#Luke better buy her cake and clothes and an aquarium or whatever she wants in the world
101flavoursofweird · 8 months
Not to link everything in the PL universe back to the Azran… but does anyone wonder if Layton and Luke (especially) were so determined to investigate the Relic Stones because they thought there was a chance they could bring Aurora back?
Like, Luke knows the timeline doesn’t make sense because Baby Kat is born 2/3 years after AL and Luke walks past a mother and a baby who look like Aurora in the AL credits but after the shipwreck, in his exhausted starving mind, do you think Luke hoped the baby might be Reborn Aurora? Kat’s mother was literally called Kamila Azran—
The purple Relic Stones also look like the jewel of Aurora’s pendant…
I don’t think Luke gets enough flak for how he decided to investigate the Relic Stones on his own, shut Marina out, got himself captured by Don Paolo and then he inspired Layton (who was dedicated to raising Kat at that point) to go out hunting for the Relic Stones with him…
But if Luke was so determined to find the Relic Stones because he thought he could save his lost friend… I could see why he would take the risk.
Either that, or Luke wanted to help avoid another disastrous family reunion if Kat’s birth father happened to be alive and he could come back to fight Layton and kidnap Kat. (Luke still hasn’t recovered to the Bronev Family Soap Opera.)
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