#Lurveless Heartfull
green-neggs · 6 months
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I believe I drew comic this all the way back in February but the image below of them I drew tonight-
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Fluffy Bunnie is a Valentine Cybunny who got too close to the center of the Obelisk and had been Blessed/Cursed(?) with the ability to phase in and out of bounds almost like a ghost but to reality... Fluffy had been using it to find the secrets and treasures of Neopia.
Lurvless Heartfull is a Stealthy Chia who is an independent mercenary who had been hired by Fluffy to keep him safe as a bodyguard. The ability to just bypass traps and discover hidden secrets of the world has earned him unwanted attention from various groups around Neopia and Lurve didn't mind the task of protecting him at all. Often times they look forward to clashing with Fluffy's pursuers.... probably a little too much.
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