#Lunters deserve that poetic justice tbh
Honestly, the biggest regret of my life was not screenshotting that post Dana made eons ago about Amity and Willow being girlfriends...
Because Ive been wondering for awhile if Caleb's/Evelyn's romance might be a recycled Lunter romance from the original draft of the story... because they have the same premise Lunter has, Evelyn shares similar physical features and themes with Luz [like with Eve and the serpent symbolism]. Oh right and theres that whole thing with Hunter being the only Grimwalker who looks the most like Caleb.
Hunter has been around since early bible days... so if I were to make a guess, she decided to swap out Hunter with Amity. She gave Amity Hunter's role in the first draft but instead of throwing out the Lunter romance completely it got repurposed into Caleb and Evelyn. And she also gave Amity's original role to Hunter as Willow's romantic partner... for some reason... a reason that i will never understand even if she sits me down and explains it to me...
But yeah, Caleb and Evelyn have always come off as characters who've been added into the story simply because Dana wanted to reuse an earlier concept. Which would explain why Evelyn's face is hidden but she shares physical features and themes with Luz.
WBW and SAI might also be a references to that original romance... even though SAI also foreshadows events surrounding King, Hunter, and Belos. NGL that heartbreak card is suspicious as fuck and will forever haunt me like Caleb's "ghost" haunts Philip.
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