Greetings 🌙✨
Hello! We’re The Cryptic Syndicate or just Luma, or Muu if you wanna go even shorter for a nickname, we are ✨ plural ✨ & trying our god damn best to keep ourselves together! 
It’s going as good as you’d expect- 
We're more active on @celesticalcryptids these days and we also run another side blog @castigatinggospel. Expect another one soon maybe
We draw! sometimes, motivation is a bitch- but we're mostly using this hellsite as a fun lil way to cope talk about our systemhood, memes, and any other random shit we can oh y'know the drill it's Tumblr we don't have dignity here— but please, feel free to ask us things and/or interact with us!!
We also have discord, celestialcryptids. We don't care who friends us as long as it's not a creep y'know??
Creeps, Proshippers, Pedos, everything of that nature do not talk to me ever thank you
Anyone under 16, I'm 22 guys in gonna say some shit and I also don't feel comfortable with anyone younger than 18 like. DMing me y'know
Plural People Haters, Endogenic Systems. I have my reasons please understand/don't argue with us about it.
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