#Luficer was one of God's bst and brightest after all
masquenoire · 2 years
OOC// An ask in honour of sinday: what is one of Roman’s most recurring or biggest sexual fantasies?
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(In which I go on a ramble about something people might not have expected?)
Roman has a lot of fantasies, some of them being a tad more questionable than others but a big one he’s got that isn’t just a sexual matter for him is corruption. When I say corruption, I don’t mean corrupting somebody in a kinky way - that’s all good fun of course, but there’s a certain ‘gratification’ about the idea of thoroughly corrupting a good person, say for a example, a hero? It’s the whole forbidden fruit thing, how it’s completely wrong about a villain swaying a good person to become a little more selfish, more inclined to care about themselves than about other people who don’t matter... and then pushing them that little bit more, helping that same beloved hero peel away all the silly, idealistic nonsense that society’s hammered into their sweet little heads over the years before taking their hand and molding them into something better. It’s a kink that scratches all the right itches for a man like Roman, somebody who is especially interested in what people are really like beneath their costumes and masks. What will he find once he’s stripped somebody down to the bare bones and the very foundations of their being? A good romp with a superhero or vigilante is right up there of course, especially if he can leave them with a scar or two so they can always remember that little moment of weakness, of that one time how they slipped and can’t help but think on how they weren’t always so perfect and good. It’s sick and twisted, and Roman knows it - which is exactly why it appeals to him so much. Heroes can die, be it of old age, sickness or in battle but that’s nothing compared to corrupting a hero’s heart and turning them against their old ways.
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