#MAGATs are utter idiots
DUALITY: Twitter the Social Media Shitter & the Jim Crow of the Social Media show
   I remember in the not to distant past, that Twitter was on the brink of complete failure and possible bankruptcy.  I also remember it was an app that I had signed up for like most other social media apps on the scene, but didn't really care about it- and I didn't really see where it would benefit me at all-at that time, so I didn't use it-I just let that account be inactive.
And to be quite honest, I had never known or cared that Donald Trump was on Twitter until 2016.  
So, because millions of people figured out what I had about tracking Trump for whatever reason, Twitter started to flourish.  
Seeing how blatantly ignorant, racist and vile he is-there was NO WAY I was going to take my eyes off of what he was saying or doing, because he is a LETHAL MALIGNANCY and the only place he can bully or interact like the pussy-ass pussygrabber he is-is on Twitter.
Twitter alleges that it has policies and procedures against HATE SPEECH and violence, discrimination, etc...but that is completely untrue!  
It's not a problem for him as long as he's making money from Twitter--that's how far his patriotism goes-to his pocket.
If that were the case, Trump wouldn't have had an account in the first place-his hate speech goes way back and yet, as many people like I have reported his tweets, his account has absolutely positively never been suspended and not only that, the owner of Twitter has refused to even speak about the things that Donald Trump says or tweets; even if it mobilizes his MAGA cult idiots to slaughter people, he just doesn't care.
  On a personal note, I have been trying my hand at starting and maintaining my own business or businesses if possible, for a few years now.
Trump is Twitter's pimp, and Twitter is proudly and thankfully Trump's bottom-bitch.
I figured since I was always so willing to work hard for other people/companies-who in the end didn't appreciate it-I might as well work that hard for myself; to promote myself and my talents, so that's what I did. 
Admittedly, I may have had dreams of grandeur, but I never stopped trying or dreaming.  
Whilst on Twitter because of Donald Trump and only because of Donald Trump-I learned how the app was used, how it worked and things like that.
I created several accounts which is perfectly fine supposedly under Twitter's rules-you can create several accounts under one phone number.  So I did that, I'd create 3 accounts--two for business and one that was political; and I kept getting suspended and once they suspend one account, they suspend them all-don't give you any reason, they don't give you any way to be able to actually get the account unsuspended & they don't ever feel that they've done anything wrong so you either stay off of Twitter or create another account and I've done that at least four times.
I've seen these MAGA cult LOSERS threaten people, talking about having a gun and how it would be a shame if such-and-such happened to you-I've seen literal written threats to people and as much as we in the RESISTANCE have teamed up to report these accounts, they were never suspended-why not?
I've created several accounts at least four times and have been suspended each time.  What I find interesting about that, is that I have personally, with my own eyes witnessed Trump followers wish death upon Senator John McCain when he was still alive. I responded telling them how absolutely despicable they were for saying such a thing and my accounts were suspended!
Why would I pay you money to suspend my accounts if I say something with my inherited free speech that you don't like?
What really cracks me up is the fact that Twitter actually expects people to advertise through them.
They definitely make it hard as hell for you to get the check mark verification, so why should anyone who is anti-Trump waste their time and their money?
It is quite clear that Twitter has chosen sides & they have chosen to ignore their own policies and procedures when it comes to implementing them fairly;
they are completely team Trump, and they support ANY EGREGIOUS, ATROCIOUS, DESPICABLE thing Trump says or does-they are proud to broadcast it with no LIMITATIONS or HESITATIONS;
Trump is their savior and that, is what makes Twitter without a doubt, the social media shitter-the commode to the abyss!
Twitter-present, resembles the Jim Crow era. They are shamelessly the bully pulpit by which Trump communicates with his cult followers all over the world and one he uses to spew the most vile and disgusting utterances;
and his following- follows in their master's footsteps, because let's face it, they aren't missing any MENSA meetings that's for sure-but teeth and brain cells on the other hand...well that's another story.
Twitter has chosen to step on free speech when it's speech against the kingdom of MAGA and it's imbecile of a leader, King Kompromat.  
But when it comes to Trump, he can say the most disgusting things about raping women or assaulting them-- about them not being his type to rape or assault, he can say the most vile things to our allies, he can tell duly elected congresswomen of color to go back to their countries, he can call African nations shithole countries, he can call black athletes sons of bitches, he can mobilize his base of brain-dead idiots to kill people in Church, Temples and Mosques--and Twitter has not a single problem in the world with it, NOT ONE!
So, I think Twitter has clearly shown they are now and always the original Jim Crow of the social media show-they allow the devil to have his way allowing openly RACIST Trump and his MAGAts what they wouldn't from anyone else;
Twitter is the TRUMP/MAGA leech on free speech.
{thank you for reading}
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