#Luxury bed sheets available online
ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
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☆ pairings: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
☆ warnings: no use of y/n, strong language, angst, minors dni
☆ WC: 5.9K+
☆ A/N: lyrics used towards end of the chapter belong to the following sleep token songs (in order of appearance) - chokehold, ascensionism, and take me back to eden. 10/10 recommends listening to them <3
thank you to my love @hellfire--cult for the divider!
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When you wake up, you’re shocked to find cold sheets beside you. 
Your hand stretches out on instinct, joints cracking as you barely slip into consciousness, and it’s the one thing capable of jolting you awake. These aren’t your sheets (they’re too nice to be your sheets), this isn’t your bed (there’s a cologne across the fabric that no longer stains your own mattress), and the bed is cold. Not even whispering of the warmth of who should be in bed with you, no trace of him having been tangled up with you the entire night to be found. 
Eddie had been here. You know he had been here. Last night couldn’t have possibly been a dream, or a hallucination, or some cruel twisting of reality done by your brain out of the terrible yearning that is bubbling back up to the surface of your chest. 
He had been here. And now, he’s gone. 
It reminds you too much of those mornings you’d awake while he was on tour. The mornings you’d roll over in a shared bed, only to find the other owner was still a country away. Mornings where you took your coffee cold and alone, and took your updates from some online source posting blurry photographs of the man you were waiting up on rather than from his own two lips. 
Bile almost rises in your throat until you properly sit up, and you properly remember. 
Eddie. Kisses. His guitar. His song. Whispered falsetto of taking aim, painful words about the way love is a weapon. 
You weren’t stupid. You weren’t dense. And Eddie Munson was a rockstar, not an actor. 
The room is still dreary, faintly lit with the wisps of daylight peering through the curtains over the window. You can’t tell if it’s stormy out, or it’s early out, but neither really matters. Neither really explains why you’ve woken up in a bed alone, after a night of playing pretend. 
Eddie’s lips, trailing down your skin. Eddie’s hands, bruising your hips and holding you to him in all the ways you begged him to. Eddie’s legs, entangling with yours beneath sheets he used to not be able to afford and blankets that kept the rest of the world as far away from the two of you as possible through the night. 
You swear, for just a moment, your back is still warm with the imprint of his chest curling against you. 
With every movement you make, you wait for Eddie to magically appear out of thin air. To jump up in front of you, to smile at you with that toothy grin and greet you with some ridiculous good morning. You keep waiting as you kick off the covers, and as your feet meet his cold floors, and as you make your way to the unfamiliar bathroom attached to the bedroom. 
Waiting, waiting, waiting. 
You sort of fucking hate waiting. Especially when it came to Eddie.
There’s no sign of him in the apartment. It becomes clear once you’ve brushed your teeth, almost hesitating to use the toothbrush available until you realize how ridiculous that would be. He had his tongue down your throat last night, amongst other places – he could bare for you to borrow his toothbrush just this once. You make your way out of the room, down the hallway, to the kitchen. 
Nothing. No Eddie. No breakfast. No reminders to call Matt and no ambulances on speed dial. 
You feel like a fool. 
“Talk about karma, hm?” you mumble to yourself as you lean against his kitchen island, staring at the fridge, weighing your choices. 
You could stay, make yourself breakfast, enjoy the luxuries at your disposal. 
Or you could leave. You could get out now while he’s not here to stop you, erase the night from your skin and memory. There’s still time to pretend that none of it ever happened. There’s still time to scrub the stain he’s once again left across not just your skin, not just your mind, but your entire existence. A newly reopened wound, and you still had time to make amends and stitch it right back up. No blood stains necessary this time around. And things were always easier the second time around, right? 
Something keeps you rooted in spot. Maybe it’s the nostalgia, wrapping its way up around your bones. Maybe it's the wishful thinking, the smallest of hopes that Eddie will eventually burst through the front door and wash away the doubts. 
Or maybe it’s the post-it note that you’d initially missed, barely clinging to the surface of the fridge as it leaves behind a sticky residue. 
Went to the studio, I’m in trouble with Matt :( Help yourself to anything in the apartment. If you leave, just make sure to lock up behind you. I’ll text once I’m done. 
It’s written in messy penmanship, the font of someone in a rush. The phrase ‘if you leave’ is only slightly neater, as if written slowly and given more thought than anything else said. 
As if Eddie might have hesitated, for just a moment, at the thought of you leaving once more. 
You’re probably imagining things. You’re probably making up that difference in your mind, projecting onto what you want him to feel so desperately. It shouldn’t make a difference in if you stay or if you go. It shouldn’t. 
And yet, it does. 
The hours pass by slowly. Morning bleeds into the afternoon as you keep yourself entertained and take Eddie’s encouragement in full stride; you make yourself a decent enough breakfast from what food he does have in the fridge, and you almost make a note of scolding him for having little to nothing in there. But then you remember that it isn’t your place anymore, and your toast is nearly burning, and so the mental note of any slaps on the wrist is pushed away. You wander about the living room, taking in what photos he does have displayed. There’s not much – a few awards, some nice recounts of the band’s successes, but nothing that is Eddie. No photos of Hawkins. No photos of friends. No photos of Wayne. You hadn’t realized just how empty, how vacant, the place had felt until you properly inspected it all. 
There’s only one trace left behind of Eddie. The man you once knew and loved, not Eddie the Rockstar. Eddie, the caring best friend. Eddie, the doting boyfriend. Eddie, the one you’d once spent all your days weaving a future with, threads intertwined and dreams perfectly aligned. 
A single photograph of just him and Gareth. Or at least, what’s been framed to appear to be of just him and Gareth. 
Eddie, front and center. Gareth to his left. At a quick glance, it seems like one more homage to the band, maybe even to his friends. 
It’s more than that, though.
Your hands can’t work fast enough as they grab the frame, not even thinking clearly about how Eddie might feel if you rip the back off the nice piece of memoriam. Your heart is racing out your chest, breaths starting to come out in harsher and harsher puffs as you struggle to flip the clips and remove the backing cardboard. 
You find exactly what you knew you’d find. Exactly what you’d dreaded you’d find. 
Yourself, staring back at you. 
Creased over so purposefully, the section of the photo containing you has been prestigiously folded to appear as though you’d never existed. You, with a fool’s grin and eyes squinted out of appearance. You, hand on Eddie’s shoulder as you’d lifted yourself up dramatically on your tippy toes, body full of pride beyond the point of containment. 
A version of you that you can remember crystal clearly. 
“Wait, wait!” you had squealed, the stick of beer on concrete floors meeting the rubber sole of your shoes audible as you’d ran across the bar, “Don’t you dare take that photo without me, assholes!” 
You’d nearly slipped in a puddle of only God-knows-what as you’d made it to where the boys were gathering, but Eddie’s hands had already been there to catch you before you’d met an untimely demise. 
“Woah, woah, woah,” his face twitched with concern, but his smile wasn’t fading, “Trying to kill yourself there, Sugar?” 
“No, I’m trying to get into the photo with my favorite people,” you’d corrected, looking around Eddie to shoot a smile Gareth’s way, “Gotta make sure they don’t forget me in the history books in ten years, when they put you guys’ into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.” 
Gareth snorted immediately, shaking his head, his own head of curls bouncing with the movement, “Right. I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
Eddie’s hands left your waist, leaving you to bounce on the balls of your feet as you looked back to Jeff still poised with a camera. “Don’t be such a pessimist, Gar.” 
“Don’t call me Gar.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Should I use the full nickname? Would you prefer Gare-Bea-”
“Okay,” Eddie cut you off with impeccable timing, putting his hands out between the two of you, “Can we not kill each other after we’ve just played our biggest show yet?” 
Biggest show yet, indeed. Everyone had come out to show love to the boys you’d been rooting on from the hot floors of garages for several months at that point. More than just a few drunks being forced to listen to the live band playing at their favorite joint, and more than just a few friends who’d spared their evening to show support. 
Everyone was there. The bar had even made an exception for a few of the boys in Eddie’s Hellfire club, and that alone had already gone to Dustin Henderson and Mike Wheeler’s heads. 
“She’s right!” Dustin added without any prompting, standing to the side and looking just as giddy as you did, “You guys are gonna be goddamn rockstars!” 
“Language, Henderson!” Steve Harrington scolded, scowling at the younger boy, “Jesus, we let you guys come to a bar one time to support Eddie, and you immediately start acting up-”
“Can we please just take the photo?” Jeff waved the camera as he looked between you, Eddie, and Gareth, “Please?” 
Surprisingly, every single person listened. 
Gareth resumed his cool-guy position, clearly trying to not show just how excited he was. Arms crossed as he didn’t move any closer to be more fully in the photo, offering the limited effort of leaning in. 
You knew he was just playing it cool. You’d seen the smile light up his face, even behind the drumset, the moment the boys had seen how large of a crowd they’d garnered. 
Dustin jumping up and down beside you, waving his hand, trying to just get a glimpse of his blurry palm in the shot. 
No one could even be mad at him, the air was too thick with excitement. He was only exerting it the way all of you craved to do so badly, guided by his youth and genuine love for his friends – his mentors. 
And then there was you and Eddie. Eddie wasn’t hiding his joy at all, those dimples you so adored in full throttle as he looked at the camera with starry eyes. All that hard work, all those late nights, finally beginning to come to fruition. He didn’t have to say it – you knew. You knew he was beginning to see the shape of a rockstar forming that you’d always been able to view. Seeing himself in the spotlight that you’d always shone on him, blind faith and all. 
He was proud, and you were prouder. 
On your tippy toes, hand curling around Eddie’s shoulder like an anchor as your chin tilted up and your teeth flashed to the camera. You probably looked ridiculous – you felt ridiculous. But there was no time for some elegant pose or faux cool act like Gareth or Jeff. You were bleeding out all your pride and all your happiness, and it was all for the warm body beneath your palm. The boy you’d be holding dearly when it was all said and done at the end of the night, letting him collapse into your solace as he giggled and muttered his disbelief at how well the night went once you were both safely back in his bed. 
“Say cheese!”
Jeff was all but ignored, only Gareth loudly proclaiming the word through gritted teeth. 
You squeezed Eddie’s shoulder a bit tighter, and he smiled a bit wider as you whispered, “I’m so proud of you, Rockstar.”  
You didn’t realize you were crying until the first tear drops onto the photo, narrowly missing your overly exuberant face and landing instead on the back of the part of the photo unseen from this point of view.
The part that was on display. The part that Eddie would let the world see. 
The tears can’t become more; you can’t let them. You weren’t going to break down in sobs in the middle of Eddie’s apartment. Not after the night before, not after what felt like the precipice of progress. Not after the beginning of what felt like a peace offering. 
Closure. You were both so close to closure, and yet had never felt further. 
Instead of putting back the backing of the frame like you should, you pull out the entire photograph, slowly unsticking it from the glass so you can unfold it to witness the entire picture. You thought it might feel wrong to see this version of you standing beside that version of Eddie, but it doesn’t. If anything, it makes the burn of nostalgia worse. 
The night before, Eddie had asked you a question. 
“Do you know how many times I played this moment back over in my head?”
And you didn’t know. You never found out, never bothered to ask him for the answer. But you couldn’t but wonder if he knew how many times you’d played moments like the one in this photograph back, over and over in your mind, until it drove you to madness. Just how many late nights in that lonesome apartment, haunted by the memories, it had finally taken before you’d had no choice but to move. How many breakdowns had been spurred on in public when you’d heard his song playing in a gas station, or you’d seen a magazine that he’d occupied the smallest corner of the cover of. 
How many times, during those moments, you’d thought back to nights like the one in this picture, and wished you could go back. 
Even now, even with progress on the horizon, you want to go back. Everything in you screams for this time rather than the present. You want small crowds in the Hideout and an overly hyper Dustin Henderson to annoy you all. You want Eddie kissing you in the bar’s bathrooms, everything reeking of stale beer, and you want the only interruption to be the others banging on the door to let you know it was time to go, not Eddie’s cell phone ringing with a call from his agent. 
You want, and you want, and you want. 
For an innocence neither of you can return to. For a life both of you left behind in ashes. For a love that had seemed so infinite, not as though it might be a momentary time bomb waiting to blow. 
You want to take past you by the shoulders, and shake her so hard that there’s a chance she’ll listen to you when you demand she just enjoy it.
Enjoy all the late nights spent in diner booths with all the boys, none of them witness to the pathway of a heart that Eddie’s thumb is drawing on top of your hand. Enjoy all the grand firsts, and enjoy how everything feels like the ends and beginnings of your world when you’re that young. Enjoy Eddie while you can, even when he annoys you, even when he finds a way to get perfectly on your very last nerve. Enjoy it. 
Because one day, it would all be gone, and you’d be crying over a photograph in the apartment of the man you once thought you were going to marry. 
Now is the time to stop. Now is the time to put the photo back, gather your things, then leave. Put away the shovel and walk away from the grave of the past. 
You can’t do it. 
It turns into some wild scavenger hunt, lacking in guidelines and etiquette as you search through the rest of the apartment. Not truly snooping, but certainly scouring every corner for any other possible remnants of you. Small markings, brutal stains. Proof you weren’t the only one left maimed at the end of the day. Proof you weren’t the only one stained. 
Nothing else is found, because nothing else in the apartment is seemingly as personal as that one photograph. 
You’d noticed the apartment was barren, but hadn’t taken the time to see just how far the emptiness went. His living room, his kitchen, his bedroom – not a single sign of the Eddie you once knew. Only the new Eddie. The Eddie with awards, with a reputation, with adoring fans. 
The Eddie that you couldn’t tell if you really cared for all that much.
The first sign of life only creeps into your vision when you crack back open that door to his makeshift studio. Guitars he once only spoke of owning, a keyboard that tells you he’d finally taught himself how to play piano rather than only speaking about it as a one-day, notebooks and loose-leaf pages scattered across the coffee table that’s situated in front of the comfortable couch. 
It reminds you of the coffee table back in the Munson trailer. Of his desk, back in Hawkins. 
There’s no sporadic Hellfire campaigns across the pages, though. No small doodles in the corners of the crumbled pages. 
Your curiosity gets the better of you as you take the same seat you’d occupied the night before (or technically, the earlier morning). No guitar fills your lap – only the weight of the first notebook you could get your hands on. He’d told you to help yourself to anything in the apartment, and he’d never said that the studio was explicitly off-limits. 
There’s rings of coffee stains across the front of the notebook, half the pages visibly used from the side while the rest stay pristine and uniform. Before you can overthink it, you’re flipping the cover of the spiral notebook open, holding your breath as you read across the first line of penned words that you find. 
When we were made, it was no accident. 
Lyrics. They’re clearly lyrics. You keep reading, out of order as your eager eyes drink it all in. 
I’d turn my walls to gold to bring you home again.
You turn the page. You refuse to linger. You refuse to over analyze. 
MAKE IT REAL. ‘Cause anything’s better than the way I feel right now. 
The first three words are angry, aggressive, large. Screaming off of the page. And the remaining ones are small, almost cursive as they flow together like a whisper. Like the writer couldn’t handle telling the world something so vulnerable, so loudly as he had his demand.
Below, a phrase takes up an unexpected amount of space, circled around several times, a few stray question marks penned around the edges.
Diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky.
You recall all of Eddie’s doubt when you’d interrupted him writing a song last night. The muttering to himself, questioning what the words might even mean. It seems that was not an occurrence saved solely for you – it seems, when he’s been left to his own devices, the process always remains. 
You turn the page again. 
This time, you’re met with the largest conglomerates of lyrics yet. Spreading across the available lines preset for him, but also spiraling about the page. Written in the margins, forced to fill the gaps between the lines. There’s a sinking feeling in your gut before you even read the lyrics, based on the title alone – Take Me Back to Eden. 
I dream in phosphoresces, bleed through spaces. See you drifting past the fog.
You’re holding your breath again. 
I’m a winged insect, you’re a funeral pyre. 
Your eyes wander further down the page. 
I need you to see me for what I have become.
The word become is angrily underlined, over and over, until the pen had torn through the page in the slightest. 
Something rises up within you, and in a panic, you jump to the bottom of the page. 
I guess it goes to show, does it not? That we’ve no idea what we’ve got until we lose it. 
The first fatal blow – you can practically hear Eddie’s voice singing the line to you. 
And no amount of love will keep it around, if we don’t choose it. 
Another blow. Flashes of simpler times. Times when Eddie was yours, when the world didn’t lay claim to him the same way your own shaking palms would. 
No amount of self-sought fury will bring back the glory of innocence. 
It doesn’t matter how small he’s written it. No matter how tiny and insignificant he attempted to make the line, it cuts deeper than any knives that have ever passed through your flesh before. Deeper than the knife of losing him, so terribly slow. Deeper than the knife of hearing Corroded Coffin in public for the first time, playing out of someone’s car on the street as they listened to the Alternative Rock station. Deeper than the knife of burying his mother’s ring at the back of your closet, no longer yours to wear but somehow still yours to keep. Deeper than the knife of seeing him sitting there, in your office, completely unaware for the first time in two years. 
You slam the notebook shut before you can end up bleeding all over the pages, tears gathering once more and wounds all ripped back open mercilessly. 
The glory of innocence. 
All the reels of memories that had hit you as you’d held the photo in the living room come barreling back, striking you down, hitting you exactly where it hurts. 
Because he had felt it too. He had experienced it too. 
The nostalgia, the want for the past, the need to go back in time when things were simple – innocent. When the stakes were low and love was more than just a ghost wandering through your graveyard in passing. 
Self-sought fury. 
All the headlines, all the self-destruction. Every news article that had chipped away at the great Rockstar’s reputation. It hadn’t been the Eddie you’d known, just as you’d immediately thought; it was a new version of him, a new shell of him, seeking out damage wherever his furious hands could grasp it. 
But you’d never self-imploded. You’d never gotten your fury out, never got to kiss strangers in bars or destroy hotel rooms to move past all that you had lost. You’d been sitting in silence, a brewing pique that you’d let fester for far too long. All the hurt, all the fury, all the heartbreak. 
You didn’t have songs to write about all that. You didn’t have notebooks filled to the brim with those emotions. 
All you had was a shovel, and a deep hole inside yourself that you never thought you’d excavate again. Deep, russet brown eyes that had once lit the pavement for your future, now patronizing your past from the grave. 
A grave you hadn’t been digging alone, apparently. Worlds apart, and you two still had been seemingly in sync with the murder of who Eddie Munson once was. 
But the grave is excavated now, and you don’t think too much as you all but sprint out of the room, a clear destination in mind, that damn notebook in hand. 
Google is your greatest friend, your greatest tool, in the end. 
You don’t have the right connections at first. No numbers saved in your phone that you could call for the information, no emails beyond Matt to reach out to. And if there’s anything you’ve learned in working in a business where emails were the sole form of communication, it’s that no one would reply to you as quickly as Eddie had been. 
You didn’t have time. So you decided you’d already crossed a line, and you’d scoured the address of the recording studio that Corroded Coffin uses. 
You’d almost lost hope until you’d seen a paparazzi photo of him leaving said studio. Most news outlets had clearly been paid to keep hush about the location, but some were still the scum of the Earth, and some had left behind evidence. It took more effort on your part than expected, and more scrolling through fan forums than you were proud of, but you’d found it. 
You’d found the address where you would find Eddie Munson. 
Hell hath no self-sought fury like a muse scorned, you suppose. 
That’s what had hurt the most. In hindsight, you’d always known he’d write about you one day. He was an artist, and he had always pulled inspiration from his real life experiences. You’d just always been under the assumption that when the day came, the words on the page may be a happier tune. Something softer, something less hurtful. 
He wasn’t even insulting you, but it certainly felt like he was mocking you. 
You’re blinded by pain as you storm through the front door of the surprisingly small studio, finally feeling the need to lash out after two long years. Two long years of silent misery, silent suffering. You’re no longer the same person who had taken the cowardly way out. There is no instinctive running away from this, no gathering up your existence and disappearing from his life. 
This time, you want to fight. You want to scream at him all that you had felt as well. You wanted him to know the damage done, whether it was the right response or not. 
It probably wasn’t. And there was probably something to be said about the fact that this time, you were willing to fight with him over it. 
“Good afternoon, ma’am,” a young receptionist greets you from the front desk, “Do you have an appointment?” 
She doesn’t deserve your venom, but she’s getting it straight out of your clipped tone regardless. You’re not here to play niceties with her – you’re here to see Eddie. 
She’s clearly taken back from your straight-forward answer, “Oh, I see. Unfortunately, the studio is currently occupied, but we can-”
“I know the studio’s occupied,” you reply blandly, eyes looking for the elevator, “I’m here to see the bastard currently occupying it.” 
“I- excuse me?” 
You spot the elevator, feet working faster than your mouth as you start to walk over to it, “I said, I’m here to see Eddie Munson. I know he’s in the studio currently, I know him-”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“You’re not really in the business of letting me do anything-”
You hadn’t noticed the security guard until his hand comes down on your shoulder. The receptionist girl is wide-eyed, looking nervous enough that if you weren’t in the middle of your own spiral, you might feel bad. 
“Let go of me,” you shakily demand, standing still under his hold, “I just need to speak with Ed-”
“No one goes in there without permission from the band or their management,” the man gruffly replies. He may have a good foot on you in height, and the stretch of his muscles beneath the plain black t-shirt might be impressive, but you’re almost convinced by the adrenaline racing through your veins that you could take him. One swift kick of the legs, and you could get to the elevator – you could get to Eddie.
Fight with Eddie. Call Eddie out for all the pain he’d let fester within you for far too long. Probably not even realizing you were calling yourself out in the same breath. 
“Then fucking call them,” you snap, reaching up to swat away his hand, “Call them, and tell them my name-”
“We’ve been given strict instructions to not interrupt them-”
“I could give two shits if we’re interrupting!” you finally yell, fulling tearing yourself away from the strange man’s grasp, “Fucking call Eddie, and tell him-”
It’s the sudden call of your name that breaks the tense moment entirely. Not Eddie’s voice, not even Matt’s voice, but a different voice from your past that has hardly changed.
Standing before you is Gareth Emerson, almost looking entertained at the current exchange happening. 
“She’s with us, man,” he chokes out, clearly holding back laughter as he locks eyes with you, “I can take her back up.” 
“Are you sure?” the security guard presses, looking at you with narrowed eyes, “If this is some insane groupie, Matt will kill me if-”
“I’m not a fucking groupie!” 
You have no reason to be so angry, so defensive. But you’re already a wounded animal, and you’re primed to bite at the slightest inconvenience. 
The wounds of the past are gushing, and being reduced to nothing more than an insane groupie is salt in the blood. Callous, burning, hurtful. 
You’re not just a groupie. 
“She’s not a groupie,” Gareth echoes after you, and his words are far more effective. The guard takes a step back, and Gareth finally lets out a snort that he tries to cover with a cough, “C’mon, Hellfire. Let’s take you upstairs before you burn this whole place to the ground.” 
You swallow down any shock at the old nickname, and you rush to join Gareth’s side, being sure to knock an elbow into his side on your way past him. 
“No one even calls me that anymore,” you mutter, still half-angry, guns still ready to begin blazing in Eddie’s direction once he’s in your sight. 
“Maybe that’s because you haven’t been around the only people that did call you that,” he points out, tone entirely unaffected by your elbow.
“You guys didn’t trademark Hellfire.”
“No, but we sure as Hell made a name for it back in Hawkins.” 
You two stop in front of the elevator, and neither of you make a move to press the call button. You’re all deep breaths, trying to settle yourself as Gareth continues to stare at you. 
“You haven’t changed one bit, you know.” 
His words have you looking up sharply, brows crinkling as you let them sink in, “Excuse me?” 
��I thought you might have changed,” he says, face softening, “You know, the years and city changed you or something. But you’re still… still that same girl we knew. All fiery, always ready for a fight.” 
His last sentence is laced with a bit of sarcasm, some light-hearted joking you hadn’t realized you missed until you’re face to face with it. 
You swallow hard, and you know your own face melts to match his, “That… I… I have changed. That guard was just being a dick.” 
“He was doing his job.”
“Yeah, well,” you sigh, feeling the wisps of fury slip out of your grasps. You almost feel like a toddler, prepared to stomp your foot just to emphasize a losing argument. “He should do his job worse.” 
“And you say you’ve changed,” Gareth teases, bumping his shoulder to yours, “Bullshit, Hellfire. You just let the suits at your job get to you. Maybe you should stick around this time, remember who you were.” 
The words shouldn’t make your chest tighten, but they do. 
Who you were.
Leaving behind Eddie meant more than just leaving behind a failed relationship. It meant leaving everyone. And that included Gareth. That included the version of you that you’ve missed so terribly today that you’ve gone grave-digging, pulling back all emotions to the service. It’s not just anger, it’s not just nostalgia. It’s something deeper and something you can’t erase. A stain on the deepest parts of you that you can’t rid yourself of, even if you’d wanted to. 
Neither of you have pressed the elevator button yet. 
It’s impulsive, but there’s a decision to be made that you won’t overthink. You’re brimming with impulsivity anyways, “Give me your phone number.”
“Give me your number,” you repeat yourself, already digging out your cell phone as you balance Eddie’s notebook in your other hand, “And I’ll stick around this time.” 
You don’t necessarily mean it in the same way he implies, but you mean it in the way that counts. 
You hand your phone over to his waiting palm, and for a moment, it feels like a weight has lifted. 
Even if it all burns down with Eddie. Even if you find the closure you’ve been so desperately seeking out with him, it doesn’t mean you have to leave the others behind. People like Gareth, like Grant, like Jeff – there’s still room for them, somewhere in your new life. You had grown up together practically, at least during the years that had counted, and there was no need to erase them from your history. 
You could find a way. You had to find a way. 
Compartmentalize, rationalize. Justifications and explanations were plentiful. You would find a way to meet the you that once existed and the you that was left behind in the rubble, somehow, someway. 
When Gareth hands you back the phone, there’s a smile twitching in the corners of his mouth, “We should meet up for dinner sometime. I know the rest of the guys, Jeff and Grant, they miss you. And we know this killer pizza place.” 
You don’t fight your returning smile, “Yeah. We should. I think I’d really like that.” 
“Right,” he claps, looking around to clearly see if the guard and receptionist are still watching. They’re momentarily distracted, it seems, by some sort of delivery driver, “Well, I’ll leave you to it. Our studio’s on the third floor.”
“Wait,” his finger has already jabbed at the call button, the sounds of an elevator creaking on its quick descent to you sounding from behind the metal doors, “Aren’t you coming back up with me?” 
“Oh, God, no,” Gareth’s nose scrunches, and his overgrown hair bounces as he shakes his head, “I think I’ve had just about enough of Eddie for the day. The rest of the guys left about an hour ago, anyways, and I’m guessing you two might want some privacy?” You nod at his questioning tone, “Perfect. Then, in that case – third floor, like I said.”
“Thank you, Gareth,” you blurt out, fighting down all the nostalgia. Part of you is aching – part of you just wants to see the other boys again, no longer needing the fight with Eddie, “I- I missed you guys too, for what it’s worth.” 
“We know,” he jokes back, although there’s something in the way he says it that makes you think that maybe they didn’t know that. He finally glances at the notebook in your hands that you’d nearly forgotten about, lively eyes turned simply sad. “Just go and give him Hell, yeah? You’re not the only one who's lost themselves.” 
There’s no chance to ask what Gareth might mean as a ding sounds and the doors slide open. The boy that you have genuinely and sincerely missed nods his head, signaling for you to get in, and you do just that. Mentally preparing yourself with one last gulp of air, one last look at Gareth, before you ready your boxing gloves once more. 
You’re not the only one who's lost themselves.
The doors slide shut, and you punch the button for the third floor. 
eddie's taglist:@capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @mediocredreams @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin
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@cryingglightningg @joannamuns9n @missmarch-99 @rhirojo @findmeincorneliastreet
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jymwahuwu · 5 months
scammer aventurine running into friendless darling and ends up nonconning them into oblivion 😭😭 *gets bonked* urghgh im so sorry it's been stuck in my head for a few days
"ah…aw…" You tugged at the sheets with both hands, curling up your waist as you had a violent orgasm, and your saliva seeped uncontrollably into the fabric and even the mattress. How long has it been…? Your mind went blank already… The blond man you met online coaxed you into your room in a luxury hotel, and without much explanation, he started plowing your wet sweet spot and walls. You were so stimulated by the pleasure that you shed a lot of tears, and you felt aggrieved and confused. Aventurine is not available 24/7 to take care of you. While he's busy observing the market of the universe, you're left blindfolded and strapped to the bed, stuffed with vibrators, and waiting for him. When your mouth is dry, Aventurine kisses you, feeds you some water, feeds you and cooes at you.
Oh, this is all the result of you agreeing to meet him at the hotel even though you knew it was a trap. Aventurine was already annoyed that you were willing to give him credits. Once he assumes that you would still be okay if someone else cheated on you, he feels the need to give you some education…
Don’t worry, this will end. He will take you on a spaceship and take you away from any lonely and sad place.
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alsaadhomeeee · 2 days
Wrap Yourself in Comfort: Quilt Covers Galore
When it comes to creating a serene and comfortable sleeping environment, the right quilt cover can transform your bedroom into a sanctuary. At Alsaad Home UAE, we understand that your bedroom is not just a place to sleep but a personal retreat where comfort meets style. Our extensive range of quilt covers ensures that you can wrap yourself in luxury and coziness every night.
Understanding Quilt Covers
So, what exactly is a quilt cover? A quilt cover, also known as a comforter cover, is a protective layer that encases your quilt or comforter. It not only keeps your bedding clean but also adds a decorative touch to your bedroom decor. With our collection of طقم لحاف قطن (cotton quilt sets), you can easily change the look of your room without the need for a complete overhaul.
Why Quilt Covers Matter
Investing in quality quilt covers is essential for several reasons:
Protection: A quilt cover shields your comforter from dust, spills, and wear. This prolongs the life of your bedding and keeps it looking fresh.
Versatility: With various colors, patterns, and textures, quilt covers allow you to easily change your bedroom's aesthetic. You can switch out your مفرش سرير (bed linen) according to the season or your mood.
Comfort: Our quilt covers are crafted from soft, breathable materials, ensuring you stay cozy and comfortable throughout the night.
Easy Maintenance: Most of our quilt covers are machine washable, making it simple to keep your bedding clean and fresh.
Explore Our Diverse Collection
At Alsaad Home, we offer a wide variety of quilt covers designed to suit different tastes and preferences. Here’s a look at what you can find in our collection:
1. Cotton Quilt Sets
Our طقم لحاف قطن features high-quality cotton that is soft to the touch and perfect for all seasons. Cotton is a breathable fabric that helps regulate temperature, ensuring you stay comfortable whether it’s hot or cold outside.
2. Stylish Bed Sheets
Complement your quilt covers with our range of شراشف (sheets). From شرشف سرير (bed sheets) to شرشف مطاط (fitted sheets), we provide options that fit various mattress sizes, including king-size bed sheets in Dubai. These sheets are designed to offer a snug fit, ensuring that your bedding looks tidy and feels comfortable.
3. Versatile Comforter Sets
Looking for a complete bedding solution? Our bedsheet set with comforter includes everything you need to outfit your bed beautifully. This all-in-one option is perfect for those who want a coordinated look without the hassle of mixing and matching.
4. Pillows and Cushions
No cozy bed is complete without plush pillows. We offer a variety of مخدات (pillows) to enhance your sleeping experience, including وسادة نوم (sleep pillows) and مخدة طبية (medical pillows) designed to support your neck and back.
5. Home Decor Accessories
To truly wrap yourself in comfort, consider adding some decorative touches to your bedroom. Our selection of اكسسوارات منزلية (home accessories) and اكسسوارات ديكور (decor accessories) will allow you to personalize your space. From stylish lamps to elegant vases, the right accessories can elevate your bedroom's overall aesthetic.
The Importance of a Good Mattress
While quilt covers play a significant role in your bedroom comfort, don't forget the foundation: your mattress. At Alsaad Home, we offer a variety of مراتب سرير (mattresses) to suit your sleeping style. Whether you need a مرتبة طبية (medical mattress) for extra support or a مرتبة فندقية (hotel mattress) for that luxurious feel, we have options available. You can easily buy mattress online in Dubai, UAE with just a few clicks, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your needs.
Comfort Beyond the Quilt
To enhance your overall comfort, consider adding additional layers to your bedding. A دوشق (duvet) provides extra warmth, while معطرات فراش (mattress fresheners) keep your bed smelling delightful. Pair these with our معطرات جو (room sprays) and عطور (perfumes) for a complete sensory experience.
Shopping Made Easy
At Alsaad Home, we strive to make your shopping experience as convenient as possible. Our online store offers a user-friendly interface where you can easily browse our extensive collection. Whether you're looking to buy mattress online Dubai or find the perfect quilt cover in Dubai, UAE, everything is just a click away.
How to Style Your Bedroom with Quilt Covers
Transforming your bedroom into a cozy haven is easy with our quilt covers. Here are some tips on how to style your space effectively:
Layering: Start with a fitted sheet and layer your quilt cover on top. Add throw pillows for an inviting touch.
Color Coordination: Choose a color palette that reflects your personality. Soft, muted tones can create a tranquil environment, while bold colors can add vibrancy.
Mix Patterns: Don’t shy away from mixing patterns. Pair a floral quilt cover with striped or solid sheets to create a dynamic look.
Accessorize Wisely: Use سجاد تركي (Turkish rugs) or سجاد دبي (Dubai rugs) to add warmth and comfort to your space. Rugs not only enhance aesthetics but also provide a soft surface to step onto.
Lighting: Consider adding warm lighting with bedside lamps or string lights for a cozy atmosphere that invites relaxation.
see more:-
مفرش خفيف, مفرش مضغوط , مفارش قطن, مفارش سرير, تلبيسة
بطانيات شتوية, بطانية, مفارش , بطانيات دبي, بطانيات ابوظبي
وسادة حرير / مخدة حرير / كيس مخدة حرير- ⁠عروض رمضان
⁠مفارش قطن / مفارش الامارات
مراتب / مرتبة / سرير
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madamecoco7 · 8 days
Elevate Your Bedroom with Luxurious Bed Sheets Online in Lebanon
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Discover the ultimate in comfort and style with our luxurious bed sheet sets, now available for purchase online in Lebanon. At Madame Coco, we believe that the right bedding is essential for creating a serene and inviting atmosphere in your home. Our collection features a diverse array of designs, from classic to contemporary, ensuring that you can find the perfect match for your unique taste and decor. Each set is crafted from high-quality materials that offer not only a soft, cozy feel but also durability that stands the test of time. Shopping for bed sheets online in Lebanon has never been easier, as our user-friendly website allows you to browse and select the ideal pieces to elevate your bedroom. We understand that bedding is a crucial component of home decor, and our thoughtfully designed sets can transform any space into a relaxing retreat. Whether you prefer vibrant colors or subtle patterns, our selection caters to all styles, making it simple to enhance your overall aesthetic. Plus, with convenient online shopping, you can explore our offerings from the comfort of your home, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience. Elevate your bedroom decor today by choosing the perfect bed sheets that reflect your personal style, and embrace the ease of shopping for home decor online in Lebanon. Your dream bedroom is just a click away!
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cottonhomeuae · 14 days
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Buy King Size Fitted Bed Sheets Online | Cottonhome
Discover the perfect fit for your bed with our high-quality King Size Fitted Bed Sheets at Cottonhome. Designed to provide ultimate comfort and a snug fit, our fitted sheets are crafted from premium materials for durability and softness. Ideal for any king-size mattress, these sheets ensure a wrinkle-free, secure fit all night long. Available in a variety of colors and patterns, they’ll enhance the style and comfort of your bedroom. Shop online at Cottonhome for effortless luxury and style.
Visit Now to Buy: https://cottonhome.ae/collections/3-piece-set-fitted-sheet-king-size-180x200
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alicecharlotte · 22 days
2025 Toyota Tundra With Ultimate i-Force Max Hybrid Reviews
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2025 Tundra takes a different approach to the full-size truck segment compared to its American competitors. The old V-8 engine is gone and replaced by a twin-turbo V-6 engine available in two power levels, including a hybrid version.
Toyota offers two different four-door cabins basically mid-size and large and all are wrapped in chiseled sheet metal. Rather than chasing the biggest towing and hauling ratings.
One of the online media sites of toyota car enthusiasts toyotasuvmodels.com model revealed that: 2025 Toyota Tundra seems content with more moderate numbers that should still satisfy most light truck buyers. The coil-spring rear suspension gives the Tundra a degree of modesty, and a host of off-road features and packages ensure good performance when you leave the road.
The Tundra's latest cabin is much better than before, especially in the luxurious upper trim levels, but it still doesn't meet Ram and Ford standards. Strong and smooth powertrain, bold styling, smoother coil spring suspension.
What's New for 2025?
Toyota has discontinued the TRD Sport package from the Tundra, the rear-wheel drive version of the TRD Off-Road. The slick Solar Octane paint finish will also no longer be available in 2025.
There is a new TRD Rally optics package and the SR5 has electrically adjustable front seats as standard.
An electric tailgate is now available on the SR5 and standard on all trim levels above, front massage seats are now available on Platinum and Capstone models, and the 1794 Edition gets a unique embossed tailgate.
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While the current Tundra is much better than the previous generation in terms of material quality and design, it doesn't bring anything new or revolutionary to the full-size truck segment. The interior is rather monotonous and features some hard plastics here and there.
Moving up the equipment hierarchy, there are the usual upgrades in materials and equipment, culminating in semi-aniline leather seats from the top-end Capstone models, American walnut interior trim, acoustically laminated side windows, and a head-up display.
The dashboard has a bold yet purposeful design, and the wide center console has a gearshift bin and plenty of storage space. Analog gauges and a small driver information screen are standard, but the highest trim level has a 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster.
The extended cab (also called Double Cab) is available with a 6.5- or 8.1-foot cargo bed, while the longer Crew Cab (also called CrewMax) is offered with a 5.5- or 6.5-foot cargo bed.
Opting for the shorter cab won't affect the comfort of the front row, but it will reduce rear seat legroom from 41.6 inches in the Double Cab to just 33.3 inches.
The Tundra offers three powertrains, all based on a twin-turbocharged 3.4-liter V6 engine. In the base SR model, the engine produces 348 horsepower and 405 pound-feet of torque; otherwise, the engine produces 389 horsepower and 479 pound-feet. The third option is a 473-horsepower hybrid.
All use a smooth-shifting 10-speed automatic transmission. The Tundra with all-wheel drive is a part-time drivetrain; there is no full-time system like on competing trucks.
Towing and Payload Capacity
The Tundra can tow a maximum of 12,000 pounds. While sufficient, that rating makes it the least capable truck in the half-ton class. The Ford F-150 leads with a 14,000-pound rating, followed by the Chevrolet Silverado's 13,300 and the Ram 1500's 12,750. The Toyota's max payload is 1940 pounds, far behind Ford's 3250-pound rating.
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All Tundras are equipped with Toyota Safety Sense 2.5 driver assistance technology, which includes automatic high beams, lane departure warning with steering assist, and more.
Blind Spot Monitoring with Rear Cross Traffic Alert and Trailer Detection is standard on Limited models and above. For more information on the Tundra's crash test results, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) websites.
Key safety features include:
Standard forward collision warning and automatic emergency braking
Standard lane departure warning and lane keeping assist
Standard adaptive cruise control
The price of the 2025 Toyota Tundra is expected to start around $42,000 and go up to $65,000 depending on the trim and options.
SR $42,000 (est)
SR5 $48,000 (est)
Limited $54,000 (est)
Platinum $64,000 (est)
1794 Edition $65,000 (est)
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adityarana1687-blog · 1 month
Home Bedding Market Size To Reach $172.36 Billion By 2030
The global home bedding market size is expected to reach USD 172.36 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 7.4%from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The home bedding industry is in a state of flux. Shifting retail models, along with changing consumer preferences, encourage manufacturers to continuously form new strategies to combat the challenges. The overall business arena is undergoing disruption owing to the rapid adoption of online retailing. For instance, in February 2021, Magnolia began offering the complete home textiles collection that includes duvets, shams, and sheet sets in full, queen, king, and California king mattress sizes through its website.
The bedding industry is continuously evolving, with innovative technologies and advancements being introduced to enhance the comfort, durability, and functionality of bedding products. Consumers are also becoming more aware of the importance of quality sleep for their overall health and well-being. Hence, they are looking for bedding products that offer optimal comfort and support. Additionally, the growing concerns about environmental sustainability are driving market growth, with consumers demanding organic bedding options such as organic cotton or bamboo bedding.
The rising need for comfort and luxury, along with an increasing number of houses being purchased or rented every year, drives the growth of the market. Similarly, the demand for organic bedding products along with smart products has also been positively influencing the market. In August 2019, Boll & Branch, which sells sustainably sourced sheets, pillows, mattresses, and towels, raised USD 100 million in strategic investment.
Increased residential expansion across areas, indicating increased house construction and building permits, is expected to revamp Germany’s market growth. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the construction of a total of 32,500 dwellings was permitted in Germany in November 2020. Compared with the corresponding period of 2019, this is an increase of 8.9% or 2,700 dwellings.
Manufacturers in the Indian home bedding industry have been implementing a low-cost sourcing strategy and making premium products at extremely low prices. Along with the availability of raw materials at a cheap price, the labor and production costs in the country are also low. The abundant availability of cotton, wool, silk, jute, and handloom further benefits the cost and quality of home textiles and bedding products.
GHCL, a leading manufacturer of home textiles in India, launched a traceable Egyptian cotton bedding brand called Nile Harvest in March 2019. The company has been selling these luxury bedding products mainly in the U.S. and U.K. markets. The company has partnered with Tailorlux GmBH of Germany to use its IntegriTEX technology for the marking and traceability of Egyptian cotton. It is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of bed sheets, bed linen, comforter sets, and sheet sets in India. 
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Home Bedding Market Report Highlights
By type, bed linens held the largest share of around 30% in 2023. This dominance is primarily due to the increasing consumer preference for quality over brands. This has encouraged bedding industry manufacturers to offer new and improved quality products with attractive designs. With the increasing preference for luxury bedding products, companies are focusing on introducing plant-based bed linen that claims to be softer than cotton and provides breathability and moisture control
The Asia Pacific home bedding market accounted for the largest share of over 37% in 2023 and is expected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period. The regional demand for home bedding products is anticipated to grow due to the increase in the purchasing power of consumers, rising housing constructions, and growing consumer awareness regarding quality as well as organic bedding products
The offline distribution channel segment dominated the market by accounting for 68 share in 2023. This distribution channel is preferred by consumers as it allows them to physically inspect the products, which is particularly important for items like bedding where comfort and quality are key factors
Home Bedding Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global home bedding market on the basis of on type, distribution channel, and region:
Home Bedding Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Bed Linen
Mattress Toppers & Pads
Home Bedding Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
Specialty Stores
Home Bedding Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Australia & New Zealand
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Home Bedding Market
Acton & Acton Ltd.
American Textile Company
Tempur Sealy International, Inc.
Bombay Dyeing
Casper Sleep Inc.
Beaumont & Brown
Pacific Coast Feather Company
Crane & Canopy Inc.
Peacock Alley
Purple Innovation, Inc
The White Company
Portico New York
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Discovering Harlie Road Bali's Premier Linen Store
When it comes to finding high-quality linens in Bali, Harlie Road stands out as the premier destination for those seeking both style and comfort. Located in the heart of Bali, this exceptional linen store offers a diverse range of products designed to elevate your living space with luxury and sophistication. Here’s a step-by-step look at what makes Harlie Road the go-to linen store in Bali.
Introduction to Harlie Road
Harlie Road has earned its reputation as the leading linen store in Bali through its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. From its elegantly designed storefront to its meticulously curated selection, Harlie Road provides an unparalleled shopping experience. The store specializes in a wide array of linens, including bedding, tablecloths, towels, and more, all crafted from the finest materials.
Exploring the Product Range
One of the main attractions of Harlie Road is its extensive product range. Whether you’re looking for sumptuous bed sheets that promise a restful night's sleep or chic tablecloths that add a touch of elegance to your dining area, Harlie Road has you covered. Their collection includes Sets Luxurious bed linens available in various textures, colors, and patterns. Each set is crafted to offer ultimate comfort and style. Table Linens Beautifully designed tablecloths, napkins, and runners that are perfect for both everyday dining and special occasions. Bath Linens Soft, absorbent towels and bath mats that enhance your bathroom’s functionality and aesthetic.
Quality and Craftsmanship
At Harlie Road, quality is a top priority. The store sources its linens from reputable manufacturers who adhere to high standards of craftsmanship. The fabrics used are chosen for their durability and softness, ensuring that each piece is both functional and luxurious. From the initial design phase to the final product, Harlie Road ensures that every item meets its exacting standards.
Personalized Shopping Experience
Shopping at Harlie Road is more than just a transaction; it’s an experience. The store’s knowledgeable staff are dedicated to providing personalized service, helping you find the perfect linens to match your style and needs. Whether you’re redecorating your home or simply updating your linen collection, the team at Harlie Road is there to offer expert advice and recommendations.
In-Store Experience
The in-store experience at Harlie Road is designed to be as enjoyable as the products themselves. The store's layout is thoughtfully arranged, allowing customers to easily browse and explore different linens. With a serene ambiance and well-organized displays, shopping at Harlie Road is both relaxing and inspiring. The store’s location in Bali adds to its appeal, providing a beautiful setting for discovering elegant linens.
Online Presence and Accessibility
In addition to its physical store, Harlie Road also offers an online shopping option. This convenience allows customers from all over Bali—and beyond—to access their exquisite linen collection. The website is user-friendly, showcasing the store’s products in high resolution, and providing detailed descriptions to help you make informed choices from the comfort of your home.
Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Harlie Road is committed to sustainability and ethical practices. The store prioritizes eco-friendly materials and processes, ensuring that their linens are not only beautiful but also responsibly produced. By choosing Harlie Road, customers can feel confident that they are supporting a business that values environmental stewardship.
For anyone seeking high-quality Linen store in Bali, Harlie Road is the destination of choice. With its extensive product range, commitment to quality, and exceptional customer service, it offers a shopping experience that is second to none. Whether shopping in-store or online, customers can trust Harlie Road to provide elegant, luxurious linens that enhance any living space.
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indiagiftsonline · 2 months
Eco-Friendly Rakhi Online: Sustainable Choices for Raksha Bandhan
Gifts are a significant part of Indian culture. Raksha Bandhan is one of the most celebrated and cherished festivals signifying the warm and strong bond of siblings. Spread the joy and excitement of Raksha Bandhan by sending vibrant threads of Rakhee that will look extremely beautiful on your brother’s wrists. Sending delectable sweets and thoughtful eco-friendly Rakhi gifts is a seamless and upright way to celebrate Raksha Bandhan with your sister. Ensure a heartfelt and memorable Raksha Bandhan celebration.
Giving an expressive and eco-sustainable gift is a prime focus on Rakhee. Eco-friendly Rakhi gifts help to keep the flame of sibling love bright and meaningful. This is the best way to make sure that the Raksha Bandhan celebration is replete with warm vibes of love and blessings despite the miles
Send Rakhee online
Technology helps you to foster and celebrate this sacred and loving bond despite the miles. If you want to turn this propitious occasion into an enthusiastic celebration then distance is never going to matter. do not fret. With the ease of online Rakhi gifting, you can express and showery your sibling with love without any hassle.  Simply Schedule a video call on Raksha Bandhan and perform the traditional rituals virtually. Now you can share memories and at the same time create permanent memories despite the distance.
Choose a Rakhi gift for your sister to celebrate and rejoice
Rakhee gift hamper
This is one of the best all-inclusive Rakhee gifts. A beautiful Big Hamper Box that contains a box of dry fruits, Cappuccino, a Green Tea sachet, a pouch of delectable butter chakli sticks, chocolate coated almonds, mouthwatering paan raisins, Mewa Bites, Roasted Almond Bites, Choco chip cookies with a chess board game.
Floral melody storage box
Make your sister feel special with plastic-free, handcrafted pearl shell Rakhee and an attractive mini treasure set that works as a unique organizer. This stylish box made of faux leather offers a storage solution as it will be a sanctuary where your teenage sister can store her tiniest treasures.
Jute planters with seeds
This eco-friendly gift will bring sparkles to your sister’s eyes. This non-hanging pot holder can turn her lounge into a lush oasis. The elegantly handcrafted jute planters are available in different warm hues and intricate textures. It will give the entire space a feeling of relaxation and peace.  She can watch her plants thrive in a cozy and colorful jute embrace.
Boho Macrame Plant Hangers 
This is a unique Rakhi gift that will infuse warmth into your sister’s home decor. She can hang her favorite green plants in her living space and let their charm radiate from heights. This set of plant hangers is hand-crafted and made of pure cotton. and can be easily cleaned with a soft dry cloth.
Shego Tree Wall Accent
This visually enchanting Rakhi gift will create unforgettable memories. The beautiful artifact is made of metal and is intricately designed with creative details. The silhouette of trees will transform the aura of the space and impart the wall an attractive organic elegance, in addition to your decor.
Condiment Set with Tray and chocolate box
Add a touch of magic to this beautiful bond you share with your sister by sending this thoughtful and practical gift. The product includes a set of one tray four jars of glass, a spoon, and a toothpick holder besides, and 2 jars for salt & pepper. This tray is made of teak wood, and the jars are ceramic.
Sunglasses with embroidered cushion covers
Raksha Bandhan is truly a joyous expression of your deep bond. This luxurious gift is bound to send your sister soaring in excitement. She can transform her living area space with this exquisitely embroidered cushion cover, made in fine cotton. It speaks of elegance, and it will be a constant reminder of your love and sweet indulgence.
Ethnic bed sheet with a pack of almonds
The attractive Bedspread is a statement of your fine sentiments and refined taste. It showcases intricate geometric patterns, thus adding a touch of colorful sophistication. It is made in high-quality fabric and ensures both a luxurious feel and a fabulous aesthetic ambiance in your sister’s bedroom as she immerses in moments of comfort and style. Express your concern for her health with this elegantly packed box of almonds. Wooden bathroom set with Flora Bloom Runner Rug
Every year brothers eagerly await Raksha Bandhan to express and foster beautiful bonds with their sister. This premium gift reflects not only your style and taste but will elevate the functionality of your sister’s living space. This is a durable yet elegant gift that will remind her of your sincere love.
Simply click on the reputed website of Indiagift.in and send Rakhi gifts online. This is a user-friendly website that makes the ordering process easy. Browse their rich collection at your leisure, choose eco-friendly gifts, and place your order with just a few clicks.
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ratanjaipur1 · 2 months
Buy Cotton Bedsheets, Jacquard Bed Sheets, & Satin Bed Covers Online
Creating a cozy and stylish bedroom starts with choosing the right bedding. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using a cotton bedsheet with pillow cover, jacquard bed sheets, and satin bed covers. These bedding options not only enhance the look of your bedroom but also offer comfort and durability.
Cotton Bedsheet with Pillow Cover
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A cotton bedsheet with pillow cover is a staple in many households. Cotton is known for its softness, breathability, and durability. It helps regulate your body temperature, keeping you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Moreover, cotton is easy to maintain and can withstand frequent washing without losing its quality. When you choose a cotton bedsheet with  pillow cover, you create a cohesive and inviting look for your bedroom.
Jacquard Bed Sheets
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Jacquard bed sheets are a great way to add a touch of elegance and luxury to your bedroom. These sheets are made using a special weaving technique that creates intricate patterns and designs. Jacquard bed sheets are not only visually appealing but also highly durable. They are typically made from high-quality materials that resist wear and tear, ensuring that your bed looks stylish for years to come. The rich texture of jacquard bed sheets can elevate the overall ambiance of your bedroom, making it feel more sophisticated and luxurious.
Satin Bed Cover
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For those who want to add a touch of glamor to their bedroom, a satin bed cover is the perfect choice. Satin is known for its smooth and shiny surface, which adds a luxurious feel to any bed. A satin bed cover not only looks elegant but also feels incredibly soft against your skin. It drapes beautifully over your bed, creating a sleek and polished look. Additionally, satin is less likely to cause friction, which can be beneficial for your hair and skin. Incorporating a satin bed cover into your bedding ensemble can instantly transform your bedroom into a chic and stylish retreat.
Investing in high-quality bedding like a cotton bedsheet with pillow cover, jacquard bed sheets, and a satin bed cover can make a significant difference in the comfort and aesthetics of your bedroom. Each of these options offers unique benefits, from the breathability of cotton to the luxurious feel of satin and the elegant patterns of jacquard. By choosing the right bedding, you can create a cozy, stylish, and inviting space where you can relax and unwind.
Explore the various options available and find the perfect combination that suits your style and comfort needs. Your bedroom deserves the best, and with these bedding choices, you can achieve a beautiful and comfortable sanctuary.
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mega-shalinijoshi · 3 months
How to Choose the Perfect Bed for Your Bedroom
Selecting the perfect bed for your bedroom is crucial for both comfort and style. A bed is more than just a place to sleep; it’s the centrepiece of your bedroom and plays a significant role in your overall well-being. Here are key factors to consider when buying the perfect bed online :
The style of the bed should complement the existing decor of your bedroom. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist look or a classic, ornate design, ensure that the bed aligns with your personal taste and the room’s aesthetic. Upholstered beds, with their luxurious look, are perfect for those who enjoy a touch of elegance, while solid wood beds offer a timeless appeal for minimalists.
Choosing the right size is essential for comfort and space utilisation. Measure the dimensions of your room and the available space for the bed to ensure it fits comfortably without overcrowding. Bed sizes vary from single and double to queen and king. Consider the number of users and the room's layout to determine the most suitable size.
Beds come in various materials, each offering different benefits in terms of durability, maintenance, and appearance:
Solid Wood: Known for its sturdiness and longevity, solid wood is a classic choice that offers timeless appeal.
Veneer and Engineered Wood: These materials are often more affordable and can mimic the look of solid wood while being lighter.
Upholstery: Options include leatherette, velvet, and fabric, each offering a different level of luxury and comfort. Upholstered beds add a soft, inviting touch to the bedroom.
Comfort is paramount when choosing a bed. The bed frame should provide adequate support, but equally important is the mattress and bedding that accompany it. Opt for a mattress that suits your sleeping preferences, whether it’s memory foam, innerspring, or latex. Don’t forget to consider the bedding—quality pillows, sheets, and blankets can significantly enhance your sleeping experience.
For those with limited space, a bed with storage can be incredibly practical. Storage beds come with built-in drawers or compartments, ideal for keeping beddings, clothes, and seasonal essentials organised and within reach. This functionality can help maximise your bedroom space and keep it clutter-free.
When choosing the perfect bed, consider the style, size, material, comfort, and warranty. Select a bed that fits your room, matches your decor, and meets your comfort needs. Whether you prefer a luxurious upholstered bed or a minimalist solid wood design, the right bed will enhance your bedroom's aesthetics and comfort.
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hometex-bangladesh90 · 3 months
Upgrade Your Sleep with Hometex Fitted Bed Sheets
Looking to elevate your bedroom comfort and style? Hometex Bangladesh has you covered with their premium fitted bed sheets, renowned as the Best Bed Sheet in Bangladesh. Here's why you should consider Hometex for your next purchase:
Why Hometex Fitted Bed Sheets?
Perfect Fit: Snug and wrinkle-free, ensuring a smooth sleeping surface.
Premium Quality: Made from top-notch fabrics for ultimate softness and durability.
Stylish Designs: Wide range of patterns and colors to match any décor.
Easy Care: Maintains its quality wash after wash.
Shop Online with Ease
Skip the hassle of in-store shopping. Buy Hometex Fitted Bed Sheets Online and enjoy a seamless shopping experience from the comfort of your home. Browse their extensive collection and find the perfect match for your bedroom.
The Top Bed Sheet in Bangladesh
Loved for their perfect fit and comfort, Hometex bed sheets are considered the Top Bed sheets in Bangladesh. Join countless satisfied customers who have upgraded their sleep with Hometex.
Complete Sets Available
Enhance your bedroom look with Premier Bed Sheets with Pillow Covers. These sets offer a cohesive and stylish appearance, making your bed a true centerpiece.
Transform your bedroom with Hometex fitted bed sheets. Experience the blend of comfort, quality, and style that makes Hometex the go-to choice in Bangladesh. Buy Hometex Fitted Bed Sheet Online today and enjoy the best in bedding luxury.
Ready to upgrade your sleep? Discover the perfect Hometex fitted bed sheet now!
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alsaadhomeeee · 2 days
The Modern Home Curator: Exploring Online Decor Options
In today’s fast-paced world, personalizing your living space has never been more essential. The concept of home curation has evolved significantly, allowing individuals to transform their spaces into true reflections of their personality and style. Alsaad Home UAE (alsaadhome.com/ar/aed) stands at the forefront of this trend, offering an extensive range of online home decor options that cater to every taste and budget. Whether you’re looking for luxurious bed linens, contemporary furniture, or charming accessories, the journey to curating your perfect home begins here.
The Importance of Personalization
Creating a home that resonates with your identity involves more than just choosing a few stylish pieces. It’s about harmonizing aesthetics and functionality while incorporating elements that tell your story. Personalization brings a sense of comfort and familiarity to your environment, transforming a mere house into a home. Alsaad Home UAE recognizes this need and provides an array of options for you to explore, ensuring that every item you choose contributes to the narrative of your space.
A Diverse Collection of Home Decor
Bedding that Speaks to You
At the heart of home decor is the bedroom, a sanctuary that deserves thoughtful curation. Alsaad Home UAE offers a variety of bedding options, including the luxurious طقم لحاف قطن (cotton comforter set) that combines comfort and style. Whether you prefer a مفرش سرير (bedspread) or a مفرش نفر (single bed spread), there’s a myriad of choices available.
For those with larger beds, the selection of مفارش نفرين (double bed spreads) caters to a range of styles, ensuring a cohesive look in any bedroom. When it comes to layering your bedding, consider incorporating كفرات سرير (bed covers) and تلبيسة بدون حشوة (pillow covers without filling) to achieve a polished and curated aesthetic.
Mattresses that Guarantee Comfort
The foundation of a good night's sleep is a quality mattress, and Alsaad Home UAE excels in offering an impressive selection. From مراتب سرير (bed mattresses) to مرتبة طبية (medical mattresses), each product is designed to enhance your sleeping experience. تسوق مع مراتب السعد (shop with Alsaad mattresses) ensures that you have access to the latest innovations in sleep technology, including دوشق (sofa beds) and فرشة سرير (bed mattresses).
For those who appreciate a hotel-like experience at home, consider investing in a مرتبة فندقية (hotel mattress) that provides unparalleled comfort and support.
Home Accessories to Elevate Your Space
Decor Accessories
A well-curated home isn’t complete without the right accessories. Alsaad Home UAE provides a variety of اكسسوارات منزلية (home accessories) and اكسسوارات ديكور (decorative accessories) to add that perfect finishing touch. From vibrant سجاد تركي (Turkish rugs) to elegant زولية (rugs), these pieces can transform your space and infuse it with personality.
Incorporate كتب ديكور (decor books) into your coffee table setup to not only add a stylish element but also spark conversation. The right decor accessories can make your home feel more inviting and tailored to your taste.
Scenting Your Space
The olfactory experience is often overlooked in home curation. معطرات فراش (bedroom fresheners) and معطرات جو (air fresheners) can enhance the atmosphere of your home, creating a calming and pleasant environment. Opt for exquisite عطور (perfumes) to elevate your living space, making it a welcoming retreat for both yourself and your guests.
Practical Elements of Home Decor
Bed Linens for Every Need
Alsaad Home UAE makes it easy to find the perfect مفارش سرير (bed linens) for any bedroom size. From شراشف (sheets) to شرشف سرير (bed sheets), you can choose between طقم شرشف (sheet sets) that include everything you need for a complete bedding solution. The شرشف مطاط (fitted sheets) ensure a snug fit, providing both comfort and style.
For those looking for a minimalist aesthetic, a مخدة طبية (medical pillow) and soft وسادة نوم (sleeping pillows) can complement your bedding choices perfectly. Adding a selection of وسايد نوم (bedside pillows) enhances the overall comfort and appeal of your sleeping area.
The Journey to Curate Your Home
Embarking on the adventure of home curation is an exciting process. The online platform of Alsaad Home UAE allows you to browse and select items from the comfort of your home, making it a convenient experience. Whether you’re searching for the latest trends or timeless classics, the collection is diverse enough to meet every need.
Comforters and Quilts: Start with a comforter set that suits your style. Options like a single bed comforter set buy online in Dubai UAE make it simple to upgrade your bedding.
Carpets and Rugs: A beautiful سجاد (carpet) can define a room. Explore options to buy carpet online in Dubai, UAE, ensuring you find the perfect match for your decor.
Perfume Selection: Don’t forget to explore the section for perfumes; buy perfume online in Dubai, UAE to find that perfect scent that adds a touch of luxury to your home.
see more:-
مفرش خفيف, مفرش مضغوط , مفارش قطن, مفارش سرير, تلبيسة
بطانيات شتوية, بطانية, مفارش , بطانيات دبي, بطانيات ابوظبي
وسادة حرير / مخدة حرير / كيس مخدة حرير- ⁠عروض رمضان
⁠مفارش قطن / مفارش الامارات
مراتب / مرتبة / سرير
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madamecoco7 · 2 months
What Are the Most Effective Storage Solutions for Organizing Your Home?
Kitchen Organizers Revamp your kitchen with the top-quality kitchen organizers available in Lebanon. The selection includes a variety of practical solutions designed to maximize space and enhance organization in your cooking area. From tiered racks and pull-out shelves to smart drawer inserts, the kitchen organizers help you keep everything in its place and make meal preparation more efficient. Browse the collection to find the perfect solutions and shop kitchen organizers in Lebanon today. Maximizing vertical storage helps keep your home looking spacious and orderly, allowing you to store more without cluttering up the floor. By implementing these storage solutions, you can create a more organized and enjoyable living environment. Whether you’re investing in multi-functional furniture, shopping for effective kitchen organizers, or finding the perfect bed sheets online, each step contributes to a tidier and more functional home. Stylish Duvet Cover Sets Transform your bedroom with the elegant duvet cover sets in Lebanon. The collection features a variety of luxurious fabrics and sophisticated designs, ensuring you find the perfect cover to complement your bedroom decor. Each duvet cover set is crafted for comfort and durability, providing a touch of elegance and warmth. Explore the full range and refresh your bedding with duvet cover sets in Lebanon. Organizing your home effectively involves a combination of smart storage solutions and thoughtful purchases. From maximizing closet space and investing in multi-functional furniture to utilizing under-bed storage and shopping for quality kitchen organizers, each step helps in creating a more streamlined and efficient living space. By focusing on these strategies, you can turn cluttered areas into well-organized havens. For those looking to enhance their home organization further, consider exploring the range of products offered by Madame Coco. For more details read the blog - https://madame.hashnode.dev/what-are-the-most-effective-storage-solutions-for-organizing-your-home 
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bistara123 · 14 days
Linen Flat Sheets Buy  Online
Discover the height of comfort and elegance with our gorgeous selection of linen flat sheets available online. With our premium line of linen flat bed sheets that mix magnificence with utility, improve your relaxation game and rest easy in the lap of luxury. The linen flat sheets buy online now from the best brand name, Bistara Linen Co., to reinvent leisure and accentuate your own hideaway with elegance.
About Bistara Linen Co. 
Our goal at Bistara Linen Co. is to be zero waste, and we think in providing you with the greatest quality products that are environmentally friendly. Our company concept is based on linen; hence, we concentrate on finding the most ecologically produced textiles and using every single component of that good to reduce waste. We try to consider this in our decision-making and make your eco-journey a reality using our selection of top eco-conscious products since we are quite aware that our clients anticipate more ecologically friendly actions from stores.
Using flax linen fabric to create luxury home products and clothes offers five advantages:
Among fabrics, linen is the most breathable one available! This has a very great absorbency level and is ideal for warm regions, where it wicks sweat away from the body.
Soft and comfortable
One unfairly bad impression of linen is its gritty quality. With new technologies allowing a high-quality fiber weave, this is not the case; with Bistara Linen Co. linen fabric goods, this is also the case.
Chemical free
Unlike usually used synthetic textiles, linen does not irritate or induce allergies. This advantage especially comes from our use of certified, chemical-free linen fibers.
Our product line clearly shows that linen has rather useful applications in bedding, tables, apparel, and towels.
Not easily breaking and highly resistant to shrinkage are two traits of linen fibers.
The Bistara Linen Co.’s linen flat sheet for bed is a fantastic choice whether you wish to try something different or replace your existing flat sheet. Its reasonable cost and superior quality help it to be a preferred choice for many. What are you waiting for? Linen flat sheets buy online from our website now to enjoy a peaceful and restful night's sleep never before possible!
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cottonhomeuae · 2 months
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Buy Bed Sheets King Size Online | Cottonhome
Elevate your sleep experience with Cottonhome's King Size Bed Sheets. Our bed sheets are crafted from premium materials, ensuring luxurious comfort and exceptional durability. Available in a variety of colors and patterns, they add elegance to any bedroom decor. Soft, breathable, and easy to maintain, these sheets provide a cozy and restful night's sleep. Shop online at Cottonhome for high-quality King Size Bed Sheets that combine style with everyday practicality. Transform your bedroom with Cottonhome.
Visit Now to Buy: https://cottonhome.ae/collections/flat-bed-sheets
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