#Love a bl theme ask game send me more plzzzz guys
that-bl-bitch ยท 2 years
Good Afternoon/Evening My Lovely!
For the Drama Ask:
4. most ridiculous plot
12. ย an actor/actress you want to see in a lead role
19. a pair you want to see reunite but in a different drama
Hope your day is as beautiful as you are ๐ŸŒป
Hey! Good evening to you too :)
4. I hate a faen fatal storyline the most cause the majority are ridiculous and unnecessary I could probably count on one hand the ones i've actually "enjoyed" BUT the worse most ridiculous was Namnings in La Cuisine its completely all over the place and she was actually insane but the whole thing just felt like it escalated to these wild situations that just made you go "WhAt........?????.......???" So that just made it annoying to watch, her actions were just so unnecessary but I guess I get it cause her character was supposed to be really mentally ill and traumatized but...idk guys it just felt it escalated wildly for no reason
12. 100% Perth Nakhun because I love him and I think he could do it, I just think he'd do a good job as a lead role and could carry a show
19. Very very easy, Best and Chahub from check out, I've had to binge check out because I was busy when it premiered so I had to wait to watch, and listen I knew it was going to be bad going in cause I had not seen one person say anything nice about this show but you know I like to form my own opinions and what not and whether or not I liked I was already going to watch it from start to finish but this has literally been the worse experience, episodes 1-4 I wanted to die I fell on ep 2, i accidentally skipped to ep 4 and didn't realize until after cause it literally didn't effect the plot at anything at all, some scenes are so unnecessary I feel like everyone is doing the same thing over and over again, other scenes feel like they go on for way longer than they should
it has taken me a week and a half to get through 6 eps and i'm not done yet and honestly I think it's because I binged It i kinda think week to week it wouldn't have been so bad but I think back to back makes it even worse than it already is, now don't get me wrong there are SOME things I like about it, I mean there has to be cause that's the only way I'm still watching it and low-key something clicked when I was watching ep 5 I realized that this show is truly truly a soap opera, there have been some bls that people have called soap operas and I've never agreed cause soaps have this something something that I can't even describe and I've never felt like a bl has had it until check out, watching check out with the lenses of "oh I'm watching a bad soap opera" it's actually pretty enjoyable, ep 5 is the only ep I think I enjoyed majority of it (and ep 0 but that's a whole nother rant) so TLDR: Best and Chahub I think they are a good pairing but I don't think Check out is the one, but honestly with this new soap opera lens maybe I might change my mind idk talk to me after ep 12
Alrighty I really didn't mean to turn this into a check out essay but here we are, I could literally make 10 long post about check out, it's insane but anywho thanks for the ask hope you have a amazing day/night too :)๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›
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