#Lucas is probably more of a couch potato (if the circumstances allow it)
ellenchain · 10 months
Hitman holiday ask: I think that 47 would enjoy a bit luxury, he has expensive tastes. 5 star hotel, presidential suite, the like. Lucas likes it for a bit before the excess annoys him. He could stand it if they had a really private time, like their own sauna or pool in the suite. I think he could be more the rugged mountaineer type, goes hiking, stays in huts....I could conceivably see him going camping and having a great time. That way he doesn't have to plan too much, he can just on a whim decide to go driving to someplace (or maybe even bike? Would Lucas like cross country bike tours?) do what he likes and find a camping spot in the evening. 47....would only go camping under duress. Or if he was promised a really posh hotel stay afterwards. Just imagine Lucas in hiking gear, a bit rugged, content to trek through the wilderness for a month. And 47 in designer gear already googling the location of the nearest spa and maybe a private helicopter to take him there
omg yes Lucas, the hiker and cyclist, totally deterministic with his far too tight cycling shorts, waits impatiently for Olivia, who starts to sweat after only two kilometres and just wants to go back to her computer, Diana on her cute Dutch bike, takes her time and enjoys the landscape (and couldn't care less about speed) and 47, who would still have enough stamina, has already the mobile phone to the next hotel in his hand.
NOBODY except Lucas wanted to go on the bike tour, but everyone knows how much he enjoys riding in nature, so no one says anything and just comes along.
Same with hiking, I imagine Lucas really nicely in those trekking shoes that people like to wear here in Germany, absolute beauties they are. 47 probably wouldn't even touch those shoes in the shoe shop, like ew no, they're terrible
In case you didn't know Liam, that's how I imagine Lucas to be btw (sorry):
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