Bakery//Other:Peak Beverage//Equipment Rentals:Event Rents//Design and Decor: Wallflower Rentals//Groomsman Attire:Jos A Bank//Ring Designer:John Atencio//Dress Designer:Martina Liana Bridal Gown//Dress Store: the bridal collection//Floral Designer: Petals N Grapes//Event Venue:Villa Parker//Photographer: Photography by Jewels//
Submitted via Two Bright Lights
from https://ift.tt/2yujX9Y via IFTTT
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cladeymoore · 5 years
The United States of Crypto
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Celebrating Independence Day and Ideals such as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Economic Freedom
In the past year, crypto has continued to grow by awareness and enthusiasm in the US, as more people view the technology as a compelling new way to participate in the financial system. In the latest Coinbase Report, we outline findings on the growing interest in cryptocurrencies on the part of Americans, on a state-by-state level.
Key Findings From Coinbase Research
Currently, 58 percent of Americans say they’ve heard of Bitcoin.
Over the past year, more people searched on Google for Bitcoin than the “royal wedding” or “election results.”
To date, more than 70 percent of US States have enacted legislation that addresses cryptocurrency or blockchain.
Crypto is becoming an increasingly important aspect of local economies. The top 10 US States for percentage of the population that owns crypto are: California, New Jersey, Washington, New York, Colorado, Utah, Florida, Alaska, Nevada, and Massachusetts.
If you want to get a sense of how interested America is in a topic, there aren’t many better benchmarks than Kim Kardashian, whose social-media dominance gives her an outsized slice of our collective consciousness. Since the beginning of this year, one of the rare ideas that grabbed even more of our attention is Bitcoin. On average, Google users have searched for Bitcoin more often than they sought out info on Kim K., and that number is only trending upwards. In late June — as prices climbed — Google searches for Bitcoin surged to almost three times higher than searches for Kardashian. And it’s not just the reality TV star. Americans typed ‘Bitcoin’ into Google more times last year than they searched for a range of headline-making phrases, from “royal wedding” to “election results.”
Americans typed ‘Bitcoin’ into Google more times last year than they searched for a range of headline-making phrases, from “royal wedding” to “election results.”
In other words, Bitcoin is going mainstream in America—even though Bitcoin is just a decade old (its birthday was in January), it has captured the imagination and attention of Americans all over. Today, Coinbase is sharing a report on awareness and adoption trends related to crypto in America, such as which US States have the highest rates of participation and where enthusiasm is highest. This study includes original research conducted by YouGov for Coinbase in December 2018 as well as research data derived from macro-level Coinbase user activity, which is reported in anonymized and aggregate form only.
We also look into the increasing number of states where legislatures have enacted proactive regulations around cryptocurrency and blockchain as a response to local demand and interest in the technology. Finally, we spoke to a range of current Coinbase customers — regular people of varying ages, careers, and locations across the country — to learn the who, where, and why around interest in crypto.
Increasing awareness
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When given a list of cryptocurrencies to choose from, Coinbase research shows that 58 percent of Americans have heard of Bitcoin. People express a range of reasons for their participation, from a desire to add diversity to their investment portfolios to a deeply felt belief in the transformative potential of a secure and decentralized currency.
“The most appealing thing about crypto and Bitcoin to me is the idea of a worldwide currency — that it can cross borders without having to factor in exchange rates or high transfer fees or long delays,” says Christopher, a 26-year-old small business owner in New Jersey. “Say I want to move to another country someday? My cryptocurrency would automatically come with me. My whole journey is not a get-rich idea. I just really believe in crypto and want the technology to succeed.”
Crypto, from state to state
Across the country, 37 percent of Americans — without being prompted with a list of options — proactively name Bitcoin in response to a query about cryptocurrencies.
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But that number goes up substantially in certain states. In Wisconsin and Utah, 57 percent of people have unaided awareness of Bitcoin, with Colorado, Massachusetts, and Wyoming close behind. And even the fact that there are still places where awareness is low feels like an opportunity to some people currently involved in crypto. “Cryptocurrency is right alongside artificial intelligence and nanotechnology as cutting-edge tech that has the potential to transform the way we live,” says Todd, a 49-year-old IT supervisor in Northern Virginia. “And lots of regular people still have barely heard of it.”
The top five states with the highest percentage of crypto-owning population are California, New Jersey, Washington, New York, and Colorado, according to Coinbase research. (Interestingly enough, Alaska ranks 8th on the list for highest percentage of crypto-owners, but it also comes in lowest in unaided brand awareness for Bitcoin, at 18 percent.)
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Several of the top states for crypto-owners (California, New York, and Washington) also have the biggest per-capita holdings — that is to say, they have a large number of people who not only own crypto, but also have larger holdings. Interestingly, there’s yet another category, which includes states with a lower overall percentage of crypto holders, but a higher per-capita ownership — that is, a smaller number of people who each hold a larger than average chunk of cryptocurrency. The states with the most of those people, adjusted for population, are Delaware, Nevada, and Wyoming.
What’s driving demand
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For some people, the investment opportunity presented by cryptocurrency is a major driver of their interest. “For people in my generation, I think it makes a lot more sense than stocks, bonds, inflated real estate, or other depreciating assets,” says Harrison, a 30-year-old systems manager in Washington State. “I have no plans to trade or sell right now — there are price points where I might sell some, to pay off debt or pay off my condo. But the goal is to try to get actual economic freedom.” Similarly, Todd notes that crypto opens up a new form of access to investments. “A lot of the best opportunities in the stock market are only available to accredited investors, which is a tiny part of the American population,” he says. “Cryptocurrency is available to everyone.”
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Others are participating in crypto as a way of educating themselves. Brenda is a 30-year-old CPA who lives in Puerto Rico. She started practicing recently and notes that her field provides little training around crypto, and so she purchased some in an effort to understand it for her clients. “I need to be able to explain this new technology, and the best way for me to understand it was to try it myself,” she says.”
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The opportunity to experience new technology as it is emerging is another key motivation. “I’m just very interested in new technology,” says Elena, 35, a graphic designer who lives in New York. “I actually studied cryptography and computer science in college, so it was easy for me to understand. I’d love to find a job working on crypto or blockchain technology.” (According to a recent Coinbase study, 42 percent of the world’s top 50 universities offer at least one course on crypto or blockchain, and students from a wide range of disciplines are increasingly interested in taking courses on the technology.)
A look at legislation
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As interest increases, states are increasingly enacting legislation to address crypto and blockchain. As of June 2019, more than 70 percent of U.S. States have enacted regulations that account for cryptocurrency or blockchain technology. In April, Ohio announced it would accept tax payments in Bitcoin. “We’re trying to do our small part to … think creatively about how technology can make taxpayers’ lives easier,” said Josh Mandel, former Ohio State Treasurer and supporter of the effort, in an interview with NPR’s Marketplace. (Overstock.com, for one, took advantage of the opportunity, using Bitcoin to pay around $35,000 in taxes.)
“We’re trying to do our small part to … think creatively about how technology can make taxpayers’ lives easier”
Earlier this year, Wyoming passed a set of thirteen laws that, among other things, recognize crypto as money and allow banks to “provide custodial services for digital assets.” With these regulations, the mountain state hopes to become the legal home to banks that could offer asset management and other crypto services to customers nationwide. And since 2015, New York State’s financial regulatory agency has awarded eighteen of what it calls BitLicenses to virtual currency companies that want to broker Wall Street-style trades or other deals on clients’ behalf.
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How interested are Americans in buying crypto? According to Coinbase research, upwards of 15% of Americans are “somewhat” or “very” likely to buy Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency in the near future. The number gets even higher with big-league investors: the asset-management giant Fidelity Investments announced in May that 22 percent of its institutional investors already own digital assets, that almost half would consider adding crypto to their portfolios.
As for the growth in awareness, that seems poised to continue; YouTube searches for Bitcoin reached their all-time high this year. New Jersey customer Christopher explains how he pulled clips from YouTube to create a Powerpoint presentation that he used to explain Bitcoin to his baby-boomer father. “I grabbed some video, grabbed some pictures, and broke it down in a way that he could understand,” he says. “Now he also has his own personal crypto, and whenever his coins go up, he’ll send me a screenshot. It’s something we really bond over.”
Sources and methodology: All data referenced comes either from public sources, from research data derived from Coinbase user activity, which is reported in anonymized and aggregate form only, and from research conducted on behalf of Coinbase by YouGov. The YouGov study was conducted in December 2018 and included 2,000 U.S. internet users over the age of 18 in the general population.
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The United States of Crypto was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Money 101 https://blog.coinbase.com/the-united-states-of-crypto-55282c97855c?source=rss----c114225aeaf7---4 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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meditativeyoga · 7 years
10 Destinations for Your Yoga Travel Bucket List
Yoga hideaways are excellent, however even one of the most remarkable method in Costa Rica simply can not compare extensive to practicing along the sacred Ganges River in Rishikesh. There is something clearly one-of-a-kind about the experience of traveling to a destination where the yogic custom's roots run deep. While starting your yoga travels in India makes feeling, you don't necessary have to fly 14-plus hrs to discover authenticity. Destinations closer to home like New York City and the wild Rocky Hills also have real-deal links to the eight arm or legs. Below, 10 areas for your yoga traveling container list.
1. Rishikesh and also the Ganges River Valley, India
If you're going on a yoga exercise pilgrimage, Rishikesh is a good place to start. Called the "birthplace of yoga exercise," this spiritual community is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains along the sacred Ganges River in Northern India. Tale has it that a famous saint pertained to the river to offer penance as well as was recognized by Hindu God Vishnu. Rishikesh is loaded with ashrams and also temples that admire numerous gods and also sirens, in addition to a huge selection of yoga exercise classes as well as workshops.
Stay at the garden-set Phool Chatti Ashram (from $190 for a 7-day program with vegan meals) recognized for the silent elements of its retreats. Or get spoiled at Ananda in the Mountain range (from $510/night), which rests on a 100-acre Maharaja Palace Estate. The luxury medspa hotel is famed for its Ayurvedic health spa and also health therapies, yoga exercise and also reflection courses (take a look at their new Dhyana Self-Realization program), and organic cuisine. Intrepid Traveling's 13-Day Mountains and Mystics travel plan (from $1,095) includes going to ancient temples in Old Delhi as well as the Dalai Lama's peaceful Dharmasala, before finishing the journey by establishing camp along the banks of the Ganges River in Rishikesh.
2. Mysuru (Mysore), India
It is believed that yoga as well as its meditative technique have actually been around for 5,000 years. Yet while Mysore is thought about the house of Ashtanga yoga exercise (the traditional style your best vinyasa class could be traced back to), it had not been constantly component of the city's identification. When India was under British guideline, the technique of yoga exercise, in addition to other Hindu customs, were out of favor, despite having the locals. Only in the 1930s did the Maharaja of Mysore make a point of revitalizing ancient practices, such as yoga exercise, and designate Krishnamacharya, now referred to as the "Daddy of Modern Yoga," to cultivate the idea that yoga exercise advertises health. Krishnamacharya began researching old texts at the Mysore Royal residence library and discovered Ashtanga, which he took place to adapt to consist of the gymnastic-like presents the style is currently recognized for. Most of his trainees were young males consisting of his better half's bro, B.K.S. Iyengar, and K. Pattabhi Jois, master to much of today's Ashtangis.
" To travel to Mysore is an applicant's journey that establishes your technique on the firm ground of the practice," says Kino MacGregor, who studied with Jois at the K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga exercise Institute and created The Power of Ashtanga Yoga. "There is something that is difficult to explain, a sensation, a feeling of transcendence, something deeply profound that occurs in Mysore. It resembles each day peels off a layer of on your own and opens your heart as much as even more surrender, even more authenticity." In addition to submersing on your own in yoga exercise, she recommends attempting a thali platter at Dasaprakash in Gandhi Square, going to the swami at Chamundi Hill as well as its sensational Holy place just outside Mysore, getting a better understanding of Ayurveda with Dr. Anil Kumar, who instructs at Dexit Health Center and also Study Facility, and also making a factor to animal and also feed a cow or two.
3. Pune, India
The Rubin Gallery of Art is a pocket of tranquility in New York City's lively community of Chelsea. Unlike various other art spaces in the city, this six-floor museum is not simply house to a few of one of the most distinguished Himalayan art exhibitions, it's a hub for world-renowned scholars and yogic thinkers who teach seminars as well as workshops (several of which are totally free) that connect modern fields like neuroscience and modern technology to the old practice of yoga exercise and meditation. The present store alone is a gem, equipped with colorful vintage silk sari serapes, sculptures, and even offers for young yogis, like the wayward Ganesha's Sweet Tooth storybook.
Post-museum, make your method to Divya's Kitchen on the Lower East Side. This dining establishment, situated on the floor of the Bhakti Center, takes a global strategy to Ayurvedic cuisine by changing reassuring staples, like pasta and also risotto, right into inventive fare.
5. Sedona, Arizona
Sedona is not just among the most stunning areas in the United States, it's also among one of the most magical. The Indigenous Americans consider it a spiritual locale for recovery as well as spiritual revival. It's recognized for its energy vortexes (there are four main ones, but you could spot little pockets of energy around spiraled Juniper trees), wide variety of crystal shops, and mood analyses, in addition to invigorating and medical medspa treatments. Nature-loving yogi's can enroll in directed yoga walks and vortex trips with Aumbase Sedona Journeys, which likewise supply a heap of classes, workshops and also resorts. The Red Rock country is additionally the home of the annual Sedona Yoga Celebration (March 9-12) that draws popular yoga exercise educators, luminaries, and also influencers, like veteran yoga trainer Sara Ivanhoe and also popular yoga exercise photographer Robert Sturman.
We suggest you remain at among the spa-centric residential or commercial properties to enjoy one of the most advantages of Sedona's one-of-a-kind environment. Amara Resort and Spa ( from $199/night), which provides free yoga courses to guests, is also known for therapies such as chakra-balancing and also custom-made oil-blended massage therapies, that aim to detoxify and harness the metaphysical energy of the area. The five-star Glamour Hotel (from $605/night) is snuggled in Boynton Canyon, one of the vortex hotspots. It supplies greater than 100 regular activities like meditation programs and healthy and balanced food preparation workshops as well as access to the luxe Mii Amo Health club, which is developed to collect the all-natural power of the canyon, specifically suitable for one-of-a-kind therapies like the Full Moon massage.
6. Hariharalaya, Cambodia
Named after the Cambodian analysis of Harihara, a Hindu deity that births characteristics of gods Shiva and Vishnu, Hariharalaya dates back to 800-1000 AD as the Vedic capitol of Cambodia. The little town, just 10 miles and a 30-minute tuk ride from Siem Reap, is likewise the home of the Hariharalaya Hideaway Facility (from $260 for a 6-day resort with vegan meals and also tasks). The center hosts over 40 resorts annually that emphasis on Essential Yoga exercise, Meditation and Aware Living.
" It's not practically the physical, it's very much about servicing integrating yoga exercise into your daily life," claims Anna Strahs Watts, yoga exercise teacher in Richmond, Virginia, that spent 3 months at Hariharalaya last loss. "That's exactly what divides Hariharalaya from various other locations. The concept isn't to simply come for a week and leave, it's concerning producing brand-new practices to transform your life." Unlike various other areas, this remote town was only recently introduced to power, which implies that you won't be hooked up to Wi-Fi, making it a prime area for an electronic detox. Much less than a mile from the hideaway center is the Bakong Temple, which stands for the mythical animals in Hindu and also Buddhist folklore. As well as, certainly, no visit to Southeast Asia would be complete without a quit at nearby Angkor Wat, the largest ancient holy place site in the world.
7. Kripalu Facility for Yoga as well as Health
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
You do not need to travel to India to strengthen your understanding of yoga exercise and also Ayurveda. The respected Kripalu Center for Yoga exercise and Health and wellness (from $167/night, including dishes and tasks) in the Berkshires provides some of one of the most thorough programs, resorts, and also workshops in The United States and Canada. Concealed on a 150-acre refuge in western Massachusetts, the school offers greater than 700 programs a year and also accommodates site visitors of all levels.
A newbie can get a taste of Kripalu with a day pass, while a knowledgeable practitioner might intend to sign up in educator trainings or extensive workshops with some of one of the most fantastic minds in yoga exercise, like Rodney Yee, Dharma Mittra, as well as Sally Kempton. Whatever your program, we very suggest including one of their Ayurvedic treatments (say the prana-restoring abhyanga massage) to your stay.
8. Shambhala Mountain Center
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado
Think of Shambhala Hill Facility ( from $109/night, consisting of meals) as one of those locations with a reset button. Snuggled at 8,000 feet above water level in the Northern Colorado Rockies, regarding 50 miles northwest of Fort Collins, this 600-acre home's alpine setting alone is deserving of a journey. As well as the specialized programs and host of yoga and reflection options for a day or weekend visit.
Hike the residential property's 8 miles of tracks or visit the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya, a distinct destination in the Colorado wild. The 108-foot-tall stupa is claimed to advertise health and wellness, harmony, tranquility and flexibility, along with present true blessings on those that go to the sacred Buddhist structure.
9. Ubud, Bali
Eat, Pray, Love placed Bali on everybody's radar as one of the premier yoga spots-- and, permanently factor. Rooted to Hindu spirituality, Ubud (which actually means "medication") has actually constantly been a center for holistic healers. Lodging choices run the gamut. The minimal Bali Silent Hideaway for Prayer and also Meditation (from $40/night) is suitable for the yogi trying to find an extra structured stay full of meditations, yoga exercise courses, as well as full-moon fire ceremonies. On the various other end of the range, the magnificently accommodating Mandapa, A Ritz-Carlton Get (from $495/night) has an in-house swami who uses his own design of yoga exercise, Pranawayu (a blend of Hatha, Kundalini, Ashtanga, as well as Iyengar techniques). The residential or commercial property likewise hosts guided excursions to divine places, like the 11th century cliff shrines of the Gunung Kawi and Tirta Empul, theHindu-Balinese water holy place and also springs well-known for use in filtration routines. What's even more, there is no dearth of medical spa treatments-- the Balinese acupressure massage at Tamarind Medical spa at Murni's Houses as well as Bali Botanica's Ayurvedic chakra massage therapy are simply a couple of to try.
10. The Chopra Center
Carlsbad, California
The Chopra Facility, which transformed 21 this year, is a newbie compared to other locations on this checklist. Deepak Chopra, co-founder and board-certified medical professional, helped create a contemporary enclave for this old technique by incorporating the Vedic science of mind, body, and spirit right into contemporary integrative medication and personal growth.
In addition to traditional yoga exercise as well as meditation sessions, the facility uses a series of resorts, workshops, and workshops, along with an one-of-a-kind Chopra FIT program (from $3,332 for 7 days, extensive) that fuses classic yoga exercise with present-day fitness programs, like TRX as well as Core Blend. It also consists of an introductory to Ayurvedic cooking that won't bewilder those doing not have comprehensive knife skills.
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A Little Yurt Don’t Hurt: 8 Sweet Offerings to Make Your Glamping Dreams Come True
You don’t have to rough it! If you’re like us and don’t relish the idea of camping in a dusty old tent, consider the idea of glamping in a yurt. “Glamping” is a detestable word, but a lovely concept. Yurts are structures designed to deliver on the concept.
Neither a tiny house nor a tent, a yurt stands alone as a distinctive dwelling for buyers looking outside the rectangular four walls. Or glampers who require more creature comforts than a two-person tent can provide.
Basically large, circular tents with lattice roofs, they offer year-round protection from the elements—including insulation to help withstand the colder months. They’re popular among folks who desire a different style of living out in the country. Right now, there are approximately 200 for-sale listings across the country with a yurt on offer.
Some of those are traditional homes with a yurt out back—as a guesthouse, a round retreat, or an Airbnb opportunity. We zeroed in on eight stand-alone yurts on sale right now and found appealing options for adventurous buyers. Glamp along with us…
3828 Old Blewett Rd, Peshastin, WA
Price: $129,000 Round up: Smack dab in the center of the state and hugging a national forest, this yurt comes with 5 wooded acres. It’s off the grid, which is a plus for a buyer looking to get away from it all. If you’re a biker, all the better: The property has its own mountain biking trail!
Peshastin, WA
1403 County Road 205, Durango, CO
Price: $284,450 Round up: If you’d rather be nestled in a valley, this Colorado yurt might be just the place. Views of the valley, surrounding mountains, and ridges are postcard-perfect and can be taken in from the patio. The 700-square-foot yurt has all the creature comforts you’ll require, including a wood stove.
Durango, CO
9 Morning Star Ln, Lyle, WA
Price: $249,000 Round up: Is a yurt really a yurt without a fabric cover? Meta questions aside, this wood-framed yurt is solid enough to stand up to Washington’s weather.
Lyle, WA
6 Sierra Pl, Cascade, ID
Price: $175,000 Round up: A couple of hours north of Boise, this place offers “glamping with almost all of the amenities of home.” However, there’s a bit of roughing it involved. On the plus side, the property’s two outhouses do come with “views.”
Cascade, ID
44094 Perry Lake Rd, Cable, WI
Price: $219,000 Round up: Even though this yurt is on Wisconsin’s northern edge, the listing say it’s ready for four-season living. How so? Well, it does have a heated bathroom and a wood-burning fireplace. If you have a hankering for a little ice fishing, this might be an ideal spot.
Cable, WI
25 Cox Ln, Whitehall, MT
Price: $134,000 Round up: The deck of this Montana yurt is the type of place where an owner can survey her surroundings for hours on end. In the middle of nearly 17 acres of Big Sky Country, there’s plenty of solitude and serenity on offer.
Whitehall, MT
1720 Timber Estates Rd, Bryson City, NC
Price: $84,000 Round up: This creative and colorful yurt has been dubbed “Sunny Bohemian” by its owners. Even though it’s only a one-bedroom tent, this place gives off cozy vibes thanks to its decor and interior design.
Bryson City, NC
23870 Black Bear Rd, Aguilar, CO
Price: $124,900 Round up: Close to Kansas and just over the rainbow, you’ll find this yurt waiting for a new owner to click her heels in delight. It’s billed as an ideal weekend getaway, and we’d love to sit on the deck and verify that claim.
Aguilar, CO
The post A Little Yurt Don’t Hurt: 8 Sweet Offerings to Make Your Glamping Dreams Come True appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/yurts-for-glamping-dreams/
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cathrynstreich · 5 years
Beyond Napa—7 Cool Places To Buy A Home If You Love Wine
As the famous Greek playwright Euripides once said…
Where there is no wine, there is no love.
Wine is such an enjoyable substance, and while opening a bottle at home is fun… touring vineyards and whiling away the hours in tasting rooms is much more fun!
If you love wine and you’re in the market for a new place to live, you might instantly think of Northern California. Its famed wine region is world-renowned, after all.
But let’s face it. Napa can be quite expensive, and Sonoma’s not much better.
I mean, if you’re an oenophile and you’ve got 800 grand or more, then, sure, Northern California’s the way to go.
If you want something with just as much charm and a more reasonable price point, though, look no further – here are some ideal cities where you can explore your love of the world’s most delicious grape juice without the painful mortgage payment.
1- Boerne, TX
Boerne is home to just over 16,000 people. This attractive suburb is located right at the entrance to Texas’s Hill Country. If you move to Boerne, you’ll be a hop, skip, and a jump away from the vineyards of Fredericksburg, but still close enough to commute to the thriving city of San Antonio for work.
If you’re a retiree or someone who works from home, check out Fredericksburg itself. This tiny German-influenced town is charming, affordable, and home to lots of scrumptious vino.
Believe it or not, it’s true – there’s great wine in Texas. In the 1970s, Texas wine started to gain attention on a national scale and nowadays, you can get everything from a full-bodied Viognier to a rich, woodsy Tempranillo.
With 53 vineyards in the Hill Country area, you’ll have plenty of new places to visit – and they’re all right in your own backyard.
Boerne, TX
2 – Montpelier, VT
When you think of Vermont, you might think of cheese, and you’re not wrong about that. With a strong agricultural tradition, Central Vermont has dairies and farms as well as impressive vineyards and wineries all around.
If you’re looking for a great place to live that’s in striking distance of all this bounty, check out Montpelier. This likable hamlet is both cute and accessible.
One thing to note – when you head out to go tasting around your new Vermont home, don’t be surprised if you find a bunch of wines you’ve never heard of before. Because the climate is so cold in the winter, only specially developed vines can grow here.
So forget the Chardonnay and learn to embrace Frontenac blanc instead. While you’re out sipping, also give some of the more unique local blends a try – ice wine, honey wine, and even maple wine are all available here.
Montpelier, VT
3 – Prescott, AZ
Between the great economy, thriving real estate market, and grape-friendly climate, it’s a wonder why anyone would want to live somewhere other than Prescott!
Sure, you get the heat in the summer and cool in the winter, but you’ll also get just enough rain to make this area a secret hotspot for vineyards.
If you like full-bodied reds, this is a great location for you. When you’re not sipping the good stuff, you can head up the road and visit the spas in Sedona, or drive just a bit further and see one of the natural wonders of the world – the Grand Canyon.
(Let’s be honest, though – you might spend so much time enjoying Cab Franc you won’t even want to go anywhere else.)
Prescott, AZ
4 – Finger Lakes, NY
People who think that California is still the king of wine in the US may be shocked to hear this, but wines from the Finger Lakes area of NY has recently scooped up the awards on the wine scene! If you’re into this area, move fast – USAToday named it a top wine region, so the word will spread quickly.
Also, the outdoor lifestyle is big here – residents love hiking, biking, and boating, so if you’re an outdoorsy type, you and your new neighbors will hit it off big time.
With many beautiful lakes, maybe you can even find yourself a lakefront property and spend the day kayaking, then sipping a nutty Gewurztraminer on your own deck watching the sunset!
Finger Lakes, NY
5 – Albuquerque, NM
Instead of thinking, “What’s good about Albuquerque?”, you might find yourself wondering, “What’s NOT good about Albuquerque?”
Between the skiing, the hiking, the gorgeous sunsets, (and oh, yeah, the great wine!) there’s never a dull moment in this city of just over a half-million people.
Albuquerque is home to unique Southwest style architecture, and with a median home price of $202,000, you’re sure to find a house that’s perfect at a perfect price for you.
When you’ve found your perfect Albuquerque digs, you can spend weekends tasting sparkling wines – the region is one of the USA’s best spots for these bubbly classics – or quaffing deep reds. Open up and say Aaaaaahhhlbuquerque!
Albuquerque, NM
6 – Idaho Falls, ID
Boise, ID has been a burgeoning real estate hotspot for awhile now, but did you know that only 30 minutes away, there’s a wine region?
Idaho Falls has it all – the perfect blend of jaw-droppingly beautiful nature, bustling commerce, a great cost of living, and, of course, wine.
If you can withstand the frigid winters, you’ll be rewarded with some of the most gorgeous land in the country and everything from bright Rieslings to fragrant Malbecs. When you dig in and start going tasting, you’ll find over 30 wineries – each one with more interesting offerings than the last.
Whether you’re raising a family or looking for the perfect spot for your newly-empty nest, this city might just be the perfect one for you!
Idaho Falls, ID
7 – Grand Junction, CO
If you love wine AND outdoor adventures, Grand Junction, CO might wind up as number 1 on your wishlist. With 300 plus days of sunshine every year, there’s a lot to like about this gorgeous mountain town.
You can visit the Colorado National Monument or head to one of the area’s many beautiful nature spots. After a day of mountain biking or skiing, you can hit up one of the area’s respected wineries and enjoy a bottle of Syrah or Bordeaux.
With everything from sprawling ranch style homes to more traditional 2-story family digs and a median home price under $250k, Grand Junction’s got a property – and delicious beverages! – for just about any taste.
Grand Junction, CO
There you have it – seven cities you can move to if you want to live the wine life. Which one is your favorite?
Crack open a bottle of your favorite vintage, and share this article with the wine fanatic in your life. You never know – you could wind up in one of these spectacular cities next!
The post Beyond Napa—7 Cool Places To Buy A Home If You Love Wine appeared first on Lighter Side of Real Estate.
Beyond Napa—7 Cool Places To Buy A Home If You Love Wine published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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davidoespailla · 6 years
The Most Expensive Neighborhood in Every State in America
iStock; realtor.com
We’re curious. There’s no other way to explain our fascination—make that obsession—with the biggest, the best, and the richest. We always desire a glimpse inside the lives of the wealthiest among us, to learn what cars they drive, what clothes they wear, and, most importantly, where they live. (What else could possibly explain 14 seasons of “The Real Housewives of Orange County”?)
To satisfy our innate curiosity about high-end housing, the data team at realtor.com® set out to pinpoint the most expensive neighborhoods in each and every state. Plus DC, because why not?
To track down each state’s priciest place, our data team calculated the median listing price for every ZIP code in the U.S. in 2018. ZIP codes with fewer than an average of 30 listings per month were eliminated, to make sure the results weren’t skewed by a few big-ticket listings.
The result is a fascinating mix of places you’ve probably heard of alongside some up-and-coming bastions of wealth. You’ll find them below in alphabetical order by state.
Grab your checkbook and take a look!
Birmingham, AL (Mountain Brook) ZIP code: 35223 Median home list price: $611,612
Mountain Brook in Birmingham, AL
Birmingham’s real estate market is in the midst of a boom, with new jobs delivering droves of eager home buyers into the burbs. But only the elite earn a spot in the Magic City’s southeastern suburb of Mountain Brook, which has long been a haven for the city’s upper crust, according to Zachary Armstrong, a real estate agent with Berkshire Hathaway in Birmingham. They’re flocking to Beverly Hills–style estates built in the 1920s with enormous pools, manicured lawns, and city views. Plus, the suburb offers low property tax rates and the highest-rated schools in the state—a potent combo.
Anchorage, AK ZIP code: 99516 Median home list price: $537,129
Anchorage, AK
Ever dream of quitting your stressful 9-to-5 and taking off for greener pastures? How about whiter and fluffier ones? For years deep-pocketed international buyers have done just that, swooping into the upscale southeast section of Anchorage where huge cedar and wood homes offer primo views of snow-capped mountains.
“At first it was a lot of Canadians, but we’ve also been seeing Koreans, Russians, and Germans,” says Jacob Sebring, a local real estate agent with Keller Williams.
Paradise Valley, AZ ZIP code: 85253 Median home list price: $2,263,540
Paradise Valley, AZ
Nestled between Phoenix and Scottsdale, Paradise Valley manages to juggle a few distinct personas: amped-up tourist locale (eight full-service resorts!), upscale retirement mecca (one-quarter of the city’s population is aged 65 and up, according to the U.S. Census Bureau), and, weirdly, hot spot for pro athletes. But the last part of that equation may be falling off a bit: Over the past year, we’ve seen Randy Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, and Matt Williams all put their Paradise Valley megamansions on the market.
Fayetteville, AR ZIP code: 72703 Median home list price: $417,265
Fayetteville, AR
It’s the Walmart effect. Questions?
Beverly Hills, CA ZIP code: 90210 Median home list price: $6,062,925
Beverly Hills, CA
Despite the frenzied attention paid lately to the eye-popping home prices in Silicon Valley and San Francisco, the old-money enclave of Beverly Hills holds its own as the wealthiest neighborhood in the Golden State—and the most expensive town in America.
The iconic 90210 ZIP did more than just launch one of the most fab shows of the ’90s (the less said about the CW reboot, the better), it also boasts some of the nation’s most extravagant properties, including the Beverly House, a 19-bedroom estate once owned by William Randolph Hearst. Even dirt and trees go for big bucks in this sunny paradise. Case in point? This massive plot of land on the market for $1 billion. And no, there isn’t a house on it.
Snowmass, CO ZIP code: 81654 Median home list price: $3,355,488
Snowmass, CO
With home prices in red-hot cities like Denver and Boulder soaring, it might come as a surprise that a small ski village topped Colorado’s most expensive list.
Location, location, location: Nestled in the Colorado Mountains, Snowmass is just a 25-minute drive to ultraposh Aspen. This ski town’s housing stock consists mostly of enormous mansions—unlike in Aspen, where a plethora of small condos have pulled down the median prices.
Greenwich, CT ZIP code: 06831 Median home list price: $2,625,154
Greenwich, CT
Located within easy-peasy commuting distance to New York City, Greenwich is the crown jewel of Connecticut’s “Gold Coast”—a cluster of leafy and enormously affluent suburban towns along the Long Island Sound. It’s long been the destination for ungodly rich hedge fund managers or titans of industry who want to spread out and escape midtown Manhattan.
Some real estate markets in the tri-state region are seeing slowdowns, but not Greenwich. Area mansions are still selling briskly, according to Leslie McElwreath, a real estate agent at Sotheby’s International.
Wilmington, DE (Westover Hills) ZIP code: 19807 Median home list price: $890,829
Wilmington, DE
Fun fact: Even though it was set in Vermont, 1989’s “Dead Poets Society” was the first major Hollywood release filmed entirely in Delaware, most of it in the Westover Hills area (yep, even the traumatizing student suicide scene).
Today Westover Hills, just 10 minutes north of downtown Wilmington, is sought-after for its old-money homes built in the late 1920s and 1930s, says Tucker Robbins, a real estate agent with Berkshire Hathaway.
“The neighborhood blends Tudor-style homes with Georgian-style homes with Colonial homes,” he says. “Our community fights to keep this particular look, and people are willing to spend the money to be a part of it.”
District of Columbia
Washington, DC (Georgetown) ZIP code: 20007 Median home list price: $1,246,663
Georgetown in Washington, DC
Scores of wealthy diplomats, lobbyists, and politicians have called Georgetown home over the years. Administrations come and go, but the beautiful brick homes and 100-year-old Colonial row houses in this neighborhood continue to attract those who want to live in style close to the action. Home prices in this famous neighborhood along the Potomac River begin in the seven digits and range all the way up to $18 million.
Miami Beach, FL (Fisher Island) ZIP code: 33109 Median home list price: $3,592,981
Fisher Island in Miami Beach, FL
Just off the shores of Miami, Fisher Island has become a second-home destination for many of the world’s wealthiest folks—including Russian oligarchs, who keep their helicopters and yachts here. The 200-acre island, once owned by the Vanderbilt family, is accessible only by ferry, water taxi, or helicopter. Luxury condos and villas dominate the housing stock and can easily top $10 million, including this five-bedroom beauty for $12 million.
Sea Island, GA ZIP code: 31561 Median home list price: $2,786,717
Sea Island, GA
Sea Island, a privately owned territory about 60 miles south of Savannah, has long been a hot spot for the ruling class. The centerpiece is the Sea Island Beach Club and its accompanying hotel, The Cloister. After President Calvin Coolidge vacationed there in 1928, Sea Island gained national attention. It wasn’t long before Eugene O’Neill and John D. Rockefeller Jr. bought property in the area, and the VIP cavalcade has barely abated since.
Buyers are attracted to the oceanfront mansions with manicured lawns and mature oaks, such as this 5,700-square-foot palace for a cool $14.95 million.
Kilauea, HI ZIP code: 96754 Median home list price: $2,285,904
Kilauea, HI
At the northern tip of the island of Kauai, you’ll find Kilauea, a small community with multimillion-dollar homes that boast ocean views that are almost painfully beautiful. The place worked its charms on Mark Zuckerberg, who bought a coveted (and controversial) piece of property along the ocean.
Homes on this part of the island are often relatively modest structures, but you don’t come to Hawaii for megamansions.
In Kilauea, “most homes are within walking distance to all Hawaii has to offer: swimming, snorkeling, and hiking,” says Danette Andrews, a real estate agent at Sotheby’s International Realty in Kauai.
Ketchum, ID ZIP code: 83340 Median home list price: $1,488,696
Ketchum, ID
Ketchum gained attention after it caught the eye of Ernest Hemingway in the late 1950s. The novelist loved fishing and hunting in the area so much that he bought a home overlooking Wood River, where he lived until his death in 1961.
Today, the area is popular with wealthy and famous folks looking for a (beautiful) second home near plenty of outdoor activities. Ketchum is right next to the famed Sun Valley ski resort, and it’s also a prime spot for media titans thanks to the annual Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference. It pretty much defines chic-but-mellow ski town ambiance.
Kenilworth, IL ZIP code: 60043 Median home list price: $1,517,467
Kenilworth, IL
Businessman Joseph Sears sought to create the perfect (and perfectly opulent) suburban community when he planned and built Kenilworth in the late 1800s. Flash forward to 1987, and it was the cherished place where Steve Martin‘s character struggles to make it home for Thanksgiving in “Planes, Trains and Automobiles.”
Dubbed “the most exclusive neighborhood in the Midwest” by Forbes, this Chicago ZIP code is still a mecca for suburban bliss. The city’s heavy hitters are lured by the quiet streets and the giant estates that Sears once dreamed about.
Zionsville, IN ZIP code: 46077 Median home list price: $560,520
Zionsville, IN
Just 18 miles north of downtown Indianapolis, Zionsville is sought-after for its excellent schools and redeveloped downtown, complete with restaurants, boutiques, and year-round festivals.
“I get a lot of people moving in from out of state who will commute down to the city,” says Kelly Lavengood, a real estate agent with the Lavengood Team in Indianapolis. The high end of the market stretches to about $3 million.
Cedar Rapids, IA ZIP code: 52411 Median home list price: $450,469
Cedar Rapids, IA
The northwest side of Cedar Rapids is the place to be! However, some may call it trouble in paradise. The city is attracting so many deep-pocketed buyers that wannabe home buyers are finding it more difficult to score a house. Competition is through the roof, with homes selling way over listing price.
Leawood, KS ZIP code: 66211 Median home list price: $1,078,967
Leawood, KS
Leawood’s small-town charm and proximity to Kansas City have spurred real estate prices, says local real estate agent Tamra Trickey with ReeceNichols. Lately there’s been a housing shortage, and three-bedroom, two-bathroom homes can easily fetch over $1 million.
Goshen, KY ZIP code: 40026 Median home list price: $545,298
Goshen, KY
Just 20 miles northeast of Louisville, Goshen is home to a number of historic horse farms in its high-end neighborhoods. Not only do these farms raise property values, but equestrian property buyers are willing to cough up extra cash to keep their precious ponies in their own backyard. Giddyap!
New Orleans, LA (Lakeview) ZIP code: 70124 Median home list price: $511,027
Lakeview neighborhood in New Orleans, LA
Few neighborhoods in New Orleans were harder hit by Hurricane Katrina than the upper-middle-class enclave Lakeside, which completely flooded after the levees were breached.
Its “very existence was in peril,” according to The Advocate. But after federally funded rebuilding, Lakeview rebounded with a vengeance and is now thriving—and it’s more upscale now than before the storm. Currently, you’ll find no shortage of pricey properties, including this Colonial-style home for $849,000.
Kennebunkport, ME ZIP code: 04046 Median home list price: $727,765
Kennebunkport, ME
This tiny town is home to some seriously big bucks and understated wealth, New England style. Expect to see popped collars, vintage yachts, and four- to five-bedroom homes quaintly referred to as “cottages.”
On the banks of the Atlantic you’ll find Walker’s Point, the summer compound of the late President George H.W. Bush. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently built his own cottage on the land.
Potomac, MD ZIP code: 20854 Median home list price: $1,346,967
Potomac, MD
Many of DC’s movers and shakers actually live in Maryland, where the vibe is..
The Most Expensive Neighborhood in Every State in America
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What Would the World Look Like Without real estate tips?
Below are a few of the advantages of getting into real-estate.
1. Money movement from residence. What this means is the difference between your revenue and also your expenses on that specific piece of residence. Not surprisingly, This may be both destructive or beneficial. You are feeling a whole lot superior when It is good, but unfavorable dollars flow isn't necessarily undesirable if it is a prepared element of one's financial commitment application. But be mindful of the temptation to employ up your entire cash flow on speedy financial debt reduction.
2. Appreciation in the worth of the property. There's two types of appreciation, which we can easily simply call "exterior" and "internal". "Exterior" appreciation has absolutely nothing to do with the particular property by itself but arises from financial conditions, land scarcity and many others. Some people have produced very good offers by predicting where by another assets "hotspot" will likely be and buying in hopes of rapid appreciation - but needless to say, if you will get it Incorrect, that you are in trouble. "Inner" appreciation originates from improvement in the actual assets alone and is less complicated for yourself to control. You can buy a piece of residence looking for repair at its "as is" worth, strengthen it and offer it on in a financial gain.
3. Leverage - with the ability to buy a piece of property by borrowing a share of its worth. No other form of financial commitment gives this kind of substantial degree of leverage. It's commonplace for buyers to buy an individual family members house by obtaining 100% financing - i.e. "no funds down" housing investing. This needless to say is extremely interesting if you can "flip" the residence in a gain, swiftly repay the bank loan and pocket the primary difference. But of course this will also be exceptionally dangerous. In case the residence does not verify to get an excellent financial commitment, you might be in difficulties. Never neglect the loan is a mortgage and should be repaid - in some way.
four. Amortizing. You might have acquired the home with Other individuals's income, but as you repay, your principal is becoming reduced. Which means your fairness - your level of ownership in the residence - is staying elevated.
five. Tax strengths. There are lots of ways that house possession can be used for legitimate tax avoidance - though this really should not be your At first reason for getting the house, a lot more a aspect profit.
These are the key "tangible" benefits of house investing. There are lots real estate tips of extra - connected with the gratification and delight, as well as "residual" character on the money as opposed to "linear" revenue - i.e. The cash is available in even when you are not essentially Operating. Higher than all there is the "Excitement" which lots of claim beats the enjoyment of another sort of expense!
Real estate property is really a recreation of offer and desire. The trick is discovering the need and currently being from the placement to produce. This is the style of predicament buyers and builders run up in opposition to all the time. It is just a issue of evaluating the marketplace and trying to come across the right area at the best time. One particular These variables are identified then action can be taken, investments is usually designed and profits is often collected. So the issue continues to be, where is a superb region for this kind of motion? Arizona comes to mind. In the last range of a long time Arizona has actually been one among the hottest housing marketplaces in the country which pattern displays couple of indications of slowing down.
There are a variety of factors that Arizona can make this boast and it would appear that there are gonna be several much more boasts revamped the approaching months.
Persons love to head over to Arizona, it really is one of the most traveled to Places within the state and it isn't challenging to see why. Superb weather conditions, landscapes, golfing, recreation and many other attributes can be claimed by this point out. Real-estate has actually been in superior desire Within this condition for quite some time. This is partially as a consequence of Arizona's popularity as a retirement spot and it's notoriety as being a destination resort area. In fact tourism is just one the strongest aspects of Arizona's overall economy pouring millions of bucks per annum into this state.
Arizona is actually a condition that's perfect for any recreational pursuit. This is without doubt one of the principal areas for MLB spring teaching as the house with the Cactus League. Arizona is also referred to as the home of a lot of the most remarkable desert landscapes on this planet. Nevertheless Arizona is way more various in land than one could Feel, the northern Component of the condition is household to the Colorado Plateau, a more forested and cooler place.
Arizona has generally been generally known as an excellent area to visit. However, Using the abundance of instruction, the superb overall economy and an excellent and steady real estate market. Ideally this has defined why There's such a demand for high quality homes and properties in Arizona. Source and demand from customers won't do the job Until There's curiosity from each side and Arizona is an ideal illustration of a balanced place where supply fulfills desire.
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Madison is a city located primarily in Madison County, near the northern border of the State of Alabama. Madison extends west into neighboring Limestone County. The city is included in the Huntsville Metropolitan Area, the second-largest in the state…
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(Huntsville, AL)- Crestwood Medical Center announced that it has earned The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval® and the American Heart Associati.
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Solterra is sited in Colorado, specifically in Rooney Valley of Lakewood. This community is one that gives its residents and visitors a feel of two great worlds while allowing them tobask in the accessible mountains nearby. The Real Estate in Solterra, Lakewood is great, as the homes are sited near to Denver, without them having to sport the look of a normal suburb. One can bask in the peace and quietness of Solterra, Lakewood without having to hundreds or thousands of civilization. A Solterra, Lakewood review done showed that many residents would do anything not to leave the community, as they lived in bliss with nature, and had the amenities that came with civilization- a two-in-one package. The community comes with a feature clubhouse, the loved Solterra pool, and a great view of the incredible backdrop of the Rocky Mountain. That's not all, the community goes ahead to sport an amphitheater. Since the resale in some parts of Solterra, the prices of homes tagged for sale have continuously improved.
There is continuous construction ongoing in Solterra, with great and unique homes being designed or refurbished.
Great construction companies are filling Solterra, Lakewood with pallet of different designs of homes for different classes of buyers. You are in need of a great apartment that will allow you to be in touch with nature, and still have the amenities in Modern Civilization, then Solterra, Lakewood is a must-see place because of its finest in living features.
 Solterra, Lakewood is A Ten Over Ten
When it comes to a community that offers the best of both civilization, and Nature, Solterra will be listed on the map. The community blends well with the mountains near it. What about the retreat at Solterra, a great piece of luxury linked with Mother Nature. At Solterra, a feeling of luxury resides close by, as the setting of the community reminds one of an Italian-style hillside village, that is sited in a calm environment that is a few minutes away from Denver.
The Solterra community caters to a lot of people with varying interests, as outdoor lovers will be grateful for the numerous hiking trails and parks that surround Solterra, Lakewood.
Then there is the great and intriguing view of the beautiful and popular Colorado Red Rocks. The Green Mountain Park and amphitheater are amazing to the eyes. What about the ski slopes that surround Solterra, Lakewood. The real estate in Solterra is top notch, as its location makes it loved by all classes of people. As a luxury home community, there is an abundance of amenities for residents of Solterra. Homes seem to be in high demand in the community because of the numerous benefits it has.
Immediately you touch down in Solterra, Lakewood, you will sight the glorious and dashing Luxury Tuscan clubhouse fitted with fitness spa and a pool.
This resident-driven community allows Solterra residents to feel the tranquility of being close to nature, and the amenities and the pampering that comes with living in a luxury environment. The reasons for living in Solterra, Lakewood abound.
 Great Reasons Solterra, Lakewood Is The One For You
1. Living at Solterra gives you access to the mountains, as well as I-70. Those days that you want to be on your own and bask in solitude, the mountains and hiking trails are there to explore. What else would make a community more luxury than having a mountain close by, and great mountain locations that can be explored such as Evergreen, Blackhawk and so on? The mountain locations are so great that one can easily slip away and get into tune with Mother Nature. Before we forget, these locations are great sites for Instagram pictures.
 2. It seems the entirety of Solterra was made for Royalty, with its blending of civilization and tradition. There is the Town of Morrison, a small town that is intriguing. One can munch delicious breakfast close to the creek, meander through the shops in walks, take in a great feel of the Margarita at the traditional Morrison Inn, take a bite in a surreal dinner at intriguing restaurants like Café Prague or Beso de Arte.
 3. 6th Ave Freeway.
Want a community close to Denver that wouldn't leave you trapped in traffic? Solterra seems to be the best choice with the 6th Ave Freeway. This freeway is the best, as you can live outside Denver, and still not be stuck with hours of traffic even when it is during the rush-hour period. From Solterra, you can easily be in Highland hot spots such as Root Down or Linger in less than twenty minutes, or you can be in downtown in approximately twenty minutes.
 4. The Great Views of Solterra. Living in Solterra gives you the opportunity to take in great views that people spend a lot, traveling the world to see. Most modern communities are devoid of these sights, but definitely not Solterra, Lakewood. Living in Solterra gives you the opportunity to see views like Northern Green Mt Views, Western Red Rocks Views, Southern Hog Back Views, and so on. The views there will leave you intrigued.
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topicprinter · 6 years
Hey - Pat from StarterStory.com here with another interview.Today's interview is with Steven Sashen of Xero Shoes, a brand that makes comfortable footwear.Since they raised equity through crowdfunding, they also have public financials (you can find the link in the article).Some stats:Product: Comfortable footwear.Revenue/mo: $460,0002014 sales: $772k2015: $1.44M,2016: $2.74M2017: $5.53M2018: $8.5M (projected)Started: November 2009Location: Broomfield, COFounders: 2Employees: 26Hello! Who are you and what are you working on?Hi, I’m Steven Sashen and I’m the co-founder (with my wife, Lena Phoenix) and CEO of Xero Shoes.Xero Shoes are addictively comfortable, lightweight, minimalist, casual and performance shoes and sandals that people in 97 countries wear for everything from a walk on the beach to a mountain hike to running a 256k ultra marathon across Madagascar.Everything we do is based on what’s natural.Your feet are made to bend, flex, move and FEEL the world. One-quarter of the bones and joints in your ENTIRE body are in your feet and ankles; you have more nerve endings in your soles than anywhere but your fingertips and lips.Comfort and performance come from using your feet naturally.That's what Xero Shoes let you do.Natural Fit -- wide toe boxes let your toes spread and relax. A non-elevated (zero-drop) heel for proper posture.Natural Motion -- super flexible to let your feet bend and move naturally. Low-to-the-ground for balance and agility.Natural Feel -- the patented FeelTrue® soles give you just-right protection while still giving the ground feedback your brain needs for efficient, natural movement.Plus the soles are backed with a 5,000 mile warranty.We’re one of 2018’s 50 Colorado Companies To Watch, repeatedly in the INC. 5000, the 2nd fastest growing company in the Biz West Magazine Mercury 100, and we’ve grown at 80-102%/year since 2014 with 2017 sales of $5.53M.What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?Lena and I were retired from 2000-2009 thanks to some clever real estate investing and passive income from some Internet businesses I had built. But with the crash in 2008, things were changing.Coincidentally, in 2007, at the age of 45, I got back into competitive sprinting, and was getting injured all the time. A friend who is a world champion cross country runner suggested I try running barefoot to see if that helped with my injuries.In my first barefoot run, I discovered the form problem that was causing me trouble. And after just a few more runs, my form naturally changed, my injuries went away, and I became faster. Now, I’m a Masters All-American sprinter, which means I’m one of the fastest guys over 55 (now) in the country.After that original "natural movement" experience, I wanted to have the same feeling all the time. So, based on some 10,000 year old designs, and the huarache sandals that the Tarahumaras in Mexico make with used tires and leather straps, I designed my own “barefoot sandals.”Some local runners asked me to make some for them… and then more and more people asked, until, one day, a running coach said to me, "If you treated this sandal-making hobby like a business and had a website, I’d put you in a book that I’m writing"I’ve been an Internet marketer since 1992 and had probably built over 500 websites, so I rushed home and pitched the idea to Lena who TOTALLY shot it down. "It’s a horrible idea and won’t make any money and is a waste of your time," she said.I agreed with her.And then after she went to bed, I built a website ;-)Within a couple months, I dominated the search engines for the keywords I cared about and the business was almost instantly our full time job.Describe the process of designing the product and launching the online store.At first, we were selling DIY sandal making kits. We took big sheets of rubber and cut them into smaller sheets, and took long lengths of polypropylene cord from Home Depot and cut them into shorter lengths, and bundled that together with instructions on how to make your own sandals.We spent a couple days every week running around to every Home Depot in northern Colorado to find the cord we used for laces, and we bought every sheet of our Vibram Cherry rubber that we could find in the U.S. At one point, we owned every sheet of that material that Vibram had in the world!Building the original site was simple. I modified a Wordpress theme and had it up and running in a few days.To launch the site, I made videos showing how to make your own sandals -- whether you used our DIY kits or not -- and published those on multiple video sites. You can find them on our original Youtube channel (when we were called Invisible Shoes).Then I found where people were talking about barefoot running and natural movement -- Google groups, forums, etc. -- and joined in on the conversation.I didn’t try to sell anything, really, I just shared my experience about barefoot running, answered questions if I thought I could be helpful, and then had links to my videos and my site in my signature file. This took, maybe, an hour a day. It was not only fun, but I learned a LOT about what my future customers wanted.I also created content for search engine purposes and used the SEO knowledge I had to promote that content and get highly ranked in the search engines.For example, I made a list of the most relevant keywords related to what people were talking about in the forums I previously mentioned. So: "barefoot running," “Born to Run,” “Tarahumara huaraches,” “running sandals,” etc.I used the Google keyword suggestion tool to find related keywords, and then I just wrote articles based on my experience, articles about how to make sandals, and Q&A posts based questions I was getting via email and the answer I was sending back.It turned out that "How to" info was the best. How to make sandals. How to run barefoot. How to deal with running injuries. How to transition out of running shoes.We launched in late November 2009 and made our first sale -- remember, sandals -- to someone in northern Minnesota within a day of the site going live.Within a few weeks, we were shipping 10-20 orders a day and it was clear that this was our new full-time job.A few months into our business, we met some guys who had been in the footwear business for about 35 years, who loved what we were doing, helped us design a more finished version of our DIY kits, and introduced us to manufacturers in Asia.Later we met another sourcing agent who had been making footwear in Asia for about 20 years and have been working with them ever since.We also had the incredible luck of meeting Dennis Driscoll, who had been designing footwear since the 80’s, with some of his designs selling millions of pairs of shoes. Dennis loved what we were doing and joined our company in 2013 and developed a ready-to-wear version of our DIY sandals, then 3 more sandal styles, then 2 closed-toe shoes and then everything (more shoes and sandals) that have become our current and future product line.At first we financed the business off of net sales and a few of my credit cards. The growth of the company, though, was faster than those sources could handle and, again with great luck, we’ve since partnered with a local venture debt fund, acquired and SBA loan (proving that Hell has frozen over), and raised over $1M in an equity crowdfunding round that closed in August 2017.Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?Again, I’ve been in the Internet marketing world since, well, before there was an Internet.So, we’re doing everything you can imagine: Facebook ads, Adwords, Google Shopping, Affiliate marketing, Social Media, email marketing, content marketing, SEO, joint ventures, Youtube ads, etc.I’m VERY focused on ROI. I know my numbers intimately -- my average order value, my conversion rate on different types of devices, my cost of goods, my overhead, my lifetime customer value (which goes up every few months as the business grows and as we release new products). I use that data to determine whether any given marketing method has the potential to make me a profit and then, if I start using that method, to track whether it is, in fact, working.Our biggest focus, though, is simply identifying the types of people who might be interested in our product, finding out where they are already engaged, and joining in on the "conversation." This could mean, literally, commenting on posts (e.g. on Facebook or Reddit) or, figuratively, creating content that they’ll bump into on, say, Youtube.So the identifying process starts with just pondering, "Who else would be interested in natural movement?" And the answers were obvious: Barefoot runners, yoga and martial arts practitioners, people into health food or alternative medicine, etc.Then it includes hearing from our customers who tell us what they’re into, or who they are. We never thought that our products would be great for blind people, but they are since they let you feel the ground. One blind customer said that wearing Xero Shoes is like having another sense.As the business grew, we could actually use analytical data from Google, Facebook, Quantcast, and other sources to see who was actually purchasing our products and what interests they had.Once I had a list of interests, I’d simply search for those interests. I’d look for Facebook groups, Reddit threads, blogs, forums, you name it. And, again, my focus would be on providing valuable info -- pointing to videos or blog posts I’ve made -- rather than "selling."In the early days, this was another hour or so per day. Now I have 2 people who do this work; it’s about a ½ day’s worth each day.One thing that I spent years NOT doing, that I now kick myself about, is adding an "exit intent pop-up" to our site, which lets people enter a sweepstakes to win a Xero Shoes gift certificate. That one idea has added over 100,000 subscribers to our email list, which is one of our most effective marketing channels.I spent a few years trying to get approved to sell on Amazon, but the footwear category is highly monitored and was actually closed to new business for a while. In late 2013 though, I got a call from Amazon. "You’re showing up in our search autocomplete so I think it’s time for you to be on our platform."While Amazon may cannibalize some sales from our website, and while it’s time-consuming and frustrating to deal with, it’s also an extremely powerful channel. The marketing opportunities on Amazon are quite effective. We think of it as a wholesale channel with slightly-better than wholesale margins, but with more management cost.In fact, we now have two members of our team who are managing Amazon, almost full-time.How are you doing today and what does the future look like?After our equity crowdfunding raise, we have to report to the SEC twice a year, so our financial information is public on the SEC website.Over 70% of our sales are direct to consumer, through our site and Amazon. The other 30% is through retailers and a few international distributors.In 2014, sales were approximately $772k, in 2015 they were about $1.44M, 2016 was $2.74M and 2017 was $5.53M. We’re projecting over $8.5M for 2018 and $15M for 2019.We’ve have positive EBITDA margins for the last few years.Oh, we were on Shark Tank! That was back in 2013 when we were just a DIY sandal kit company. In the week following the show, we did almost 3 months’ worth of business. Now we do that same amount of sales in 4-5 days.We have a staff of almost 30, manage our own 14,000 square foot warehouse, and continue to expand our product line.Our ultimate goal is simple: in the same way that people think Natural Food is the obvious, healthy, better choice, we want people to see Natural Movement the same way… and we will be the preeminent brand in that category.Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?Lena and I have learned a LOT since we got into the footwear business.In fact, we had advisors in the early days of our business who said, "We love what you’re doing and would love help you run this company. But we’ve been in footwear so long that we’re not stupid enough to start a shoe company."Lena and I replied, "We know we’re naive and hyper-optimistic, but that’s the only way anything gets done, so…"Now, 8.5 years later, we understand their point.Manufacturing anything is hard. Manufacturing footwear is especially hard.Running a business is hard. Running a business when the retail landscape is shifting under your feet, when online marketing channels appear and disappear overnight, where growth is faster than your access to capital, is especially hard.We go to work every day thinking, "What do I need to learn today to make this business work?"Lena and I are exceptionally lucky. We’re a great team with complementary skill sets -- she’s the financial and operations brains, and I’m the marketing and product guy. And then, as I’ve said, we’ve been incredibly lucky, from meeting the right people to appearing on Shark Tank. Plus we work HARD.What platform/tools do you use for your business?We’re a WooCommerce shop (BTW, all shopping carts suck differently, so don’t think that one or another will make your life effortless).We use Klaviyo for email and Stamped.io for reviews and user-generated content.We’re still testing a good warehouse management software, and I’ve been looking for a robust e-commerce savvy CRM since 1992.Accounting is on Quickbooks (desktop, not online).We’re continually evaluating software to help grow and manage the business.What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?Frankly, I hate almost all "business success" books. 99.9% of the time, they’re giving you advice that is unreproducible, or they’re using “hindsight bias” to come up with a story about what leads to success.Why do I care what Richard Branson did to be successful? I’m not Richard Branson and, as far as we can tell, nobody else, other than Richard Branson, is either. Who cares what Apple did 25 years ago to help get them out of almost crashing-and-burning? Those days are gone and the world has changedRemember when Enron was touted as one of the greatest companies in the world? Or WorldCom, or thousands of others?The leaders that people write about never say that their success came from reading books about how to lead. And their stories are typically about how they did something totally different from what everyone else said they should do.Anyway, all that said...My two favorite books are:Fooled By Randomness, which talks about, among other things, how not realizing the role of luck in your success will make you more likely to fail in the future (because you think that YOU were the cause of that historical result). Understanding this can make you immune to solicitations from people who tell you what they’ve done in the past for other companies based on "average results" (which typically have no relationship to what you do). In fact, this book is responsible for my disdain of “business success” books.Stumbling on Happiness -- this book (and the great TED talk by Daniel Gilbert, the author) describes how human beings are constantly trying to predict what will make us happy in the future, how HORRIBLE we are at getting this answer correct, how we’re WORSE at remembering how bad we are at it (so we keep trying to do it), and how we think we’re special -- how even if we found a million people who got what we think we need to be happy, and discovered that they’re not happier having gotten it, we’d think, "Yeah, but if I got that, it would be different." This book was part of my losing any concern with my “purpose” or caring about imagined futures. Oh, I still am working hard to achieve certain goals, but not with the idea that “success” equals achieving them.Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?Get a government job with a pension.Seriously.Having benefits and paid vacation and retirement income is a LOT easier than having the "entrepreneurial retirement fund."Now, I say this knowing two things:If you’re a true entrepreneur, there’s no way I can convince you not to start your own business (no matter how bad your idea may be)If my saying that makes you think, "Hmm… maybe that’s a better idea," and I can talk you out of starting your own thing, you’re probably not the right kind of crazy to be doing your own thing.Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?We’re always looking for smart marketers, website managers, customer service staff, and anyone who believes in our mission and who wants to help change the world.Where can we go to learn more?Not surprisingly, we’re at: www.xeroshoes.com and @xeroshoes on all social media.Liked this interview? 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