5 Mile Bike Ride
I actually had my camera and GoPro with so I have aaaaaaaaaallll the fooootage!
I also done a taste test and unboxingvideo for the supplements that arrived today by MyProtein! Gonna get my weight loss into motion even more!! Take a look! What’s your favorite hobby? Mine is cycling, working out and editing videos together!! 
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 SHET guys!! Today Orla & I done our leg workout today and my god was it difficult! I had eaten really well today! I had 2 poached eggs and 2 sausages. Homemade chicken rissoto and 2 salmon fillets and a sweet potatoe! Yet i was still getting dizzy during squats! Mind you, i was super tired and still coming down from the anxiety so that was probabley what was making me dizzy. Also I was squatting 70lbs.
I really really need a nice ass for my holidays! I was watching Orphan Black today and the main character Tatiana Malsany has the most fantastic ass I’ve ever seen! It just looks so perfect and normal lol
I’m really excited for tomorrow because my MyProtein order is coming in. I ordered Chocolate Brownie Impact Whey, CLA tablets, Vitimins and a new 1 litre bottle shaker. I can use my old shaker for the protein shakes and my new one for my pre workout (amino Energy, Fruit fusion) I’m gonna go on a bike ride tomorrow with my friend Emma which will be fun and then head to the gym for probabley a back or shoulder or whatever is next on my programme. I’m really excited because y diet is on point and i’ve been given major motivation by my parents and Orla to get rid of this anxiety by keeping busy and happy. I’m also gonna treat myself to a quest bar and Quest chips!! OWW OWW!!
I will also be VLOGGING it on my fitness channel. Youtube.com/DempseyFitness
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Working out & Anxiety
I have been struggling with anxiety most of my life but i feel like the past few week and maybe months have been absolutely HORRENDOUS. The worst thing about my anxiety is that in my head I KNOW my irrational thoughts are irrational. I have thoughts and then get SUPER guilty for thinking them.
Something I have found to help me with my anxiety is working out. Just by lifting weights, and eating a bit better. More water LESS CAFFEINE. Caffeine is the killer for me. Which isn't great because I do love a redbull every now and again but lately I have to force myself to not drink them. 
The only bit of caffeine I can have is from my Pre Workout drink, Amino Energy is my favorite! All the caffeine is natural. It comes from green tea and coffee extracts. 
What ways do you help with your anxiety? I have been keeping a journal. I bought one today and I hope it’ll work.
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Back to the Programme
Today I started my Program again to get me ready for my holiday in Malaga! I have 7 weeks to get this ass into shape!!  I ordered some stuff off MyProtein.com today. Impact Whey Protein, CLA, Multi vitamins and a 1 litre shaker! All for 35 quid! A bargain if I do say so myself.
I had been doing the Jamie Eason LiveFit for 9 weeks consistently and seeing great progress! I had to stop due to a horrific virus I got. The doctor said it was 50% viral and 50% bacterial infect in my chest and throat. My voice went my energy was gone and the cough and sore throat was horrific! I got it the day after Easter so thankfully I could eat all the chocolate.
But, that infection completely ruined me. My diet started going downhill. I was drinking orange juice and pineapple juice daily which was full of sugar and I was eating subway and chicken fillet rolls in college because it was the home stretch before my documentary was being screened. So basically the usual excuse “life got in the way!”. Now I am back on track. College is over! I have all the time in the world to get back to eating and getting back into consistant training and supplementation along with hitting my Macros!!
Any advice on getting back into the groove of things is much appreciated and needed :D 
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Jamie Easons LiveFit 12 Week Programme.
I have been doing Jamie Easons LiveFit programme religiously for the past 6 weeks and let me tell you!! THIS IS THE BEST PROGRAMME i’ve ever been on!! I have seen some EXTREME gains!! I’ve gained 4 pounds in muscle and am down a jeans size.
Last week I had a rough week with anxiety and I unfortuantley treated myself to too many fizzy drinks and chinese food but GET BACK ON TRACK is my motto and it really works dont get disheartened! 
Check her programme out on bodybuilding.com 
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Thank you Bodyfirst for my free sample!! 
In Other news, Oscar is getting Neutered! 
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Cats being cats 
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I am the biggest fan of mushroom and white wine sauce!!!'
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