#Luis Fernando Gonzalez
sexymalenavels · 2 years
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In celebration of reaching over 100,000 likes I am posting my top 10 most popular posts of all time. Well, excluding my Men On Edge and Top 5 multi-photo post.
1. Javier Rept.
2. Nathan McCallum
4. Nick Ayler
5. Quin Bruce
7. Luis Fernando Gonzalez
9. Daniel Sovoskin
10. Douglas Jacob
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tlj1988 · 3 months
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thephoblographer · 2 years
the Best Latin Photographers You Should Know in 2022
This is a list that you'll really want to pay attention to.
We’ve heard fascinating stories from so many photographers over the years about how they create their work. Did you know that some photographers become excited just by walking into the streets? We’re featuring a photographer who feels like that, and a whole lot more. In celebration of Latin and Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re rounding up a number of the best Latin photographers we’ve interviewed…
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zappak · 2 months
Andy Graydon & Luke Martin [Transparent Archipelago]
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Release date: September 01, 2024 Catalog no. zappak-015
Bandcamp Page: https://zappak.bandcamp.com/album/transparent-archipelago
Island 1
Island 2
Island 3
Island 4
Island 5
Excerpt: https://soundcloud.com/zappak/zappak-015
Composed and mixed by Luke Martin and Andy Graydon Additional recordings by Fern Silva Mastered by Luke Damrosch Cover Images by Andy Graydon Thanks to Florian Dombois, Helene Romakin, and Fabian Gutscher for the winds
About the Composition
To begin, we picked five field recordings from our sound archives; three from Andy and two from Luke. These recordings became our 'material in common' for composing the piece. Next, working independently we each made our own ‘islands,’ areas of sound and silence set in a frame of duration. To create an island, each of us selected five excerpts from the original sound sources. We then gave each sound a 'vertical cut' in the form of a narrow band pass filter, limiting it to a specific frequency range; then applied a ‘horizontal cut’ to each sound in the form of a time edit, choosing a section from the original field recording. This resulted in floating slices of sound laid out topographically within a total duration to form the features of each island. Finally, we superimposed each of our individual islands over one another, like transparencies or photographic slides, allowing their interaction to create new patterns and alternations between sound and silence; opacity and transparency; land, sea and sky. After finishing the piece, we came across a poem by Fernando Pessoa (The Fortunate Isles, 1934) that seems to articulate something we were doing musically. In each listening there is the hope that a novel 'island' will arise, somehow still linked to the indeterminacy symbolized by the sea, to the indeterminacy of our everyday lives, our archives, and the choices made along the way toward this composition: a 'fortunate island,' a 'land with no place' - something we may only stumble upon in a state of half-sleep, half-knowing, eyes and ears half-closed.
Andy Graydon and Luke Martin are both artists based in the US. Andy Graydon is primarily involved in the study of ecosystems and also works as a filmmaker. Luke Martin is a performer and composer who focuses on music with a focus on silence. In this work, the space is mainly formed by silence, fine sounds, and occasionally very strong bass. They used field recordings as "material for composition" and likened the area of sound and silence to an 'island'. Through editing, the individuality of each 'island' came to the fore, and by mixing the sounds of both artists who had worked independently, the result was a work that was both extremely delicate and strong.
Andy GraydonとLuke Martinはともにアメリカで活動する作家。Andy Graydonは生態系についての研究を中心とした活動をおこなっており、映像作家としても活動している。Luke Martinは無音に着目した音楽における演奏家/作家として活動している。本作は主に無音と微音、そして時折非常に強い低音によって空間が形づくられている。彼らはフィールド録音を「作曲の素材」として利用し、音と静寂の領域を「島」に見立てた。編集によってそれぞれの「島」の個性が表面化し、独自に作業してきた2人の音が混ぜ合わされることによって、結果として非常に繊細かつ強靭な作品へと仕上がった。
Andy Graydon
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Andy Graydon is an artist and filmmaker originally from Maui, Hawai’i. Recent projects have focused on island ecologies, and the listening practices and narrative forms employed by the natural sciences. His work has been presented internationally including shows at the New Museum; Mass MoCA; Berlinische Galerie, Berlin; Frye Art Museum, Seattle; and the Honolulu Biennial. Graydon has collaborated widely as a sound artist and composer, including work with Jennifer Walshe, Jan St. Werner, Ernst Karel, Michael Pisaro, Richard Garet, Delia Gonzalez, Stephen Vitiello, France Jobin, Cecilia Lopez, John Hudak, Sandra Gibson and Luis Recoder.
Luke Martin
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Luke Martin is an experimental musician and writer living in Minneapolis (U.S.). He plays guitar, sine generator, and no-input mixing board, often with friends in and around the Wandelweiser Group, and is part of the ensemble Ordinary Affects. Luke's work focuses on silence and the relation between music and truth. www.lukecmartin.com
Transparent Archipelago is the first duo record by Luke Martin and Andy Graydon, following years of collaboration in performances and screenings in both Boston and Minneapolis.
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sportsloverguide · 9 months
Real Madrid's All-Time Top Goal Scorers: Legends on the Score Sheet
Real Madrid's All-Time Top Goal Scorers: Legends on the Score Sheet
Here's a breakdown of Real Madrid's top goal scorers, highlighting their remarkable contributions:
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1 Cristiano Ronaldo
Goals: 450
Matches: 438
Years: 2009-2018
2 Karim Benzema
Goals: 354
Matches: 648
Years: 2009-2023
3 Raul Gonzalez
Goals: 323
Matches: 741
Years: 1994-2010
4 Alfredo Di Stefano
Goals: 308
Matches: 396
Years: 1953-1964
5 Carlos Santillana
Goals: 290
Matches: 645
Years: 1971-1988
6 Ferenc Puskas
Goals: 242
Matches: 262
Years: 1958-1967
7 Hugo Sanchez
Goals: 208
Matches: 282
Years: 1985-1992
8 Francisco 'Paco' Gento
Goals: 182
Matches: 600
Years: 1953-1971
9 Pirri
Goals: 172
Matches: 561
Years: 1964-1980
10 Emilio Butragueno
Goals: 171
Matches: 463
Years: 1983-1995
11 Amancio Amaro
Goals: 155
Matches: 471
Years: 1962-1976
12 Michel
Goals: 130
Matches: 559
Years: 1982-1996
13 Fernando Hierro
Goals: 127
Matches: 601
Years: 1989-2003
14 Pahino
Goals: 125
Matches: 143
Years: 1948-1953
15 Juanito
Goals: 121
Matches: 401
Years: 1977-1987
16 Gonzalo Higuain
Goals: 121
Matches: 264
Years: 2007-2013
17 Gareth Bale
Goals: 106
Matches: 258
Years: 2013-2020, 2021-2022
18 Ronaldo Nazario
Goals: 104
Matches: 177
Years: 2002-2007
19 Luis Molowny
Goals: 104
Matches: 198
Years: 1946-1957
20 Sergio Ramos
Goals: 101
Matches: 671
Years: 2005-2021
21 Ivan Zamorano
Goals: 101
Matches: 173
Years: 1992-1996
These players have left an indelible mark on Real Madrid's history with their goal-scoring prowess.
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josuechin · 2 years
Soy Josue Gonzalez Gomez, nací el 14 de diciembre del 2007, en el hospital de tepatitlan de modelos jalisco, cuenta era muy pequeño fui al kinder de la Capilla de Guadalupe, allí me gustaban mucho los sándwiches, cuando tenía 7 años recuerdo que me quebré una mando por estar jugando en pacas de rastrojo, después entre a la escuela del Cerro Gordo, allí encontré a uno de mis mejores amigos llamado Angel Karol Diaz Navarro, en esa escuela estudie los 6 años con un maestro que era bien buena onda, después entre a la secundaria a los dolores 3 años seguidos donde encontré nuevos amigos, entre ellos son 7 amigos que hasta ahorita sigo viendo a 5, durante la escuela surgió la panadería del coronavirus y por eso solo pude estudiar 1ro y un poco de 3ro.
Tengo 7 hermanos con migo y mis papás, el primero es Emanuel con solo 10 años, la segunda es mi hermana Angela Judith con solo 12 años, después yo, después mi hermana itzel con solo 17 años, después mi hermano noel con solo 20 años, y por último mi hermano luis fernando con solo 22 años, mi mamá se llama Maria silvia Gomez Gomez, y mi papá Fernando Gonzalez garcia, lo que más me gusta hacer es jugar fut-bol y practico algunos deportes más como el basquet y el béisbol, también me gustan los juegos en el celular y un poco el ajedrez, también juegos de pokemon, y minecraft, mi comida favorita son los tacos al pastor, el pollo, los camarones y las hamburguesas, solamente me gustaría estudiar la preparatoria, yd3spues pensaba irme a las tiendas y si hay oportunidad irme a Estados Unidos, me gusta escuchar música pero no leer, la materia que más me gusta es Español,pero también me gusta mucho jugar fut-bol en los recreos, me gusta ver películas de acción y de comedia al igual me gusta mucho las aventuras y los descubrimientos
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entrepalabrasmx · 2 years
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La Academia Metropolitana de Teatro (AMdT) anuncia a los invitados de su alfombra roja con con motivo de la 4ta. edición de Los Premios Metropolitanos de Teatro - Los Metro, 
Ludwika Paleta, Margarita Gralia, Ariel Miramontes, Dalilah Polanco, Michelle Rodríguez, Regina Blandón, Karol Sevilla, Arcelia Ramírez, Alma Cero, Alejandro de la Madrid, Germán Ortega, Leticia Huijara, Mabel Cadena, Maya Zapata, Mónica Huarte, Chumel Torres, Faisy, Nailea Norvid, Natalia Tellez, Plutarco Haza, Rossana Najera, serán algunos de los invitados especiales que engalanarán el evento.
La ceremonia se llevará a cabo el próximo martes 18 de octubre en el Teatro del Bosque Julio Castillo del Centro Cultural del Bosque.
La antesala de la ceremonia de Los Premios Metropolitanos de Teatro se prepara con una deslumbrante alfombra roja en la que desfilarán relevantes personalidades del teatro en México bajo la premisa "Ser es ser vistx", la temática de este año. El próximo martes 18 de octubre se celebrará lo mejor del teatro nacional en Los Metro, festejo que se llevará a cabo en el Teatro del Bosque Julio Castillo en la Ciudad de México.    Está alfombra roja está diseñada como un “fashion show” que comenzará en punto de las 17:30 hrs, cabe mencionar que habrá ocho personalidades que portarán impresionantes vestuarios que se transformarán durante su paso por esta alfombra roja, además se trata de un espacio que el resto de los asistentes fueron invitados a participar, vestir y realizar el recorrido rumbo a la entrada del recinto bajo la consigna temática de "Ser es ser vistx” que se  basa en las reflexiones que el filósofo francés Jean Paul Sartre planteó en su primera obra filosófica publicada, llamada El ser y la nada de 1943.   En ese texto existencialista Sartre propone que el ser y la esencia no se encuentran en el objeto (en este caso, en el yo), sino en su sentido. Para él, el sentido del ser es ser conocido, “yo soy siempre para Otro”. El acto de la mirada no solo nos da sentido, sino que nos revela la existencia del Otro para el cual somos. Existimos porque el Otro nos mira. Si hay Otro que nos mira, yo soy aquel que no es el Otro: al negar ser el Otro, yo me hago ser y el Otro se establece como Otro. Así, existir no es simplemente estar, sino relacionarse con los demás. No basta con estar entre los objetos del mundo, hay que dirigirse a ellxs, atreverse a ser vistx.   Los Metro recuperan este razonamiento en el que los invitados a la alfombra deberán repensar cómo presentarse ante el ojo del Otro con plena libertad de ser ellos mismos y al mismo tiempo buscar la trascendencia de ser determinado como uno mismo, ser una otredad que captura las miradas de los Otros. Aquellos se atreverán a Ser y ser vistxs son:
INVITADOS Aarón Balderi Alejandra Bogue Alejandro Calva  Alejandro de la Madrid  Alfonso Borbolla  Alma Cero  Arcelia Ramírez  Ari Albarran  Ariel Miramontes  Carolina Reyes  Christian Ramos  Conchi León  Dalilah Polanco  Daniel Miranda  Eugenio Rubio  Francisco Rubio  Gaby Ruiz (Chef)  Garçonne  German Ortega  Karol Sevilla  Laura Tamayo  Leticia Huijara  Leticia Pedrajo  Lisardo  Ludwika Paleta  Luis Arrieta  Mabel Cadena  Manu Nna  Margarita Gralia  Maria Aura  María Elisa Gallegos  Marte Calderon  Maya Zapata  Mel Fuentes  Michelle Rodriguez  Mónica Dionne  Mónica Huarte  Regina Blandon  Regina Voce  Roger González  Sofia Espinosa  Verónica Langer  Verónica Toussaint  Vicky Araico  Ximena Gonzalez Rubio
Aída del Río  Alejandra Ley  Alex de Hoyos  Álvaro Cueva  Ana Sofía Gatica  Anabel Ferreira  Andrés Elvira  Armando Espitía  Armando Hernández  Begoña Narvaez  César Romero  Chumel Torres  Diana Bovio  Efraín González  Elizabeth Guindi  Elsie Flores  Estefania Hinojosa  Faisy  Fernando Memije  Germán Bracco  Gustavo Helguera  José Ramón Berganza  Luis Carlos Villareal  Luz Aldán  Manuel Balbi  Marcela Alvarez  Marcos Radosh  Nacho Riva Palacio Nailea Norvind  Natalia Téllez  Pablo Rodríguez  Plutarco Haza  Ricardo Fastlitch  Ricardo Peralta  Roberto Romano  Rossana Najera  Tiaré Scanda  Vanesa Restrepo  Yolanda Ventura  Yuriria Sierra  Zoraida Gómez
Todos y cada uno de los invitados dejarán todo prejuicio atrás para compartir con el mundo su Otredad, su manera de ser y trascender en un mundo cada vez más conservador y prototipado.  La alfombra roja de los Premios Metropolitanos de Teatro es el espacio para SER. Es un espacio para SER VISTX. Ser vistx en tu libertad, en tu identidad, en tu diversidad, en tu disidencia, en tu diferencia, en tu particularidad. Cada uno contará su historia a través de unos zapatos, un vestido, una corbata o simplemente con una sonrisa.   Vive de cerca la ceremonia de premiación de Los Metro en su cuarta edición, que se llevará a cabo el martes 18 de octubre del 2022 en compañía de Regina Blandón quien es la anfitriona de la gala de este año. Porque conmemorar el teatro es darle vida y hacer historia, sigue a la AMdT a través de la página losmetro.mx y las redes sociales de Los Premios Metropolitanos de Teatro: Youtube @LosMetroMX / IG @losmetromx / FB @losmetromx.
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realmadridnews · 4 months
Primera RFEF final table
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Real Madrid Castilla ends the season on the 10th place.
La Liga 2 promotion:
CD Castellon
Cordoba CF
Malaga CF
San Fernando FC
Linares Deportivo
UD Melilla
CD Atletico Baleares
Granada CF B
Real Madrid Castilla 2023/2024:
1. Lucas Canizares
2. Vinicius Tobias
3. Rafa Obrador
4. Alvaro Carrillo
5. Marvel
6. Mario Martin
7. Noel Lopez
8. Theo Zidane
9. Alvaro Rodriguez
10. Nico Paz
13. Diego Pineiro
14. David Gonzalez
15. Edgar Pujol
16. Raul Asencio
17. Gonzalo Garcia
19. Lorenzo Aguado
20. Manuel Angel
21. Jeremy de Leon
22. Cesar Palacios
23. Victor Munoz
24. Mario de Luis
29. Esteban Aparicio
33. Kike Ribes
39. David Cuenca
Raul Gonzalez Blanco
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dan6085 · 5 months
Real Madrid has had a rich history with numerous legendary players who have left a lasting impact on the club and the world of football. Here are 20 of the greatest players in Real Madrid's history, along with details about their contributions and the periods they played for the club:
1. **Alfredo Di Stefano** (1953-1964) - Widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time, Di Stefano was instrumental in Real Madrid's dominance in the 1950s and early 1960s, winning numerous league titles and European Cups.
2. **Cristiano Ronaldo** (2009-2018) - A prolific goal scorer and winner of multiple Ballon d'Or awards, Ronaldo played a key role in Real Madrid's success, helping the team win four Champions League titles during his tenure.
3. **Ferenc Puskas** (1958-1966) - Known for his incredible goal-scoring ability, Puskas was part of the iconic Real Madrid team that won multiple European Cups, leaving a lasting legacy as one of the greatest forwards in history.
4. **Raul Gonzalez** (1994-2010) - A club legend, Raul is Real Madrid's all-time leading goal scorer, winning numerous La Liga titles and three Champions League trophies during his illustrious career.
5. **Zinedine Zidane** (2001-2006) - A graceful playmaker and tactician, Zidane played a crucial role in Real Madrid's success, including the famous goal in the 2002 Champions League final, securing the club's ninth European Cup.
6. **Francisco Gento** (1953-1971) - One of the most decorated players in Real Madrid's history, Gento won a record six European Cups and played a key role in the club's dominance during the 1950s and 1960s.
7. **Fernando Hierro** (1989-2003) - A versatile and skilled defender, Hierro captained Real Madrid to numerous domestic and international titles, showcasing leadership and defensive prowess.
8. **Iker Casillas** (1999-2015) - Considered one of the greatest goalkeepers of his generation, Casillas played a crucial role in Real Madrid's success, winning multiple La Liga titles and three Champions League trophies.
9. **Sergio Ramos** (2005-2020) - A stalwart defender and leader on the pitch, Ramos captained Real Madrid to four Champions League titles and numerous domestic trophies, known for his scoring ability in crucial moments.
10. **Fernando Redondo** (1994-2000) - A graceful and intelligent midfielder, Redondo contributed to Real Madrid's success, winning La Liga titles and a Champions League trophy.
11. **Luis Figo** (2000-2005) - A skillful winger and playmaker, Figo was instrumental in Real Madrid's attacking prowess, winning La Liga titles and the Champions League.
12. **Guti** (1995-2010) - A creative midfielder known for his vision and passing ability, Guti played a significant role in Real Madrid's midfield, winning multiple league titles and Champions League trophies.
13. **Karim Benzema** (2009-2023) - A prolific goal scorer and key player in Real Madrid's recent successes, Benzema has contributed to multiple La Liga and Champions League triumphs.
14. **Roberto Carlos** (1996-2007) - A dynamic left-back known for his powerful free kicks and attacking prowess, Roberto Carlos was a key player in Real Madrid's success during the late 1990s and early 2000s.
15. **Emilio Butragueno** (1984-1995) - Nicknamed "The Vulture," Butragueno was a clinical striker who contributed to Real Madrid's success in domestic and European competitions.
16. **Michel** (1981-1996) - A skillful midfielder known for his dribbling and passing ability, Michel was part of Real Madrid's successful teams in the 1980s and early 1990s.
17. **Hugo Sanchez** (1985-1992) - A prolific goal scorer and acrobatic striker, Sanchez won multiple Pichichi trophies and contributed to Real Madrid's successes in La Liga and European competitions.
18. **Fernando Morientes** (1997-2005) - A talented striker with a keen eye for goal, Morientes played a significant role in Real Madrid's attacking lineup, winning multiple Champions League titles.
19. **Xabi Alonso** (2009-2014) - A composed and intelligent midfielder known for his passing range and tactical awareness, Alonso contributed to Real Madrid's midfield stability and success.
20. **Gareth Bale** (2013-2021) - A dynamic winger with blistering pace and scoring ability, Bale played a crucial role in Real Madrid's Champions League victories, scoring memorable goals in finals.
These players, among others, have left an indelible mark on Real Madrid's history, contributing to the club's legacy of success and cementing their places as legends in the world of football.
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frontproofmedia · 1 year
Press Conference Notes: "El Venado" Lopez and Joet Gonzalez Set to Kick Off Mexican Independence Day Weekend
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Published: September 13, 2023
Lopez-Gonzalez headlines a televised tripleheader live on ESPN, ESPN Deportes, and ESPN+ FRIDAY at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (Sept. 13, 2023) — Luis Alberto "El Venado" Lopez (28-2, 16 KOs) is ready to kick-start Mexican Independence Day weekend with the second defense of his world title. Lopez will put his IBF featherweight world title on the line against two-time world title challenger Joet Gonzalez (26-3, 15 KOs) this Friday at American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas.  In the 10-round junior middleweight co-feature, rising Puerto Rican sensation Xander Zayas (16-0, 10 KOs) faces Mexico’s Roberto Valenzuela Jr. (21-4, 20 KOs). In the six-round lightweight ESPN-televised opener, Emiliano Fernando Vargas (6-0, 5 KOs) steps up versus Spain's Alejandro Guardado (5-0, 1 KO). Lopez-Gonzalez, Zayas-Valenzuela, and Vargas-Guardado will be broadcast live on ESPN, ESPN Deportes, and ESPN+ at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT The ESPN+-streamed undercard (6:30 p.m. ET/3:30 p.m. PT) features Mexican standouts Omar Aguilar (25-1, 24 KOs) and Julio Luna (20-1-2, 11 KOs) in an eight-round welterweight tilt. Corpus Christi native John Rincon (7-0, 2 KOs) takes on Puerto Rico's Bryan Ismael Rodriguez Rivera (4-1-1, 2 KOs) in a six-round welterweight clash, and Jamaine Ortiz (16-1-1, 8 KOs) fights Antonio Moran (29-5-1, 20 KOs) in his first fight since last year's valiant effort against Vasiliy Lomachenko. Former world title challenger Ruben Villa (20-1, 7 KOs) will look to notch his second win of the year in an eight-round featherweight battle against Brandon Valdes (15-3, 7 KOs), while U.S. Olympian Tiger Johnson (9-0, 5 KOs) makes his third appearance of 2023 in an eight-round junior welterweight fight against Ricardo Quiroz (13-2, 7 KOs). Promoted by Top Rank, tickets starting at $30 are on sale now via Ticketmaster.com. At Wednesday's press conference, this is what the fighters had to say. Luis Alberto Lopez   “I am happy to fight on an important date for Mexico where Joet Gonzalez and I will be representing our country. We are going to present a real war that night.”   “I respect him because he has had great fights. He has done a great job in his career. But you know that when we get in the ring there is no respect. I am going to take this belt home for my family and for Mexico.”   “It’s going to be a total war. When there are two hungry Mexicans in the ring, they always go at it with everything. We know that Joet Gonzalez is tough. And my goal, as I’ve said, is to knock him out.”   “We are ready as always. I am a fighter who knows how to give exciting fights. I am a warrior who goes forward. They know that when ‘El Venado’ gets in the ring, there will be a great show.”   Joet Gonzalez   “This is my third {world title} opportunity. I’m truly grateful. I’ve worked really hard every single time. And every time I step into the ring, I give it my all. I’ve got to win.”   “I’ve always trained hard. I’ve never taken any shortcuts. I’ve always put in the hard work in the gym. But sometimes it’s not your night. It is what it is. But I’m still here, and I’m going to give it my all every time.”   “I’m expecting a great fight. It’s a big day for Mexico. All I have to do is win and become the new IBF world champion. Plain and simple. I can’t go home empty-handed. I’m bringing that belt back home.”   Xander Zayas   “It’s been a great journey. I’m 16 fights in. I’ve been growing. I’ve been learning. I’ve been getting better in and outside of the ring. And I’m excited to put on a show this Saturday night.”   "We’ve been training for the last three or four fights for a ten-rounder. Now I get the opportunity, and I’m going to take advantage of it. I’m facing a Mexican warrior who is ready to put on a show." "He has a lot of things behind him. Mexican Independence Day is the day after. His family is here with him. He’s probably going to have the crowd behind him. But I’m excited to put on a show and win over the crowd.”   Roberto Valenzuela Jr.   “It is a very important date for me and for Mexico. So, we will do our best to get a good result. This is my opportunity to let everyone know who Roberto Valenzuela is.”   “We have been studying him. He is a great boxer. He actually doesn't have many flaws. But I believe that my hunger to win and move forward in my career is going to be the difference. I know that if I win this fight, we will be on the path to very big fights;.”   Omar Aguilar   “I feel very excited and happy. It is a great date for Mexico and for boxing. So I feel honored to fight on these dates, and what better way to do it than with these people around me? I'm going to give my best in the ring."   “I learned a lot against Lindolfo Delgado. I matured with that fight. It was a very interesting fight. I hope to take all the experience that I’ve gained and apply in this fight. We are ready."   Julio Luna   “I've come very well prepared, whether it lasts eight rounds or if it ends before. If it ends earlier, even better. But I’ve come prepared either way. Whenever two Mexicans get into the same ring, it is a guaranteed war. I think this will not be the exception.”   "The fight with Giovani Santillán gave me a lot of experience. And now I'm trying to get rid of that thorn in my side. I was not happy with that decision, and now I am grateful for this second opportunity.”   Emiliano Fernando Vargas   “It’s a blessing to be here. It’s a great opportunity for me to bring that excitement back to Corpus Christi. It’s definitely something special for me and my father. He fought here, and now I’m fighting here almost 20 years later. It’s very special for us.”   “I’m insanely excited to make my ESPN debut. This is definitely a step up with the opponent I have. It’s only going to make it more of a show. The best comes out of me when I’m facing better opposition. At the end of the day, to get to that world championship level where I know I can compete at and dominate, I’ve got to get through the Spaniard come Friday.”   John Rincon   “I’ve been dreaming for a moment like this since I was a kid. I’m finally here. The hard work is done. Friday night I’m going to put on a great show. I’ll see you all then.”
Friday, September 15 ESPN, ESPN Deportes & ESPN+ (10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT)
Luis Alberto Lopez vs. Joet Gonzalez, 12 rounds, Lopez's IBF Featherweight World Title  Xander Zayas vs. Roberto Valenzuela Jr., 10 rounds, Zayas' NABO/NABF Junior Middleweight Titles Emiliano Fernando Vargas vs. Alejandro Guardado, 6 rounds, Lightweights
ESPN+ (6:30 p.m. ET/3:30 p.m. PT)   
Omar Aguilar vs. Julio Luna, 8 rounds, Vacant WBC USA Welterweight Title   
John Rincon vs. Bryan Ismael Rodriguez Rivera, 6 rounds, Welterweights  Jamaine Ortiz vs. Antonio Moran, 10 Rounds, Junior Welterweights Ruben Villa vs. Brandon Valdes, 8 rounds, Featherweights  Tiger Johnson vs. Ricardo Quiroz, 8 rounds, Junior Welterweights 
(Featured Photo: Mikey Williams/Top Rank via Getty Images)
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sexymalenavels · 2 years
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Luis Fernando Gonzalez
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tlj1988 · 3 months
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gerardofontenelle · 1 year
Apple Arcade - A New World To Play In from Mauro Chiarello on Vimeo.
Director: Ian Pons Jewell Producer: Chris Avery @ Apple Writer: Jordan Pories Creative Director: Hamish Pinnel Art Director: Esteban Cardona Group Creative Directors: Sam Oliver & Carl Broadhurst AD Producer: Jacob Stitzel Production Company: Reset Managing Director: Dave Morrison Executive Producers: Deannie O'Neil & Jen Beitler Head of Production: JP Colombo Producer: Megan Moore Director of Photography: Mauro Chiarello Director’s Assistant: George Daniell Casting: Majo Gallardo Costume Designer: Nayeli de Alba
Production Service Company: The Lift Producer: Fuad Abded Managing Director: Avelino Rodriguez Production Manger: Israel González Cadena Unit Manager: Vladimir Espinoza Production Coordinator: Liliana Huacuja APOC: David Carretero Script: Andrea Eduardina Key PA: Juan Tovar Production Assistants: Erick Ávila, Miguel Luna, Isaac Alvarez Runner: Paulina Camacho Chaperone: Paulina Marín Chaperone: Paulina Maqueda Locations Manager: Sergio Aguilar Locations Assistants: Itzia Rojas, Rodrigo López, Eduardo Gutierrez, Andrés Macías, Juan Chávez
1st AD DGA: Robert Phillips 1st AD: Sandra Mayerstein 2nd AD Vala Cárdenas 2nd AD: Lorenza Ramos 1st AC Horacio Vega 2nd AC: Adonay Meza Camera PA: Edson Reyes DIT: Julio Cesar Gonzalez Data Manager: Hayde Medina Corona VTR Operator: Jonathan Fernando Noriega Hernández VTR Assistants: Eduardo Martinez & Miguel Valdez Wheels Operator: Felipe Pérez-Burchard Steadicam Operator: Gerardo Manjarezz Trinity Operator: Niels Lindelien Gaffer: Leonardo Julián Key Grip: Juan Antonio Aguilar López Key Grip: Jose Marcos Vilchis VFX Supervisor: Daniel "Chovy" Cordero VFX Assistants: Rafael Santana Cruz & Francisco Ruben Perez Reyes
Production Designers: Robin Brown & Margarita Laborde Hair & Make Up: Chela Olea Hair & Make Up Assistants: Yoali Cortés, Ixchel Cortés Stunt Coordinator: Tomas Guzman Art Coordinator: Katia Duarte Propmaster: Diego Téllez Decorator: Melinda Ridaura Decorator: Sandra Jalife Art Assistant: Jessica Peralta Wardrobe Coordinator: Giselle Arriaga Wardrobe Assistants: Rodrigo Montoya, Paulina Regalado, Christian Fernando, Rocelia Alexandra Graphic Design: Mireya Guerrero Renders: Hugo Jiménez Swings: Daniel Hernández, Jesús Enriquez, Aldo Márquez, Juan Cisneros, Néstor Luna, Luis Hernández, Gabriel Cabrera.
Edit Company: Whitehouse Post, Los Angeles Editor: Tobias Suhm Executive Producer: Joanna Manning Post Producer: Jordan Stricklin
VFX Company: Framestore VFX Supervisor: James Rogers Senior Producer: Joe Greenberg Art Director: Carlos Vidal Lead Data Wrangler: Fabio Zapata Data Wrangler: Juan Colon Coordinator: Evan Kanter
CAST Kid in car: Ariella Covalin-Mizarahi Metro Guy: Shu Sakimoto
Chef & Waiters: Jack Morris Jean Wolf Allison Vargas
Taco Stand: Mariana Arias Emme Gonzalez Paulina Camacho Oscar Sagrado Raphael De Cecco Ivan Modragon Christian Godoy Miguel Angel
Airplane: Heidy Diaz
Popcorn Eaters: Micah Bijon Charlie Scovill
Clothes Guy: Rick Darge Bus Shelter: Yuki Oc-Noda
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Vélez Sarsfield en México 1940
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Vélez Sarsfield en México Los equipos argentinos habían dejado una grata impresión en México por su juego habilidoso y preciosista y ante la visita de Véñez, el público se mostró entusiasmado. Los periódicos de la época contribuyeron a crear más expectación al publicar interesantes artículos sobre las grandes estrellas que integraban el equipo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Cabe destacar que el futbol argentino ya se ostentaba como profesional, a diferencia del mexicano que conservaba su estatus de amateur. El profesionalismo como tal se había logrado desde el año 131, en el mes de mayo para ser más exactos y esto elevó aún mas el nivel del futbol pampero.    
Plantel de Vélez Sarsfield
Si bien el equipo de Vélez llevaba varios campeonatos ocupando la zona media de la tabla en su competencia, contaba en sus filas con magníficos jugadores y jóvenes prospectos que muy pronto brillarían en su país. Los argentinos contaban con un par de soberbios porteos;  Jaime José Rotman y Miguel Rugilo. Para los puestos de defensa tenían a  Pedro Manuel Castrillón, Manuel Herminio de Saá, Antonio Félix Battaglia y Juan Alonso. El medio campo contaban con el gran talento de Raúl P. Santizo, Ricardo Ángel Becerra, Osvaldo Raúl Reta y Alfredo Benaglio. La delantera argentina era realmente temible integrada por  José Miguel Noguera, Carlos Constantino Colosia, Oscar Armando Irazoqui, Juan Feliciano Gayol, Antonio Alonso y Ángel Fernández Los ilustres visitantes comenzarían su serie de partidos amistosos frente al Club América el día 1 de enero de 1940.  
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  Partidos de Vélez Sarsfield en México
El primer encuentro tuvo lugar en el Parque Necaxa con un lleno a reventar. Los cremas saltaron a la cancha con su mejor cuadro, esperando llevarse el triunfo ante su rival. Formaron con Rafael Mollinedo, Gómez, Armando Frank, Villar, Alfredo Sánchez, Rosas, Jorge Sota, Enrique Ostos, Octavio Vial, Luis García Cortina, Romero (Álvarez 74') Por su parte Vélez envía al terrero de juego a Jaime José Rotman, Pedro Castrillón, Manuel De Saá (Antonio Félix Bataglia 72'), Juan Alonso, Raúl Santizo,  Ricardo Becerra, Osvaldo Reta, José Miguel Noguera, Carlos Colosia, Oscar Irazoqui, Juan Gayol. Muy pronto el cuadro argentino mostró su clase y dominó el encuentro abriendo el marcador Colosia al minuto 13. Los pamperos sobrellevaron el ritmo del encuentro sin prestar el balón a los mexicanos, anotando de nuevo Colosia y para finalizar el partido Gayol. Vélez gana por 3 a 0 dejando una magnífica impresión.   Atlante Vélez El 7 de enero en el mismo escenario enfrentaban al Atlante. El cuadro argentino formó con Jaime José Rotman, Pedro Castrillón, Manuel De Saá, Juan Alonso, Raúl Santizo, Ricardo Becerra, Osvaldo Reta, José Miguel Noguera, Carlos Colosia, Oscar Irazoqui, Juan Gayol. Por su parte, Atlante se reforz´aba con jugadores de otros equipos pagando caro la falta de entendimiento. Atlante alineó a José Sanjenís, Benjamín Alonso, "Negro" López (Pedro Gonzalez 40') (Francisco Islas), Antonio Ramos, Fernando García, José García Solís, Manuel Grajeda (Alberto Mendoza), Leonardo Zamudio, Alberto Mendoza (Agustín Medina), José Antonio Hütt, José López Herranz (Gutiérrez 46'). Resultó tal la superioridad de los visitantes que en el primer tiempo ya lo ganaban por 3 a 0. La fiesta sudamericana continuó en el segundo tiempo hasta que confeccionaron un escandaloso 6 a 0.   Combinado España-Asturias vs Vélez Nuevamente el Parque Necaxa abría sus puertas para el siguiente encuentro de la serie internacional. En esta ocasión los visitante enfrentarían a un combinado de jugadores del Real Club España y Asturias. Vélez puso en el campo a Jaime José Rotman, Pedro Castrillón, Manuel De Saá, Juan Alonso (Antonio Alonso 1t), Raúl Santizo, Ricardo Becerra, Osvaldo Reta, José Miguel Noguera (Alfredo Benaglio), Carlos Colosia, Armando Irazoqui (José Miguel Noguera), Juan Gayol (Ángel Fernández 19'). Como ya se habrá dado cuenta nuestro amable lector, en esta serie se implementó que hubiera cambio de jugadores lo que mejoró más el espectáculo. El Combinado por su parte alineó a Gregorio Blasco, Carlos Laviada, Serafín Aedo, Pedro Regueiro, José Muguerza, Fernando García, Martí Ventolrá, Jorge Quesada, Enrique Larriñaga, Félix de los Heros (Francisco Argüelles 54') (Félix de los Heros 58'),  Julio Munlloch. Este combinado era en verdad un conjunto de estrellas españolas con un mexicano y la fórmula les daría resultados. El combinado tomó la iniciativa y sorprendió con dos goles en los primeros veinte minutos. Jugaban por nota los combinados y solo gracias al magnífico trabajo del portero Rotman, el marcador no fué mas amplio. El segundo tiempo continuaría bajo la misma tónica y el marcador final señalaría Combinado 4 Véñez 2. Ambos equipos fueron despedidos entre aplausos.   Selección Liga Mayor - Vélez Para el sigueinte encuentro la Liga Mayor de México armó una selección de jugadores de la liga para poder darle pelea a los argentinos. La selección sería conformada por Rafael Navarro Corona, Carlos Laviada, Serafín Aedo (César 46'), Pedro Regueiro, José Muguerza, Fernando García, Martí Ventolrá, Tomás Lozano (Jorge Quesada 46'), Alberto Mendoza, Luis García Cortina (Francisco Argüelles 61'), Julio Munlloch. Vélez presentaba a Jaime José Rotman, Pedro Castrillón, Manuel De Saá, Juan Alonso, Raúl Santizo, Ricardo Becerra, Osvaldo Reta, José Miguel Noguera, Carlos Colosia, Armando Irazoqui, Juan Gayol (Alfredo Benaglio 46') (Juan Gayol 50'). El partido resultaría muy entretenido y sumamente parejo. Tras un primner tiempo sin goles aunque muchas llegadas, Colosia anotaba el goil de la quiniela promediando la segunda parte. No tardaron en reaccionar los seleccionados lanzandose con todo tras el empate. Ya casi para finalizar el encuentro Francisco Arguelles logra emparejar los cartones con un bonito gol.   Combinado España-Asturias vs Vélez El día 2 de enero se aprovecharía la visita de Vélez Sarsfield para abrir de nuevo el Parque Asturias al público. Tras el incendio acontecido unos meses antes, el hermoso parque sería puesto a prueba nuevamente. Para el encuentro se volvería a armar el combinado de los equipos de la colonia española. Por el combinado jugaron Gregorio Blasco, Carlos Laviada, Serafín Aedo, Pedro Regueiro, José Muguerza, Fernando García, Martí Ventolrá, Jorge Quesada, Enrique Larriñaga (Francisco Argüelles 18'), Félix de los Heros, Julio Munlloch. Vélez, por su parte, presentó a Jaime José Rotman, Pedro Castrillón, Manuel De Saá, Juan Alonso, Raúl Santizo (Antonio Alonso 59') (Raúl Santizo 63'), Ricardo Becerra, Osvaldo Reta, José Miguel Noguera, Carlos Colosia, Armando Irazoqui, Juan Gayol. El espectáculo resultó sensacional en el marco de la reapertura. A los quince minutos Vélez ganaba por tres goles haciendo presagiar una goleada de época para los hispanos. Sin embargo el combinado reaccionó y metió a su rival dentro de su área logrando dos goles antes de finalizar la primera parte. El segundo tiempo resultó emocionante. El combinado insistía una y otra vez al ataque y Vélez lanzaba contragolpes espectaculares. Arguelles nuevamente acierta y pone el empate a tres, marcador que prevalecería a pesar de las muchas ocasiones generadas por ambas escuadras.   Necaxa - Vélez Tras un encuentro en el interior de la República, los argentinos regresaron a la Ciudad de México para enfrentar al Necaxa. Necaxa puso a Rafael Navarro Corona, Antonio Azpiri, Serafín Aedo, Pizano I (Ricardo Gómez 1t), José Muguerza, Marcial Ortiz, Vicente García, Tomás Lozano, Pizano II (Luis Luébano 46'), Donato Alonso, Luis Pérez. Por su parte, Vélez alineó a Jaime José Rotman, Pedro Castrillón, Manuel De Saá, Juan Alonso, Raúl Santizo, Ricardo Becerra, Osvaldo Reta, José Miguel Noguera, Carlos Colosia, Armando Irazoqui, Juan Gayol. Se esperaba un gran encuentro con Necaxa luciendo su poderío pero Vélez estaba intratable. La delantera argentina comandada por Colosia cerraba el primer tiempo con un claro 3 a 0. Las cosas no mejoraron para los mexicanos en el segundo tiempo y Vélez anotaría en otro par de ocasiones para dejar las cifras Vélez 5 Necaxa 0.  
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  Vélez Sarsfield se Despide de México
Después de haber regado los campos mexicanos con buen futbol, el equipo regresaba a su Buenos Aires querido haciendo una escala para jugar en El Salvador. Para sorpresa de todos los aficionados y prensa de la época, Luis García Cortina, el famoso "Tití" viajaba con el cuadro pampero tras firmar su contrato para jugar en la Liga Argentina. Finalmente un jugador mexicano provaría suerte en un futbol altamente competitivo y todos esperaban que tuviera un gran éxito. Muy pronto se le uniría otro gran estrella del futbol mexicano: Luis "Pirata" de la Fuente.    
Resultados de Vélez Sarsfield en México
Match 1 Parque Necaxa América 0-3 Vélez Sarsfield (HT: 0-1) Referee: Vicente Rubio   Match 2 Parque Necaxa Atlante 0-6 Vélez Sarsfield (HT: 0-3) Referee: Vicente Rubio   Match 3 Parque Necaxa Comb. España-Asturias 4-2 Vélez Sarsfield (HT: 2-1) Referee: Vicente Rubio   Match 4 Parque Necaxa Selección Liga Mayor 1-1 Vélez Sarsfield (HT: 0-0) Referee: Carlos Esteva   Match 5 *Reapertura del  Parque Asturias Comb. España-Asturias 3-3 Vélez Sarsfield (HT: 2-3) Referee: Vicente Rubio   Match 6 Parque Venustiano Carranza COVE/Destructores 0-14 Vélez Sarsfield No existen detalles de este partido..   Match 7 Parque Necaxa Necaxa 0-5 Vélez Sarsfield (HT: 0-3) Referee: De la Osa   Otras Series Internacionales en México   Read the full article
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sportsloverguide · 9 months
Real Madrid's All-Time Legends Unite: Building the Ultimate XI
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Choose Real Madrid's 116th best let's pick the ultimate XI from their glittering history! Choosing just 11 is tough, but here are the icons that cut:
Iker Casillas: Madrid's beloved captain, nicknamed "Saint Iker," with five La Liga titles, three Champions Leagues, and World Cup and Euro trophies.
Roberto Carlos: The master of the left foot, scoring magical free kicks and helping win three Champions Leagues and four La Ligas.
Manuel Sanchís: Mr. Loyalty, playing over 700 games and lifting eight La Ligas and two Champions Leagues.
Fernando Hierro: A rock at the back with 102 league goals five La Liga and three Champions League wins.
Sergio Ramos: The ultimate clutch player, scoring the Champions League final winner in 2016 and collecting countless trophies.
Luis Figo: The controversial transfer from Barcelona sparked the Galacticos era, but his skill earned him a Ballon d'Or at Real Madrid.
Zinedine Zidane: An artist with the ball, scoring one of the best Champions League goals ever and now leading Real Madrid as manager.
Guti: The underrated engine of the team, making over 500 appearances and winning five La Ligas and three Champions Leagues.
Cristiano Ronaldo: The ultimate goalscoring machine, Real Madrid's record scorer and five-time Ballon d'Or winner.
Alfredo Di Stefano: A legend by any measure, leading Real Madrid to five consecutive European Cups in the 1950s.
Raul Gonzalez: Mr. Real Madrid, with the most club appearances and second most goals, is a Champions League legend and Spanish hero.
Honorable Mentions:
Ferenc Puskas, Francisco Gento, Jose Maria Zarraga, Emilio Butragueño, Hugo Sanchez, Ronaldo Nazario, Kaka, Mesut Ozil.
This team is a dream come true for any Madridista! What do you think? Should any other legends be in the lineup?
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albino-sun · 1 year
Heineken - Refresh Your Music, Refresh Your Nights - Indie vs World Music from Le Cube on Vimeo.
Removes the barrier of genre, as traditional Vietnamese music and Indie Music morph into one another.
Credits Client: Heineken Agency: BBH Singapore, Le Pub and Leo Burnett Production Co: Final Frontier Animation Studio: Le Cube Director: Ralph Karam Executive Producers: Chris Colman (FF), Gus Karam (FF), Fernanda Soma (LC), Eva Amuchastegui (LC), Yanyie Tran (FF) Line Producer: Sofia Arissian, Eric Zheng Animation Director: Federico Radero Art Director: Santiago Oddis Illustrators: Lucas Andreu, Gianluca Patti, Emilia Calvo, Alejandro Durty Gonzalez, Jose Elgueta, Nahuel Sagarnaga, Juan Barabani, Nahuel Rollan, Franco Vecchi Compositing Supervisor: Adrián Mirandeborde Compositing: Adrián Mirandeborde, Fernando Lamattina, Alcides Izaguirre, Lui Nogueira 2D Animation & Tie Down: Appétit 3D Modeling, Shading, Lighting: Lui Nogueira, Fernando Lamattina, Agostina Carrera, Leo Dias, Juan Martin Miyagui Clean Up Supervisor: Laura Desmery Clean Up: Appétit, Facundo García, Juan Natch, Julieta Soloaga, Melisa Pighin, Clara Chini, Marcela Chiban, Nicolas Quintar Riboli Music & Sound Design: Massive Music
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