#Lune is aroace. she’s a creep but in the normal way
lesbiantvfish · 1 year
nightmare for the prompt?
Hi from 5am! Scheduling this one to post while I’m asleep. Thank you so much for sending a prompt ✌️
I wanted to write Sakko and my villain oc Lune interacting. I think they have buddy potential.
cw: she’s creepy and she sucks
Sakko woke up yelling from his cell. Realizing he wasn’t actively being tormented by that chain and music preforming box anymore, he sighed.
The moonbase beta prison complex gave Sakko a small bed, in a regular sized cell room. No bars, just a strong tempered glass wall in front of him, with an installed even smaller than normal speaking gap on the door. There was even a ladder installed so he could reach it.
Sakko’s attempt to fall back asleep was thwarted, with a knock at the side of his cell. He threw his blankets to the side and climbed up to his locked doors speaking gap.
“Do you need me to apologize for waking you up? just go back to sleep, idiot.”
“Would you like to have a different dream?”
Oh goddamn it, it was the new girl. His old next door cell buddy died in that cell yesterday, and she got moved in promptly.
“I’m going to be honest. You are strange, and the things you say upset me. I’m going back to sleep.”
She poked her entire muzzle outside her door and let out a whine. Why didn’t he ever appreciate his old cell mate. He was starting to appreciate his old cell mate. God save his soul, and all that.
Sakko tuned her out, as his other cell neighbor’s started outright yelling at her to shut her trap, all soon became quiet again. And he rested comfortably into his tiny bed.
“What should I do with this thing?” Sakko opened his eyes, and saw another sentient monkey species of some kind. She had dark grayish blue fur, lop ears and shiny rings hanging on tail. Her outfit looked like.. she wore a mask, and dressed similarly to a magician’s assistant.
In her hand, she dangled the object of his reoccurring nightmares. The fucking music box.
“Augh, burn it! Just get rid of it, actually! Get it away from me!”
At that, she complied. She opened her mouth and blew fire on it, until it burnt to a crisp. She waved the dust away, too.
“You see, usually I can go further into another’s mind. But the prison staff covered my eyes! I don’t know why that thing bothers you so much.”
That.. so much she just said upset him.
“..What did you do to me?”
She turned to him with a large smile.
“Oh, this? I’m just visiting your dream. That last one you had was difficult for me to move through. Did you know, my movements in your dream are set by your own set of logic? If you thought you were trapped by that contraption, it stunted my ability to move as well!”
He was asleep. Okay, great. He can lucid dream this bitch to hell. He thought hard about a piano that would fall down and crush her.
Sure enough, a piano came crashing down. However, she took a few steps away and is unscathed.
Sakko decided it was time to wake up. He opened his eyes, to see his darkened cell ceiling once more. Then..
He fell back asleep, but it was exactly where he left off. Inside the Citadel of bone somewhere, and that neighbor sitting criss cross applesauce toward him. Piano was still there, too.
“Did you ask what I did to you, earlier?”
He didn’t say anything back. This was draining enough to see a second time.
“Remember that pie you had on your plate yesterday?”
He looked horrified. “What. Did. You. Do. To my pie?”
She smiled brightly. “That was my pie! The staff gives it to me because my species needs more sugar than most prisoners. Also, since they put a locked metal mask over my eyes, I can’t read anyone’s minds anymore.. however, if I, for example, put a teeeeeny tiny portion of my fur into someone’s food, I can connect to their-“
“You put WHAT in my pie?!”
“Oh it was hardly any fur. And you didn’t even notice! Anyway, that scenery in your first dream was much more interesting than this one. Are you by chance a scientist?”
Sakko was too mortified to dignify anything she had to say. He was now scared of this woman.
“.. Well, the intricacies you dreamed into those machines was simply beautiful. You would not believe how misshapen machines become through the minds of most. Have you ever considered escaping this prison?”
She complemented him, but it still only felt like an insult. He told her. “Of course not, my sentence isn’t even that long. Just seven years, which is great after attacking a city in a giant mech. And holding a group captive to be brainwashed with a good friend.” She held her hand to her mouth. “Hm.. well, if you change your mind, you should tell me. My sentence is actually quite short. No one can prove my crime, so they can’t keep me here on what they can charge me for, for long.”
Sakko, laying down, lucid dreamed himself back into his cell. Lune was sitting outside of it, and decided to take it as an opportunity to wander around the prison that was recreated by Sakko’s memory. With her gone, Sakko lucid dreamed comforting things around him. Whatever that woman did to him, it at least seemed to bring his reoccurring nightmare to an end.
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