#Luckily most of my meds.. if you OD on them it will fuck you up some but likely won't kill you...
clown-demon · 5 months
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((I hate this state I'm in.. I'm too depressed to eat.. I'm too depressed to even drink anything.. It's 3pm and I haven't had a single bite of anything or even a sip of a drink. It's really bad atm...
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saintsnsinnersbdb · 4 years
Finding the Missing Chosen: Trouble with a Capital T Part 2
Ehlena: Another night another set of hours knocked out. Ehlena mused to herself while getting dressed. She was working at Havers’ clinic tonight since he hadn’t found a doctor to take any of the load off of him. 
Ehlena checked her bag, her cell phone pinged with a reminder she had set up. Time to head out. She checked herself over in the mirror and left her room. She had a lot on her mind lately and to add to that the pretrans chosen had gone missing, this would be the third night now. In her mind Talia was a wild child and Scribe knew anything could happen, but truth be told she had a soft spot for the young female. It wasn’t easy growing up in the Glymera, and Ehlena guessed it couldn’t be easy growing up with the chosen and scribe nearby, especially without biological parents around. 
Ehlena closed off her mind to that, Talia would show up again and probably act like nothing happened, and a few months later she’ll take off again, she had a restless spirit. The soon to be doctor just hoped it wasn’t close to her transition. 
She waved a quick goodbye to those she saw on her way out and she dematerialized to the clinic. Once inside she began to look over the list of patients. A “pretrans Jane-Doe” had been added and she had quite the experience. She was in the ICU and vented. A drug OD. Shit this was going to be an interesting shift. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. 
She walked down the hall and opened the pretrans’ room, to do her shift change examination, and Ehlena went pale. Talia wasn’t missing, she was being held. The female was listed as Jane Doe and why wouldn’t Havers have told the brothers? Did he even know that Tali’s was missing? 
Ehlena stomped fo Havers’ office and made a demand. “That pretrans Jane Doe. I want to know everything.” She nearly growled.
“Why?” He questioned
“Didn’t you check your email ? That female, she’s a chosen. Her name is Talia. I’ve met her.” 
“Ehlena, she’s not chosen she can’t be. She doesn’t have the robes, she was on drugs, and I found more than molly and alcohol in her system. Plus the chosen weren’t used by the brothers for a long time and she’s 25 at most the tuning doesn’t fit. She can’t be released till her toxicology reports come back clean. She’s in too precarious of a situation. She tore up Zero Sum too.” 
“Fine if you won’t listen I’ll have a Brother come vouch for her. And I will be taking her home after to the brotherhood’s hospital center” Ehlena was beyond pissed off she didn’t think to check Havers when Talia went missing in the first place. Did they even get her chart uploaded? V would have seen it if they did. 
She left the office and called Phury, and told him the story. After her phone call she went to the chosen’s room and held her hand as the machines chirped and whirred their functions.
After checking the vitals and historical values. It seemed Talia was in the safe zone to remove the trach. Ehlena buzzed Havers. He must have known what she would want, he arrived with supplies and a nurse team to remove the tube. Ehlena assisted the doctor and soon Talia was coughing.
Talia: I was unconscious and couldn’t feel anything. Was this the in between? Was this hell? Purgatory? No, it looked oddly like the sanctuary but different.
I attempted to speak but couldn’t. Something was blocking me. Suddenly the world was changing there was more pain, annoyance, my throat felt swollen and that there was something scraping it from the inside. I wanted to scream out. My senses were coming back online and it hurt. I suddenly did not want to wake up quite yet.
Whatever was down my throat was finally gone and I started coughing and dry heaving as it did. 
Phury: Three weeks she had been missing. The first two weeks many had searched. Luckily trainees were willing to go above and beyond their call of duty. I was glad for their support and their help.
I had failed to keep them safe yet again, with that thought a surge of anger hit me and I stabbed my desk with my dagger. I had failed and I believed myself unworthy of being Primale. 
Going into the third week of her being missing and some rumors had mentioned her death. They were idle chit-chat. It had to be. I still held faith that the Scribe Virgin would protect her child from harm as she had no way to protect herself.
Talia was the youngest and most reckless of the chosen but that did not mean i could fail her. I looked at the maps again and again, I had mailed the doctors of our kind and even had Vishous access jail and hospital records to see if anyone meeting her description was admitted and nothing.
I hated myself for the failure, yet another I couldn’t keep safe. I would not give up the search. I could not let my Shellan lose another sister and one that was much more a daughter for us with the way we had to watch for her. It would be unspeakable to allow my shellan harm mental or physical. 
A text came through and the annoying chirp sounded. It was from Ehlena, I stood immediately and began to arm up. I wasn’t telling my Cormia where I was going yet, I needed to confirm and see if she was going to make it completely through before I said anything to anyone. 
I fire back a text “on my way”
And head out to the garage to pull one of the cars that had ample room to bring the kid home. 
Ehlena: “Talia calm down. You are safe, you are okay. Drink some water it will help.” Ehlena spoke softly. “You’re in the hospital. You overdosed in Zero Sum.” Gently Ehlena rubbed the pretrans’ back as she heaved. The tubes coming out had that effect. 
When Talia was more coherent Ehlena told her of the transport coming to take her home and how she would be taken to the med suite for further observation. Talia’s throat being so raw she wrote on a piece of paper for her only question “is phury mad?”
“Of course he is, his job is to protect all the chosen and you were missing for weeks and hurt. He feels he failed, but Talia you have to be more careful and maybe you should talk to someone about how you feel instead of running and hiding behind drugs.” Ehlena was angered the chosen had gotten a hold of narcotics. The toxicology report was eye opening as to what the young one had ingested and the damage done.
Talia seemed to contemplate Ehlena’s words. Ehlena left the room to go work on the discharge paperwork.
Talia: Where the hell was i? Looking around fear gripped me. My eyes landed on Ehlena. Fuck my throat hurt. She attempted to calm me as I panicked. She told me what I did. I rubbed my head, shit it hurt. 
My throat hurt. I tried to speak several times and it was just too painful. There was one question I had to ask. I grabbed paper and pen and asked if Phury was mad.
Yes, yes he was. 
How long had I been out for? 
Ehlena answered my unspoken question.
Well, I could guess who would be coming to pick me up… I braved myself for the anger. 
Phury: I arrived with the transport and walked through the hospital’s back entrance. I was pissed the fuck off and didn’t want to let off on someone who didn’t deserve it. I stopped by Havers first to let him have it.
His excuse was not sufficient. He hadn’t checked his emails. What the actual fuck? He would have seen the email and picture and description had he done it, instead 3 weeks went by and I lost my fucking mind thinking I let a chosen get killed. 
I was not willing to accept it. 
“Check your fucking emails asshole. You ever see her again you apologize and you call the brothers to come get her. She is to be treated at OUR facility.”
I stalked out of the room to find the pretrans. We had a lot to discuss but that would have to wait till later to address. Quickly and without words I got her ready to go home and took her paperwork from Ehlena. I was too angry to deal with her in the moment. We both needed time. Before I started the car to go home I fired off a text to the Brotherhood, “Talia is found” and began the drive to the mansion.
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