bokafuru · 9 months
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since fcorrin doesnt have a new year's alt. mcorrin adopts mkana
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Kana has Autism :D
like look at him and tell me why he's NOT autistic.
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skeletalscallybones · 6 months
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You know, whenever I see Chrom & Lucina together in Smash Ultimate, it made me think about the idea of Morgan & Kana reuniting with Robin & Corrin in some future Smash game, so I made these life icons for them as a result.
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feh-alt-battle · 5 months
Poll 197 - M!Kana
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: kawasumi, TAPIOCA
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firehananas · 5 months
Interpretations about the different M!Kana
You need to read this post before, because it'd make no sense otherwise.
These interpretations are MY interpretations, take them with a grain of salt (and don't hesitate to voice your own opinion!)
Regarding Shura and Saizo, I think it come with the idea of foraging as their works ask them to be very adaptative (it’s also something Shura comments in rank C, saying he had to "ingest some stinky and exotic food" at some point in his life). I think Saizo has to teach him how to found wild vegetables and roots because, even if Asugi is here, being a ninja is very risky and he better be prepared in case something happen to him. Kaze may not because Midori could be teaching him now and is probably more lax in general regarding his legacy, being the second born himself and Kana being the younger of the Saizo's family.
I like to think Izana could be a vegetarian for cultural reasons. There is no canon explanation or hint for this, but I think it could made sense for him allegedly being from a peaceful nation and descendant of god and all.
I’m also surprised Azama doesn’t have a Kana cooking vegetables too, as he is inspired by Buddhist monks, but maybe he let him experiment and choose for himself (or in this univers, it’s okay to eat meat for them). 
I have no idea why Silas!Kana do this cooking tho because Silas is a lordly knight, so meat is not something expansive for him, he is supposed to know what Corrin likes to eat as his best friend/lover (I’m referring to his dialogues about Corrin childhood’s favorite, who aren’t all vegetarian food) and his cooking is standard just like him. 
I don’t know why Odin!Kana do it either (however I don’t know him very well especially as Owain, so maybe he mentions to be a vegetarian or something in Awakening?).
Some of the Kana could be more inclined to feed the horses because of their closeness with animals (Keaton, Kaden) or having a cavalier father (Silas, Gunter, Xander, Leo, Subaki). I can’t really explain why so many of them do it tho, but it’d make sense at least for these ones. Maybe Kana just likes animals/horses specifically by default?
I’m pretty sure Odin!Kana does give the maps to his mom to throw a bone to the Awakening fans (Robin being a tactician and pretty close to Lissa). Could also influenced by Odin/Owain's love of weapons and thus strategy tie to it (eventually). 
Shura and Izana can come out as surprising, but maybe show their Kana have a better global understanding of the wars than the others. Maybe the other Kana are being sugarcoated about war, like it was for Elise and Corrin (and for some extend Sakura), especially if they already have an eldest to take the charge. Gunter and Laslow already have lost their families once, and probably don’t want their sons to do anything too dangerous ; Yukimura and the royals know better than anyone how harsh the war can be. Kaden and Keaton would probably not understand what would be the point of a map - not because they are dumb (well, some could argue about Keaton), but it’s not something that would made sense culturally. 
However, Izana and Shura have no reason to sugarcoat or aren’t ignorant enough about strategy. 
By joining Corrin’s army, Izana had broken his vow of neutrality, making his realm in danger: he has to win for its sake. Even if he is goofy most of the time, he can be serious when needed (as show in his support with his son already) and Kana is most likely to take his position after him, so it’s very serious not only for his people, but for his legacy. Barring the legacy (?) this could also applied to Odin too.
Shura is honest to a fault at this point of his life, it’s very much implied Kana knows his past as an outlaw. His Japanese support on the festival of bond have him mimicking his father’s brooding way to be and confirm he knows at least the basic ("I’m a dirty outlaw… stay away from me" etc.). He could have transmit him to think before running to the battlefield, especially since he was the leader of his gang: he had to plan his battles, going to which approach to choose and what do do in case it doesn’t go his way, as it seems to him to be the better option: his son as to be prepared to whatever could happen to them.
This part is tricker because it can be interpreted in multiple ways and are tied to a part of Kana’s insecurities. Kana reacts when his father compliments his good work and it makes him snap to what Corrin told him. It can be show that Kana is either overthinking (as his fathers said) or him paying more attention in general.
I was actually very surprise that Kaze, Arthur, Kaden and Benny’s Kana didn’t notice and/or weren’t honest, but maybe it just didn’t cross their mind it could be considered as "cheating": all of these Kana are self-assured. 
Jakob, Subaki and Hayato are generally petty even as father, so Kana could be ignoring it to make sure to win, even if they technically cheat a little.
Jakob and the royals have probably putting some pression on their sons (more or less consciously) and thus, admitting they have twist their mother’s words could be more difficult than the other: it's too late for that now. Can be especially true for Xander!Kana, as he is the one showing some insecurity compared to the other royals. May also be true for Fuga!Kana, as Fuga is a chieftain too.
I do think Yukimura is pretty secretive in general, as for Niles. Kana may have notice his mother complimenting his works but not thanking him and her sad look, but didn't tell their father willingly. His will to win was stronger than being honest.
Hinata!Kana and Keaton!Kana could just be inattentive like their fathers and thus not coming from malicious intents.
Now, for the one who did tell the true, there are: Silas, Shura, Saizo, Azama, Odin, Izana and Gunter.
Silas is the paragon of virtue by excellence and probably encourages his son to follow his exemple. He is kind and always willing to lend a hand to whoever in need, and he seems to me to be emotionally intelligent in the plot and support. Kana probably inherits his traits, thus why he is also one of the Kana noticing his mother's sadness.
Saizo is a harsh but also a honest father, wanting the best for his children. He shows a gentler side to Kana (while still being himself and excepting a lot from his children in general). Due to his training as a ninja, he probably taught Kana to be attentive to the body's languages and wording as he can found clues/hints for their missions and preventing betrayal (like his own father had been). Kana may told him what he notices out of habits to make him reports, knowing every single details are important (and wishing his approval of his good works too).
Shura is a honest man after he joins Corrin's army, wanting to leave his past as an outlaw as much as possible. He seems to be very close to Kana (see below in tidbits) and I think he communicates quite well with his son... but it also shows Kana's insecurity, promptly questioning himself about being a bother to his mother. I think it's because of that Kana didn't pick up the sadness of Corrin, being to caught in his own troubles and possibly misunderstanding her expression as awkwardness and annoyance.
Izana seems to be open at heart with Kana, and very doting (see his support with M!Corrin). Kana mays be confortable enough to tell him the truth, as his insecurity.
A little like but more "troll" than Saizo, Azama is honest. We can call out this man for being mean-spirited (to the point Kana is suspicious about his father being helpful to his mother), but he does think what he says. Beside, being a Monk, he probably encourages Kana to be honest too, by principes.
Odin is a bit tricker, but I think him being over the top and encouraging towards his children no matter how "weird" and strange they can be may have play to him being honest.
|-> Emotional intelligence:
Remember: Silas, Saizo, Izana and Gunter's are the ones noticing the "sad smile" of their mother.
I've already explain for Silas, Shura and Saizo so let's jump to Izana, Gunter Azama and Odin.
Izana is smart. It's something overlooked because of his silly personality, but he is very clever. In his support with F!Corrin, he cut off the conversation because he feels Corrin was being uncomfortable and didn't want her to worry about him. One also could wonder if his fortune telling is real and not just base on observation (even Corrin herself doubts it at some point). Plus, like said before, he is some sort of royalty, so he has to be sharp. With this in mind, it's something he could have taught his son.
Gunter has already had a son and is wise enough to let his child expresses himself and be vulnerable around his parents. I feel Gunter is being very patient with him, and thus his son is calmer and more observant than most.
I think why Azama!Kana didn't pick up her mother sad expression is tied to the lack of sympathy Azama shows to others (and not his lack of empathy, because he knows perfectly where to press the buttons thanks to it).
At last, Odin is not very observant either (or, more probably, see only what he wants to see) such as claiming he makes her wife smiles thanks to his heroic exploits and tales... and when Kana grimaces at the thought, Odin claims "IT'S THE SMILE!". So well...
Either, you saw it strictly as it is: some Kana are more insecure than the others. Or… you can see it as Kana being more okay to show some vulnerabilities to their father. In other words: the other Kana are as insecure as other ones, but are more open to talk to some their father.
Odin and Shura doesn’t come off as very surprising to have the most expressive/insecure Kana. Odin is very dramatic in general and it mays have rub off on Kana in that way, making him a little drama king (lol).  Shura tho, it’s a little… more sad. See, think about it: what happen if Miss "Everything is my fault!" and Mister "If I die, it’s maybe for the best" have a child? 
This insecurity comes back in said festival of bonds where Kana is all jumpy and worry about upsetting his dad. I think the reason why Shura!Kana is more expressive than Niles!Kana is because Niles keeps his insecurity mostly for himself. You really have to dig to see him unsure, or even sad instead of cocky and flirty. Shura is, as said above, honest to a fault. He doesn’t have a façade, especially around Corrin (be it either male or female), and his horrible self-esteem never completely fade. Post-mariage, he keeps saying he is "grateful" for being choose by Corrin and wants to work on himself because she loves him. It’s a start for sure (especially in a world where therapy sounds like some mysterious medicine), but it wouldn’t be enough on the long run (and by the Dragons, let’s not start talking about a "fail route" if Corrin dies or leaves him). So, yeah, subconsciously, Kana inherits from the poor self esteem of his old man.
Izana being very expressive himself mays encourage Kana to be more open about what he feels (he honestly seems to be a person you can easily talk when not in "let's go party" persona).
I generally think the Corrinsexual!Kana show more insecurity because they don't have a sibling. Thought Kana & his sibling support is unfortunately not as interesting as the one with his father, it also show they have a good relationship as a whole. I think it helps him feeling less lonely and have someone to talk when it becomes too difficult with his parents. It's also probably why F!Kana is insecure by default because, unless Corrin is married to Azura, she's always an only child.
Other tibits I forgot to give:
Izana, Shura, Azama (in a sort of way) are the only one calling out Kana for technically cheating. Azama just makes it notice while Izana and Shura are more teasing (Shura called him "little ogre" and Izana "little squirtbag" for cheating)
Some father have variations about the time Kana was a baby: Izana called him a "little fleshy, pink squishbubble", Shura said that "not so long ago [he was] soiling his underwear", Yukimura said he was "a cute little lump" (Laslow too but adds "pink"), Odin said he was an "undreamed dream", Gunter called him a "little babe", Benny "a little lump" Keaton said "a lump" without any adjective and Saizo a "crying pink lump" |-> Azama doesn't have this dialogue, instead saying "Heheheh... Well, good job. Listening to you now, you're sounding so grown up and responsible. I never thought I'd see the day where you were tripping over yourself to do dishes. It makes me realize that maybe I was treating you like a child, too..."
Izana gives a ton of nicknames to Kana and seems to be the dad to make punjokes everytime (Kana doesn’t say anything to this)
The fathers being present for the birth of Kana, implying they were next to Corrin in labor are: Shura, Azama, Arthur and Izana. They also add they kept "a close eye on [his] age" or something similar.
Fathers with a hot-blooded or sharp temper (Takumi, Saizo, Keaton...) have a Kana pouting more than the others.
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justsomedumbbi · 1 year
OK SO (kinda theorizing a possible FEH banner)
after the first cyl banner, feh dropped a banner with the heroes that weren't in at the time, but almost sniped the cyl. Mia, Dorcas, and Lute, with Joshua as a TT Unit. But for every other cyl banner they seemingly had no reason to do that again. (Edit: ok they also made a banner with Owain, Kliff, Loki and Aversa as a GHB Unit, but I forgor)
Or do they????
This cyl, m!Robin and f!Corrin managed to get in alongside Soren and Guillveig(definitely butchered that, also h o w t h e h e c k-). The two are the only avatar units that can get daughters and sons, since Awakening and Fates are the only recent FE games with a second gen. And while they can be the parent of any of the second gen units, Robin will always have Morgan and Corrin will always have Kana.
They c o u l d do another 'Farfetched Heroes' styled Banner with f!Morgan, m!Morgan, m!Kana and f!Kana, maybe even featuring both an Ascended Hero AND a Rearmed Hero! (I know none of them get even close to top 50 in cyl but leave me be with my copium)
Female Morgan could be the Rearmed Hero, being a Sorceress with an Arcane Blue Tome, and Male Morgan could be a Dark Knight wielding a Levin Sword (both of them having Tactician styled outfits, and definitely change up the Sorceress outfit I AINT GONNA LET YOU WEAR SUCH STUFF YOUNG LADY). Meanwhile, Male Kana could be the Ascended Hero as a Nohr Noble using Green Dragon, with Female Kana maybe being a Hoshido Noble using a Staff (Hoshido Nobles can use Staves, and Norh Nobles can use Tomes so maybe m!Kana could use a Green Tome instead, but variety is the spice of life, so...).
As for who the heck would be the welfare unit, maybe it'd be someone related to Soren, like Almedha or someone idk?
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Is in Heroes!
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transmascutena · 4 months
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dumbest post i've ever made maybe
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inky-trash · 1 year
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🌈 Color wheel challenge 🌈
💗 Instagram 💗 Twitter
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lovely-english-rose · 2 months
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Kamuzero Week Day 6 - Ending
Corrin and Niles ruled over the Kingdom of Valla together, ushering in a new era of peace. Some years later, they adopted two orphaned children and raised them as successors to the throne.
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violet-traitor · 4 months
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kamuzero art I made for FE ArtScuffle..
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diadoesart · 2 years
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Recent work for the client's fanfic series "Violet Sun"
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I always found it interesting the one flaw they gave Ryoma that they really don’t talk about is he is a bad father. In the festivals DLC there is unique dialogue between parents and kids and he actively has a bad relationship with all his kids (including Shigure and Kana). It is actually the most obvious with those two because they have unique dialogue with their fathers. With Xander, Odin, and Laslow they have warm and loving relationships. The two boys are comfortable with them, have certain interests in common with them, and are happy to spend time with them. With Ryoma they are afraid to talk to him or actively think he doesn’t like them. I am not sure if this is something that just didn’t translate correctly from Japanese Audiences to Non-Japanese Audiences but it is interesting he is generally seen and treated as being flawless by the other characters but he consistently has bad relationships with his children.
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Papa Kamui (Corrin) with his kids, Kana and Rin 🥰
(Corrin x Rinkah implied)
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venuscrashed · 1 year
Hi, can I ask for a Scenario where Shinobu, Kanae and Mitsuri are comforting the male S/O they have a secret crush on.
How would they deal with knowing that S/o's fiancée abandoned him at the altar and admitted to cheating with other people?
How would they comfort you? And How Would They Cope With S/O Thinking It's His Fault For Not Being Good Enough For His Ex-Fiancée.
Material Gurl
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Despite the anger Shinobu felt she still went to your side instead of going to kill your ex fiancé. She sat down next to you, slightly glad that she wore her best kimono.
You say there with your head in your hands. Tears on your face and rings abandoned like you at the alter. Her hands rested on your shoulder while she pulled you closer to her. You allowed yourself to rest your head on hers.
“(Y/n)-kun, you’re going to be okay. She’s stupid if she left you and slept with other people.” She whispered in a low, heavy tone. Her eyes rested on your face, waiting for acknowledgment.
All that was heard was your sniffles. After catching your breath you turned to her, “Why?”
“I gave her everything and then she left me. Why?”
“Ah,” she slightly smiled. “She’s stupid.”
The look of betrayal was in your eyes. “No she’s not! I’m clearly not that good of a fiancé is she’s goes to other men! God how can I be so stupid!” You cried further into your hands all while Shinobu listened.
Her hand went up to your face, cupping your checks. She pulled your face towards her and before you could say anything she kissed you. You two kissed for what felt like hours but was only a couple of seconds. Flabbergasted, you stared at her as she smile while studying your facial features.
“You’re the perfect one (Y/n)-kun
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Kanae sat there with a sad smile on her face. You two had arrived at her house after the wedding. You were drinking every single bottle of alcohol you could find and you were a complete mess. Of course, she felt bad for you and she hated seeing you like this.
”It’s my fault. It’s unfair for her,” you slurred your words while waving around the bottle. “I should be better.”
“(Y/n)-kun,” she sighed. “It’s not your fault. She should be better and is great that she’s no longer with you.”
“What?” You looked up at her with betrayal.
“Not like that! It’s just,” she looked at you. Her soft gaze made you blush and even more of a mess. Her hand went out towards yours and she held it while staring into your eyes. “She’s a bad person. You deserve better than that and you need someone who truly loves you.”
For a couple of moments there was only silence. Until you threw you head back with laughter. You laughed into the air as she stared at you with surprise.
“And who would that be? Huh? I thought she was the one and look, I’m the problem. So she left.”
She took the bottle from you. “I could think of a few people who are better.”
Now this peaked your interest. “Who?”
She crouched in front of you. Your two faces lined up. Her eyes lingered on your lips for a while until they met your eyes. “Me,” she whispered into your lips. Her hands had met with yours as she pulled you to your feet. Her smile made you forget everything.
“Marry me?”
“Slow down (Y/n)-kun.”
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All she could was blushed as she saw your handsome face cry. Oh how happy she was that you came to her. Although she was unhappy with the situation. You cried into her shoulder with your arms wrapped around her. You went on and on about the cheating and the lies and the wedding, as if she wasn’t there. She couldn’t help but to be thankful to your ex for bringing you into her arms.
“Thank you.”
“Huh?” You looked up at her as she covered her mouth due to embarrassment.
“Nothing,” she squeaked. “Um. Do you want some food. That always makes me feel better.”
You sniffled whine slowly shaking your head. Without hesitation she got up and ran to her kitchen. Within minutes she brought out a stack of bowls that were taller than her.
You chuckled, comparing to her to a child before helping her.
She huffed and refused your help. “I got it!”
After a couple of hours, after all the bowls were empty, you two layer outside in the grass. The sky was setting and the tones changed from a cool blue to a light orange. You looked at the clouds while all she could look at was you. Her eyes traced your features as her cheeks went warm.
Unknowingly, her hand went towards your face. You both froze before she rolled away flustered. She as screaming into her hands while you laughed.
“Mitsuri. Come back.”
“Huh?” Your smile tempted her. “Oh! Alright.” She rolled back but before she could lay down you pulled her into your arms. “(Y/n)-kun?” She stuttered.
Your face was buried into her neck. She could feel your breath go down her spine. She smiled to herself as she rested. You two feel asleep until the next morning, waking up to the clouds.
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lunartea0122 · 1 month
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He lost the case
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