#M goin back to the ref sheet now
questionablealibi · 11 months
There are still SO MANY in my inbox, but those are all that i can answer without wanting to draw a small doodle for in return, so thats all the spam for today! :'D I love you lot!! So much!! /P /gen 💕💓✨
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Blood Sugar
England Lionesses x Teen!Reader
Summary: You have a hypo during a match
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Your sugar levels were fine at the start of the match.
You'd checked them before you went out. They were fine and it's not like your diabetes were a new thing. You knew how to control them.
"Looking good?" Alessia asks as you press your monitor against the patch attached to your arm.
It takes a few seconds for it to flash up but you nod.
She grins, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "Excellent. Can't have one of our midfielders out of it. Who else will feed me balls?"
You roll your eyes. "Don't act like I'm the only one doing my job."
Lessi pinches your cheek. "But you're my favourite! Look at you! All cute and tiny!"
"Leave me alone!"
You try to shove her away but she just holds onto you firmer.
You'd known Alessia for years. You used to live next door to each other before she went to college in America and she'd been obsessed with you ever since you got placed into her arms as a baby.
She'd been overjoyed to see you on the team sheet for the Euro's and then now for the Finalissima. It helped, of course, that you and Alessia had racked up the most assist to goal pairings on the entire team.
"Leave her alone, Less," Leah says with an eye roll," We need her in tip-top shape, not looking like a tomato."
Alessia huffs as you put away your glucose monitor and dart around her, taking refuge with Keira and Lucy. You stick your tongue out at her as you pass.
You feel good during the first half, feeding the ball to Tooney, who scores. You feel good during halftime too, though you forget to check your glucose monitor.
You'd had it in your hand ready and waiting but Mary had caught you in conversation for the entirety of the break and it had completely slipped your mind.
Things took a turn for the worst about halfway through the second half. Your arms suddenly felt too heavy for your body and your mouth had gotten very dry, very quickly.
You sway on your feet and just manage to get the ball out from under your feet and to Keira to run up to Brazil's half. You stumble a little bit.
You're sweating now too, badly. You're sweating too much even for someone who has been on the pitch for nearly ninety minutes. You can feel your legs shaking too and you have to back up to keep your footing.
"Hey, what's going on? Is something wrong?"
The thick scouse accent from behind you means you've bumped into Alex and you practically go limp against her. She notices that too and immediately makes sure you stay upright.
Your head flops back like your neck can no longer support it. It's probably for the best because your vision has gone blurry and your head is swimming.
It takes all your concentration to move your lips in some semblance of words even though it comes out all garbled and slurred.
"'m goin' to pass out soon," You manage to say," Low sugar, I thin'." You draw in a ragged breath. "Meds have got...got..."
"Hey!" Alex shakes you. "The medics have got a...?"
"Gotta gluca...a gluca-"
You don't get to finish your sentence because you got fully limp now. Alex lays you on the ground, gesturing wildly to the medics and to the ref and to everyone who will see.
Leah's the first person to come skidding in, her hand immediately going to your pulse.
"What happened?!"
"I dont know!" Alex replies," She suddenly went all funny. She's sweating buckets! Er..." She shakes her head as she tries to clear her thoughts. "She said something about the medics having a...a gluca-something? I don't know. She passed out before she could finish."
"A glucagon injection," Alessia says as she comes running in as well," Fuck, her sugar levels must have tanked."
"She's right," The first medic says, shoving a glucose monitor onto your sensor," These are low. It's a wonder she didn't pass out earlier."
No one's really listening to him, least of all Alessia, who's rummaging through the first aid kit in search of something. Another medic is waving for a stretcher and a third one is pulling up the bottom of your shorts and cleaning off the top of your thigh with a cotton swab doused in alcohol.
"And she didn't hit her head?" The fourth medic is asking Alex, who shakes her head.
"No. She stumbled a bit but I caught her. She didn't hit anything. Just passed straight out in my arms."
Leah doesn't really know what else to do but stare. The whole team has joined them, forming a huddle around your unconscious body to block the cameras from seeing.
It's a pretty severe thing happening because the officials have even let Sarina on the pitch and she has joined the huddle with the rest of the staff to keep your privacy.
When Leah manages to tear her gaze from you, it lands on Alessia. She's at your other side, ripping open a small plastic box in a hurry. She uncaps a small glass bottle of powder and stabs a syringe into it, pushing all of the liquid into it.
She shakes the bottle a few times before turning it upside down and drawing it all back into the syringe.
"You need to roll her over once it's in," She says and Leah and a few of the medics immediately grab parts of you to pull on.
"Alessia," The first medic says," Do you need me to do this?"
"I've done it before!" Alessia snaps," As soon as I take the needle out, roll her in case she throws up. Okay? One. Two. Three!"
The needle finds a home in the top of your thigh, the area that had been disinfected. Alessia jabs the needle in and pushes down. As soon as she takes it out, Leah tugs on your shoulder to get you on your side.
"I need to come off," Alessia says to Sarina as you're carefully loaded onto a stretcher," I have to be with her. She'll be disorientated when she wakes up."
"Go," Sarina says," Be with her."
The match ends in a penalty shootout but everyone seems to be in the same mind because the medal ceremony is delayed until after you've been checked.
You're looking a lot better when Leah and the others burst into the physio's room. You're sitting upright with Alessia by your side, forcing a sugary drink down your throat.
It's clear that this has been going on for a while because there's another empty can of your favourite nearby and a packet of haribos in your hand.
"You scared us," Leah says.
"Did we win?"
"No talking!" Alessia snaps," Drink! All of it!"
You flash an amused smile at Leah but do as you're told.
"We won," Mary confirms," Penalty shootout but we did it. Could have done without the scare though."
"Sorry," You say with a wince," If it helps, I didn't plan it."
"Thank god for that," Alex mutters," Because that wasn't fun, kid. I thought you were dying."
"Just a bad hypo," You say and Lessi swats you.
"Stop making fun of dangerous situations," She scolds," I don't like having to give you injections so often."
You roll your eyes. "You've done it twice in my entire life!"
"Three times now! You're going to give me a heart attack one day."
"Well, can you have that heart attack later? We've got medals to collect."
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