#Luke's betrayal was so well done and so well hid and everything worked out for him
Now we finally got confirmation that the show is just giving Percy knowledge because of ✨✨ Plot✨✨ thus making him seem super fucking smart.
In the book, Percy arrives at the very logical conclusion that the "betrayed by one who calls you friend" line in the prophecy referred to Ares, who pretended to be his ally. This was still a bit iffy to him, but it made sense. And it was LOGICAL! I liked that a lot! Percy had no way of figuring out it meant Luke.
But in the show he just... Figures it out. How? Fuck you for asking, that's how!
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starcrashx · 11 months
Two kids rushed down the stairs into the kitchen. Luke grabbed his head, while Leia chased him with a quiver. Galen was sitting beside Ahsoka at the kitchen island, eating breakfast.
"Leia! Stop threatening your brother's life! Luke, explain!" said Anakin sternly.
"Leia thinks that I stole her bow but I didn't! I swear!"
"Then who did it?" asked Leia and pointed accusingly at his twin.
On cue AR-2 the dog of the family entered the room with what seemed like a stick in his mouth at first.
"AR-2!!!" said Leia in disbelief.
"Told you." said Luke.
"Alright, sit down and eat. AR-2 give me that." said Anakin and the dog obeyed.
"Are mornings usually..." started Galen but Ahsoka finished it for him.
"This crazy? Yes."
"You said it. Not me."
"Galeeeen! I can't wait to show you around school." said Luke excitedly.
"Welp you have to wait until tomorrow then." said Anakin while munching on a waffle.
"Why?" asked Leia who was still hung up on the betrayal.
"I kind of forgot to do the paperwork so he has to wait until tomorrow to start."
"Obi-wan told you to do it in time but you said later and this is the result. Congratulations." clapped her hands Ahsoka.
Anakin only rolled his eyes.
"Shut your trap Snips. If you guys are done let's go. I have work to do."
"What about practice! I can't go without my bow." protested Leia.
"Leaving out one practice won't kill you." answered Anakin.
Leia huffed and walked off with her plate. After that Anakin turned his attention to Galen.
"Unfortunately I couldn't find anyone who could stay with you at home. But I trust you that you will be alright. If something's up just call any of us and we will come to the rescue." said Anakin and handed Galen a phone.
"It's yours." said the man after Galen's confused expression.
"Oh um you shouldn't have, this is too much I can't-"
"Accept it? C'mon Galen you are a part of this family now. Of course I will provide you with everything you need. And spoiler alert this isn't the only thing we will buy for you." said Anakin.
Galen smiled and pocketed the phone. He quickly learned that there is no use arguing with this man anyways. After Ahsoka and Luke ate, they followed Anakin outside to the car. Leia turned to Galen before she exited the door.
"Look I need your help. Can you go to the Hunter's sports shop today? It's in town but I think you are a capable person and you will solve the travelling problem. I already told Boba my order, just say my name he will know it. After you get it bring it to me in school."
"I will try my best." nodded Galen.
Leia smiled and hugged the boy. Galen flinched back and before he could decide what to do the girl already retreated.
"I knew I could count on you, brother!"
That made Galen smile.
"Oh yeah before I forget. My piggy bank is hidden under my bed. Well more like it's taped under it. Take it and don't tell Luke." she said before sprinting out the door, leaving a very confused Galen behind.
When everyone was gone Galen found a bus for himself on his new phone. He decided to take the 11:00 bus so he had time to kill. He decided to do something productive like mopping and sweeping the floor. He walked to the little storage room under the stairs. On the door there was a neon green stick note.
"Anakin it is your turn to do the mopping! It's been a week, just do it already." Obi-wan.
Well Galen guessed he could do it for his adopted family. The house was pretty big but nothing Galen can't handle. When he was cleaning in the kitchen he noticed another note.
"Ahsoka, stop leaving the spoons all around the kitchen." Anakin.
"Well they wouldn't be there if Obi-wan would do the dishes on time." Ahsoka.
It seemed like the family had a person issue with house work. Galen guessed he could wash the dishes too. He can't use the dishwasher but it won't stop him. When he was done in the kitchen he went upstairs. He went in the bathroom to find more stick notes.
"Note to anyone that is going to the store: I put out 50 dollars on the bookshelf please buy washing powder." Obi-wan.
"It's Ahsoka's turn to do the shopping." Anakin.
"I'm busy with school rn so you buy it yourself or wait until I'm done." Ahsoka.
Galen checked around the washroom and there was not a single washing powder, but just for safety measures he will check the self too. He will buy washing powder too. He ventured into his and Luke's room and he wasn't surprised the least to find pink stick notes on the boy's desk.
"Luke fold your clothes please. Your wardrobe looks like the portal to Narnia would be a high way." Anakin.
Galen peeked into his adoptive brother's wardrobe to find the exact scenario that Anakin described. He thought he could do a favour for Luke, after all the boy had been nothing but kind to Galen. He folded the clothes neatly on top of each other and hung those that fell off the coat hangers. After that he went to Leia's room to take the money and to clean her room too.
"Leia honey the dust is so thick that a sneeze alone could create a sandstorm." Obi-wan.
Galen found that Leia started the cleaning but stopped halfway. So he picked up the duster and finished the job for her. He also found the piggy bank as instructed and took all the money from it, just for safety measures. He went back to his shared room just to find a small sticky note on his desk.
"Dear I put some pocket money into your drawer. Use it as you please." Obi-wan.
Galen was surprised and a little giddy on the inside. He checked to find 50 dollars in there. He pocketed enough for two bus tickets and went downstairs to check the bookshelf. There was the money that Obi-wan mentioned and as Galen counted that was more than 50 dollars.
"Here is this week's shopping list:
- Starcrunch Cereal
- 1 gallon of water
- Super clean wash powder
- 2 carrots
- 1 lettuce
- 5 onions
- a bag of salt
- chicken wings
- dog food for AR-2" Obi-wan.
Galen took the money and the list. He put all the money into different pockets so he knows how many he should give back to each individual. He checked the clock and as much he wanted to start mopping now that he is done with sweeping he had to go to catch the bus. AR-2 run to him for head pets before he left. He loved this dog so much and he was glad that the feeling was mutual.
Upon arriving Galen was slapped in the face of how big Corusant was. It's not like he didn't know the city (from a higher view point too) but now he felt so small compared to the huge buildings and crowd. He hated the crowd. But he will manage without freaking out. Leia is depending on him so he won't be stopped. He used his knowledge on the city to find Boba's shop. It was quite the walk but he is used to it. And if he used some of the alleyways to shorten the route Anakin didn't have to know. When he entered he met with a man that was oddly familiar to the Fetts.
"Welcome to my shop little guy. What can I do for you?" asked the man who was leaning on the counter leisurely.
Galen swallowed the ball that was forming in his throat.
"Good morning sir. I came for Leia's order." if his voice was shaking the man paid no mind to it.
"Oh you are his new brother that she spoke of. Wait for me it will only take a moment." said Boba calmly and disappeared behind the shop.
Galen was able to look around the shop while the man was gone. There were a lot of weapons in different calibers displayed in the shop. The walls were decorated with animal heads. The shop had some fancy bows and arrows too. When he walked towards the counter he noticed a few pictures. On one a young girl was holding a trophy. She was really similar to Leia so Galen assumed it really was his adoptive sister. Next to it there was an older man and a small boy with a gun, both smiling next to a dead bear.
"That's my father Jango Fett." spoke Boba who spooked Galen so much he jumped back and almost tripped. The man snorted and put the bow on the counter.
"So...you and Cody..." started Galen but Boba finished it for him.
"He is my older brother yes. I guess you already met my family."
"Yeah. How much?" asked Galen pointing at the bow.
The deal was sealed easily and Galen said his goodbyes to the man. Then he got a notification when he reached an internet café that had free WiFi.
Did you get it?
Great 👍
I will be outside
Okay. I will be there shortly.
You are my favourite brother
What about Luke?
What about him?😂😂
Galen smiled at the messages. And as Leia promised she waited patiently outside on a bench. When Galen came into view she smiled and waved at him. Galen awkwardly copied the gesture and handed the bow to the girl.
"You did it! And I didn't have to bribe you to do it. Thanks a ton I owe you one." smiled Leia.
"Wait bribe?" asked back Galen.
Leia just shook her head.
"Don't think about it too much. Anyways I-"
"Galen!!!!" shouted Luke who came running towards them.
"What are you doing here?" asked the blond.
"Mail delivery." tried to humour the boy.
"Nice. Come on Leia we should get lunch I'm already...Wait where is my lunch money?!?"
"You forgot to pack it again? Ugh seriously Luke. Let me see how many I have...Oh shoot." sighed Leia.
"Now who is the idiot, sister." smirked Luke.
"Still you. If my bow wouldn't have broken in the morning I would have packed it."
"Please don't fight. Here. It's the remaining money that I bought the bow with." said Galen and handed Leia back her money.
"Sorry I took all of it with me! Please forgive me I didn't know how much the bow would cost and-"
"It's fine Galen chill, I'm not angry. It's quite the opposite! Now we can have lunch thanks to you." smiled the girl reassuringly.
The boy visibly relaxed then said goodbye to his adoptive family. Before he went back home he still had to do some shopping.
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19th Nov >> Sunday Homilies and Reflections for Roman Catholics on the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year A
Gospel text : Matthew 25:14-30      
vs.14  Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man on his way abroad who  summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. vs.15  To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one, each in proportion to his ability. Then he set out. vs.16  The man who had received the five talents promptly went and traded with them and made five more. vs.17  The man who received two made two more in the same way. vs.18  But the man who had received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. vs.19  Now a long time after, the master of those servants came back and went through his accounts  with them. vs.20 The man who had received the five talents came forward  bringing five more. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘you entrusted me with five  talents; here are five more that I have made.’ vs.21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant;  you have shown you can be faithful  in small things, I will trust  you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.’ vs.22 Next the man with the two talents came forward. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘you entrusted me with two talents; here are two more that I have made.’ vs.23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant;  you have shown you can be faithful in small things, I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness.’ vs.24  Last came forward the man who had the one talent. ‘Sir,’ he said ‘I had heard you were a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered; vs.25 so I was afraid, and I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here it is; it was yours, you have  it back.’ vs.26 But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant! So you knew that I reap where I have  not sown and gather where I have not scattered? vs.27 Well then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would  have recovered my capital with interest. vs.28 So now, take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the five talents. vs.29 For to everyone who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough; but from the man who has not, even what he has will be taken away. vs.30 As for this good-for-nothing servant, throw him out into the dark, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.'”
We have four commentators available from whom you may wish to choose . Scroll down to the required author.
Michel DeVerteuil:       Lectio Divina with the Sunday Gospels – Year A
Thomas O’Loughlin:    Liturgical Resources for the year of Matthew
John Littleton :              Journeying through the Year of Matthew
Donal Neary :                 Editor of the Messenger
Michel DeVerteuil Lectio Divina with the Sunday Gospels- Year A www.columba.ie
General Comments
This Sunday’s passage continues last Sunday’s. It too is a long parable telling us “what the kingdom of heaven is like”, i.e. “what it is like” to experience grace coming into our world. Most people find this parable difficult because of the master’s seemingly exaggerated anger; also he is very hard on the third servant who was already less gifted than the others. If this is “what the kingdom of heaven is like”, then it is “bad news” indeed.
We must find an interpretation  therefore which is both faithful to the text and also brings “the good news of the kingdom” to all, but in particular to the “little ones” (those with “only one talent”) of our communities.
The key to such an interpretation is to remember Jesus’ situation when he gave this teaching. As with last week’s passage, he was at the end of his public ministry, frustrated at the hardness of heart of the leaders of the people. The Mosaic tradition had taught generosity of spirit and compassion for the oppressed; the leaders had let this glorious tradition become their personal possession, an excuse for meanness and exclusiveness, a way of protecting their positions of privilege.
Jesus is highly indignant at what they have done with God’s gift – rightly so. We need to enter into his feelings. The God of the bible (Old and New Testament) is so passionately committed to the cause of the poor that when they are ill treated, “his anger flares”, as the first reading of the 31st Sunday reminded us. Nowadays we Christians tend to “soothe” God’s anger, whereas we should be asking for forgiveness that we are so passive (so lacking in anger) at the  injustices of the world.
The “property” in the parable then, is not personal wealth. To interpret it like that makes the parable a teaching on being good capitalists! The master then becomes a go-ahead CEO angry that his company has not made the profit it should have. The “property” in the parable is God’s precious gift intended to multiply and be life-giving for all. Its true purpose is distorted by the servant’s meanness (this is why he is called “good-for-nothing”).
The parable then is giving two messages. – To those who have been made to feel excluded from the kingdom (“tax collectors and prostitutes”) Jesus brings the “good news” that this is totally against God’s will.  In fact God is very angry that they are being  excluded. – To his disciples he issues a stern warning: do not fall prey to a similar narrow mindedness. The history of the Church (like our individual stories) tells us how right he was to warn them. We all fall into the trap of seeing our talents as our personal possession that we can do what we like with. God’s will is that we see them as gifts to be shared so that they can be multiplied.
We remember examples of something similar happening. – The teaching of Jesus, so full of potential for transforming the world and yet so often “hidden under a bushel”. Christians have “dug a hole in the ground and buried it”. – Nature, which God has made so bountiful, now becomes a matter for personal greed with the resultant scarcities. – Family traditions of openness to all, allowed to degenerate into snobbishness and racism. – Individual talents (physical, mental, spiritual) intended to be a blessing for families and societies, become things to be bought and sold. We celebrate the “Jesus person” who made us conscious of this betrayal.
The parable is not all negative. It shows another possibility – the first two servants, trusting and free spirited,  and experiencing abundance. We celebrate people who have followed that path, communities too and social moments.
             Jesus: our greatest talent.
The master is also someone we can celebrate. He is  the kind of leader who does not cling to power. He entrusts his “property” (his cause) to those who work with him without counting the risk.
This parable is crucial teaching for our modern Western culture which glorifies mistrust as not merely necessary but actually beneficial. This aberration has affected the way we Christians now tend to see Jesus – our first concern becomes to “protect” his message against our “competitors” notably the adherents of other religions. Our faith then makes us mean spirited and elitist – we are no longer life-giving for the world.
Verse 29 is a teaching found in other contexts, e.g. Matthew 13:12 and Luke 8:18. We are free to meditate on it by itself therefore.  Here again, the saying seems unfair but if read creatively turns out to be a little gem of wisdom. This “thing” that when people “have it” they are “given more” whereas when people “don’t have it” even the little they have is “taken away”, is trust. People who have no trust in themselves, in others or in life, end up losing “even what they have”. On the contrary, people who have that kind of trust end up being “given more”.
The  verse invites us to celebrate Jesus the teacher (and those who have played a similar role in our lives): – he reassures those who trust that they are on the right track; there is not the slightest trace of cynicism in him, on the contrary his message is, “go ahead and trust”. How we need teachers and leaders like that! – he issues a stern warning to those who have no faith. “Learn to believe in yourself”. Jesus doesn’t molly coddle people, “Get off your butt and stop pitying yourself! Otherwise you will lose everything you have.”
Scriprture Prayer Reflection
“If at times we are inclined to feel discouraged, let us not be dismayed.  The human will remains the great force the Creator designed it to be.” … President Hassanali of Trinidad and Tobago, speaking to the nation after the attempted coup, July 1990
Lord, we thank you for the gift of free will. It is this that enables us, even when we are discouraged, to receive what life brings us, like servants being entrusted with a certain amount of talents by their master, to go off promptly and make something of our opportunities, and when the time for accounting comes, to come forward cheerfully and show what we have accomplished.
“If someone tells me that he doesn’t believe in God, I ask him to describe the God he doesn’t believe in, and I nearly always have to tell him that I do not believe in such a God either.”     …….Lord Hailsham
Lord, forgive us Church people that we have given others a wrong impression of you. Many have heard that you are a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered. As a result, they are afraid, afraid to take risks, to trust themselves or to trust life. And so the talents you have given them, they dig a big hole in the ground and hide them. Humanity suffers, and so do they.
Lord, when we get into positions of authority we become afraid to trust people. Teach us to be like Jesus. He walked the earth for some years, instructed his little community, then, when he had lived his appointed time, he entrusted his mission to his followers giving each of us talents according to our ability; then he set out on his journey back to you, knowing that he would return after a very long time and go through his accounts with us, that even though some would hide their talents in the ground, others would trade with them, and his word would multiply indefinitely.
Lord, a mark of our civilization is that everyone is afraid to fail. That is because we demand too much of one another. We expect to reap where nothing has been sown, and to gather where nothing was scattered. Then people do not take risks and do not make of their talents what they could.
Lord, help us to face old age with trust in you and in ourselves, knowing that you give us responsibilities each one of us in proportion to our ability, and once we are faithful in the small things you ask us to do, you will trust us with greater things, and we will join in your happiness.
“Our deeds do not simply disappear into the black hole of time. They are recorded somewhere and judged.”   …President Havel of Czechoslovakia
Lord, we thank you for those who keep alive in our society the idea of judgement, that you have entrusted your propert to us, and you will come back to go through your accounts with us.
“We are not on earth as museum keepers, but to cultivate a flourishing garden of life and prepare a glorious future.” …Pope John XXIII
Lord, we thank you for good Pope John and for all those who have made humanity more free, urging us to see life in positive terms, reminding us that the only thing which seems to make you angry is when we are afraid to use the talents you have entrusted to us as if the world were ruled by a hard man who reaps where he has not sown and gathers where he has not scattered.
Lord, trust is the most precious of your gifts. It is the kind of thing that when we have it we are given more and end up having more than enough; but if we do not have it, then even the little we have is taken away. We pray that we adults may hand on that gift to our children.
Thomas O’Loughlin Liturgical Resources for the Year of Matthew www.columba.ie
Introduction to the Celebration
Friends in Jesus Christ, we are all called to build the kingdom of God, but no two people have exactly the same task in this divine project which we call ‘creation’. Each of us is called to bring God’s love, presence, light and peace into a particular world in which we are the centres. This is our vocation; this is the unique set of talents that has been entrusted to each of us by God. Today our thanksgiving focuses on these sets of talents that each of us has been given; and repentance is for those times when we as in­dividuals have hidden our talents and failed to build the kingdom, and our prayer is that we will each follow our unique vocation more closely in future.
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