archiveikemen · 2 years
Abe no Yasuchika Main Story: Chapter 25
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting┊aikm’s Genjiden Glossary
Yasuchika: This place won't last much longer. I knew this from the very start.
Yuno: What…?
Yasuchika: I can at least “transfer” us to another place, somewhere where we’ll have the upper hand.
(What do you mean by “transfer”?)
He pulled me closer to himself with one hand, I gasped at the sudden lack of distance between us.
Yasuchika: Stay by my side.
That very moment—
I heard a shriek so loud that it shook the whole place and left my ears ringing.
Like a dream, the scenery around us started to change…
Yuno: This place!?
Yasuchika: We’re supposed to return to the real world, but it seems that the boundary between the two worlds has been messed up.
Yasuchika: We have to defeat Suzaku and fix it as soon as possible.
(The real world…?)
I looked around me and saw soldiers running in the distance.
Yuno: Yasuchika-san, look over there! It looks like they’re evacuating the civilians.
Yasuchika: That means I have to put an end to this right now, no matter what it takes.
Suzaku was circling around in the sky above the cliff we were standing on, and I was its prey.
(Oh, but…ah that’s right.)
Yuno: If I stay here, at least Suzaku will keep its eyes on me, instead of targeting the civilians.
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Yasuchika: You’re putting others before yourself even in this situation. How very typical of you.
Yasuchika: However, I’m never going to let you get hurt ever again.
(Why did he say that…?)
Red and black flames were dropping down around us. It was chaos.
Yuno: The amount of…
Yasuchika: — I won’t let them touch you.
His silver sword glimmered as it sliced through the air.
Yasuchika: It will not destroy this town. Not on my watch.
The light emitting from his sword formed a complex web-like pattern, spreading out and surrounding the flames.
Yasuchika: Ggh… vanish.
The flames surrounded by the web of light slowly went out.
However, Yasuchika-san’s face was pale when he looked up.
(He’s very powerful… but he’s pushing himself too hard.)
Suzaku flapped its wings hard when Yasuchika-san took a moment to catch his breath.
Suzaku: —...!
Yuno: …! Watch out!
Suzaku’s huge claws and beak were aiming at us as it swooped down in our direction.
Yasuchika: Oof…
… Yasuchika-san noticed it, and yet he didn't dodge.
Yasuchika-san slashed Suzaku across its chest with his silver sword.
Yasuchika: Ugh…
At the same time, Suzaku dug its claws into Yasuchika-san’s shoulders.
Yuno: Yasuchika-san!
Yasuchika: I… I’m fine.
Yasuchika-san had a tight grip on Suzaku’s leg as he spoke.
Yasuchika: Just as I thought. This won’t work.
Fresh blood soaked through his clothes.
Yasuchika: — My wounds are yours. Suffer twice the pain.
Furious, Suzaku dug its claws even deeper into Yasuchika-san’s body.
Yuno: STOP!
However, the one who screamed in pain wasn't Yasuchika-san, it was Suzaku.
Suzaku: —! ��
Yasuchika: I used a spell to temporarily share the pain from my wounds with it.
(But, that…)
Yasuchika-san clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white, and his breathing was ragged.
(That doesn't mean Yasuchika-san feels no pain at all.)
Suzaku lost its balance, flapping its wings and tumbling down the hill.
Yuno: … Yasuchika-san! Please, you can’t fight like this.
Yasuchika: … Y-Yuno-san.
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Perhaps it was due to the pain, Yasuchika-san’s eyes looked faint.
And yet, he gave me a weak smile when our eyes met.
Yasuchika: I will make sure… you go home safely.
(What on earth are you talking about…)
Yuno: You’ll be in even greater danger if this goes on, do you understand!?
Yuno: Please don’t just focus on protecting me… think about yourself too. I’m begging you.
Yasuchika: I… I can't do that. Your life is more valuable than mine.
My words caught in my throat, but I forced them out with violent emotions.
Yuno: Is there… a reason why you're willing to go this far for my sake?
Yasuchika: I wish that you’ll never remember. It's better this way.
His answer shocked me.
Suzaku flapped its wings and flew in our direction again.
(Not again…)
Yasuchika: — Mm. This is a good time.
The calm look on his face sent a chill down my spine.
Yasuchika: The wards placed around Kyōto to form a protective barrier belong to me, so this is where my powers are strongest.
Yasuchika: But I’m going against something way out of my league… there's a price to pay for that.
Yuno: Yasuchika-san…?
Yasuchika: Ashiya Doman corrupted Suzaku at the cost of his life.
Yasuchika: So if I want to defeat Doman— the price has to be greater than that…
(I have a bad feeling about this.)
Yasuchika: … Come. I am asking you for a favor of my lifetime.
The blood spilled from Yasuchika-san’s wounds spread and formed a circle, before turning into some characters.
— The ground at the center of the circle cracked and a bright light emitted from the earth.
Yasuchika: Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise — hear my pleas and lend me your assistance!
(It’s so bright—)
Blinded by the light, Suzaku crashed onto the ground next to us and groaned in agony.
???: What do you, descendant of the Abe Clan, wish for?
I thought I heard a roar come from behind the light, and also a mysterious voice in my head.
Yasuchika: — I know it's disrespectful for me, a mere human being, to summon you.
(Why is he talking like that…?)
Yasuchika: In return for your favor, I offer you everything I have.
Yasuchika: Therefore, this town… the entire country, the sorrowful Suzaku, and everyone dear to me… please save them.
Yuno: Yasuchika-san! What on earth are you talking about?
Shaking my head frantically, I shouted in disagreement with what he had just said.
Yasuchika: …
???: … Understood.
Yasuchika: … Thank goodness.
Yasuchika-san smiled in relief and didn't hesitate before sliding his sword across his abdomen.
Yuno: Stop…!
I darted to his side and gripped the handle of his sword tightly, so that he couldn't go any further.
(He’s bleeding… it's a lot of blood.)
Yasuchika: I’m s-sorry.
Yasuchika: I just need to… a little more…
Yasuchika: C-close your eyes… think happy thoughts, and w-wait for me.
Yuno: … Just what kind of relationship did we have?
Yasuchika: … We’re just enemies.
Yasuchika: A-Ah… I almost forgot.
Yasuchika-san slowly took something out of his pocket and touched my wrist.
Yuno: Oh, that's…!
The purple bracelet I thought I lost was tied around my wrist.
Yasuchika: T-this is y-yours, right? I picked it up… so I- I’m giving it back… to you.
Yasuchika: It’s a protective amulet. … You still have it with you.
Yuno: …
A sudden surge of unexplainable fiery emotions welled up in my chest and flowed throughout my body.
Yuno: You’re definitely lying about being enemies!
Yuno: Please tell me the truth! Why do I feel so hurt to see you in pain?
Yuno: Why… why am I crying?
He hesitantly reached out his trembling fingers and heaved a sigh of relief as he gently wiped my tears.
Yasuchika: All I’ve ever done to you… was make you cry.
Yasuchika: Hurt… your hurt… I took it away…
Yasuchika-san’s body lost the strength to remain upright.
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Yasuchika: Ggh…
Yuno: Enough talking.
Yasuchika: … haha.
Despite his ragged breaths, Yasuchika-san burst out laughing.
Yuno: Why are you laughing….?
Yasuchika: I have no idea either.
Yasuchika: Ah… that’s right… it's because I managed to save your life.
Yasuchika: I’m such an idiot. I only knew how to hurt others… I never knew what I truly wanted.
Yuno: You…!
I felt overheated by all sorts of emotions like grief and anger.
(... I remember now.)
(This body.)
Yuno: — I remember.
(This soul…!)
Tons of fond and nostalgic memories came flooding into my mind all at once.
Yasuchika: Yuno-san…?
Yuno: Respond to me! The powers of the nine-tailed fox—
Yasuchika: …!
— Strands of silver hair swayed in the corner of my eye.
Yasuchika: No way…
I didn't hesitate to touch one of Suzaku’s scorched wings.
Yuno: Please.
It felt strange that I wasn't afraid.
A golden mist rose around me and my reaction was as if it were a familiar sight.
(... It's warm.)
Suzaku: —! …?
The charred feathers on its wings slowly returned to their original vermilion red color.
(If I keep extracting the curse from it…!)
I yelled at the top of my lungs, so loud that I thought my throat was going to bleed — at the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise beyond the light.
Yuno: Ggh… please, I beg you to call off the deal.
Yuno: I can turn Suzaku back to its original state… so please save Yasuchika.
The anxiety of pleading with transcendental beings was like a huge paper weight placed on my body.
I didn't even notice that my hands and legs were trembling.
???: … Why do you want that?
The question asked in a deep voice rang in my head.
I took a deep breath and answered.
Yuno: This man… he’s someone who abandoned himself to become an Onmyōji who serves the country.
Yuno: Therefore, I really hope that… he won't make any more sacrifices.
Yasuchika: Yuno-san… did you… regain your memories?
Yuno: I’ve told you before, haven't I? I said that I’ll make myself remember you no matter what.
I slowly tilted my head upwards to look at Yasuchika.
Yasuchika: That’s nonsense… even I don’t know how to break the spell.
???: Onmyōji, do you want to change your wish?
Yasuchika: I…
We exchanged zealous gazes at that moment.
Yasuchika: … A human’s body isn't strong enough to absorb the amount of curse power in Suzaku.
Yuno: But…!
Yasuchika: Therefore, I’ll be her support. I need your help with that.
???: — And the price you're willing to pay?
Yasuchika: I will devote the rest of my life to protecting this country alongside the four gods.
???: …
???: I accept.
???: — Your heart and spirit make you worthy of becoming a guardian.
???: I will personally see to that. You whom I shall form a deal with, announce your name.
Yasuchika: …!
Yasuchika-san looked up determinedly although he was still bleeding profusely.
Yasuchika: I am Onmyōji Abe no Yasuchika — the protector of this country.
A white light enveloped Yasuchika-san.
???: In accordance with our deal — you will purify everything alongside the four gods.
Yasuchika: — Understood.
(What’s happening—)
I couldn't see a thing that was happening in front of me because of the blinding light.
Not long after that…
Yasuchika: … I’ve kept you waiting, Yuno-san.
While the light faded away, the powerful presence I sensed beyond it disappeared as well.
Yuno: …! Yasuchika, that bruise on your face and your eye…
Yasuchika: It seems that the three sacred beasts purified my curse when they entered my body.
Yasuchika: All my wounds are healed too… I’ve never encountered such a thing in my life.
Yuno: Entered your body…?
Yasuchika: … Simply put, I became a shikigami. In return for exorcizing Suzaku, they’ve exorcized me as well.
(Are you serious!?)
Yuno: That’s… unexpected.
Yasuchika: Yeah. There are lots of things I’d love to tell you about, but…
Yasuchika: Let’s get on with exorcizing Suzaku, shall we?
(That's right, I want to take away its pain as soon as possible.)
Yuno: What should I do?
Yasuchika-san pulled me closer to him and looked at me with a serious look.
Yasuchika: We’ll make use of my Onmyōji abilities to fuse your fox powers with my newly acquired exorcism powers.
Yasuchika: Of course, this is the first time I’m doing this, but… I’m confident that it'll go well.
(If it's Yasuchika-san who said it, I don't have any doubts.)
Yuno: — Got it.
Yasuchika: Now just relax.
Yasuchika: Entrust everything to me. Your breathing, your passion… even your heart beat.
Yasuchika: Our hearts both feel the same way.
— For some reason, my heart naturally knew what he meant.
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Yasuchika-san cupped my cheeks with both hands.
Yasuchika: I love you so much that I can't bring myself to kill you.
Yuno: I love you so much that I can never forget you.
In order to bind our souls and merge our hearts into one, we had to express what was in our hearts.
(I finally regained this feeling.)
Yasuchika: Ahh… I admit defeat. I never knew love could be this cursed.
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privatekururugi · 7 years
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@touchreceptors although I am ABSOLUTELY SCREAMING BECAUSE CONFIRMATION THAT THEY FUCKING TALKED IS SO GOOD, I’m also even more livid because THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT, PLOT MOVING EVENT AND INSTEAD OF SHOWING US THEY JUST STUCK A LINE IN THERE. IN THE PREVIEW, NO LESS. I swear on everything if the unaired scenes don’t involve the time skip and the suzalulu that came with it I’m going to rage quit sO HaRd.
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